I wish someone would end welfare

the rich got richer and the poorest got poorer under obama, under Democrats

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Perhaps reform welfare is a better idea. Cap the amount of time one can be on it, require work for benefits, encourage job training

That was already done by Clinton, you ignorant twit.
And who ended it, you ignorant twit? Here's a clue, he's from Kenya.

He did not end welfare reform, you ignorant twit.

Obama s Attack on Welfare Reform Dismantling Workfare

He did not do it directly, by having a bill created in congress, that he signed into law...... that is correct. He did not do that.

But, he did push through changes behind the curtain, that had the effect of nullifying welfare reform.

The evidence is there.

Oh good, another link to heritage.org. I think I'll print that and use it to line my birdcage.
I've noticed in my lifetime that people who think the only recourse for them when things get bad is welfare tend to learn how to manipulate the system pretty well. I know there are lots good people who just get on it but it seems that for every one normal person there is at least one other deadbeat who is on it perpetually. Crack the stats on neighborhoods where a majority of people are on welfare and you will see that that neighborhood is gang infested deadbeats. I know a lot welfare goes to rural areas but those asses should just move to the city and get jobs and there is plenty of them because Obama created so many of them (no really he did).

How many perpetual deadbeats are we talking about?

Millions. I don't have raw figures to prove that obviously, because what you consider a deadbeat, and what I and others consider a deadbeat, are different things. As far as I'm concerned, if you are able bodied, then you should work or starve to death.

If you can move your arms and legs, and function on an ape-like level, then you should be in a warehouse doing pick and pack. A trained monkey, can pull an item off a shelf, and put it in a box, and close the box. You can do it, or you can starve.

If you want a better job than that, then it's your responsibility to improve your own lot in life.

Millions? We have millions of able bodied, sane adults who have a job offer and refuse it so they can stay on public assistance?

How many millions? Let's pin down this number.

I was laid off dozens of times. Every single time, I was able to find a job. I found a job in 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013.

I have no degree. Not skills. No certifications. I'm what you would call a 'born loser'. It's the truth. I'm at peace with my fail.

That said... I was still able to get a job. Still able to feed myself. Still able to keep gas in the car.

So to answer your question, YES, absolutely, no question about it. There are millions of people living off the tax payers, that are able bodied, function human beings, that simply refuse to work, because they don't have to.

And the only reason they don't have to, is because you people on the left that support this crap, allow them to.
did you crash the world economy again?


this is your brain after tossing George Soros' salad ^^^^^^^^^^

dont let this happen to you!!!!

Nixion(republican) sold our economy to china, Reagan Sold our economy to the super rich and George hw Bush sold our Economy to Mexico! Want to talk about being owned sucker???
I've noticed in my lifetime that people who think the only recourse for them when things get bad is welfare tend to learn how to manipulate the system pretty well. I know there are lots good people who just get on it but it seems that for every one normal person there is at least one other deadbeat who is on it perpetually. Crack the stats on neighborhoods where a majority of people are on welfare and you will see that that neighborhood is gang infested deadbeats. I know a lot welfare goes to rural areas but those asses should just move to the city and get jobs and there is plenty of them because Obama created so many of them (no really he did).

How many perpetual deadbeats are we talking about?

Millions. I don't have raw figures to prove that obviously, because what you consider a deadbeat, and what I and others consider a deadbeat, are different things. As far as I'm concerned, if you are able bodied, then you should work or starve to death.

If you can move your arms and legs, and function on an ape-like level, then you should be in a warehouse doing pick and pack. A trained monkey, can pull an item off a shelf, and put it in a box, and close the box. You can do it, or you can starve.

If you want a better job than that, then it's your responsibility to improve your own lot in life.

Millions? We have millions of able bodied, sane adults who have a job offer and refuse it so they can stay on public assistance?

How many millions? Let's pin down this number.

I was laid off dozens of times. Every single time, I was able to find a job. I found a job in 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013.

I have no degree. Not skills. No certifications. I'm what you would call a 'born loser'. It's the truth. I'm at peace with my fail.

That said... I was still able to get a job. Still able to feed myself. Still able to keep gas in the car.

