I wish someone would end welfare

When did anyone say Jesus said it was government's responsibility?
It is the responsibility of anyone who calls her/him self 'Christian'.

um poster Matthew said it; 4 posts before yours, in the first sentence. post #193

That is not what the post says.

"Government handouts is the right thing to do. Helping people and getting the help they need is what a real follower of Christ would want.

I think we should focus more on the education and helping people along the path to recovery!

It is heartless to want to kick everyone off of it."
That is not what the post says.

"Government handouts is the right thing to do. Helping people and getting the help they need is what a real follower of Christ would want.

I think we should focus more on the education and helping people along the path to recovery!

It is heartless to want to kick everyone off of it."

I must have a different understanding of what "government handouts is the right thing to do" means than you have.
in my world that means he's saying it is government's responsibility; in your world it means God knows what;

Government handouts is the right thing to do. Helping people and getting the help they need is what a real follower of Christ would want.

I think we should focus more on the education and helping people along the path to recovery!

It is heartless to want to kick everyone off of it.

Heartless my ass. Kick em off and see how quickly they start taking care of themselves.

Right now they have no incentive to get off Welfare. Why should they when someone else's hard earned money is paying their bills??

Its bleeding hearts like you who keep welfare alive and well in America. Most folks learn pretty quickly how to take care of themselves when the free ride stops. And that's just what welfare is. A free fucking ride.

Oh and its not the responsibility of the taxpayers of America to take care of anyone. That's what charities are for.
You're a sick sob that thinks people should live on the street and when they do they're treated like shit. Most of these people probably worked their ass off just to get paid peanuts by their super rich boss that laughs all the way to the bank.

Limited welfare is a good thing and I think we should spend more on getting them more skills through community college, trade schools, etc. Just to say that we need to triple the size of the street class on our streets is sick.
It amazes me how some people view Welfare... some on this board think that if you get on welfare your their for life ... they aren't intelligent enough to know you can only be on it for I believe its two years ... ... in that two years you have to show some sort of job learning skills being taught to you Example: going to school ... going to a trade school of some kind ... if you don't then in the time allowed you are taken off welfare ... its not you're there for ever anymore ... the welfare rolls have come down in numbers, ever since clinton pass the new regulations

actually it is 60 months ( 5 years) over a lifetime
and Obama gutted the work requirement from the Clinton years

welfare is at record levels genius

Obama did not guy the work requirement.
That is not what the post says.

"Government handouts is the right thing to do. Helping people and getting the help they need is what a real follower of Christ would want.

I think we should focus more on the education and helping people along the path to recovery!

It is heartless to want to kick everyone off of it."

I must have a different understanding of what "government handouts is the right thing to do" means than you have.
in my world that means he's saying it is government's responsibility; in your world it means God knows what;

You mean to say that you read 'Jesus says' somewhere in there?
he says it is what a follower of Christ would want
why would a follower of Christ want something Jesus didn't say to do?? Christians live by the word

too many people here are silly petty types who cant admit they are wrong
I've noticed in my lifetime that people who think the only recourse for them when things get bad is welfare tend to learn how to manipulate the system pretty well. I know there are lots good people who just get on it but it seems that for every one normal person there is at least one other deadbeat who is on it perpetually. Crack the stats on neighborhoods where a majority of people are on welfare and you will see that that neighborhood is gang infested deadbeats. I know a lot welfare goes to rural areas but those asses should just move to the city and get jobs and there is plenty of them because Obama created so many of them (no really he did).

How many perpetual deadbeats are we talking about?

Millions. I don't have raw figures to prove that obviously, because what you consider a deadbeat, and what I and others consider a deadbeat, are different things. As far as I'm concerned, if you are able bodied, then you should work or starve to death.

If you can move your arms and legs, and function on an ape-like level, then you should be in a warehouse doing pick and pack. A trained monkey, can pull an item off a shelf, and put it in a box, and close the box. You can do it, or you can starve.

If you want a better job than that, then it's your responsibility to improve your own lot in life.

