I wanna congratulate you dems on getting the guy that made that awful video

Really Good job ole chaps
You even put him behind bars Well done getting Nakoula.
Even this rwnj will have to concede what a great job ya did.

When did the attackers of Benghazi say they weren't influenced by the video?

Right about when they said they weren't influenced by your sparkling smile.

Link to it. Show any evidence that the perpetrators of the Benghazi attack said they weren't influenced by the video.

The report released yesterday, said it was a terrorist attack, and the video had nothing to do with it. Get your head out of your ass.

You ask of him the impossible...
Hey...I bet if a poll was taken of libs and progs, a good percentage would claim the video cause the attacks in Benghazi. Proving they are terribly uninformed and propagandized...and also proving the left wing bias in MSM.
It provided cover.

Dems took down Bin Laden after Republicans let him go.

GOP tricked America into Iraq.

I would trust Democrats any day over the GOP.

Besides, the GOP don't even know who to fight.

Damn Deanie, I don't know how one gets so twisted. Is it because you are gay and you think the D party is the only party protecting your gay rights?

After all that has happened since 9/11, you still think the Rs are different from Ds. I find that incomprehensible. How can one be so foolish?
Dems took down Bin Laden after Republicans let him go.
- No one 'let UBL go'
- Using the Intel process Bush set up for Obama, UBL was found during Obama's term
- After several requests Obama finally gave the 'ok' to go after UBL
- The US military Special Forces took down UBL, not any Democrat

GOP tricked America into Iraq.
Based on the same Intel Republicans had access to Democrats not only voted to give Bush the approval to go to war (unlike Obama who dragged the US into the middle of 2 civil wars in Libya and Syria on his own to help terrorists topple governments) they also argued that the US HAD TO go to war and overthrow Hussein. Now redean wants to claim that the Democrats are so simple-minded and easily manipulated that they were 'tricked' into voting to give Bush that power. :p

I would trust Democrats any day over the GOP.
Of course you would support a President who has violated both Constitution and Law repeatedly, been found in Contempt, still refuses to comply with court orders, has violated (broken the law) the FOIA 70% of the time, has used the IRS to target Americans, has spied on Americans, has defended terrorists while declaring Americans are a bigger threat, has supplied / aided / armed / financed / trained / protected Mexican Drug Dealers and terrorists AND will continue to support the most corrupt, self-serving, bought-and-paid-for, incompetent, scandalous, female politician who has broken / violated the FOIA, the Federal Records Act, and the Espionage Act - currently under criminal investigation by the FBI - who needlessly allowed 4 Americans to die and threw a grieving mother under the bus to save her own political career....oh and let's not forget the $6 billion she made disappear and the $500 million Obama stole and recently gave to the UN.

OF COURSE you will remain loyal to these two over your own country. No one expects anything else from you.
Hey...I bet if a poll was taken of libs and progs, a good percentage would claim the video cause the attacks in Benghazi. Proving they are terribly uninformed and propagandized...and also proving the left wing bias in MSM.
It provided cover.

Dems took down Bin Laden after Republicans let him go.

GOP tricked America into Iraq.

I would trust Democrats any day over the GOP.

Besides, the GOP don't even know who to fight.

Damn Deanie, I don't know how one gets so twisted. Is it because you are gay and you think the D party is the only party protecting your gay rights?

After all that has happened since 9/11, you still think the Rs are different from Ds. I find that incomprehensible. How can one be so foolish?

The Dems protect Gay Rights? So that's why Hillary has taken billions from Islamic States that throw gays off rooftops and shoot them.....
Hey...I bet if a poll was taken of libs and progs, a good percentage would claim the video cause the attacks in Benghazi. Proving they are terribly uninformed and propagandized...and also proving the left wing bias in MSM.
It provided cover.

Dems took down Bin Laden after Republicans let him go.

GOP tricked America into Iraq.

I would trust Democrats any day over the GOP.

Besides, the GOP don't even know who to fight.

Damn Deanie, I don't know how one gets so twisted. Is it because you are gay and you think the D party is the only party protecting your gay rights?

After all that has happened since 9/11, you still think the Rs are different from Ds. I find that incomprehensible. How can one be so foolish?

The Dems protect Gay Rights? So that's why Hillary has taken billions from Islamic States that throw gays off rooftops and shoot them.....


This clearly reveals the hypocrisy of the left, but this won't matter to crazed partisans like Deanie. Hillary is a D and apparently that is all that matters to some. They regularly point out the lies and hypocrisy of Trump, while ignoring Hillary's.
Read up on the guy. Nakoula, one of his many names, is a scum bucket with a criminal history as long as The Song of Hiawatha. Don't attempt to make this turd a victim. He violated his probation.
Yes he did. I agree with you. You should acknowledge he didn't inspire the attack in Benghazi, despite the claims of the current administration.

Oh, I don't believe the video caused the attack.
Read up on the guy. Nakoula, one of his many names, is a scum bucket with a criminal history as long as The Song of Hiawatha. Don't attempt to make this turd a victim. He violated his probation.
Yes he did. I agree with you. You should acknowledge he didn't inspire the attack in Benghazi, despite the claims of the current administration.

