I wish someone would end welfare

I've asked that at the social services office and been told its none of my business. They, like you, think we taxpayers don't have the right to know what they are spending our money on.

The rest of your questions are as idiotic as you are.

Go to the Pentagon and ask what it is they spend $800 billion a year on...they have an F 35 fighter that wont fly it just makes money for the manufacturer........
I've noticed in my lifetime that people who think the only recourse for them when things get bad is welfare tend to learn how to manipulate the system pretty well. I know there are lots good people who just get on it but it seems that for every one normal person there is at least one other deadbeat who is on it perpetually. Crack the stats on neighborhoods where a majority of people are on welfare and you will see that that neighborhood is gang infested deadbeats. I know a lot welfare goes to rural areas but those asses should just move to the city and get jobs and there is plenty of them because Obama created so many of them (no really he did).

My experience has been very different. My mom served in the Army where she had 2 children. After divorce left her single with 2 kids under 5, she used the GI bill to go to school to become a nurse. But the GI bill only pays when you're actually in school. During the summer and winter break, there was no money coming in. So, during the winter and summer for about 3 years she went on welfare. And during the school year she used the GI bill that she'd earned with her military service.

She graduated with her LVN license after 3 years and found a job. She went on to become an RN and eventually a nurse manager earning a 6 figure income.

Welfare was a stepping stone. A stop gap. And it allowed a single mother to provide for her 2 children through gainful, useful work.
Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

I see it every day at my job.

I also watched a woman with a load of groceries she just bought at Walmart.

She used her EBT to get the food. Went to customer service and turned it all in.

They couldn't put the money back on her EBT card so put it on a Wal mart card.

I then watched her walk her merry way into Wal Mart and start shopping with taxpayer money.

If it happened at this Wal Mart you can bet it happens all across America.

Yep those are the kind of folks your tax dollar is supporting and you seem pretty damned glad they can do it.

Oh and why don't you try as hard as you can to tell us what a great idea Welfare is and how we taxpayers should be happy to be forced to support those who won't take care of themselves.

Good luck.

Why are you lying?

Oh because you don't agree with me I'm lying??

Not so buddy.

I watched this lady from start to finish. She did exactly what I said she did and if she did it you can bet you're ass others are doing the same all across America.

Did you say anything to the store clerk? Maybe the store manager?

What did the load of groceries consist of? What did she buy with the Wal mart card? Surely you kept watching her to find out.

I've asked that at the social services office and been told its none of my business. They, like you, think we taxpayers don't have the right to know what they are spending our money on.

The rest of your questions are as idiotic as you are.

You asked at the social services office? Another lie.

You seem to suddenly be lacking details regarding the incident. You said you watched the woman the whole time. What did she return? Did she have any welfare babies with her? Was she wearing expensive clothes? Had her nails just been done? When she left the store, did she get into a brand new Lexus? Come on.......fill in the blanks.

LMAO If I don't agree with you I'm lying??

You don't agree with me so you gotta be lying. LOL
I've noticed in my lifetime that people who think the only recourse for them when things get bad is welfare tend to learn how to manipulate the system pretty well. I know there are lots good people who just get on it but it seems that for every one normal person there is at least one other deadbeat who is on it perpetually. Crack the stats on neighborhoods where a majority of people are on welfare and you will see that that neighborhood is gang infested deadbeats. I know a lot welfare goes to rural areas but those asses should just move to the city and get jobs and there is plenty of them because Obama created so many of them (no really he did).

My experience has been very different. My mom served in the Army where she had 2 children. After divorce left her single with 2 kids under 5, she used the GI bill to go to school to become a nurse. But the GI bill only pays when you're actually in school. During the summer and winter break, there was no money coming in. So, during the winter and summer for about 3 years she went on welfare. And during the school year she used the GI bill that she'd earned with her military service.

She graduated with her LVN license after 3 years and found a job. She went on to become an RN and eventually a nurse manager earning a 6 figure income.

Welfare was a stepping stone. A stop gap. And it allowed a single mother to provide for her 2 children through gainful, useful work.

Sounds like she used it as it was always meant to be used. If more did as she did I wouldn't care about Welfare.