Bingo. Great post and oh so true.

Loads of freeloaders in America game the system.

They receive an EBT card and free medical care for the kids.

Of course its not free. Its paid for by the taxpayers and you can bet those on Welfare could give a shit where the money comes from, or who works their ass off to earn that money, as long as that little EBT card has money in it every month. Money that they didn't earn but are more than happy to spend.

Welfare should be something you're allowed to be on for a limited amount of time. Not for a lifetime.

I would like to see it end. You'd be surprised how quickly these freeloaders can take care of themselves when the free ride comes to a screeching halt.

Its all about personal responsibility which loads of these freeloaders don't have. Why should they take care of themselves when we taxpayers are there to do it for them??

We can thank out Govt. for Welfare. Forcing those that work to take care of those that won't.

This issue is really important to you. You never miss an opportunity to weigh in when it is brought up.

Being that this issue is so important to you, it might be a good idea for you to learn something about it. You are factually wrong on just about everything you just said.

Do yourself a favor. Play devils advocate with yourself and do some research seeking to disprove each of those statements. Try as hard as you can to begin with the assumption that your fellow Americans are not shiftless losers and that you aren't superior to those who require some financial assistance. See if you come away with a different outlook.
I've noticed in my lifetime that people who think the only recourse for them when things get bad is welfare tend to learn how to manipulate the system pretty well. I know there are lots good people who just get on it but it seems that for every one normal person there is at least one other deadbeat who is on it perpetually. Crack the stats on neighborhoods where a majority of people are on welfare and you will see that that neighborhood is gang infested deadbeats. I know a lot welfare goes to rural areas but those asses should just move to the city and get jobs and there is plenty of them because Obama created so many of them (no really he did).

How many perpetual deadbeats are we talking about?

Millions. I don't have raw figures to prove that obviously, because what you consider a deadbeat, and what I and others consider a deadbeat, are different things. As far as I'm concerned, if you are able bodied, then you should work or starve to death.

If you can move your arms and legs, and function on an ape-like level, then you should be in a warehouse doing pick and pack. A trained monkey, can pull an item off a shelf, and put it in a box, and close the box. You can do it, or you can starve.

If you want a better job than that, then it's your responsibility to improve your own lot in life.

Bingo. Great post and oh so true.

Loads of freeloaders in America game the system.

They receive an EBT card and free medical care for the kids.

Of course its not free. Its paid for by the taxpayers and you can bet those on Welfare could give a shit where the money comes from, or who works their ass off to earn that money, as long as that little EBT card has money in it every month. Money that they didn't earn but are more than happy to spend.

Welfare should be something you're allowed to be on for a limited amount of time. Not for a lifetime.

I would like to see it end. You'd be surprised how quickly these freeloaders can take care of themselves when the free ride comes to a screeching halt.

Its all about personal responsibility which loads of these freeloaders don't have. Why should they take care of themselves when we taxpayers are there to do it for them??

We can thank out Govt. for Welfare. Forcing those that work to take care of those that won't.

This issue is really important to you. You never miss an opportunity to weigh in when it is brought up.

Being that this issue is so important to you, it might be a good idea for you to learn something about it. You are factually wrong on just about everything you just said.

Do yourself a favor. Play devils advocate with yourself and do some research seeking to disprove each of those statements. Try as hard as you can to begin with the assumption that your fellow Americans are not shiftless losers and that you aren't superior to those who require some financial assistance. See if you come away with a different outlook.

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

I see it every day at my job.

I also watched a woman with a load of groceries she just bought at Walmart.

She used her EBT to get the food. Went to customer service and turned it all in.

They couldn't put the money back on her EBT card so put it on a Wal mart card.

I then watched her walk her merry way into Wal Mart and start shopping with taxpayer money.

If it happened at this Wal Mart you can bet it happens all across America.

Yep those are the kind of folks your tax dollar is supporting and you seem pretty damned glad they can do it.

