I wanna congratulate you dems on getting the guy that made that awful video

Link to it. Show any evidence that the perpetrators of the Benghazi attack said they weren't influenced by the video.

Link to us the evidence that they were.

Nobody knew anything about the video until the lying libs tried to convince us that the stupid thing was the reason for this PLANNED attack.
Link to it. Show any evidence that the perpetrators of the Benghazi attack said they weren't influenced by the video.

Link to us the evidence that they were.

Nobody knew anything about the video until the lying libs tried to convince us that the stupid thing was the reason for this PLANNED attack.

If you don't know one way or another then quit insisting that the video had nothing to do with Benghazi.

And while you're at it, quit pretending that it matters.
In the immortal words of the President of the United States after 4 Americans were killed when a protest over a video went too far, "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam."

Why would you want your future to belong to slanderers?
Once AGAIN, after an OBVIOUS ISLAMIC EXTREMIST TERRORIST attack, Barry could not wait to blame an American and condemn America in front of the entire world in order to protect Islamic terrorists from blame.
Why would you want your future to belong to slanderers?
I will actually give you credit for being intelligent, intelligent enough to know that the people who killed 4 Americans Barry was trying to protect with this quote/false blame believe that to believe in any other god other than Allah is 'slander' punishable by death....and by saying none such people should have a future, Barry was agreeing with them and justifying their actions.
Why would you want your future to belong to slanderers?
I will actually give you credit for being intelligent, intelligent enough to know that the people who killed 4 Americans Barry was trying to protect with this quote/false blame believe that to believe in any other god other than Allah is 'slander' punishable by death....and by saying none such people should have a future, Barry was agreeing with them and justifying their actions.

Goddam, you just don't quit, do you?
Read up on the guy. Nakoula, one of his many names, is a scum bucket with a criminal history as long as The Song of Hiawatha. Don't attempt to make this turd a victim. He violated his probation.

His criminal record is irrelevant. His criminal record could be twice as long or more of what you deem to be a scum bucket. Do you believe that his video caused Benghazi and should he have been thrown in jail, kept in jail?

Of course his criminal record is relevant - his "criminal record" is why he went to jail. He went to prison for violating his parole.

His trip to prison had nothing to do with whether his video "caused Benghazi".

Did his video incite the attacks or were the attacks planned?
It's amazing the extent that Republicans will throw their support behind anyone they find politically expendient to support, no matter the actually facts of the situation.

You guys know that the maker of this video was a convicted con-man and scam artist, right?
...and it was not the cause of Benghazi, nothing to do with it. Lemming
Hell it was not even the least bit offensive... Lol
Why would you want your future to belong to slanderers?
I will actually give you credit for being intelligent, intelligent enough to know that the people who killed 4 Americans Barry was trying to protect with this quote/false blame believe that to believe in any other god other than Allah is 'slander' punishable by death....and by saying none such people should have a future, Barry was agreeing with them and justifying their actions.

Goddam, you just don't quit, do you?
Maybe I gave you too much credit...
Read up on the guy. Nakoula, one of his many names, is a scum bucket with a criminal history as long as The Song of Hiawatha. Don't attempt to make this turd a victim. He violated his probation.

His criminal record is irrelevant. His criminal record could be twice as long or more of what you deem to be a scum bucket. Do you believe that his video caused Benghazi and should he have been thrown in jail, kept in jail?

Of course his criminal record is relevant - his "criminal record" is why he went to jail. He went to prison for violating his parole.

His trip to prison had nothing to do with whether his video "caused Benghazi".

Did his video incite the attacks or were the attacks planned?
You really have to ask? I guess you and Hillary believe that people attending 'spontaneous' protests just happen to carry dozens of RPGs, Mortars, etc....and that this attack had NOTHING to do with the other 19 US facilities attacked throughout the Middle East that day or the coincidental call for months for a coordinated attack on US facilities throughout the Middle East on that day, the anniversary of 9/11/01?!

It's amazing the extent that Republicans will throw their support behind anyone they find politically expendient to support, no matter the actually facts of the situation.

You guys know that the maker of this video was a convicted con-man and scam artist, right?

It's amazing the extent that Democrats will throw their support behind anyone they find politically expendient to support, no matter the actually facts of the situation. Like Crooked Hillary who has record of dishonesty, corruption and incompetency.

