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CDZ I want to present this in this forum hopefully to get some real dialogue

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We lived through 9/11, and saw Gub'Mit powers grow

So to assume that this is happening again is no stretch of imagination

If a person has Cancer and eventually dies from a cold, we don't say the person died of a cold.
sure we do....

if a person has cancer, and they are hit by a car and killed, we do not say they died of cancer....

if a person has cancer, and they died of pneumonia, the cause of death is pneumonia....

COVID is a viral pneumonia in those who get sick, is my understanding.... all deaths are from this viral Pneumonia, regardless of their underlying conditions..... or no underlying conditions.... pneumonia is what kills them..... I had heard????

Your 'hit by a car' analogy is insane in the first place. How do you know that a person with end stage cancer was not negatively affected to such a degree it caused them to have an accident? 'Cause of death' is something a coroner determines but that doesn't mean pneumonia is the sole cause. If it were not for depressed immune system, the pneumonia could likely have been cured. I myself had pneumonia and was cured. You are picking at straws to somehow argue which is what you usually do.
the people who die, die of Novel Corona Virus Pneumonia.....regardless of their other conditions that have weakened them in fighting it.....

I too have had Pneumonia, but it was a bacterial pneumonia, that was treatable with antibiotics....

this Cov2 Pneumonia virus, has no cure or antivirals..... as of yet.
Negative,they are giving an antibiotic along with chloroquine. Read up before posting bullshit.
The combination is being tested, yes.... and has promise with some, if given to patients before they get really sick and are put in ICU....
It has worked for MOST, even some seriously ill.
Not what the docs are saying.....on the very ill on ventilators.... it's too late.

But we are a long way from it being approved and mass produced.....

Can't happen soon enough!!!
I said 'seriously ill' you said ICU now you change it to being on a ventilator. Yes, once on a ventilator, a patient cannot easily clear their lungs by coughing up but that was not part of the original discussion we were having.
The state of New York just recorded 630 patients succumbing to the disease during the past 24 hours. So in the name of intellectual honesty and just basic honesty, if you have evidence that the State of New York is lying, you need to post it right now.
.00007875 % of 8 million people.
If you are a cerebral person, no one would ever call you a drama queen. You make decisions using your intelligence and cold, hard facts, instead of your emotions. The word cerebral gets its meaning from cerebrum, which is Latin for brain. Cerebral people use their brains instead of their hearts.

cerebral - Dictionary Definition : Vocabulary.com
Approximately 3 million people die every year in the U.S., or 8,000 every day, with alleged total deaths due to coronavirus being 6,000 for the entire season. This is even with what are certainly vastly overstated numbers of deaths due to this “virus.” That is less than the number of deaths in one day in this country.

Source: Deaths: Final Data for 2017, tables 1, 3, 13 pdf icon[PDF – 2 MB]

Number of deaths for leading causes of death:

  • Heart disease: 647,457
  • Cancer: 599,108
  • Accidents (unintentional injuries): 169,936
  • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 160,201
  • Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 146,383
  • Alzheimer’s disease: 121,404
  • Diabetes: 83,564
  • Influenza and Pneumonia: 55,672
  • Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis: 50,633
  • Intentional self-harm (suicide): 47,173

Source: Deaths: Final Data for 2017, table B pdf icon

well i'm not very cerebral, but if i gotta go , i'd rather not do it like some scared rabbit

we're Americans, the country whom the rest of the world looked up to, the people who trotted the torch of freedom to every dark corner on this rock

for gawd's sake, let's buck up and act like an example

A month or so ago Trump was sitting on an economy that was absolutely booming.

Trump's approval rating was high.

The Democrats had failed at their Russia, Russia, Russia thingy and the impeachment dirty trick to marginalized him.

The Democrats have nobody that could beat Trump in November. Certainly not that Biden clown or the Communist.

The Liberals have tried to blow this Pandemic out of proportion in the hopes of getting everybody pissed off to the point they distrust the government and the people running it, no matter what they do.