Oh, I don't believe the video caused the attack.
I'm not sure how anyone was supposed to know that at the time given the widespread protests over the video at the time
It's amazing the extent that Republicans will throw their support behind anyone they find politically expendient to support, no matter the actually facts of the situation.

You guys know that the maker of this video was a convicted con-man and scam artist, right?
Yup you're absolutely right Doc.
Read up on the guy. Nakoula, one of his many names, is a scum bucket with a criminal history as long as The Song of Hiawatha. Don't attempt to make this turd a victim. He violated his probation.
Yup you really got us rwnj's on this one. Who's making him a victim???
You guys got the guy that caused the benghazi riots in jail

My guys!? Hardly. Nakoula got himself in jail by violating his probation. He pleaded guilty as well. It's called personal responsibility. Or does that not apply in this case or some reason?
Yep, and Hillary and Obama should've taken responsibility on bengazi instead of lying about it.

Yes, the buck ultimately stops with the two of them. It happened on their watch so they share some of the blame.
I'm not sure how anyone was supposed to know that at the time given the widespread protests over the video at the time

Which is why I think it best to remain tight lipped until more details to emerge.
Hey...I bet if a poll was taken of libs and progs, a good percentage would claim the video cause the attacks in Benghazi. Proving they are terribly uninformed and propagandized...and also proving the left wing bias in MSM.
It provided cover.

Dems took down Bin Laden after Republicans let him go.

GOP tricked America into Iraq.

I would trust Democrats any day over the GOP.

Besides, the GOP don't even know who to fight.

Both lieberman and McCain are progressive career politicians...
Hey...I bet if a poll was taken of libs and progs, a good percentage would claim the video cause the attacks in Benghazi. Proving they are terribly uninformed and propagandized...and also proving the left wing bias in MSM.
And take a poll of Drumpfetted and they will most likely claim that Clinton personally killed the 4 Americans in Benghazi, or at the very least watched them die in real time.
I'm not sure how anyone was supposed to know that at the time given the widespread protests over the video at the time

Which is why I think it best to remain tight lipped until more details to emerge.
It's always interesting to watch the RWNJs whine about that......while insisting that the authorities jump to immediate conclusions on every other horrible attack....
I'm not sure how anyone was supposed to know that at the time given the widespread protests over the video at the time

Which is why I think it best to remain tight lipped until more details to emerge.
that might be the best policy, but in an election cycle it would require both candidates to act responsibly.

since that wont ever happen we're going to be stuck with politicians trying to control the narrative
It's amazing the extent that Republicans will throw their support behind anyone they find politically expendient to support, no matter the actually facts of the situation.

You guys know that the maker of this video was a convicted con-man and scam artist, right?
Yup you're absolutely right Doc.
Read up on the guy. Nakoula, one of his many names, is a scum bucket with a criminal history as long as The Song of Hiawatha. Don't attempt to make this turd a victim. He violated his probation.
Yup you really got us rwnj's on this one. Who's making him a victim???
You guys got the guy that caused the benghazi riots in jail

My guys!? Hardly. Nakoula got himself in jail by violating his probation. He pleaded guilty as well. It's called personal responsibility. Or does that not apply in this case or some reason?
He's gonna be a RWNJ hero next.
You libs are kind of slow. Hillary fabricated one story for the citizens and communicated a completely different take to friends, family, and other government officials. Why?
Read up on the guy. Nakoula, one of his many names, is a scum bucket with a criminal history as long as The Song of Hiawatha. Don't attempt to make this turd a victim. He violated his probation.

His criminal record is irrelevant. His criminal record could be twice as long or more of what you deem to be a scum bucket. Do you believe that his video caused Benghazi and should he have been thrown in jail, kept in jail?

Of course his criminal record is relevant - his "criminal record" is why he went to jail. He went to prison for violating his parole.

His trip to prison had nothing to do with whether his video "caused Benghazi".

Did his video incite the attacks or were the attacks planned?
You really have to ask? I guess you and Hillary believe that people attending 'spontaneous' protests just happen to carry dozens of RPGs, Mortars, etc....and that this attack had NOTHING to do with the other 19 US facilities attacked throughout the Middle East that day or the coincidental call for months for a coordinated attack on US facilities throughout the Middle East on that day, the anniversary of 9/11/01?!


I agree with you 100 percent. It was a planned attack and the Secretary of State emailed the PM saying as such. I ask the question because the Left Wing is intent on pinning 9/11/2012 on a video and its producer. They refuse to believe it was another planned 9/11.
When are we going to see the video that sparked the Istanbul attack?
Because the 'video' was actually made by radical muslims and broadcast on a radical muslim TV station in order to incite the fucking rag heads with IQs in the mid seventies to go out and do one of the two things they are best at: Rape their ten year old male or female family members. (Doesn't matter which sex) or commit acts of violence in the name of 'Alla-Wishes' as a 'cover' for their degenerate empty loser lives!

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