I will vote FOR Newt Gingrich

I said it months ago and I'll say it again. Trump needs to pick the right VP. Newt Gingrich has a command of the issues. He has a command with the media. He has demonstrated an ability to work with the opposition without compromising his conservative principles. He knows the inner workings in DC. He has bold ideas. He would make a fantastic president after Trump.

Without Newt I have no one to vote FOR.
He's 73. And he's an ethical nightmare for Republicans. That's why he left Congress in the first place - ethics scandals.
Yeah I didn't realize he was that old. As to his sex life I don't care.
I didn't mention his sex life. His ethics scandal wasn't about his sex life. It was about political contributions. He was reprimanded by the House and had to pay a $300,000 fine.
I said it months ago and I'll say it again. Trump needs to pick the right VP. Newt Gingrich has a command of the issues. He has a command with the media. He has demonstrated an ability to work with the opposition without compromising his conservative principles. He knows the inner workings in DC. He has bold ideas. He would make a fantastic president after Trump.

Without Newt I have no one to vote FOR.
And here we have it as I predicted. Grumpy gramps will vote for trump.
I said it months ago and I'll say it again. Trump needs to pick the right VP. Newt Gingrich has a command of the issues. He has a command with the media. He has demonstrated an ability to work with the opposition without compromising his conservative principles. He knows the inner workings in DC. He has bold ideas. He would make a fantastic president after Trump.

Without Newt I have no one to vote FOR.

Do you think he wants to be associated with Trump though?
LOL. Gingrich would be a disastrous choice - man seriously lacking in ethics as VP for a man even more seriously lacking in ethics.
They'd rebrand the GOP as the Adulterer party.
How's your kiddieporn party doing? You go to their meeting on orgy island too?
LOL. Gingrich would be a disastrous choice - man seriously lacking in ethics as VP for a man even more seriously lacking in ethics.
They'd rebrand the GOP as the Adulterer party.
Of course, one can’t make a disaster of something that’s already a disaster.
You should see the democrat party.....it's been doom and gloom for months at the democrat club is DC....
I said it months ago and I'll say it again. Trump needs to pick the right VP. Newt Gingrich has a command of the issues. He has a command with the media. He has demonstrated an ability to work with the opposition without compromising his conservative principles. He knows the inner workings in DC. He has bold ideas. He would make a fantastic president after Trump.

Without Newt I have no one to vote FOR.

There is little semblance between spending 16+ years on the sidelines opining on what politicians should do vs being there and trying to get people to do anything they do not want to do.

Bring it on!!!
I do not share your enthusiasm. I'll just be glad to have our experiment out of office after 8 years.

I wonder what you mean by "experiment"?

The guy at the top of the ticket is the guy who calls the shots, Gramps. You expect that Trump will die and leave Newt the job?

Please note that Newt's run in 2012 was a book tour. He's one of those guys on the right who knows his audience is easily duped.
I said it months ago and I'll say it again. Trump needs to pick the right VP. Newt Gingrich has a command of the issues. He has a command with the media. He has demonstrated an ability to work with the opposition without compromising his conservative principles. He knows the inner workings in DC. He has bold ideas. He would make a fantastic president after Trump.

Without Newt I have no one to vote FOR.

Not supporting the GOP candidate helps Hillary Clinton stack the SCOTUS with left wing partisan hacks.
I said it months ago and I'll say it again. Trump needs to pick the right VP. Newt Gingrich has a command of the issues. He has a command with the media. He has demonstrated an ability to work with the opposition without compromising his conservative principles. He knows the inner workings in DC. He has bold ideas. He would make a fantastic president after Trump.

Without Newt I have no one to vote FOR.

Do you think he wants to be associated with Trump though?
Of course he does. He knows his speaking fees will go up dramatically after accused rapist Donald Trump gets his ass handed to him. He can go around the country stoking fear over President Hillary Clinton.
same here, but if he picks Pence, it means he wants Newt for a white house position.

I agree....
Maybe Newt as Secretary of State...
Or Chief of Staff....
Would prefer Newt as VP

I do fear that Wonderful Donald might give a top position to his Son in Law though...
How do you
I said it months ago and I'll say it again. Trump needs to pick the right VP. Newt Gingrich has a command of the issues. He has a command with the media. He has demonstrated an ability to work with the opposition without compromising his conservative principles. He knows the inner workings in DC. He has bold ideas. He would make a fantastic president after Trump.

Without Newt I have no one to vote FOR.

Who votes for a Vice President--LOL No one
In this election. Lots of people would be my guess based on the negatives of the two options

Women the largest voting block are not going to vote for either Donald Trump or Newt Gingrich.
I've heard you woman rhetoric. I'm not interested.
Lots of men are not.
So, Grampa Murked U, Newt's out, Pence is in. Unless Donny changes his mind again.

Will you vote for Pence?
Doubtful. But to be fair I don't know ANYTHING about the man at this point.
He's extreme on these positions:

Gay marriage
Religious liberty (think Kim Davis)

He cut Indian taxes so drastically they now have no money for roads. In very Red State Indiana, he has performed so badly he is in a dead heat with the Democrat. Which is why he decided to accept the Veep offer - he is looking at the end of his political career.

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