I want to lower the legal drinking age

It's the parents job to govern what their children consume.

Yes and the vast majority of parents don't want their kids drinking alcohol, hence minimum drinking age laws.
You don't seem to grasp the concept... Its a parents job to govern what their own children consume. You some somehow got the notion that it was your right to dictate what other parents, children consume. A common mode of thought amongst those who despise freedom, and wish to exert their will over others...

It's not dictating, its called democracy. We don't always get what we want. If enough people are against the minimum drinking age, then let them repeal it.
I've never voted on such an issue. And neither have you.

That's because it's not an issue for most Americans. Go ahead, float a bill out there to change it.
I've devised a more expedient solution. I just do whatever I want. Personally; I don't even drink, but that's hardly the real issue...
I want to lower the legal drinking age. I want to lower it to 12 years old!!!

Teens are going to drink...Let them! Fuck the law! I say that as a member of a libertarian message board.

Heck why not, the mentally ill can now get guns.
It's the parents job to govern what their children consume.

Yes and the vast majority of parents don't want their kids drinking alcohol, hence minimum drinking age laws.
You don't seem to grasp the concept... Its a parents job to govern what their own children consume. You some somehow got the notion that it was your right to dictate what other parents, children consume. A common mode of thought amongst those who despise freedom, and wish to exert their will over others...

It's not dictating, its called democracy. We don't always get what we want. If enough people are against the minimum drinking age, then let them repeal it.

If we were a democracy the ACA would not be getting repealed and Clinton would be President.
It's the parents job to govern what their children consume.

Yes and the vast majority of parents don't want their kids drinking alcohol, hence minimum drinking age laws.
You don't seem to grasp the concept... Its a parents job to govern what their own children consume. You some somehow got the notion that it was your right to dictate what other parents, children consume. A common mode of thought amongst those who despise freedom, and wish to exert their will over others...

It's not dictating, its called democracy. We don't always get what we want. If enough people are against the minimum drinking age, then let them repeal it.

If we were a democracy the ACA would not be getting repealed and Clinton would be President.

That is why the US Constitution does not call our system of government a Democracy.
While we're at it, let's lower the voting age to 8 years old.

Yes we might as well as many trumpettes have the mentality of an 8 year old, I mean they are now so very concerned about the ACA

and some didn't know Obamacare and the ACA is the same thing.
As stupid as the OP is it does raise a question.

What is the age of majority?

Is it 18?
Is it 21?

we need to make up our minds and pick one
I want to lower the legal drinking age. I want to lower it to 12 years old!!!

Teens are going to drink...Let them! Fuck the law! I say that as a member of a libertarian message board.

Did some Libertarian tell you one time you could not have something and since then you have been hell bent on Libertarians.

Oh, if you love Europe well then remember in the House house you can drink a little wine, well when I was a kid you could...

So why are you so against teaching someone the reality of life!?!
If you can serve and die for this country then you should be allow to drink whatever you want as long as it is legal!

So the age should be at least 18 and with a parent and it is wine I do not care what age the kid is... Well alright maybe not a infant but someone that 12 with their parent and a sippy cup of wine who cares!
It's also perfectly fine to have the police kick in my door to stop me from smoking a leaf. You're either anti-government or you're not.

I take it that means your anti-government, especially when it comes to building roads and "infrastructure".
With a stupid post like that, I think we should raise it. It would keep idiots like you away from the liquor store.

(EDIT: This had better not be satire, because childhood drinking is not something to joke about)
Since it's posted in the political section, Matthew should be taken at his word.

As it is, I agree about raising the age. There is actuarial and scientific data to back up that young adult minds don't mature until age 25. That should be the age for drinking, voting and driving without a learner's permit.
As stupid as the OP is it does raise a question.

What is the age of majority?

Is it 18?
Is it 21?

we need to make up our minds and pick one

According to Obamacare it is age 26. We need to raise the voting and drinking age to 26.
I want to lower the legal drinking age. I want to lower it to 12 years old!!!

Teens are going to drink...Let them! Fuck the law! I say that as a member of a libertarian message board.
I started drinking at 12 and if done responsibly it is ok.

But without parental guidance it is unwise.

Kids should not be drinking.

Kids should not be smoking.

Kids should not be boinking.

Kids should be studying and playing sports.
I want to lower the legal drinking age. I want to lower it to 12 years old!!!

Teens are going to drink...Let them! Fuck the law! I say that as a member of a libertarian message board.
I started drinking at 12 and if done responsibly it is ok.

But without parental guidance it is unwise.

Kids should not be drinking.

Kids should not be smoking.

Kids should not be boinking.

Kids should be studying and playing sports.
Clearly define "kids".
As stupid as the OP is it does raise a question.

What is the age of majority?

Is it 18?
Is it 21?

we need to make up our minds and pick one

or at least leave it up to the States to set the ages. The Use of Federal Highway Funds as hostage for a uniform 21 year old drinking age is a travesty, and unconstitutional.

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