I wish someone would end welfare

is this your A-team left-wing idiots?

i see JoeB is here
and carla

and you getting your asses handed to you???
LOL, heratige.org!!!

Try this...

Pants on Fire!!!

Mitt Romney says Barack Obama’s plan for welfare reform: "They just send you your check."

Our ruling

Romney’s ad says, "Under Obama’s plan (for welfare), you wouldn’t have to work and wouldn’t have to train for a job. They just send you your welfare check."

That's a drastic distortion of the planned changes to Temporary Assistance to Needy Families. By granting waivers to states, the Obama administration is seeking to make welfare-to-work efforts more successful, not end them. What’s more, the waivers would apply to individually evaluated pilot programs -- HHS is not proposing a blanket, national change to welfare law.

Mitt Romney says Barack Obama s plan for welfare reform They just send you your check. PolitiFact

He ended the work requirement, you friggin' idiot.


Does Obama s Plan Gut Welfare Reform
You know you've lost the argument when you resort to linking to Factcheck or Snopes, two notorious sites long ago exposed as left wing propaganda outlets.

Holy shit, you are one stupid nutter.

Obviously, you are illiterate. Factcheck.org not only has a detailed explanation, but is sourced to various data showing how they came to their conclusion.
Holy shit, you are an idiot. Tell us again that Obama didn't remove the work requirement from welfare reform (the one thing that made it REFORM).

Day 8 Obama edict repealed 1996 welfare reform s work requirement Washington Examiner

Obama Ends Welfare Reform as We Know It Calls for 12.7 Trillion in New Welfare Spending

Throwing out more nutter links? Yawn.

Republican Mitt Romney keeps saying that President Obama has gutted the law, even though every major fact-checking organization says the attacks are false.

"How in the world could he not understand the power of work, the dignity of work?" Romney said last week in Zanesville, Ohio. "And taking work out of welfare is something I'll change. I'll tell you that — day one."

The fact-checking website PolitiFact says Romney's claims are "pants on fire" bogus.

The Washington Post's fact checker awarded four Pinocchios, its highest rating.

And Annenberg Public Policy Center's FactCheck.org reached the same conclusion, that the claims are false. FactCheck.org explains:

"Work requirements are not simply being 'dropped.' States may now change the requirements — revising, adding or eliminating them — as part of a federally approved state-specific plan to increase job placement."

Despite Fact Checks Romney Escalates Welfare Work Requirement Charge It s All Politics NPR

Fact check Romney s welfare claims wrong - CNNPolitics.com
Food Stamp Participation Doubled Among Able-Bodied ...
Sep 19, 2012 - ... number of these able-bodied adults on food stamps doubled—from 1.9 million ... The Obama Administration is lengthening its track record of policies that ... Instead of pushing for more Americans onto the government dole, welfare ... Requiring able-bodied recipients to work or prepare for work not only is ...
How Americans Game the $200 Billion-a-Year 'Disability ...
Apr 8, 2013 - As a result, many able-bodied Americans have been granted ... The green line is the unemployment rate; the blue line is the number of ... Older people tend to have more health problems, of course, than younger people. .... capitalgainsandgames.com/blog/bruce-bartlett/2154/reagans-forgotten-tax-record.
that is not proof of your claim


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Obama kills welfare reform | TheHill
The Hill
Jul 17, 2012 - Determined to destroy Bill Clinton's signature achievement, President Obama's administration has opened a loophole in the 1996 welfare ...

Does Google only take you to nutter sites? Do you have that set in your browser?
I hate to change the topic's direction but I do not think that the poor will starve to death in this country. There are enough homeless shelters and charity in this country to prevent that from happening. An example is to count the number of people in soup kitchens and see what percentage of them are receiving welfare from the government. If it is not 100% then it is reasonable to conclude that a person can survive without government assistance Evan in the worst conditions.
I hate to change the topic's direction but I do not think that the poor will starve to death in this country. There are enough homeless shelters and charity in this country to prevent that from happening. An example is to count the number of people in soup kitchens and see what percentage of them are receiving welfare from the government. If it is not 100% then it is reasonable to conclude that a person can survive without government assistance Evan in the worst conditions.

they have NEVER in the history of man met the need idiot

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