Oh and why don't you try as hard as you can to tell us what a great idea Welfare is and how we taxpayers should be happy to be forced to support those who won't take care of themselves.

Good luck.
I've noticed in my lifetime that people who think the only recourse for them when things get bad is welfare tend to learn how to manipulate the system pretty well. I know there are lots good people who just get on it but it seems that for every one normal person there is at least one other deadbeat who is on it perpetually. Crack the stats on neighborhoods where a majority of people are on welfare and you will see that that neighborhood is gang infested deadbeats. I know a lot welfare goes to rural areas but those asses should just move to the city and get jobs and there is plenty of them because Obama created so many of them (no really he did).

How many perpetual deadbeats are we talking about?

Millions. I don't have raw figures to prove that obviously, because what you consider a deadbeat, and what I and others consider a deadbeat, are different things. As far as I'm concerned, if you are able bodied, then you should work or starve to death.

If you can move your arms and legs, and function on an ape-like level, then you should be in a warehouse doing pick and pack. A trained monkey, can pull an item off a shelf, and put it in a box, and close the box. You can do it, or you can starve.

If you want a better job than that, then it's your responsibility to improve your own lot in life.

Bingo. Great post and oh so true.

Loads of freeloaders in America game the system.

They receive an EBT card and free medical care for the kids.

Of course its not free. Its paid for by the taxpayers and you can bet those on Welfare could give a shit where the money comes from, or who works their ass off to earn that money, as long as that little EBT card has money in it every month. Money that they didn't earn but are more than happy to spend.

Welfare should be something you're allowed to be on for a limited amount of time. Not for a lifetime.

I would like to see it end. You'd be surprised how quickly these freeloaders can take care of themselves when the free ride comes to a screeching halt.

Its all about personal responsibility which loads of these freeloaders don't have. Why should they take care of themselves when we taxpayers are there to do it for them??

We can thank out Govt. for Welfare. Forcing those that work to take care of those that won't.

This issue is really important to you. You never miss an opportunity to weigh in when it is brought up.

Being that this issue is so important to you, it might be a good idea for you to learn something about it. You are factually wrong on just about everything you just said.

Do yourself a favor. Play devils advocate with yourself and do some research seeking to disprove each of those statements. Try as hard as you can to begin with the assumption that your fellow Americans are not shiftless losers and that you aren't superior to those who require some financial assistance. See if you come away with a different outlook.

why don't you do YOURSELF a favor and try not to waste your own time, as well as others, using idiotic false narratives, and deluding yourself that you have a substantive point to make??

nobody is putting themselves above others; except sanctimonious left-wing idiots using a false narrative
I've noticed in my lifetime that people who think the only recourse for them when things get bad is welfare tend to learn how to manipulate the system pretty well. I know there are lots good people who just get on it but it seems that for every one normal person there is at least one other deadbeat who is on it perpetually. Crack the stats on neighborhoods where a majority of people are on welfare and you will see that that neighborhood is gang infested deadbeats. I know a lot welfare goes to rural areas but those asses should just move to the city and get jobs and there is plenty of them because Obama created so many of them (no really he did).

How many perpetual deadbeats are we talking about?

Millions. I don't have raw figures to prove that obviously, because what you consider a deadbeat, and what I and others consider a deadbeat, are different things. As far as I'm concerned, if you are able bodied, then you should work or starve to death.

If you can move your arms and legs, and function on an ape-like level, then you should be in a warehouse doing pick and pack. A trained monkey, can pull an item off a shelf, and put it in a box, and close the box. You can do it, or you can starve.

If you want a better job than that, then it's your responsibility to improve your own lot in life.

Bingo. Great post and oh so true.

Loads of freeloaders in America game the system.

They receive an EBT card and free medical care for the kids.

Of course its not free. Its paid for by the taxpayers and you can bet those on Welfare could give a shit where the money comes from, or who works their ass off to earn that money, as long as that little EBT card has money in it every month. Money that they didn't earn but are more than happy to spend.

Welfare should be something you're allowed to be on for a limited amount of time. Not for a lifetime.

