I wish someone would end welfare

And Annenberg Public Policy Center's FactCheck.org reached the same conclusion, that the claims are false. FactCheck.org explains:

Factcheck is a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania, and is funded primarily by the Annenberg Foundation. They gave Bill Ayers $42 million to create the Chicago ANNENBERG Challenge “philanthropic” organization. Barack Obama is the founding chairman of the board. How non-partisan does that sound to anyone?
I hate to change the topic's direction but I do not think that the poor will starve to death in this country. There are enough homeless shelters and charity in this country to prevent that from happening. An example is to count the number of people in soup kitchens and see what percentage of them are receiving welfare from the government. If it is not 100% then it is reasonable to conclude that a person can survive without government assistance Evan in the worst conditions.
It's not just about starving. It's about dignity. As the jobs dry up, a welfare check allows a person to have a roof over their heads and a bed to sleep on.
I've noticed in my lifetime that people who think the only recourse for them when things get bad is welfare tend to learn how to manipulate the system pretty well. I know there are lots good people who just get on it but it seems that for every one normal person there is at least one other deadbeat who is on it perpetually. Crack the stats on neighborhoods where a majority of people are on welfare and you will see that that neighborhood is gang infested deadbeats. I know a lot welfare goes to rural areas but those asses should just move to the city and get jobs and there is plenty of them because Obama created so many of them (no really he did).
I believe there will always be a need for means tested welfare; for those for who simply solving for a mere poverty of money may not be enough. For the rest, unemployment compensation that clears our poverty guidelines should be enough to help them do what they want to do under our form of Capitalism.
I hate to change the topic's direction but I do not think that the poor will starve to death in this country. There are enough homeless shelters and charity in this country to prevent that from happening. An example is to count the number of people in soup kitchens and see what percentage of them are receiving welfare from the government. If it is not 100% then it is reasonable to conclude that a person can survive without government assistance Evan in the worst conditions.

they have NEVER in the history of man met the need idiot

Has it ever occurred to you my socialist friend that welfare is a burgoise concept? Think of it like this. A person goes to work and earns a decent living at it. He then realizes not evryone can have it as good as himself but he doesn't want to shell out some money from his own pocket to help others. He then creates a welfare system to appease his guilty conscious. As long as welfare exist he know he doesn't have to do squat for the poor and he can continue to be an active member in the capatalist society without feeling guilty about it.
I hate to change the topic's direction but I do not think that the poor will starve to death in this country. There are enough homeless shelters and charity in this country to prevent that from happening. An example is to count the number of people in soup kitchens and see what percentage of them are receiving welfare from the government. If it is not 100% then it is reasonable to conclude that a person can survive without government assistance Evan in the worst conditions.
It's not just about starving. It's about dignity. As the jobs dry up, a welfare check allows a person to have a roof over their heads and a bed to sleep on.

Jobs are drying up? I thought Obama solved that problem. Do you see how good the economy is? And since jobs are drying up,why are we allowing illegals to work here?
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So far, I come away with t he notion that

1) The work requirement is still technically apart f welfare.
2)The executive branch is not forcing states to comply with the work requirements.
3)There maybe states that still insist on the work requirements, but that current is state policy.
4)Eventually, the directive will be removed when jobs become more available(The concept is not a failure! However, its suspension may have helped in some other way.)

Is there something I'm missing in this discussion?
I hate to change the topic's direction but I do not think that the poor will starve to death in this country. There are enough homeless shelters and charity in this country to prevent that from happening. An example is to count the number of people in soup kitchens and see what percentage of them are receiving welfare from the government. If it is not 100% then it is reasonable to conclude that a person can survive without government assistance Evan in the worst conditions.

they have NEVER in the history of man met the need idiot

Has it ever occurred to you my socialist friend that welfare is a burgoise concept? Think of it like this. A person goes to work and earns a decent living at it. He then realizes not evryone can have it as good as himself but he doesn't want to shell out some money from his own pocket to help others. He then creates a welfare system to appease his guilty conscious. As long as welfare exist he know he doesn't have to do squat for the poor and he can continue to be an active member in the capatalist society without feeling guilty about it.

That is correct. And due to the surplus population and the shrinking of the middle class job market, Welfare is the only thing that can keep lower class families out of third world style shanty towns and tent cities.

That is the cold hard truth that Conservative Utopists cannot wrap their heads around.

Somehow cutting taxes will suddenly cause all kinds of middle class jobs to appear. False.

Welfare is the only reason we're not exactly like a third world country.
they don't care about these people,

they think kids should hungry

they are evil people
So far, I come away with t he notion that

1) The work requirement is still technically apart f welfare.
2)The executive branch is not forcing states to comply with the work requirements.
3)There maybe states that still insist on the work requirements, but that current is state policy.
4)Eventually, the directive will be removed when jobs become more available(The concept is not a failure! However, its suspension may have helped in some other way.)

Is there something I'm missing in this discussion?

Yes. The jobs will never come available. They are gone. Automation, technology, and outsourcing will demolish the middle and working class unless the government steps in.

