I wish someone would end welfare

In what country does a person born in poverty have a greater chance to make it? In the US with a roof over their heads or in Africa where they sleep on the ground and get drafted into child armies for warlords? Where do kids have a greater chance of making it?

A person cannot very readily think about school if he's worried about whether he's going to sleep tonight or thinking about his empty stomach.

Welfare does not hold people back, bad parenting, bad schools, poverty itself, and neighborhood and school violence do.

Again... if that was true.... if what you claim was true, that welfare hasn't held them back.... then why is it that the people who have been on welfare the most, have not advanced beyond it? We've had this system of welfare and government aid for 50, to 60 years.

Yet the poorest people, are the people who have used welfare the most.

Several years back, I read an article by a black woman who had some bad stuff happen in her life. Bad choices she made, whatever, she ended up on welfare. Her plan was to use welfare until she completed some schooling.

She was only there for about a month, before she got a job, and rented the smallest apartment should could find.

And the reason why was amazing. She said she found herself surrounded by these welfare queens, these other women. And she was sitting in a cockroach infested circular kitchen, sitting around with these women, with a table that was partially burnt, and had a bullet hole in the middle. They were all just starring off in dazed hopelessness, with no intention of improving anything.

And she said she realized that they were comfortable in their impoverishment. They had no intention to try and improve their lives at all. They intended to continue to do nothing, until they died as long as their welfare checks kept coming.

She realized she had to leave, because as long as she was there, she was begging to think and act like the other welfare recipients. So she got a job, and rented a place of her own, and got out of there.

Was it harder to work a full time job, and pay rent, and utilities, and not get government aid, while going to school? Yes. Did it take longer to complete her education, because she couldn't go full time anymore? Yes.

But unlike those stuck on welfare til they die in poverty... she became a registrar nurse, and has a job at a hospital now. The whole reason she wrote the article and sent it to the paper, was to warn people to stay away from welfare, and if they are on it already, to get off it as soon as possible.

You are not helping these people. You think you are. You want to believe you are. The left, pretends they are. The reality is, you are the biggest destroyers of people's lives, than any other factor in the world.
The left only feeds the welfare gravy train so that they can maintain a voting base.

Since you can't put any data behind your 1/3 claim....lets just call it bullshit and move on.

What percentage of welfare recipients vote? Have you any idea?
You keep insisting. Hoping to see a different result.
Your harping on this violates all logic.
Like I said you can believe what you wish.
However, you do not get to create your own reality.

No idea?
Keep the insanity going....Next post is what? A one word reply? Same stupid question.
Tell ya what....In the absence of the information which you obviously so desperately require, look it up yourself.. Feel free to post it here.
Oh, one thing, Don't come back with some bullshit from a lib blog or an opinion piece.....I will tell you that you'll not be able to find any federal statistics on the matter because the federal department's managers DON'T want to know. In fact to expose the waste fraud and abuse of the social safety , those managers stand a very good chance of losing their precious six figure cushy ass do nothing jobs.
Do you have any idea what would happen if say for instance a group of whistle blowers brought forth evidence that a large number of people on public assistance were gaming the system right under the noses of otherwise complicit managers and dept heads? We are talking about FIFTY FIVE percent of the federal budget being turned into media fodder. The ramifications could lead all the way to the White House.
Such a thing could never be allowed to happen.
BTW most of waht your are claiming to be absent is in the second link. If you don't like the facts, that is your cross to bear.
I've noticed in my lifetime that people who think the only recourse for them when things get bad is welfare tend to learn how to manipulate the system pretty well. I know there are lots good people who just get on it but it seems that for every one normal person there is at least one other deadbeat who is on it perpetually. Crack the stats on neighborhoods where a majority of people are on welfare and you will see that that neighborhood is gang infested deadbeats. I know a lot welfare goes to rural areas but those asses should just move to the city and get jobs and there is plenty of them because Obama created so many of them (no really he did).
Why do we allow corporations to manufacture in china India and mexico when we have struggling inner cities? We should tax the traitors who left America or tarrif their imports and if they don't come home give small business manufacturing loans to Americans who will hire Americans.

