I wish someone would end welfare

Welfare dependence is not the problem.

It is a symptom of the problem which is an increasing working aged population meeting a shrinking supply of high paying jobs (meaning jobs that can support middle class consumption levels).

Unless we're prepared to have people living in shanties on $1 a day like in third world countries, we're going to need welfare. That's just reality, folks.
obama DID gut the clinton welfare reform leftard Carla

but since you all anal retentive about Heritage here are some more sources for you ok?
Under Obama, Poor, Middle Class Incomes Fall Sharply ...
news.investors.com › News
Investor's Business Daily
Oct 2, 2012 - The poorest 20% have fared even worse under Obama, . ... Plus, you get the Weekly Special print edition delivered right to your home or office!

These are all trends that continued under Obama. They are not under the control of the US government. There is simply less and less demand for well paid middle class workers as the supply of people who want to be well paid keeps going up.
when you have a third to a half off all americans not working, not paying taxes there is a problem. Its only getting worse. And most people on welfare stay on it forever...and their kids do to. A generational cycle. Welfare ids the worst ambition killer in history.

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