So to answer your question, YES, absolutely, no question about it. There are millions of people living off the tax payers, that are able bodied, function human beings, that simply refuse to work, because they don't have to.

And the only reason they don't have to, is because you people on the left that support this crap, allow them to.

prove it you liar
did you crash the world economy again?


this is your brain after tossing George Soros' salad ^^^^^^^^^^

dont let this happen to you!!!!

Nixion(republican) sold our economy to china, Reagan Sold our economy to the super rich and George hw Bush sold our Economy to Mexico! Want to talk about being owned sucker???

another pathetic left-wing loser crying like a baby and pointing fingers

what year is it leftard?>
who is president?
Perhaps reform welfare is a better idea. Cap the amount of time one can be on it, require work for benefits, encourage job training

That was already done by Clinton, you ignorant twit.
And who ended it, you ignorant twit? Here's a clue, he's from Kenya.

He did not end welfare reform, you ignorant twit.

Obama s Attack on Welfare Reform Dismantling Workfare

He did not do it directly, by having a bill created in congress, that he signed into law...... that is correct. He did not do that.

But, he did push through changes behind the curtain, that had the effect of nullifying welfare reform.

The evidence is there.

Oh good, another link to heritage.org. I think I'll print that and use it to line my birdcage.

I thought the same thing when I saw your posts.

Can you deny anything they said? No. Why? Because they are posting the facts, which is why you hate them. Your only argument is "I don't like who said the truth". Fine. I don't like liars that deny reality for political ideology.

Fair enough.
oh my; even the New York Times?

whats a leftard to do???????????????

The Rich Get Even Richer - The New York Times
The New York Times
Mar 25, 2012 - Still more astonishing was the extent to which the super rich got rich faster ... And to his credit, President Obama has spoken eloquently about the need to ... of the New York edition with the headline: The Rich Get Even Richer.

LOL, heratige.org!!!

Try this...

Pants on Fire!!!

Mitt Romney says Barack Obama’s plan for welfare reform: "They just send you your check."

Our ruling

Romney’s ad says, "Under Obama’s plan (for welfare), you wouldn’t have to work and wouldn’t have to train for a job. They just send you your welfare check."

That's a drastic distortion of the planned changes to Temporary Assistance to Needy Families. By granting waivers to states, the Obama administration is seeking to make welfare-to-work efforts more successful, not end them. What’s more, the waivers would apply to individually evaluated pilot programs -- HHS is not proposing a blanket, national change to welfare law.

Mitt Romney says Barack Obama s plan for welfare reform They just send you your check. PolitiFact

He ended the work requirement, you friggin' idiot.


Does Obama s Plan Gut Welfare Reform
You know you've lost the argument when you resort to linking to Factcheck or Snopes, two notorious sites long ago exposed as left wing propaganda outlets.

Holy shit, you are one stupid nutter.

Obviously, you are illiterate. Factcheck.org not only has a detailed explanation, but is sourced to various data showing how they came to their conclusion.
Holy shit, you are an idiot. Tell us again that Obama didn't remove the work requirement from welfare reform (the one thing that made it REFORM).

Day 8 Obama edict repealed 1996 welfare reform s work requirement Washington Examiner

Obama Ends Welfare Reform as We Know It Calls for 12.7 Trillion in New Welfare Spending
That was already done by Clinton, you ignorant twit.
And who ended it, you ignorant twit? Here's a clue, he's from Kenya.

He did not end welfare reform, you ignorant twit.

Obama s Attack on Welfare Reform Dismantling Workfare

He did not do it directly, by having a bill created in congress, that he signed into law...... that is correct. He did not do that.

But, he did push through changes behind the curtain, that had the effect of nullifying welfare reform.

The evidence is there.

Oh good, another link to heritage.org. I think I'll print that and use it to line my birdcage.

I thought the same thing when I saw your posts.

Can you deny anything they said? No. Why? Because they are posting the facts, which is why you hate them. Your only argument is "I don't like who said the truth". Fine. I don't like liars that deny reality for political ideology.

Fair enough.

Since when did Factcheck become a liberal source?

Heritage is a conservative think tank based in Washington. Factcheck is non partisan.

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