I will explain it slowly, so that even democrats who voted for joe biden can understand it....well, they still won't.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
You killed this country today. By allowing the democrat party to use mail in ballots to steal the election, you killed this country.

Enjoy these few moments, because they are not going to last.

The economy will not recover now. That hope is done. We will enter a Great Depression. On top of that, the democrat party will destroy the American energy sector......so if you live in a cold state, I advise that you move as soon as possible....to a warm state. The democrat party controls the wealthiest state in the union....and they can't keep the power on during the summer. Rolling black outs in California are funny and deserved by those morons......but rolling blackouts in Illinois, Iowa, Michigan in January kill.........

China is now going to take over the world.....the democrats are going to give them our industry and allow them to control space...while the tech giant monsters are going to give them power and control totalitarians have been dreaming about since Eve ate the apple.......

You will sit there with the shit eating grin on your face......enjoy it today......cause tomorrow what you have created is going to actually happen......

May God have mercy on us, and may He protect those who knew better......
yeah you can put evidence of video ballot mail in fraud in front of their faces a hundred times and no matter that you do it that many times and you spell it out to them dummies style,they never can get it through their retarded thick heads that Biden is the most illegitmate president ever in mankind,that voter fraud was far more evidence in this one that all the other illletimate presidents we had in the past before from illegal vote fraud.
The problem is, why did America allow this to happen? I told you all this would happen when it was announced, and you laughed at me, some calling it out. "Voting by mail always happens".

The issue was intentionally avoided. How can people vote in one day and it not be completed so many days later and not think "hey, I wonder if more ballots were just added?"

The trust is gone no matter what happens. It can indeed, decimate a nation.
The problem is, why did America allow this to happen? I told you all this would happen when it was announced, and you laughed at me, some calling it out. "Voting by mail always happens".

The issue was intentionally avoided. How can people vote in one day and it not be completed so many days later and not think "hey, I wonder if more ballots were just added?"

The trust is gone no matter what happens. It can indeed, decimate a nation.
Once the vote has become untrustworthy it doesn't come back.
You killed this country today. By allowing the democrat party to use mail in ballots to steal the election, you killed this country.

Enjoy these few moments, because they are not going to last.

The economy will not recover now. That hope is done. We will enter a Great Depression. On top of that, the democrat party will destroy the American energy sector......so if you live in a cold state, I advise that you move as soon as possible....to a warm state. The democrat party controls the wealthiest state in the union....and they can't keep the power on during the summer. Rolling black outs in California are funny and deserved by those morons......but rolling blackouts in Illinois, Iowa, Michigan in January kill.........

China is now going to take over the world.....the democrats are going to give them our industry and allow them to control space...while the tech giant monsters are going to give them power and control totalitarians have been dreaming about since Eve ate the apple.......

You will sit there with the shit eating grin on your face......enjoy it today......cause tomorrow what you have created is going to actually happen......

May God have mercy on us, and may He protect those who knew better......
You killed this country today. By allowing the democrat party to use mail in ballots to steal the election, you killed this country.

Enjoy these few moments, because they are not going to last.

The economy will not recover now. That hope is done. We will enter a Great Depression. On top of that, the democrat party will destroy the American energy sector......so if you live in a cold state, I advise that you move as soon as possible....to a warm state. The democrat party controls the wealthiest state in the union....and they can't keep the power on during the summer. Rolling black outs in California are funny and deserved by those morons......but rolling blackouts in Illinois, Iowa, Michigan in January kill.........

China is now going to take over the world.....the democrats are going to give them our industry and allow them to control space...while the tech giant monsters are going to give them power and control totalitarians have been dreaming about since Eve ate the apple.......

You will sit there with the shit eating grin on your face......enjoy it today......cause tomorrow what you have created is going to actually happen......

May God have mercy on us, and may He protect those who knew better......

Clutching those pearls tightly today are we? Smooth your dress and unbunch your panties, Pollyanna. I promise you the sun will come up even if Trump is shown the door. So let me get this straight. The guy in the WH completely fucks up the response to the virus that causes all the economic chaos and all of the sudden, the economy can't recover because it looks like his sorry ass is going to get the boot? China taking over the world??? Where the hell have you been for the last couple of decades? I seem to remember a few Republican presidents in that time period. Both parties have allowed the outsourcing to occur. Hell, more than half of Trump's shit is manufactured in China and you supporters absolutely REFUSE to call him out on it. As far as California power is concerned, you might want to do a little reading on why they have the problems they have with their power.
You killed this country today. By allowing the democrat party to use mail in ballots to steal the election, you killed this country.

Enjoy these few moments, because they are not going to last.

The economy will not recover now. That hope is done. We will enter a Great Depression. On top of that, the democrat party will destroy the American energy sector......so if you live in a cold state, I advise that you move as soon as possible....to a warm state. The democrat party controls the wealthiest state in the union....and they can't keep the power on during the summer. Rolling black outs in California are funny and deserved by those morons......but rolling blackouts in Illinois, Iowa, Michigan in January kill.........

China is now going to take over the world.....the democrats are going to give them our industry and allow them to control space...while the tech giant monsters are going to give them power and control totalitarians have been dreaming about since Eve ate the apple.......

You will sit there with the shit eating grin on your face......enjoy it today......cause tomorrow what you have created is going to actually happen......

May God have mercy on us, and may He protect those who knew better......

Clutching those pearls tightly today are we? Smooth your dress and unbunch your panties, Pollyanna. I promise you the sun will come up even if Trump is shown the door. So let me get this straight. The guy in the WH completely fucks up the response to the virus that causes all the economic chaos and all of the sudden, the economy can't recover because it looks like his sorry ass is going to get the boot? China taking over the world??? Where the hell have you been for the last couple of decades? I seem to remember a few Republican presidents in that time period. Both parties have allowed the outsourcing to occur. Hell, more than half of Trump's shit is manufactured in China and you supporters absolutely REFUSE to call him out on it. As far as California power is concerned, you might want to do a little reading on why they have the problems they have with their power.

Darling, believe this...you and your ilk will be victims of your own selves
getting exactly what you and your ilk deserve and eventually will be crying about it
while the rest of us will be casualties of that ignorance but victims of our own failure to act,
and just as deserving for what lays ahead and will have no right to cry about it

God is still on the throne and in control
Only God establishes or allows Kings and Kingdoms
God either chose Joe to become King or allowed him to become King
If He chose him he wasn't elected by fraudulent means
Because the fraud is so obvious and blatant, He was not appointed

God knows what He is doing and those of us who truly have a heart for God
despite disappointing Him every single day, need to step back and refocus

For them, this was never about Trump...I've said it time and again
This was always about those who elected him and putting us back in our place

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