I wish someone would end welfare

I've noticed in my lifetime that people who think the only recourse for them when things get bad is welfare tend to learn how to manipulate the system pretty well. I know there are lots good people who just get on it but it seems that for every one normal person there is at least one other deadbeat who is on it perpetually. Crack the stats on neighborhoods where a majority of people are on welfare and you will see that that neighborhood is gang infested deadbeats. I know a lot welfare goes to rural areas but those asses should just move to the city and get jobs and there is plenty of them because Obama created so many of them (no really he did).

How many perpetual deadbeats are we talking about?
At least one third of all public assistance people are cheating the system.. That's a start. It's time for government to go after the not so low hanging fruit.
Will that happen? Hell no. And why is this? Because the political left forbid anyone to go after their lockstep ( those collecting govt checks) voting bloc.

At least one third?

How about some links?
"I wish someone would end welfare"

Typical of most on the right: to address only a symptom as opposed to the actual problem.

No, I think it in fact is the problem.

There is no evidence that welfare solves anything. And as I said before, every experience I have with people who are actually on welfare, the result is that they remain on welfare, and stay on welfare, and teach their kids to live and survive on welfare.

I've seen this first hand.

Back in the 1990s we had this entire debate. The whole thing. What did we learn from the 1990s? We had 4th-generation welfare recipients. 4th Generation?

IF the people on the left claim that welfare helps people OUT of poverty.... then explain how after four generations of welfare people... they were still in poverty?

You didn't help anyone out of poverty. You helped them stay in poverty.

And listen.... any good job that is out there.... any good job at all... those employers are looking for something specific..... experience, and credibility.

If you worked a job for the last 4 years... that, in and of itself... shows credibility. If you have no work history for a year or more, that's a red flag to any employer of a good job.

The only people that higher you at that point is minimum wage retail, or warehouse work.

Everyone single time someone goes on welfare for more than a month or two... they are harming any chance they have at a decent job. They'll have to start over again, at the absolute bottom, and build up credibility again.

Welfare harms people greatly. These people who are on welfare any amount of time, are ruining their own future, unless their future goal, is only to remain on welfare.
I've noticed in my lifetime that people who think the only recourse for them when things get bad is welfare tend to learn how to manipulate the system pretty well. I know there are lots good people who just get on it but it seems that for every one normal person there is at least one other deadbeat who is on it perpetually. Crack the stats on neighborhoods where a majority of people are on welfare and you will see that that neighborhood is gang infested deadbeats. I know a lot welfare goes to rural areas but those asses should just move to the city and get jobs and there is plenty of them because Obama created so many of them (no really he did).

How many perpetual deadbeats are we talking about?
At least one third of all public assistance people are cheating the system.. That's a start. It's time for government to go after the not so low hanging fruit.
Will that happen? Hell no. And why is this? Because the political left forbid anyone to go after their lockstep ( those collecting govt checks) voting bloc.

At least one third?

How about some links?
Welfare fraud investigations crackdown on those who cheat the system - City Region - The Buffalo News
Read the entire story. BTW, Niagara County NY is one with a dubious distinction...Despite the fact that two casinos have been built supplying thousands of jobs, the county still rates one the highest percentage populations collecting some sort of public assistance.
Niagara Country was decimated by the closure of many large employers. That was over 30 years ago when then Gov Andrew Cuomo decided to fund the NYS Welfare state by dramatically increasing taxes on business. Those collecting instead of moving to where the jobs were found it was very easy living to stay on welfare. Now that the jobs are back none of these lazy slackers wants to work. And why? Because the NY Welfare State makes poverty too comfortable.
BTW most of the casino employees commute from the more distant suburbs and some reside in Canada.
Want more?
Fraud and Abuse in Federal Programs Downsizing the Federal Government
Tell me. Why are you so strongly supportive of not only the status quo, but increasing the size of the welfare state? What's in it for you?...
You are a liberal. Your side keeps complaining about jobs. Getting people back to work. Yet in the irony of ironies, you cheer lead for more and larger welfare programs. As though the supply of money being consumed by these programs is infinite.
So what gives? Are you a collector of other people's money? Any family doing so?.....
Has it ever occurred to you my socialist friend that welfare is a burgoise concept? Think of it like this. A person goes to work and earns a decent living at it. He then realizes not evryone can have it as good as himself but he doesn't want to shell out some money from his own pocket to help others. He then creates a welfare system to appease his guilty conscious. As long as welfare exist he know he doesn't have to do squat for the poor and he can continue to be an active member in the capatalist society without feeling guilty about it.

