I want to hear dems argue this.

Another who didnt watch the [Fox news broadcasted] video.
HereWeGoAgain, not scared, indifferent.
I’ve less regard for oral arguments and no regard for Fox news broadcasts.
Fox news is synonymous use to fake news and to alternative facts. Respectfully, Supposn
I am not watching a 29 minute video from an opinion show.
I'm not going to comment on anything that forces me to watch a 25 minute offing video.
You're expected to watch the whole hyper-partisan, one-sided rant, research each story and example he has provided, determine which information he distorted, ignored or fabricated, formulate a response and post it to him, who you know quite well will summarily dismiss it as "fake news from a commie".

They appear to think we don't realize this.

TrumpWorld: It's a special place! :laugh:
Watters spells it out clearly,dems are in the pocket of Russia

Wow, how fucking ignorant can you get?

Clinton suported unti-Putin demonstrators and international sanctions a guy named Obama lead international coalition on when Russia annexed Crimea. These sanctions accounted for 2% GDP growth contration in Russia which together with falling oil prices have put that country in a recession for two years. In 2016 Clinton was Russia's public enemy number one.

On the other hand we have a Republican named Trump who had nothing but nice things to say about Putin, defended him murdering journalists and ran in 2016 AGAINST SANCTIONS ON RUSSIA. American intelligence unanimous finding was that Russians criminally interefered in 2016 election to help Trump defeat Clinton. When Trump won, Putin's regime and public at large not-so-secretely celebrated his victory as their own.

And then there is good ol' diarhia-of-the-mouth Jessie talking about "dems in the pocket of Russia" :lmao:

Trump sanctioned the shit out russia while hilary collaborated with the russians to bring down Trump.
Watters spells it out clearly,dems are in the pocket of Russia and they've shit on the unions,unless of course those unions support dems.
They're in it for themselves and their CCP masters.
I really want dems to comment on this.....but they wont.

Russia? Or china?

You kids can't even keep.your lies straight.

Watters spells it out clearly,dems are in the pocket of Russia and they've shit on the unions,unless of course those unions support dems.
They're in it for themselves and their CCP masters.
I really want dems to comment on this.....but they wont.

This is a lie.

Democrats are not in the pocket of Russia.

Democrats support all unions.

China is not the ‘master’ of Democrats.

Fox ‘news’ is an unreliable source, propagating nothing but misinformation, conspiracy theories, and lies – this being one of many examples.

They sure fucked over the pipeline union workers.

Then I suggest you get behind building that NG pipeline from Colorado to the Oregon port to sell LNG to the Orient who is begging to buy it. And that would mean pipelines from Wyoming, Nevada, New Mexico as well to the Colorado originating facility. This not only employs pipeline construction workers but it also puts oil workers back to work in the fields. Instead of lining the pockets of the Canadian Government and the Koch Industries.

Do you actually believe Xiden and company would go for that? :laughing0301:
Watters spells it out clearly,dems are in the pocket of Russia and they've shit on the unions,unless of course those unions support dems.
They're in it for themselves and their CCP masters.
I really want dems to comment on this.....but they wont.

Every Rump supporter I have ever met, their worst worries are keeping Rump in power. Everything else is secondary. The second highest would be the blind rabid hatred for anyone not supporting Rump. And all this vid does is reinforce that.

Another who didnt watch the video.

I watched enough to see it's the same diatribe of hate and misinformation. It sure doesn't take much to entertain you does it.

You didnt address a single point.
Watters spells it out clearly,dems are in the pocket of Russia

Wow, how fucking ignorant can you get?

Clinton suported unti-Putin demonstrators and international sanctions a guy named Obama lead international coalition on when Russia annexed Crimea. These sanctions accounted for 2% GDP growth contration in Russia which together with falling oil prices have put that country in a recession for two years. In 2016 Clinton was Russia's public enemy number one.

On the other hand we have a Republican named Trump who had nothing but nice things to say about Putin, defended him murdering journalists and ran in 2016 AGAINST SANCTIONS ON RUSSIA. American intelligence unanimous finding was that Russians criminally interefered in 2016 election to help Trump defeat Clinton. When Trump won, Putin's regime and public at large not-so-secretely celebrated his victory as their own.

And then there is good ol' diarhia-of-the-mouth Jessie talking about "dems in the pocket of Russia" :lmao:
Of course you believe everything the Russians say, right?.

...you mean what Russian Putin vison broadcasted day in an out during 2016 about the American election? The never ending Clinton conspiracy spreading, pro Trump coverage in all of their prime media? What Russians celebrated all over that country after Trump won? What Putin said to the world publicly about him pulling for Trump? What American intelligence told you about their illilicit electioneering in the US and Putin's higher ups messaging each other congradulations on job well done?