That is their only hope. It is despicable and is hurting our country but it is politics as usual in America. The Democrats will do anything they can, no matter how damaging it is to the country, in order to get power to impose their greedy and destructive Progressive agenda.
And they got China to help them. What did the democrats promise the Chinese to get that virus?
#68 reply to #65 Re: Trump and Knut and herd immunity.

Approximately 3 million people die every year in the U.S., or 8,000 every day, with alleged total deaths due to coronavirus being 6,000 for the entire season.

Please do take your data immediately to the White House. I will be pleased as Punch to see President Trump return to his original crazy as a loon status during the Coronavirus War of 2020.

I want to see and hear President Trump come to the Coronavirus Press Briefing and tell us that he just fired Dr Fauci and Dr Birx and watch him introduce his new top Coronavirus advisers Dr. Knut M. Wittkowski snd Medal of Freedom holder the Great Rush Limbaugh

Her is the future transcript I will love to see.

TRUMP: Dr Knut, fine German name, please introduce yourself to the left leaning press and their snowflake followers. We real Americans already know you well.

Wittkowski: I am Dr. Knut M. Wittkowski, former chief biostatistician and epidemiologist at Rockefeller University Hospital in New York City. Just so you know. I regularly go to my two favorite illicit speakeasy restaurants that are secretly operating on the Upper East Side. it’s crowded and fun.

“ I believe social distancing will only prolong the virus by preventing the natural development of “herd immunity.”.(Actual quote not fiction)

“This is a flu and this will end like every other flu did before for the last thousand years.” (Actual quote not fiction)

TRUMP: Thank you Dr Knut. What a great man, greatest ever other than of course Rush and me.

TRUMP: We have it all figured out now. Approximately 3 million people die every year in the U.S., or 8,000 every day, with alleged total deaths due to coronavirus being 6,000 for the entire season.

TRUMP: People, this virus pandemic thingy has all been a hoax.

TRUMP: So I am now ordering all people who go to church on Easter Sunday to pack your churches full, hug kiss each other on the lips, breath on each other, lick the church floors to your hearts content.

TRUMP: And for the secular people I am ordering all bars restaurants open nation wide including New York City. This order is based upon my top health adviser r Dr Knut and top economic adviser el Rushbo.

TRUMP: NBA NHL NFL MLB get back on the practice fields and play America’s games.

TRUMP: Everybody go back to work . Work work work. You people get to work

TRUMP: Airlines get all your planes flying. I am banning all telework and teleconferencing until the DJIA goes over 30000 before November. Drive them cars. HOV lanes are open to lonely drivers.

TRUMP:I am ordering all schools and universities open. Effective immediately. Shout out to J Falwell Jr at Liberty University. Brave Christians. brave bravest ever. Showed them snowflakes how to fight a virus pandemic.

Would you love to see that too?

Instead this is our President in real life doing the dreaded deep state snowflake version. Sad really Sad.

Trump’s new coronavirus argument: 2 million people are being saved.

Even as Trump adopts a somber, get-ready-for-the-worst tone, he has still sought to portray himself as a hero for his actions thus far.

TRUMP: “What would have happened if we did nothing?” (Actual quote not fiction)

Trump asked and answered his own question:.

TRUMP: “Think of the number — potentially 2.2 million people if we did nothing, if we didn’t do the distancing, if we didn’t do all of the things that we’re doing,” (Actual quote not fiction)

No other President but TrumpO can claim they saved the lives of 2 million Americans because no other president was as great and as smart as he is

BECAUSE Approximately 3 million people die every year in the U.S. and Trump is saying that his shutting down the economy and social distancing will save 2 million lives, does that mean the virus, left unchecked, will cause 5 million deaths in the US or does it mean a total of only one million unrelated deaths will occur this year since the real Trump is saving 2 million lives from the killer deadly invisible enemy COVID-19?
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I hope to see an intellectually honest response from sparky since we know by emoticon that sparky actually read it.
Post 70 re: “Fox News medical contributor Dr. Nicole Saphier on Sunday said COVID-19 patients would soon need to be removed from ventilators even if they cannot breathe on their own. “There’s going to be more deaths this coming week,” Saphier said on Fox & Friends. “”

why is that happening during this flu season as opposed every flu season since 1918.