That is correct. And due to the surplus population and the shrinking of the middle class job market, Welfare is the only thing that can keep lower class families out of third world style shanty towns and tent cities.

That is the cold hard truth that Conservative Utopists cannot wrap their heads around.

Somehow cutting taxes will suddenly cause all kinds of middle class jobs to appear. False.

Welfare is the only reason we're not exactly like a third world country.

Surplus population--is that how you view people? They are surplus when they can't find jobs? I guess when you think that the economy is planned you see people as commodities in it and nothing more. We either have to many or not enough. In your thinking people are reduced to sheep on a farm.

I actually thought that the poor had it better under more "conservative" economic policies.

Are the poor better off in Africa sleeping on the ground? In South America in metal shacks?

If you cannot find a job then you are surplus to the job market. That is a cold hard fact. And if you want to live like an American in a decent building with running water, in that case you are much better off living in a welfare state than being a member of the third world poor.

And more importantly, if you have a proper roof over your head and enough money to live on, then your children have a better chance to pay attention in school and work hard and have a better life.

Welfare allows for children to have a better chance of breaking out of the cycle of poverty.

No it doesn't. Not even close.

Children learn the most how to live life, not at school, but by the example of their parents. If your parents spend their life living off government, you are more likely to do the same.

There is zero evidence that welfare does anything, but hold people back into a cycle of poverty.

You are just wrong on that.

In what country does a person born in poverty have a greater chance to make it? In the US with a roof over their heads or in Africa where they sleep on the ground and get drafted into child armies for warlords? Where do kids have a greater chance of making it?

A person cannot very readily think about school if he's worried about whether he's going to sleep tonight or thinking about his empty stomach.

Welfare does not hold people back, bad parenting, bad schools, poverty itself, and neighborhood and school violence do.

Again... if that was true.... if what you claim was true, that welfare hasn't held them back.... then why is it that the people who have been on welfare the most, have not advanced beyond it? We've had this system of welfare and government aid for 50, to 60 years.

Yet the poorest people, are the people who have used welfare the most.

Several years back, I read an article by a black woman who had some bad stuff happen in her life. Bad choices she made, whatever, she ended up on welfare. Her plan was to use welfare until she completed some schooling.

She was only there for about a month, before she got a job, and rented the smallest apartment should could find.

And the reason why was amazing. She said she found herself surrounded by these welfare queens, these other women. And she was sitting in a cockroach infested circular kitchen, sitting around with these women, with a table that was partially burnt, and had a bullet hole in the middle. They were all just starring off in dazed hopelessness, with no intention of improving anything.

And she said she realized that they were comfortable in their impoverishment. They had no intention to try and improve their lives at all. They intended to continue to do nothing, until they died as long as their welfare checks kept coming.

She realized she had to leave, because as long as she was there, she was begging to think and act like the other welfare recipients. So she got a job, and rented a place of her own, and got out of there.

Was it harder to work a full time job, and pay rent, and utilities, and not get government aid, while going to school? Yes. Did it take longer to complete her education, because she couldn't go full time anymore? Yes.

But unlike those stuck on welfare til they die in poverty... she became a registrar nurse, and has a job at a hospital now. The whole reason she wrote the article and sent it to the paper, was to warn people to stay away from welfare, and if they are on it already, to get off it as soon as possible.