I would like to see it end. You'd be surprised how quickly these freeloaders can take care of themselves when the free ride comes to a screeching halt.

Its all about personal responsibility which loads of these freeloaders don't have. Why should they take care of themselves when we taxpayers are there to do it for them??

We can thank out Govt. for Welfare. Forcing those that work to take care of those that won't.

This issue is really important to you. You never miss an opportunity to weigh in when it is brought up.

Being that this issue is so important to you, it might be a good idea for you to learn something about it. You are factually wrong on just about everything you just said.

Do yourself a favor. Play devils advocate with yourself and do some research seeking to disprove each of those statements. Try as hard as you can to begin with the assumption that your fellow Americans are not shiftless losers and that you aren't superior to those who require some financial assistance. See if you come away with a different outlook.

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

I see it every day at my job.

I also watched a woman with a load of groceries she just bought at Walmart.

She used her EBT to get the food. Went to customer service and turned it all in.

They couldn't put the money back on her EBT card so put it on a Wal mart card.

I then watched her walk her merry way into Wal Mart and start shopping with taxpayer money.

If it happened at this Wal Mart you can bet it happens all across America.

Yep those are the kind of folks your tax dollar is supporting and you seem pretty damned glad they can do it.

Oh and why don't you try as hard as you can to tell us what a great idea Welfare is and how we taxpayers should be happy to be forced to support those who won't take care of themselves.

Good luck.

Why are you lying?
I can walk outside right now and find somebody willing to let me buy $200 worth of food on their EBT card for $100 in cash. that is the going rate
How many perpetual deadbeats are we talking about?

Millions. I don't have raw figures to prove that obviously, because what you consider a deadbeat, and what I and others consider a deadbeat, are different things. As far as I'm concerned, if you are able bodied, then you should work or starve to death.

If you can move your arms and legs, and function on an ape-like level, then you should be in a warehouse doing pick and pack. A trained monkey, can pull an item off a shelf, and put it in a box, and close the box. You can do it, or you can starve.

If you want a better job than that, then it's your responsibility to improve your own lot in life.

Bingo. Great post and oh so true.

Loads of freeloaders in America game the system.

They receive an EBT card and free medical care for the kids.

Of course its not free. Its paid for by the taxpayers and you can bet those on Welfare could give a shit where the money comes from, or who works their ass off to earn that money, as long as that little EBT card has money in it every month. Money that they didn't earn but are more than happy to spend.

Welfare should be something you're allowed to be on for a limited amount of time. Not for a lifetime.

I would like to see it end. You'd be surprised how quickly these freeloaders can take care of themselves when the free ride comes to a screeching halt.

Its all about personal responsibility which loads of these freeloaders don't have. Why should they take care of themselves when we taxpayers are there to do it for them??

We can thank out Govt. for Welfare. Forcing those that work to take care of those that won't.

This issue is really important to you. You never miss an opportunity to weigh in when it is brought up.

Being that this issue is so important to you, it might be a good idea for you to learn something about it. You are factually wrong on just about everything you just said.

Do yourself a favor. Play devils advocate with yourself and do some research seeking to disprove each of those statements. Try as hard as you can to begin with the assumption that your fellow Americans are not shiftless losers and that you aren't superior to those who require some financial assistance. See if you come away with a different outlook.

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

I see it every day at my job.

I also watched a woman with a load of groceries she just bought at Walmart.

She used her EBT to get the food. Went to customer service and turned it all in.

They couldn't put the money back on her EBT card so put it on a Wal mart card.

I then watched her walk her merry way into Wal Mart and start shopping with taxpayer money.

If it happened at this Wal Mart you can bet it happens all across America.

Yep those are the kind of folks your tax dollar is supporting and you seem pretty damned glad they can do it.

Oh and why don't you try as hard as you can to tell us what a great idea Welfare is and how we taxpayers should be happy to be forced to support those who won't take care of themselves.

Good luck.

Why are you lying?

Oh because you don't agree with me I'm lying??