America --- continue to vote Republican and you will in your lifetime learn what it is like to live in a third world country.
I hate to change the topic's direction but I do not think that the poor will starve to death in this country. There are enough homeless shelters and charity in this country to prevent that from happening. An example is to count the number of people in soup kitchens and see what percentage of them are receiving welfare from the government. If it is not 100% then it is reasonable to conclude that a person can survive without government assistance Evan in the worst conditions.
It's not just about starving. It's about dignity. As the jobs dry up, a welfare check allows a person to have a roof over their heads and a bed to sleep on.

Jobs are drying up? I thought Obama solved that problem. Do you see how good the economy is? And since jobs are drying up,why are we allowing illegals to work here?

Illegals live 5 families under 1 roof to work for wages that cannot support the American way of life. If you want to live like an illegal, find 5 families to share 1 bedroom rent with and start working as a day laborer. You better learn Spanish first, though, so you can communicate with your co-workers.

The illegals are NOT taking the jobs we're talking here -- American middle or working class jobs.

Obama couldn't bring back the jobs if he were Abraham Lincoln. They are gone and permanently.

Only welfare can sustain the American way of life.

Unemployment is down temporarily but wages and workforce participation are down permanently.

And there is nothing anybody can do about it.
I hate to change the topic's direction but I do not think that the poor will starve to death in this country. There are enough homeless shelters and charity in this country to prevent that from happening. An example is to count the number of people in soup kitchens and see what percentage of them are receiving welfare from the government. If it is not 100% then it is reasonable to conclude that a person can survive without government assistance Evan in the worst conditions.

they have NEVER in the history of man met the need idiot

Has it ever occurred to you my socialist friend that welfare is a burgoise concept? Think of it like this. A person goes to work and earns a decent living at it. He then realizes not evryone can have it as good as himself but he doesn't want to shell out some money from his own pocket to help others. He then creates a welfare system to appease his guilty conscious. As long as welfare exist he know he doesn't have to do squat for the poor and he can continue to be an active member in the capatalist society without feeling guilty about it.

That is correct. And due to the surplus population and the shrinking of the middle class job market, Welfare is the only thing that can keep lower class families out of third world style shanty towns and tent cities.

That is the cold hard truth that Conservative Utopists cannot wrap their heads around.

Somehow cutting taxes will suddenly cause all kinds of middle class jobs to appear. False.

Welfare is the only reason we're not exactly like a third world country.

Surplus population--is that how you view people? They are surplus when they can't find jobs? I guess when you think that the economy is planned you see people as commodities in it and nothing more. We either have to many or not enough. In your thinking people are reduced to sheep on a farm.

I actually thought that the poor had it better under more "conservative" economic policies.
So far, I come away with t he notion that

1) The work requirement is still technically apart f welfare.
2)The executive branch is not forcing states to comply with the work requirements.
3)There maybe states that still insist on the work requirements, but that current is state policy.
4)Eventually, the directive will be removed when jobs become more available(The concept is not a failure! However, its suspension may have helped in some other way.)

Is there something I'm missing in this discussion?

Yes. The jobs will never come available. They are gone. Automation, technology, and outsourcing will demolish the middle and working class unless the government steps in.

America --- continue to vote Republican and you will in your lifetime learn what it is like to live in a third world country.

Is this lifted right out of the communist manifesto?
So far, I come away with t he notion that

1) The work requirement is still technically apart f welfare.
2)The executive branch is not forcing states to comply with the work requirements.
3)There maybe states that still insist on the work requirements, but that current is state policy.
4)Eventually, the directive will be removed when jobs become more available(The concept is not a failure! However, its suspension may have helped in some other way.)

Is there something I'm missing in this discussion?

Generally, you got it, with one problem. "when more jobs become available". Jobs are available. Sorry, they are.

They have always been available. People just don't want to work. And Obama allowed them to not work.

Why should the people of Kentucky, or anywhere else, be able to force me, to pay their citizens to not work? By allowing states to ignore the work requirement, that is exactly what Obama has allowed to happen.

If Kentucky decides to allow their people to not work, they can sit at home, and collect welfare, that I have to pay Federal taxes to fund.

That's wrong. If Kentucky wants to pay people to not work... great. But Kentucky should pay for it, not me.
So far, I come away with t he notion that

1) The work requirement is still technically apart f welfare.
2)The executive branch is not forcing states to comply with the work requirements.
3)There maybe states that still insist on the work requirements, but that current is state policy.
4)Eventually, the directive will be removed when jobs become more available(The concept is not a failure! However, its suspension may have helped in some other way.)

Is there something I'm missing in this discussion?

Yes. The jobs will never come available. They are gone. Automation, technology, and outsourcing will demolish the middle and working class unless the government steps in.

America --- continue to vote Republican and you will in your lifetime learn what it is like to live in a third world country.

Outsourcing, Automation, and technology, has existed for decades. It existed back in the 1980s. It existed throughout the 90s. Throughout the 2000s, and to this day.

When, dear chicken little, exactly is this 'sky falling' claim supposed to happen?

Automation and technology started a hundred years ago. The Cotton Gin was created in the late 1700s, allowing one person to do the work of 50 people.

By your logic, the entire planet should be devoid of employment.

Hasn't happened, has it?

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