You are not helping these people. You think you are. You want to believe you are. The left, pretends they are. The reality is, you are the biggest destroyers of people's lives, than any other factor in the world.
I've noticed in my lifetime that people who think the only recourse for them when things get bad is welfare tend to learn how to manipulate the system pretty well. I know there are lots good people who just get on it but it seems that for every one normal person there is at least one other deadbeat who is on it perpetually. Crack the stats on neighborhoods where a majority of people are on welfare and you will see that that neighborhood is gang infested deadbeats. I know a lot welfare goes to rural areas but those asses should just move to the city and get jobs and there is plenty of them because Obama created so many of them (no really he did).

How many perpetual deadbeats are we talking about?

Millions. I don't have raw figures to prove that obviously, because what you consider a deadbeat, and what I and others consider a deadbeat, are different things. As far as I'm concerned, if you are able bodied, then you should work or starve to death.

If you can move your arms and legs, and function on an ape-like level, then you should be in a warehouse doing pick and pack. A trained monkey, can pull an item off a shelf, and put it in a box, and close the box. You can do it, or you can starve.

If you want a better job than that, then it's your responsibility to improve your own lot in life.

Millions? We have millions of able bodied, sane adults who have a job offer and refuse it so they can stay on public assistance?

How many millions? Let's pin down this number.
I see what you are doing here. There is no official "gamer" statistic. All we can know is by what we see while going about our daily business. When we read the news about those arrested for various types of fraud against the government. The woman who drives the less than a year old luxury SUV and swipes a SNAP card to buy two carts full of groceries....A car i worked for and cannot afford and a grocery bill paid for by the taxpayers the size of which rivals a fairly decent mortgage payment.
No one is going to convince me that this person who appears to be of reasonable intelligence and is obviously able bodied enough to push around a cart that weighs over 100LBS is NOT gaming the system.....And they can be seen everywhere....
Oh, in my County which is one the fastest growing certainly in this state, but is the US as well, there are lots of jobs that go unfilled. Yet one of the busiest parking lots is the one in front of the County Social Services building. Imagine that. All the jobs that are available and all these people can think of is being able to say "when I get my check"....
That is correct. And due to the surplus population and the shrinking of the middle class job market, Welfare is the only thing that can keep lower class families out of third world style shanty towns and tent cities.

That is the cold hard truth that Conservative Utopists cannot wrap their heads around.

Somehow cutting taxes will suddenly cause all kinds of middle class jobs to appear. False.

Welfare is the only reason we're not exactly like a third world country.

Surplus population--is that how you view people? They are surplus when they can't find jobs? I guess when you think that the economy is planned you see people as commodities in it and nothing more. We either have to many or not enough. In your thinking people are reduced to sheep on a farm.

I actually thought that the poor had it better under more "conservative" economic policies.

Are the poor better off in Africa sleeping on the ground? In South America in metal shacks?

If you cannot find a job then you are surplus to the job market. That is a cold hard fact. And if you want to live like an American in a decent building with running water, in that case you are much better off living in a welfare state than being a member of the third world poor.

And more importantly, if you have a proper roof over your head and enough money to live on, then your children have a better chance to pay attention in school and work hard and have a better life.

Welfare allows for children to have a better chance of breaking out of the cycle of poverty.

No it doesn't. Not even close.

Children learn the most how to live life, not at school, but by the example of their parents. If your parents spend their life living off government, you are more likely to do the same.

There is zero evidence that welfare does anything, but hold people back into a cycle of poverty.

You are just wrong on that.

In what country does a person born in poverty have a greater chance to make it? In the US with a roof over their heads or in Africa where they sleep on the ground and get drafted into child armies for warlords? Where do kids have a greater chance of making it?

A person cannot very readily think about school if he's worried about whether he's going to sleep tonight or thinking about his empty stomach.

Welfare does not hold people back, bad parenting, bad schools, poverty itself, and neighborhood and school violence do.