We need a real God damn website where people are actually looking for help. I don't want to go back to school sell insurance or Amway. That's what monster and career bullcrap have become.

I've needed a job. It wasn't easy finding another job and I'm the shit! Wtf? There are a lot of people looking and companies don't hire people who don't already have a job. That's bs! You want to solve poverty? The rich don't. That would bring wages up and they like us not too comfortable.
Non sequitur...BTW those companies did so at the insistence of the very same government you worship so. It is YOUR fault because you voted for the people that allowed this.
One other thing, this chicken little thing doesn't wash.
It's called the global economy. Other nations have caught the US in manufacturing know how and in some instances passed us...
I have argued with those who support restrictive tariffs on foreign made goods. My response is always the same. That is trade wars are pointless. Nobody wins.
Those inner cities? They don't support nor even want the jobs. They'd rather whine to state and federal government to increase transfer payments.
Along those lines. what investor in their right mind would subject their business to confiscatory taxation and build a business in a place where a good portion of the population has little or no marketable skills?
What's wrong with selling insurance? It can be a rewarding career. Many who now own insurance agencies were once sales people.
It is your own narrow view which limits you. And it allows you to take the time to complain instead of working to better yourself.
I've noticed in my lifetime that people who think the only recourse for them when things get bad is welfare tend to learn how to manipulate the system pretty well. I know there are lots good people who just get on it but it seems that for every one normal person there is at least one other deadbeat who is on it perpetually. Crack the stats on neighborhoods where a majority of people are on welfare and you will see that that neighborhood is gang infested deadbeats. I know a lot welfare goes to rural areas but those asses should just move to the city and get jobs and there is plenty of them because Obama created so many of them (no really he did).
Why do we allow corporations to manufacture in china India and mexico when we have struggling inner cities? We should tax the traitors who left America or tarrif their imports and if they don't come home give small business manufacturing loans to Americans who will hire Americans.

We need a real God damn website where people are actually looking for help. I don't want to go back to school sell insurance or Amway. That's what monster and career bullcrap have become.

I've needed a job. It wasn't easy finding another job and I'm the shit! Wtf? There are a lot of people looking and companies don't hire people who don't already have a job. That's bs! You want to solve poverty? The rich don't. That would bring wages up and they like us not too comfortable.
Non sequitur...BTW those companies did so at the insistence of the very same government you worship so. It is YOUR fault because you voted for the people that allowed this.
One other thing, this chicken little thing doesn't wash.
It's called the global economy. Other nations have caught the US in manufacturing know how and in some instances passed us...
I have argued with those who support restrictive tariffs on foreign made goods. My response is always the same. That is trade wars are pointless. Nobody wins.
Those inner cities? They don't support nor even want the jobs. They'd rather whine to state and federal government to increase transfer payments.
Along those lines. what investor in their right mind would subject their business to confiscatory taxation and build a business in a place where a good portion of the population has little or no marketable skills?
What's wrong with selling insurance? It can be a rewarding career. Many who now own insurance agencies were once sales people.
It is your own narrow view which limits you. And it allows you to take the time to complain instead of working to better yourself.
You couldn't be more wrong about everything. I wouldn't know where to begin. All I see or hear is an arrogant prick who lacks empathy.

Yea, you try to make a living selling insurance.

There's also a lot of guys who made a lot selling homes or Amway. How many more failed? Why do you think they have such high turnover.