Unfortunately there are thousands out there who know how to play the system and they do.
I've asked that at the social services office and been told its none of my business. They, like you, think we taxpayers don't have the right to know what they are spending our money on.

The rest of your questions are as idiotic as you are.

Go to the Pentagon and ask what it is they spend $800 billion a year on...they have an F 35 fighter that wont fly it just makes money for the manufacturer........

The pentagon has nothing to do with Welfare.

Start a thread on the pentagon. Troll.
I've noticed in my lifetime that people who think the only recourse for them when things get bad is welfare tend to learn how to manipulate the system pretty well. I know there are lots good people who just get on it but it seems that for every one normal person there is at least one other deadbeat who is on it perpetually. Crack the stats on neighborhoods where a majority of people are on welfare and you will see that that neighborhood is gang infested deadbeats. I know a lot welfare goes to rural areas but those asses should just move to the city and get jobs and there is plenty of them because Obama created so many of them (no really he did).

My experience has been very different. My mom served in the Army where she had 2 children. After divorce left her single with 2 kids under 5, she used the GI bill to go to school to become a nurse. But the GI bill only pays when you're actually in school. During the summer and winter break, there was no money coming in. So, during the winter and summer for about 3 years she went on welfare. And during the school year she used the GI bill that she'd earned with her military service.

She graduated with her LVN license after 3 years and found a job. She went on to become an RN and eventually a nurse manager earning a 6 figure income.

Welfare was a stepping stone. A stop gap. And it allowed a single mother to provide for her 2 children through gainful, useful work.

Yeah....and if that help wasn't there....she would have pulled herself up by her bootstraps and got a job instead of relying on us taxpayers! It would have made her appreciate her education more and you kids would have gotten a better work ethic instead of learning to lean on the gubmint! I'll bet you vote democrat!!
I've noticed in my lifetime that people who think the only recourse for them when things get bad is welfare tend to learn how to manipulate the system pretty well. I know there are lots good people who just get on it but it seems that for every one normal person there is at least one other deadbeat who is on it perpetually. Crack the stats on neighborhoods where a majority of people are on welfare and you will see that that neighborhood is gang infested deadbeats. I know a lot welfare goes to rural areas but those asses should just move to the city and get jobs and there is plenty of them because Obama created so many of them (no really he did).

My experience has been very different. My mom served in the Army where she had 2 children. After divorce left her single with 2 kids under 5, she used the GI bill to go to school to become a nurse. But the GI bill only pays when you're actually in school. During the summer and winter break, there was no money coming in. So, during the winter and summer for about 3 years she went on welfare. And during the school year she used the GI bill that she'd earned with her military service.

She graduated with her LVN license after 3 years and found a job. She went on to become an RN and eventually a nurse manager earning a 6 figure income.

Welfare was a stepping stone. A stop gap. And it allowed a single mother to provide for her 2 children through gainful, useful work.

Sounds like she used it as it was always meant to be used. If more did as she did I wouldn't care about Welfare.

Unfortunately there are thousands out there who know how to play the system and they do.

Do you know what percentage of welfare recipients commit welfare fraud?
Why are you lying?

Oh because you don't agree with me I'm lying??

Not so buddy.

I watched this lady from start to finish. She did exactly what I said she did and if she did it you can bet you're ass others are doing the same all across America.

Did you say anything to the store clerk? Maybe the store manager?

What did the load of groceries consist of? What did she buy with the Wal mart card? Surely you kept watching her to find out.

I've asked that at the social services office and been told its none of my business. They, like you, think we taxpayers don't have the right to know what they are spending our money on.

The rest of your questions are as idiotic as you are.

You asked at the social services office? Another lie.

You seem to suddenly be lacking details regarding the incident. You said you watched the woman the whole time. What did she return? Did she have any welfare babies with her? Was she wearing expensive clothes? Had her nails just been done? When she left the store, did she get into a brand new Lexus? Come on.......fill in the blanks.

LMAO If I don't agree with you I'm lying??