Again... if that was true.... if what you claim was true, that welfare hasn't held them back.... then why is it that the people who have been on welfare the most, have not advanced beyond it? We've had this system of welfare and government aid for 50, to 60 years.

Yet the poorest people, are the people who have used welfare the most.

Several years back, I read an article by a black woman who had some bad stuff happen in her life. Bad choices she made, whatever, she ended up on welfare. Her plan was to use welfare until she completed some schooling.

She was only there for about a month, before she got a job, and rented the smallest apartment should could find.

And the reason why was amazing. She said she found herself surrounded by these welfare queens, these other women. And she was sitting in a cockroach infested circular kitchen, sitting around with these women, with a table that was partially burnt, and had a bullet hole in the middle. They were all just starring off in dazed hopelessness, with no intention of improving anything.

And she said she realized that they were comfortable in their impoverishment. They had no intention to try and improve their lives at all. They intended to continue to do nothing, until they died as long as their welfare checks kept coming.

She realized she had to leave, because as long as she was there, she was begging to think and act like the other welfare recipients. So she got a job, and rented a place of her own, and got out of there.

Was it harder to work a full time job, and pay rent, and utilities, and not get government aid, while going to school? Yes. Did it take longer to complete her education, because she couldn't go full time anymore? Yes.

But unlike those stuck on welfare til they die in poverty... she became a registrar nurse, and has a job at a hospital now. The whole reason she wrote the article and sent it to the paper, was to warn people to stay away from welfare, and if they are on it already, to get off it as soon as possible.

You are not helping these people. You think you are. You want to believe you are. The left, pretends they are. The reality is, you are the biggest destroyers of people's lives, than any other factor in the world.
The left only feeds the welfare gravy train so that they can maintain a voting base.
How many people are gaming the system? Got a number?

I'm sure you are aware that there is no way to know that since it would require the kind of investigation that no one is going to cooperate with. You'd have to actually check people's stats to see if they have ever worked and if they are even citizens. Fat chance that will happen.

Most I know go by the people they've known personally and it's not hard to see the fraud. When government decides not to closely oversee their programs and refuse to take a hard look at things, you know they are aware of problems but don't want them to come to light.

The number is most certainly knowable. If you want to know the number, that is.
Your pigeon holing tactics will not work here.
if you wish to maintain this level of naivete, feel free. Your retorts of " oh yeah" won't work here.
Surplus population--is that how you view people? They are surplus when they can't find jobs? I guess when you think that the economy is planned you see people as commodities in it and nothing more. We either have to many or not enough. In your thinking people are reduced to sheep on a farm.

I actually thought that the poor had it better under more "conservative" economic policies.

Are the poor better off in Africa sleeping on the ground? In South America in metal shacks?

If you cannot find a job then you are surplus to the job market. That is a cold hard fact. And if you want to live like an American in a decent building with running water, in that case you are much better off living in a welfare state than being a member of the third world poor.

And more importantly, if you have a proper roof over your head and enough money to live on, then your children have a better chance to pay attention in school and work hard and have a better life.

Welfare allows for children to have a better chance of breaking out of the cycle of poverty.

No it doesn't. Not even close.

Children learn the most how to live life, not at school, but by the example of their parents. If your parents spend their life living off government, you are more likely to do the same.

There is zero evidence that welfare does anything, but hold people back into a cycle of poverty.

You are just wrong on that.

In what country does a person born in poverty have a greater chance to make it? In the US with a roof over their heads or in Africa where they sleep on the ground and get drafted into child armies for warlords? Where do kids have a greater chance of making it?

A person cannot very readily think about school if he's worried about whether he's going to sleep tonight or thinking about his empty stomach.

Welfare does not hold people back, bad parenting, bad schools, poverty itself, and neighborhood and school violence do.

Again... if that was true.... if what you claim was true, that welfare hasn't held them back.... then why is it that the people who have been on welfare the most, have not advanced beyond it? We've had this system of welfare and government aid for 50, to 60 years.