Not so buddy.

I watched this lady from start to finish. She did exactly what I said she did and if she did it you can bet you're ass others are doing the same all across America.
Millions. I don't have raw figures to prove that obviously, because what you consider a deadbeat, and what I and others consider a deadbeat, are different things. As far as I'm concerned, if you are able bodied, then you should work or starve to death.

If you can move your arms and legs, and function on an ape-like level, then you should be in a warehouse doing pick and pack. A trained monkey, can pull an item off a shelf, and put it in a box, and close the box. You can do it, or you can starve.

If you want a better job than that, then it's your responsibility to improve your own lot in life.

Bingo. Great post and oh so true.

Loads of freeloaders in America game the system.

They receive an EBT card and free medical care for the kids.

Of course its not free. Its paid for by the taxpayers and you can bet those on Welfare could give a shit where the money comes from, or who works their ass off to earn that money, as long as that little EBT card has money in it every month. Money that they didn't earn but are more than happy to spend.

Welfare should be something you're allowed to be on for a limited amount of time. Not for a lifetime.

I would like to see it end. You'd be surprised how quickly these freeloaders can take care of themselves when the free ride comes to a screeching halt.

Its all about personal responsibility which loads of these freeloaders don't have. Why should they take care of themselves when we taxpayers are there to do it for them??

We can thank out Govt. for Welfare. Forcing those that work to take care of those that won't.

This issue is really important to you. You never miss an opportunity to weigh in when it is brought up.

Being that this issue is so important to you, it might be a good idea for you to learn something about it. You are factually wrong on just about everything you just said.

Do yourself a favor. Play devils advocate with yourself and do some research seeking to disprove each of those statements. Try as hard as you can to begin with the assumption that your fellow Americans are not shiftless losers and that you aren't superior to those who require some financial assistance. See if you come away with a different outlook.

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

I see it every day at my job.

I also watched a woman with a load of groceries she just bought at Walmart.

She used her EBT to get the food. Went to customer service and turned it all in.

They couldn't put the money back on her EBT card so put it on a Wal mart card.

I then watched her walk her merry way into Wal Mart and start shopping with taxpayer money.

If it happened at this Wal Mart you can bet it happens all across America.

Yep those are the kind of folks your tax dollar is supporting and you seem pretty damned glad they can do it.

Oh and why don't you try as hard as you can to tell us what a great idea Welfare is and how we taxpayers should be happy to be forced to support those who won't take care of themselves.

Good luck.

Why are you lying?

Oh because you don't agree with me I'm lying??

Not so buddy.

I watched this lady from start to finish. She did exactly what I said she did and if she did it you can bet you're ass others are doing the same all across America.

Did you say anything to the store clerk? Maybe the store manager?

What did the load of groceries consist of? What did she buy with the Wal mart card? Surely you kept watching her to find out.
The Only problem with the funny money of EBT is that it cannot be used with financial planners. When is the hard money crowd going to get serious about a serious relationship with legal tender for all debts public and private.
If someone getting EBT has a financial planner they don't need welfare Leftytoon.
Make them work for the money. Not wanting to work is the main motivation for those who apply for welfare.
Bull. Let me tell you a true story. My company needs help and we have met lots of candidates. We hired one so far. I understand that a lot of people don't last in that position and you have to be careful but I found a guy who wanted the pay was right he was willing to travel relocate here to Michigan and the boss didn't hire him. Luckily he has another job but he would have done that job no problem and he wanted to come back here in the play was fine but some a****** in a corporation stop him because they're so arrogant and Trish in their positions and they get to play with people's lives and decide based on personality probably who they want to work with. There's a lot of people out there that would do a great job if given a chance
Did you pay your taxes last year?
Bingo. Great post and oh so true.

Loads of freeloaders in America game the system.

They receive an EBT card and free medical care for the kids.

Of course its not free. Its paid for by the taxpayers and you can bet those on Welfare could give a shit where the money comes from, or who works their ass off to earn that money, as long as that little EBT card has money in it every month. Money that they didn't earn but are more than happy to spend.