Congratulations folks, you've just seen some of your liberties forever taken away from you under the guise of being "for your own protection."
They seem to be sticking with "If it bleeds, it leads".
over 98% chance you may never get this virus.
We have already seen threads reporting on inflated counts from Italy.
The temptation for libs in hospitals to count deaths as Convid-19, to undermine the President is real.

Denying that, is not credible.
Cwayne posted a video in another thread
Therefore, a person who has completely bought into a hardcore partisan ideology (and there are obviously several examples on this board), may actually believe the things they say -- regardless of how absurd or seemingly dishonest they appear to a clearer-thinking individual.
the group has it's perceptions formed for them, by an Individual,
Do you still hold that opinion “It's still just the flu.”
You (and most others) were given a brain- use it.
The Liberals have tried to blow this Pandemic out of proportion in the hopes of getting everybody pissed off to the point they distrust the government and the people running it, no matter what they do.
It is- as was h1n1 and all previous strains and there was no hysteria- this is all media bullshit because they don't like Trump and will sell their souls just to be able to hate him publicly
3 And I want numbers for anyone that died WITH the flu, cause I would bet money that that is the count we are getting for convid 19.
.00007875 % of 8 million people.
well i'm not very cerebral
What did the democrats promise the Chinese to get that virus?

All of you must watch this FOX NEWS video and get back to me as to why Trump is standing there in the scene when Dr Burx is telling the nation it is time to stop going to grocery stores? Trump is right there putting on the fraud with them - Why?

Saphier said on Fox & Friends.

With all the pent up intellectual honesty featured on this thread, I should get an answer to the question as to why the President of the United States does not know all the facts and data that all the intelligent and cerebral people on this Girum have at their disposal right now.

why why why please tell us why?
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Congratulations folks, you've just seen some of your liberties forever taken away from you under the guise of being "for your own protection."
They seem to be sticking with "If it bleeds, it leads".
over 98% chance you may never get this virus.
We have already seen threads reporting on inflated counts from Italy.
The temptation for libs in hospitals to count deaths as Convid-19, to undermine the President is real.

Denying that, is not credible.
Cwayne posted a video in another thread
Therefore, a person who has completely bought into a hardcore partisan ideology (and there are obviously several examples on this board), may actually believe the things they say -- regardless of how absurd or seemingly dishonest they appear to a clearer-thinking individual.
the group has it's perceptions formed for them, by an Individual,
Do you still hold that opinion “It's still just the flu.”
You (and most others) were given a brain- use it.
The Liberals have tried to blow this Pandemic out of proportion in the hopes of getting everybody pissed off to the point they distrust the government and the people running it, no matter what they do.
It is- as was h1n1 and all previous strains and there was no hysteria- this is all media bullshit because they don't like Trump and will sell their souls just to be able to hate him publicly
3 And I want numbers for anyone that died WITH the flu, cause I would bet money that that is the count we are getting for convid 19.
.00007875 % of 8 million people.
well i'm not very cerebral
What did the democrats promise the Chinese to get that virus?

All of you watch this FOX NEWS video and get back to me as to why Trump is standing their in the scene when Dr Burx is telling the nation it is time to stop going to Grocery stories? Trump is putting on the fraud with them - Why?

With all the pent up intellectual honesty featured on this thread, I should get an answer to the question as to why the President of the United States does not know all the facts and data that all the intelligent and cerebral people have at their disposal right now.

why why why please tell us why?

At least Trump isn't out playing golf like we saw Obama doing while thousands of Americans were dying from the H1N1.

Trump is doing a great job. Thank goodness the Democrats aren't running the show or else we would be in another Great Depression while millions of Americans are dying.
Congratulations folks, you've just seen some of your liberties forever taken away from you under the guise of being "for your own protection."
They seem to be sticking with "If it bleeds, it leads".
over 98% chance you may never get this virus.
We have already seen threads reporting on inflated counts from Italy.
The temptation for libs in hospitals to count deaths as Convid-19, to undermine the President is real.