Oh yes I belive it and you rw fools are out of a fucking mind not to. I understand political bias and all, but this is straight up delusional - denial of what is plainly in front of your eyes.

So Russia, is reliable when the put out shit that confirms your bias, and the rest of the time they're enemies of the US, trying to destroy trust in US elections and other shit. GOT IT!!!!!!! You're such a rube. LMAO

Watters spells it out clearly,dems are in the pocket of Russia and they've shit on the unions,unless of course those unions support dems.
They're in it for themselves and their CCP masters.
I really want dems to comment on this.....but they wont.

This is a lie.

Democrats are not in the pocket of Russia.

Democrats support all unions.

China is not the ‘master’ of Democrats.

Fox ‘news’ is an unreliable source, propagating nothing but misinformation, conspiracy theories, and lies – this being one of many examples.

Yet the Russian pipeline starts anew while xiden stops ours. GO FUCKING FIGURE.


Not "ours',
I'm not going to comment on anything that forces me to watch a 25 minute offing video.

You choose to be uninformed? Interesting.

You choose to be brainwashed? Interesting. But it's a free country.

Seriously how much time are you willing to devote to becoming informed? Wow.

Democrats have all but abandoned private sector unions and routinely screw them over. For example Biden killing THOUSANDS of Keystone pipeline jobs BEFORE delivering his replacement 'green' jobs. With friends like Biden private sector unions don't need enemies.

Didn't hear wing nuts whine when Dotard killed almost 300,000 farming jobs, without having replacements jobs or another trading partner, due to his Chinese tariffs, then bailing the farmers out to the tune of $48 billion.

What? He killed jobs and simultaneously bailed them out? How's that work exactly?

Watters spells it out clearly,dems are in the pocket of Russia and they've shit on the unions,unless of course those unions support dems.
They're in it for themselves and their CCP masters.
I really want dems to comment on this.....but they wont.

Every Rump supporter I have ever met, their worst worries are keeping Rump in power. Everything else is secondary. The second highest would be the blind rabid hatred for anyone not supporting Rump. And all this vid does is reinforce that.

Another who didnt watch the video.

No, just not THAT BORED, rather watch a Dotard ego rally.

Stay stupid.
Is it any wonder dems are so ill informed?
Watters spells it out clearly,dems are in the pocket of Russia and they've shit on the unions,unless of course those unions support dems.
They're in it for themselves and their CCP masters.
I really want dems to comment on this.....but they wont.

This is a lie.

Democrats are not in the pocket of Russia.

Democrats support all unions.

China is not the ‘master’ of Democrats.

Fox ‘news’ is an unreliable source, propagating nothing but misinformation, conspiracy theories, and lies – this being one of many examples.

Yet the Russian pipeline starts anew while xiden stops ours. GO FUCKING FIGURE.


Not "ours',
I'm not going to comment on anything that forces me to watch a 25 minute offing video.

You choose to be uninformed? Interesting.

You choose to be brainwashed? Interesting. But it's a free country.

Seriously how much time are you willing to devote to becoming informed? Wow.

Democrats have all but abandoned private sector unions and routinely screw them over. For example Biden killing THOUSANDS of Keystone pipeline jobs BEFORE delivering his replacement 'green' jobs. With friends like Biden private sector unions don't need enemies.

Didn't hear wing nuts whine when Dotard killed almost 300,000 farming jobs, without having replacements jobs or another trading partner, due to his Chinese tariffs, then bailing the farmers out to the tune of $48 billion.

We've been bailing out farmers for decades.
I am not watching a 29 minute video from an opinion show.

So you admit you're a typical fact adverse commie, got it.


By and large people are not going to sit and watch a half hour video, I bet you didn't either.

Watch it all, you're right I didn't. However I did watch about the first 20 minutes and listened to it all. I guess you commie are so inept that you can't listen and read comments at the same time.

I am not watching a 29 minute video from an opinion show.
I'm not going to comment on anything that forces me to watch a 25 minute offing video.
You're expected to watch the whole hyper-partisan, one-sided rant, research each story and example he has provided, determine which information he distorted, ignored or fabricated, formulate a response and post it to him, who you know quite well will summarily dismiss it as "fake news from a commie".

They appear to think we don't realize this.

TrumpWorld: It's a special place! :laugh:

Sounds exactly how you commies react when the script is flipped. Projection much?

Another who didnt watch the [Fox news broadcasted] video.
HereWeGoAgain, not scared, indifferent.
I’ve less regard for oral arguments and no regard for Fox news broadcasts.
Fox news is synonymous use to fake news and to alternative facts. Respectfully, Supposn

Facts are facts regardless of who reports them.
I bet you believe everything the MSM puts out and CNN...The Most Busted Name in News.
You choose to be uninformed? Interesting.
The dude is just parroting the same old bogus talking points every other idiot Republican has been saying.