You guys know that Crooked Hillary is being investigated by the FBI, don't you?
It's amazing the extent that Republicans will throw their support behind anyone they find politically expendient to support, no matter the actually facts of the situation.

You guys know that the maker of this video was a convicted con-man and scam artist, right?
Yup you're absolutely right Doc.
Read up on the guy. Nakoula, one of his many names, is a scum bucket with a criminal history as long as The Song of Hiawatha. Don't attempt to make this turd a victim. He violated his probation.
Yup you really got us rwnj's on this one. Who's making him a victim???
You guys got the guy that caused the benghazi riots in jail

My guys!? Hardly. Nakoula got himself in jail by violating his probation. He pleaded guilty as well. It's called personal responsibility. Or does that not apply in this case or some reason?
Yep, and Hillary and Obama should've taken responsibility on bengazi instead of lying about it.
Really Good job ole chaps
You even put him behind bars Well done getting Nakoula.
Even this rwnj will have to concede what a great job ya did.

When did the attackers of Benghazi say they weren't influenced by the video?

Right about when they said they weren't influenced by your sparkling smile.

Link to it. Show any evidence that the perpetrators of the Benghazi attack said they weren't influenced by the video.

The report released yesterday, said it was a terrorist attack, and the video had nothing to do with it. Get your head out of your ass.
Hey...I bet if a poll was taken of libs and progs, a good percentage would claim the video cause the attacks in Benghazi. Proving they are terribly uninformed and propagandized...and also proving the left wing bias in MSM.
I bet if a poll was taken of cons and rubes, a good percentage would claim that Hillary shot the 4 victims, and terrorists had nothing to do with it. Proving they are terribly uninformed and propogandized...and also proving the right wing considers far right opinion peddlers to be the same as "news."
Lol, and you would still be saying Hillary didn't lie.
Link to it. Show any evidence that the perpetrators of the Benghazi attack said they weren't influenced by the video.

Link to us the evidence that they were.

Nobody knew anything about the video until the lying libs tried to convince us that the stupid thing was the reason for this PLANNED attack.

If you don't know one way or another then quit insisting that the video had nothing to do with Benghazi.

And while you're at it, quit pretending that it matters.
It wouldn't of mattered, if incompetent Hillary didn't lie about it.
Hey...I bet if a poll was taken of libs and progs, a good percentage would claim the video cause the attacks in Benghazi. Proving they are terribly uninformed and propagandized...and also proving the left wing bias in MSM.
I bet if a poll was taken of cons and rubes, a good percentage would claim that Hillary shot the 4 victims, and terrorists had nothing to do with it. Proving they are terribly uninformed and propogandized...and also proving the right wing considers far right opinion peddlers to be the same as "news."
Well that is just CRAZY dude. Go back to bed and try again tomorrow.

Did you hear? The attack in Benghazi was caused by a video.
Hey...I bet if a poll was taken of libs and progs, a good percentage would claim the video cause the attacks in Benghazi. Proving they are terribly uninformed and propagandized...and also proving the left wing bias in MSM.
It provided cover.

Dems took down Bin Laden after Republicans let him go.

GOP tricked America into Iraq.

I would trust Democrats any day over the GOP.

Besides, the GOP don't even know who to fight.

Why would you want your future to belong to slanderers?
I will actually give you credit for being intelligent, intelligent enough to know that the people who killed 4 Americans Barry was trying to protect with this quote/false blame believe that to believe in any other god other than Allah is 'slander' punishable by death....and by saying none such people should have a future, Barry was agreeing with them and justifying their actions.
dumbest. post. ever.
Hey...I bet if a poll was taken of libs and progs, a good percentage would claim the video cause the attacks in Benghazi. Proving they are terribly uninformed and propagandized...and also proving the left wing bias in MSM.
It provided cover.

Dems took down Bin Laden after Republicans let him go.

GOP tricked America into Iraq.

I would trust Democrats any day over the GOP.

Besides, the GOP don't even know who to fight.

Try again Hillary supported the Iraq war.
Read up on the guy. Nakoula, one of his many names, is a scum bucket with a criminal history as long as The Song of Hiawatha. Don't attempt to make this turd a victim. He violated his probation.
Yes he did. I agree with you. You should acknowledge he didn't inspire the attack in Benghazi, despite the claims of the current administration.

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