Denying that, is not credible.
Cwayne posted a video in another thread
Therefore, a person who has completely bought into a hardcore partisan ideology (and there are obviously several examples on this board), may actually believe the things they say -- regardless of how absurd or seemingly dishonest they appear to a clearer-thinking individual.
the group has it's perceptions formed for them, by an Individual,
Do you still hold that opinion “It's still just the flu.”
You (and most others) were given a brain- use it.
The Liberals have tried to blow this Pandemic out of proportion in the hopes of getting everybody pissed off to the point they distrust the government and the people running it, no matter what they do.
It is- as was h1n1 and all previous strains and there was no hysteria- this is all media bullshit because they don't like Trump and will sell their souls just to be able to hate him publicly
3 And I want numbers for anyone that died WITH the flu, cause I would bet money that that is the count we are getting for convid 19.
.00007875 % of 8 million people.
well i'm not very cerebral
What did the democrats promise the Chinese to get that virus?

All of you watch this FOX NEWS video and get back to me as to why Trump is standing their in the scene when Dr Burx is telling the nation it is time to stop going to Grocery stories? Trump is putting on the fraud with them - Why?

With all the pent up intellectual honesty featured on this thread, I should get an answer to the question as to why the President of the United States does not know all the facts and data that all the intelligent and cerebral people have at their disposal right now.

why why why please tell us why?

At least Trump isn't out playing golf like we saw Obama doing while thousands of Americans were dying from the H1N1.

Trump is doing a great job. Thank goodness the Democrats aren't running the show or else we would be in another Great Depression while millions of Americans are dying.

That's the democrat plan and it has been the democrat plan since 1966 when the Cloward -Piven plan of orchestrated crisis was written.
Post #72 Re: In an appearance on Fox & Friends on Sunday, Fox News medical contributor Dr. Nicole Saphier said that coronavirus patients currently on ventilators would soon need to be removed.

Trump is doing a great job.

you like to see Trump up there inciting panic?

watch the video

That's the democrat plan and it has been the democrat plan since 1966

Why is Trump pushing the Democrat plan on us?
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I don't easily abide monologues-

I want to talk about intellectual honesty. I posted this in another thread

I'm using that article as an example because I use the term intellectual honesty a lot- Rush, is a great example as well as our own beloved, I'm sure, PoliticalChic- I've said for years Rush is very intelligent, but he is hyper-partisan. I've told our very own, beloved, I'm sure, PoliticalChic, the same thing- I give them their just due for their intelligence, (and I'll add now, their tenacity as there is a lot to be said for that trait) but I can't abide their hyper-partisan intellect. Both are intelligent enough to know better and the evidence is overwhelming that there is very little difference in the Party elite outside their rhetoric, which is used as a tool to keep citizens divided. Any half wit can see there is no difference. Hitting a brick wall at 100 or at 90 still is hitting a brick wall. The only (maybe) difference is the rate of descent to the same destination- and that rate of descent is accelerating almost daily.

In the article it says what it says- I'm not going to give away the punch line- you have to read it and make your own determination.
It's a good idea, and proper, to tag someone when mentioning them in a post. You can do that by adding @ before their moniker. PoliticalChic

Just saying.... :)
I hope to see an intellectually honest response from sparky since we know by emoticon that sparky actually read it.
the honest answer doesn't take all that much horsepower....


Post #72 Re: In an appearance on Fox & Friends on Sunday, Fox News medical contributor Dr. Nicole Saphier said that coronavirus patients currently on ventilators would soon need to be removed.

Trump is doing a great job.

you like to see Trump up there inciting panic?

watch the video

That's the democrat plan and it has been the democrat plan since 1966

Why is Trump pushing the Democrat plan on us?
Are you feeling panicked?
Post #77

Are you feeling panicked?

Not at all. My wife is a Doctor and is a research epidemiologist on the Defense Department payroll. I work for a London based infrastructure construction company as an estimator. Our incomes are not affected and Ive been collecting Social Security Checks for four years. We have employee benefits, health disability and long term care.