Welfare should be something you're allowed to be on for a limited amount of time. Not for a lifetime.

I would like to see it end. You'd be surprised how quickly these freeloaders can take care of themselves when the free ride comes to a screeching halt.

Its all about personal responsibility which loads of these freeloaders don't have. Why should they take care of themselves when we taxpayers are there to do it for them??

We can thank out Govt. for Welfare. Forcing those that work to take care of those that won't.

This issue is really important to you. You never miss an opportunity to weigh in when it is brought up.

Being that this issue is so important to you, it might be a good idea for you to learn something about it. You are factually wrong on just about everything you just said.

Do yourself a favor. Play devils advocate with yourself and do some research seeking to disprove each of those statements. Try as hard as you can to begin with the assumption that your fellow Americans are not shiftless losers and that you aren't superior to those who require some financial assistance. See if you come away with a different outlook.

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

I see it every day at my job.

I also watched a woman with a load of groceries she just bought at Walmart.

She used her EBT to get the food. Went to customer service and turned it all in.

They couldn't put the money back on her EBT card so put it on a Wal mart card.

I then watched her walk her merry way into Wal Mart and start shopping with taxpayer money.

If it happened at this Wal Mart you can bet it happens all across America.

Yep those are the kind of folks your tax dollar is supporting and you seem pretty damned glad they can do it.

Oh and why don't you try as hard as you can to tell us what a great idea Welfare is and how we taxpayers should be happy to be forced to support those who won't take care of themselves.

Good luck.

Why are you lying?

Oh because you don't agree with me I'm lying??

Not so buddy.

I watched this lady from start to finish. She did exactly what I said she did and if she did it you can bet you're ass others are doing the same all across America.

Did you say anything to the store clerk? Maybe the store manager?

What did the load of groceries consist of? What did she buy with the Wal mart card? Surely you kept watching her to find out.

I've asked that at the social services office and been told its none of my business. They, like you, think we taxpayers don't have the right to know what they are spending our money on.

The rest of your questions are as idiotic as you are.
This issue is really important to you. You never miss an opportunity to weigh in when it is brought up.

Being that this issue is so important to you, it might be a good idea for you to learn something about it. You are factually wrong on just about everything you just said.

Do yourself a favor. Play devils advocate with yourself and do some research seeking to disprove each of those statements. Try as hard as you can to begin with the assumption that your fellow Americans are not shiftless losers and that you aren't superior to those who require some financial assistance. See if you come away with a different outlook.

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

I see it every day at my job.

I also watched a woman with a load of groceries she just bought at Walmart.

She used her EBT to get the food. Went to customer service and turned it all in.

They couldn't put the money back on her EBT card so put it on a Wal mart card.

I then watched her walk her merry way into Wal Mart and start shopping with taxpayer money.

If it happened at this Wal Mart you can bet it happens all across America.

Yep those are the kind of folks your tax dollar is supporting and you seem pretty damned glad they can do it.

Oh and why don't you try as hard as you can to tell us what a great idea Welfare is and how we taxpayers should be happy to be forced to support those who won't take care of themselves.

Good luck.

Why are you lying?

Oh because you don't agree with me I'm lying??

Not so buddy.

I watched this lady from start to finish. She did exactly what I said she did and if she did it you can bet you're ass others are doing the same all across America.

Did you say anything to the store clerk? Maybe the store manager?

What did the load of groceries consist of? What did she buy with the Wal mart card? Surely you kept watching her to find out.

I've asked that at the social services office and been told its none of my business. They, like you, think we taxpayers don't have the right to know what they are spending our money on.

The rest of your questions are as idiotic as you are.

You asked at the social services office? Another lie.

You seem to suddenly be lacking details regarding the incident. You said you watched the woman the whole time. What did she return? Did she have any welfare babies with her? Was she wearing expensive clothes? Had her nails just been done? When she left the store, did she get into a brand new Lexus? Come on.......fill in the blanks.

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