Yet the poorest people, are the people who have used welfare the most.

Several years back, I read an article by a black woman who had some bad stuff happen in her life. Bad choices she made, whatever, she ended up on welfare. Her plan was to use welfare until she completed some schooling.

She was only there for about a month, before she got a job, and rented the smallest apartment should could find.

And the reason why was amazing. She said she found herself surrounded by these welfare queens, these other women. And she was sitting in a cockroach infested circular kitchen, sitting around with these women, with a table that was partially burnt, and had a bullet hole in the middle. They were all just starring off in dazed hopelessness, with no intention of improving anything.

And she said she realized that they were comfortable in their impoverishment. They had no intention to try and improve their lives at all. They intended to continue to do nothing, until they died as long as their welfare checks kept coming.

She realized she had to leave, because as long as she was there, she was begging to think and act like the other welfare recipients. So she got a job, and rented a place of her own, and got out of there.

Was it harder to work a full time job, and pay rent, and utilities, and not get government aid, while going to school? Yes. Did it take longer to complete her education, because she couldn't go full time anymore? Yes.

But unlike those stuck on welfare til they die in poverty... she became a registrar nurse, and has a job at a hospital now. The whole reason she wrote the article and sent it to the paper, was to warn people to stay away from welfare, and if they are on it already, to get off it as soon as possible.

You are not helping these people. You think you are. You want to believe you are. The left, pretends they are. The reality is, you are the biggest destroyers of people's lives, than any other factor in the world.
The left only feeds the welfare gravy train so that they can maintain a voting base.

Since you can't put any data behind your 1/3 claim....lets just call it bullshit and move on.

What percentage of welfare recipients vote? Have you any idea?
I am a troll and everything I wrote was a lie. I hereby do quit this forum.
Perhaps reform welfare is a better idea. Cap the amount of time one can be on it, require work for benefits, encourage job training

That was already done by Clinton, you ignorant twit.

Obviously it wasn't, you and your ilk are still leeching the system, hag

Oh gosh, I thought I was on ignore by you. lol

Obviously, you don't have a clue as to what you're talking about.

Go read something, Sasssssy.

"Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996"

Fact check Romney s welfare claims wrong - CNNPolitics.com
Are you collecting welfare? Are you living off the taxpayer tit?
Why are you such a lockstep supporter of "free shit"?
You're a sick sob that thinks people should live on the street and when they do they're treated like shit. Most of these people probably worked their ass off just to get paid peanuts by their super rich boss that laughs all the way to the bank.

Limited welfare is a good thing and I think we should spend more on getting them more skills through community college, trade schools, etc. Just to say that we need to triple the size of the street class on our streets is sick.

Well if they work their asses off then why are they on the street. They should have some kind of money.
You are posting to the smartest person alive...Get it?
Perhaps reform welfare is a better idea. Cap the amount of time one can be on it, require work for benefits, encourage job training

That was already done by Clinton, you ignorant twit.
And who ended it, you ignorant twit? Here's a clue, he's from Kenya.

He did not end welfare reform, you ignorant twit.
Here, educate yourself, you ignorant twat.

Obama Administration Ends Welfare Reform as We Know It

LOL, heratige.org!!!

Try this...

Pants on Fire!!!

Mitt Romney says Barack Obama’s plan for welfare reform: "They just send you your check."

Our ruling

Romney’s ad says, "Under Obama’s plan (for welfare), you wouldn’t have to work and wouldn’t have to train for a job. They just send you your welfare check."

That's a drastic distortion of the planned changes to Temporary Assistance to Needy Families. By granting waivers to states, the Obama administration is seeking to make welfare-to-work efforts more successful, not end them. What’s more, the waivers would apply to individually evaluated pilot programs -- HHS is not proposing a blanket, national change to welfare law.