My wife and I went to TIMES SQUARE in NYC on Super Bowl weekend and had a wonderful time. We were social distancing as much as possible but not perfect. Sanitizing after touching things others may have touched.

After that,?at the end of February I caught a cold with a bad cough no fever but I began working from home. I did not go to Iceland on a trip we had planned with friends. My wife went. She was happy the seat next to hers was mine and was empty.

While I was teleworking one of eight in our small office reported his wife was very sick with fever and cough and people they were in contact with were tested positive. Our office is shut down to two people and we are conducting business with all coworkers across the nation and worldwide.

I’ve been teleworking along side my wife as she had to self quarantine per Defense Department guidelines when she returned from Iceland.

Our home and rental condo are owned outright and we have plenty of assets to ride this out for a long time.

We keep our 401K out of stocks when a Republican is President. That has paid off twice now already,

We are extremely safe and doing well - so not panicked at all. We have concern for friends and family of course but concern is not panic.

My biggest concern is about the idiots that have downplayed this health threat from the start because idiocy kills. I’d like to help eradicate as much ignorance as I can.

We hate to see ignorant people endangering our first responders and medical professionals and all those essential employees that are on the front lines.

I guess I am panicked for if you don’t

Why did you ask if I was panicked?
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Post 70 re: “Fox News medical contributor Dr. Nicole Saphier on Sunday said COVID-19 patients would soon need to be removed from ventilators even if they cannot breathe on their own. “There’s going to be more deaths this coming week,” Saphier said on Fox & Friends. “”

why is that happening during this flu season as opposed every flu season since 1918.

Congratulations folks, you've just seen some of your liberties forever taken away from you under the guise of being "for your own protection."
They seem to be sticking with "If it bleeds, it leads".
over 98% chance you may never get this virus.
We have already seen threads reporting on inflated counts from Italy.
The temptation for libs in hospitals to count deaths as Convid-19, to undermine the President is real.

Denying that, is not credible.
Cwayne posted a video in another thread
Therefore, a person who has completely bought into a hardcore partisan ideology (and there are obviously several examples on this board), may actually believe the things they say -- regardless of how absurd or seemingly dishonest they appear to a clearer-thinking individual.
the group has it's perceptions formed for them, by an Individual,
Do you still hold that opinion “It's still just the flu.”
You (and most others) were given a brain- use it.
The Liberals have tried to blow this Pandemic out of proportion in the hopes of getting everybody pissed off to the point they distrust the government and the people running it, no matter what they do.
It is- as was h1n1 and all previous strains and there was no hysteria- this is all media bullshit because they don't like Trump and will sell their souls just to be able to hate him publicly
3 And I want numbers for anyone that died WITH the flu, cause I would bet money that that is the count we are getting for convid 19.
.00007875 % of 8 million people.
well i'm not very cerebral
What did the democrats promise the Chinese to get that virus?

All of you must watch this FOX NEWS video and get back to me as to why Trump is standing there in the scene when Dr Burx is telling the nation it is time to stop going to grocery stores? Trump is right there putting on the fraud with them - Why?

Saphier said on Fox & Friends.

With all the pent up intellectual honesty featured on this thread, I should get an answer to the question as to why the President of the United States does not know all the facts and data that all the intelligent and cerebral people on this Girum have at their disposal right now.

why why why please tell us why?

Why are you unable to answer my questions about your posts?
We hate to see ignorant people endangering our first responders and medical professionals and all those essential employees that are on the front lines.
The first think i was taught as an emt was to NOT panic

I hope to see an intellectually honest response from sparky since we know by emoticon that sparky actually read it.
the honest answer doesn't take all that much horsepower....



read my previous post and tell me what freedom I have traded away.

...and answer why President Trump has ‘restricted’ freedom to save 2 million lives.

TrumpO asked and answered his own question:

“Think of the number — potentially 2.2 million people if we did nothing, if we didn’t do the distancing, if we didn’t do all of the things that we’re doing,”
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