I wish someone would end welfare

you should be out working is a soup kitchen, food pantry or something

instead of just whining like the loser you are here about the poor
I don't want to be in their clubhouse idiot'
is that why you're crying?
you want to be?
you're a jealous loser

that's why you whine about the poor
not because you give a shit
under left-wing policies the richest have gotten richer

the poorest have gotten poorer

and losers like the one above cant admit this
give more of yours

it's what Jesus commanded
Jesus commanded "Render to Caesar what is Caesars" that is what Jesus commanded...that means pay taxes and quit the whining about it...and not only that Jesus was saying to pay taxes to ROMAN OCCUPIERS OF PALESTINE
give more of yours

it's what Jesus commanded
Jesus commanded "Render to Caesar what is Caesars" that is what Jesus commanded...that means pay taxes and quit the whining about it...and not only that Jesus was saying to pay taxes to ROMAN OCCUPIERS OF PALESTINE

I pay my taxes leftard

thanks for making MY point though

he said pay your raxes

the part about rendering unto God what is Gods???

yea that was the part about feeding the poor

now get out there and do good!

I haven't ben able to do anything no matter who I have in congress or the White House!!

isn't that what you're saying idiot?
Clinton Pelosi Reid, and of course your Messiah Obama

all irrelevant in the wake of Reagan 30 years ago??

that's what you're saying

give more of yours

it's what Jesus commanded
Jesus commanded "Render to Caesar what is Caesars" that is what Jesus commanded...that means pay taxes and quit the whining about it...and not only that Jesus was saying to pay taxes to ROMAN OCCUPIERS OF PALESTINE

I pay my taxes leftard

thanks for making MY point though

he said pay your raxes

the part about rendering unto God what is Gods???

yea that was the part about feeding the poor

now get out there and do good!

If you render to god what is god he will just tell you to sell everything and give it to the poor LOL

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