Mitt Romney says Barack Obama s plan for welfare reform They just send you your check. PolitiFact
What the fuck does Romney have to do with anything?
Last time i checked the president is still Barack Hussein Obama.....Under which the number of food stamp recipients has grown to over 50 million.
Politifact? Yeah, like they don't have an agenda.
How much of a dumb twat are you?
Are the poor better off in Africa sleeping on the ground? In South America in metal shacks?

If you cannot find a job then you are surplus to the job market. That is a cold hard fact. And if you want to live like an American in a decent building with running water, in that case you are much better off living in a welfare state than being a member of the third world poor.

And more importantly, if you have a proper roof over your head and enough money to live on, then your children have a better chance to pay attention in school and work hard and have a better life.

Welfare allows for children to have a better chance of breaking out of the cycle of poverty.

No it doesn't. Not even close.

Children learn the most how to live life, not at school, but by the example of their parents. If your parents spend their life living off government, you are more likely to do the same.

There is zero evidence that welfare does anything, but hold people back into a cycle of poverty.

You are just wrong on that.

In what country does a person born in poverty have a greater chance to make it? In the US with a roof over their heads or in Africa where they sleep on the ground and get drafted into child armies for warlords? Where do kids have a greater chance of making it?

A person cannot very readily think about school if he's worried about whether he's going to sleep tonight or thinking about his empty stomach.

Welfare does not hold people back, bad parenting, bad schools, poverty itself, and neighborhood and school violence do.

Again... if that was true.... if what you claim was true, that welfare hasn't held them back.... then why is it that the people who have been on welfare the most, have not advanced beyond it? We've had this system of welfare and government aid for 50, to 60 years.

Yet the poorest people, are the people who have used welfare the most.

Several years back, I read an article by a black woman who had some bad stuff happen in her life. Bad choices she made, whatever, she ended up on welfare. Her plan was to use welfare until she completed some schooling.

She was only there for about a month, before she got a job, and rented the smallest apartment should could find.

And the reason why was amazing. She said she found herself surrounded by these welfare queens, these other women. And she was sitting in a cockroach infested circular kitchen, sitting around with these women, with a table that was partially burnt, and had a bullet hole in the middle. They were all just starring off in dazed hopelessness, with no intention of improving anything.

And she said she realized that they were comfortable in their impoverishment. They had no intention to try and improve their lives at all. They intended to continue to do nothing, until they died as long as their welfare checks kept coming.

She realized she had to leave, because as long as she was there, she was begging to think and act like the other welfare recipients. So she got a job, and rented a place of her own, and got out of there.

Was it harder to work a full time job, and pay rent, and utilities, and not get government aid, while going to school? Yes. Did it take longer to complete her education, because she couldn't go full time anymore? Yes.

But unlike those stuck on welfare til they die in poverty... she became a registrar nurse, and has a job at a hospital now. The whole reason she wrote the article and sent it to the paper, was to warn people to stay away from welfare, and if they are on it already, to get off it as soon as possible.

You are not helping these people. You think you are. You want to believe you are. The left, pretends they are. The reality is, you are the biggest destroyers of people's lives, than any other factor in the world.
The left only feeds the welfare gravy train so that they can maintain a voting base.

Since you can't put any data behind your 1/3 claim....lets just call it bullshit and move on.

What percentage of welfare recipients vote? Have you any idea?
You keep insisting. Hoping to see a different result.
Your harping on this violates all logic.
Like I said you can believe what you wish.
However, you do not get to create your own reality.
No it doesn't. Not even close.

Children learn the most how to live life, not at school, but by the example of their parents. If your parents spend their life living off government, you are more likely to do the same.

There is zero evidence that welfare does anything, but hold people back into a cycle of poverty.

You are just wrong on that.

In what country does a person born in poverty have a greater chance to make it? In the US with a roof over their heads or in Africa where they sleep on the ground and get drafted into child armies for warlords? Where do kids have a greater chance of making it?