Waters isn’t smart enough to come up with his own ideas. He’s a rhetoric aggregator.
Watters spells it out clearly,dems are in the pocket of Russia and they've shit on the unions,unless of course those unions support dems.
They're in it for themselves and their CCP masters.
I really want dems to comment on this.....but they wont.

This is a lie.

Democrats are not in the pocket of Russia.

Democrats support all unions.

China is not the ‘master’ of Democrats.

Fox ‘news’ is an unreliable source, propagating nothing but misinformation, conspiracy theories, and lies – this being one of many examples.

They sure fucked over the pipeline union workers.

Then I suggest you get behind building that NG pipeline from Colorado to the Oregon port to sell LNG to the Orient who is begging to buy it. And that would mean pipelines from Wyoming, Nevada, New Mexico as well to the Colorado originating facility. This not only employs pipeline construction workers but it also puts oil workers back to work in the fields. Instead of lining the pockets of the Canadian Government and the Koch Industries.

Do you actually believe Xiden and company would go for that? :laughing0301:

It's not the feds that are blocking it. It's been the state of Oregon who had a study done on the impact of the port which many disagree with.
Watters spells it out clearly,dems are in the pocket of Russia and they've shit on the unions,unless of course those unions support dems.
They're in it for themselves and their CCP masters.
I really want dems to comment on this.....but they wont.

Every Rump supporter I have ever met, their worst worries are keeping Rump in power. Everything else is secondary. The second highest would be the blind rabid hatred for anyone not supporting Rump. And all this vid does is reinforce that.

Another who didnt watch the video.

I watched enough to see it's the same diatribe of hate and misinformation. It sure doesn't take much to entertain you does it.

You didnt address a single point.

What point? The same tired old message that's been addressed over and over that cost your Orange Deity an election?
Watters spells it out clearly,dems are in the pocket of Russia and they've shit on the unions,unless of course those unions support dems.
They're in it for themselves and their CCP masters.
I really want dems to comment on this.....but they wont.

This is a lie.

Democrats are not in the pocket of Russia.

Democrats support all unions.

China is not the ‘master’ of Democrats.

Fox ‘news’ is an unreliable source, propagating nothing but misinformation, conspiracy theories, and lies – this being one of many examples.

They sure fucked over the pipeline union workers.

Then I suggest you get behind building that NG pipeline from Colorado to the Oregon port to sell LNG to the Orient who is begging to buy it. And that would mean pipelines from Wyoming, Nevada, New Mexico as well to the Colorado originating facility. This not only employs pipeline construction workers but it also puts oil workers back to work in the fields. Instead of lining the pockets of the Canadian Government and the Koch Industries.

Do you actually believe Xiden and company would go for that? :laughing0301:

It's not the feds that are blocking it. It's been the state of Oregon who had a study done on the impact of the port which many disagree with.

Ultra liberal oregon....
If they weren't fighting it Xiden would.
Watters spells it out clearly,dems are in the pocket of Russia and they've shit on the unions,unless of course those unions support dems.
They're in it for themselves and their CCP masters.
I really want dems to comment on this.....but they wont.

Every Rump supporter I have ever met, their worst worries are keeping Rump in power. Everything else is secondary. The second highest would be the blind rabid hatred for anyone not supporting Rump. And all this vid does is reinforce that.

Another who didnt watch the video.

I watched enough to see it's the same diatribe of hate and misinformation. It sure doesn't take much to entertain you does it.

You didnt address a single point.

What point? The same tired old message that's been addressed over and over that cost your Orange Deity an election?

You mean the election dems stole.
Watters spells it out clearly,dems are in the pocket of Russia and they've shit on the unions,unless of course those unions support dems.
They're in it for themselves and their CCP masters.
I really want dems to comment on this.....but they wont.

This is a lie.

Democrats are not in the pocket of Russia.

Democrats support all unions.

China is not the ‘master’ of Democrats.

Fox ‘news’ is an unreliable source, propagating nothing but misinformation, conspiracy theories, and lies – this being one of many examples.

They sure fucked over the pipeline union workers.

Then I suggest you get behind building that NG pipeline from Colorado to the Oregon port to sell LNG to the Orient who is begging to buy it. And that would mean pipelines from Wyoming, Nevada, New Mexico as well to the Colorado originating facility. This not only employs pipeline construction workers but it also puts oil workers back to work in the fields. Instead of lining the pockets of the Canadian Government and the Koch Industries.

Do you actually believe Xiden and company would go for that? :laughing0301:

It's not the feds that are blocking it. It's been the state of Oregon who had a study done on the impact of the port which many disagree with.

Ultra liberal oregon....
If they weren't fighting it Xiden would.

Funny that almost all the states that support it and would benefit from it are all Blue States. You can put your hate hat away now. It's not applicable.

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