You don't agree with me so you gotta be lying. LOL

No....you are lying because you are lying. You are so stupid that you think NOBODY else read that bullshit somewhere and decided to repeat it as though it happened to them. This is a well known bullshit meme. You heard this story ( likely read it somewhere online ) and decided that you'd use it to prove that you've witnessed welfare fraud.

You are straight up lying.
he says it is what a follower of Christ would want
why would a follower of Christ want something Jesus didn't say to do?? Christians live by the word

too many people here are silly petty types who cant admit they are wrong
This is taken as an admission that the post was misread and that you, thus, are not one of those 'petty types'.

but guess what...the wing nuts think kids getting fed with food stamps is just an awful crime against humanity...
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I've asked that at the social services office and been told its none of my business. They, like you, think we taxpayers don't have the right to know what they are spending our money on.

The rest of your questions are as idiotic as you are.

Go to the Pentagon and ask what it is they spend $800 billion a year on...they have an F 35 fighter that wont fly it just makes money for the manufacturer........

The pentagon has nothing to do with Welfare.

Start a thread on the pentagon. Troll.
It has to do with the expenditure of taxes ...it has to do with welfare.....its welfare for the armament makers...you just hate the poor and suck up to the powerful... Do not tell me what to do by the way.........
These Right wing nuts who hate the poor ...they believe they are more moral and better than the poor...Hah...they are entitled white privilege losers who want to kick the poor because they are down and they also want to suck up to the wealthy....Those wing nuts are abominable low lifers who think they are better than others...you suck large
he says it is what a follower of Christ would want
why would a follower of Christ want something Jesus didn't say to do?? Christians live by the word

too many people here are silly petty types who cant admit they are wrong
This is taken as an admission that the post was misread and that you, thus, are not one of those 'petty types'.

YAWN; you are trying to draw a distinction between somebody saying what a follower of Christ would do and what Christ said to do., a follower of Christ isn't going to do something he thinks Jesus wouldn't approve of
you are a child; awkwardly making a fool of your self

These Right wing nuts who hate the poor ...they believe they are more moral and better than the poor...Hah...they are entitled white privilege losers who want to kick the poor because they are down and they also want to suck up to the wealthy....Those wing nuts are abominable low lifers who think they are better than others...you suck large


it's so awkward watching left-wing nutjobs publicly display their mental illness; that desperate need to feel clean, to feel better than others, to wash away the guilt of their failed policies that CREATE poor people
I've noticed in my lifetime that people who think the only recourse for them when things get bad is welfare tend to learn how to manipulate the system pretty well. I know there are lots good people who just get on it but it seems that for every one normal person there is at least one other deadbeat who is on it perpetually. Crack the stats on neighborhoods where a majority of people are on welfare and you will see that that neighborhood is gang infested deadbeats. I know a lot welfare goes to rural areas but those asses should just move to the city and get jobs and there is plenty of them because Obama created so many of them (no really he did).
Hey nut bag you are aware that corporations and the wealthy "manipulate the system pretty well" don't you?
These Right wing nuts who hate the poor ...they believe they are more moral and better than the poor...Hah...they are entitled white privilege losers who want to kick the poor because they are down and they also want to suck up to the wealthy....Those wing nuts are abominable low lifers who think they are better than others...you suck large


it's so awkward watching left-wing nutjobs publicly display their mental illness; that desperate need to feel clean, to feel better than others, to wash away the guilt of their failed policies that CREATE poor people
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ I do not feel guilt I feel contempt for the likes of you moron
if corporations don't make a profit NOBODY works and EVERYBODY is on welfare
well not everybody more like NOBODY, PEOPLE STARVE
because corporations pay hundreds of billions in taxes

corporations park money overseas because they never know what idiotic plan for utopia you left-wing losers will think up next
ask a left-wing nutjob ranting about right-wingers and corporations what the Jackass Party did about corporate welfare and subsidies

you get crickets

libs are losers who lie to themselves
if corporations don't make a profit NOBODY works and EVERYBODY is on welfare
well not everybody more like NOBODY, PEOPLE STARVE
because corporations pay hundreds of billions in taxes

corporations park money overseas because they never know what idiotic plan for utopia you left-wing losers will think up next
If you keep sucking up they will let you in their club house moron boy

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