A person cannot very readily think about school if he's worried about whether he's going to sleep tonight or thinking about his empty stomach.

Welfare does not hold people back, bad parenting, bad schools, poverty itself, and neighborhood and school violence do.

Again... if that was true.... if what you claim was true, that welfare hasn't held them back.... then why is it that the people who have been on welfare the most, have not advanced beyond it? We've had this system of welfare and government aid for 50, to 60 years.

Yet the poorest people, are the people who have used welfare the most.

Several years back, I read an article by a black woman who had some bad stuff happen in her life. Bad choices she made, whatever, she ended up on welfare. Her plan was to use welfare until she completed some schooling.

She was only there for about a month, before she got a job, and rented the smallest apartment should could find.

And the reason why was amazing. She said she found herself surrounded by these welfare queens, these other women. And she was sitting in a cockroach infested circular kitchen, sitting around with these women, with a table that was partially burnt, and had a bullet hole in the middle. They were all just starring off in dazed hopelessness, with no intention of improving anything.

And she said she realized that they were comfortable in their impoverishment. They had no intention to try and improve their lives at all. They intended to continue to do nothing, until they died as long as their welfare checks kept coming.

She realized she had to leave, because as long as she was there, she was begging to think and act like the other welfare recipients. So she got a job, and rented a place of her own, and got out of there.

Was it harder to work a full time job, and pay rent, and utilities, and not get government aid, while going to school? Yes. Did it take longer to complete her education, because she couldn't go full time anymore? Yes.

But unlike those stuck on welfare til they die in poverty... she became a registrar nurse, and has a job at a hospital now. The whole reason she wrote the article and sent it to the paper, was to warn people to stay away from welfare, and if they are on it already, to get off it as soon as possible.

You are not helping these people. You think you are. You want to believe you are. The left, pretends they are. The reality is, you are the biggest destroyers of people's lives, than any other factor in the world.
The left only feeds the welfare gravy train so that they can maintain a voting base.

Since you can't put any data behind your 1/3 claim....lets just call it bullshit and move on.

What percentage of welfare recipients vote? Have you any idea?
You keep insisting. Hoping to see a different result.
Your harping on this violates all logic.
Like I said you can believe what you wish.
However, you do not get to create your own reality.

No idea?
I've noticed in my lifetime that people who think the only recourse for them when things get bad is welfare tend to learn how to manipulate the system pretty well. I know there are lots good people who just get on it but it seems that for every one normal person there is at least one other deadbeat who is on it perpetually. Crack the stats on neighborhoods where a majority of people are on welfare and you will see that that neighborhood is gang infested deadbeats. I know a lot welfare goes to rural areas but those asses should just move to the city and get jobs and there is plenty of them because Obama created so many of them (no really he did).
Why do we allow corporations to manufacture in china India and mexico when we have struggling inner cities? We should tax the traitors who left America or tarrif their imports and if they don't come home give small business manufacturing loans to Americans who will hire Americans.

We need a real God damn website where people are actually looking for help. I don't want to go back to school sell insurance or Amway. That's what monster and career bullcrap have become.

I've needed a job. It wasn't easy finding another job and I'm the shit! Wtf? There are a lot of people looking and companies don't hire people who don't already have a job. That's bs! You want to solve poverty? The rich don't. That would bring wages up and they like us not too comfortable.
Make them work for the money. Not wanting to work is the main motivation for those who apply for welfare.
Bull. Let me tell you a true story. My company needs help and we have met lots of candidates. We hired one so far. I understand that a lot of people don't last in that position and you have to be careful but I found a guy who wanted the pay was right he was willing to travel relocate here to Michigan and the boss didn't hire him. Luckily he has another job but he would have done that job no problem and he wanted to come back here in the play was fine but some a****** in a corporation stop him because they're so arrogant and Trish in their positions and they get to play with people's lives and decide based on personality probably who they want to work with. There's a lot of people out there that would do a great job if given a chance

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