You know what? Please stop talking because you think it's my narrow view of things when the truth is it's my experience and knowledge of reality that leads me to the conclusions that I have. God knows who you are what you do where you came from and how you got there but you clearly lack empathy
Make them work for the money. Not wanting to work is the main motivation for those who apply for welfare.
Bull. Let me tell you a true story. My company needs help and we have met lots of candidates. We hired one so far. I understand that a lot of people don't last in that position and you have to be careful but I found a guy who wanted the pay was right he was willing to travel relocate here to Michigan and the boss didn't hire him. Luckily he has another job but he would have done that job no problem and he wanted to come back here in the play was fine but some a****** in a corporation stop him because they're so arrogant and Trish in their positions and they get to play with people's lives and decide based on personality probably who they want to work with. There's a lot of people out there that would do a great job if given a chance
Did you pay your taxes last year?
they have NEVER in the history of man met the need idiot

Has it ever occurred to you my socialist friend that welfare is a burgoise concept? Think of it like this. A person goes to work and earns a decent living at it. He then realizes not evryone can have it as good as himself but he doesn't want to shell out some money from his own pocket to help others. He then creates a welfare system to appease his guilty conscious. As long as welfare exist he know he doesn't have to do squat for the poor and he can continue to be an active member in the capatalist society without feeling guilty about it.

That is correct. And due to the surplus population and the shrinking of the middle class job market, Welfare is the only thing that can keep lower class families out of third world style shanty towns and tent cities.

That is the cold hard truth that Conservative Utopists cannot wrap their heads around.

Somehow cutting taxes will suddenly cause all kinds of middle class jobs to appear. False.

Welfare is the only reason we're not exactly like a third world country.

First off, that's not even logical. It's not possible for the "middle class" to shrink. Trying going to a high school level math class.

Further, you fail to grasp that when you confiscate money from the people who create jobs, you can't logically complain that there are not enough jobs.

You caused there to not be enough jobs.

Greece is a perfect example of this. They have massive social programs all over the place. But they have no jobs. Far from preventing them from sinking to a 3rd world status.... all those social programs you refer to, have guaranteed they end up a third world status.

Good job, sparky.
Oh lord.. Err, the middle class has been in decline for decades, that's an undeniable fact, so don't act like a moron.
Confiscate money? Countries with progressive taxes on the rich have plenty of jobs, your argument is a load of horse shit.
Greece? Greece failed because of taxes not being paid, idiot.

Yeah........... You are foolish.

We have the highest standard of living of any country in the world. Our middle class lives better lives than the lower class of even other 1st world countries.

I've been to Europe. I've seen how they live. It's great compared to 3rd world countries... but it's like no where near the standard of living in the US.

A married couple working at Wendy's, can earn enough combined, to be in the top 1% of wage earners in the entire world.

The size of a lower class home in the US, is roughly the same size as an upper class luxury apartment in most of Europe.

You people that claim the middle class has it so bad off in the US.... you flat out don't know jack diddle squat.

As for Greece.... yeah stupid..... duh.... when you raise taxes, people stop paying them. I pointed that out myself moron. I posted a link how people avoided taxes. That was my whole point, sparky.

France tried a wealth tax. People started leaving France by the thousands. Tax revenue started dropping so fact, the socialist french government itself, voted to repeal their own wealth tax.

When Venezuela started hammering it's wealthy..... they left in droves. Black markets exists all over Venezuela.

Yeah stupid, they refused to pay the tax. That what I've been saying.

When California started pushing up taxes on Yachts docked in CA.... suddenly the Yachts started being anchored outside the state. Some even went to Marshall Islands. Oh... they didn't pay the tax again... what a shock.

Are you catching on sparky? Any of this sinking in? Of course not. Willful ignorance is the hallmark of the left.
Highest standard of living? Yeah, if you can afford it.
"Our middle class lives better then the lower class.." Lol, what the fuck? No shit.
Yes, mainly because first world countries rely on exploitation of the third world to live comfortably, just because someone is in the 1% worldwide means nothing.
Europeans don't generally care about owning fancy homes, they do love their healthcare/maternity though.. Besides, they don't have a huge land mass.
Err, greece failed because the wealthy dogs weren't paying taxes..
Also: How Goldman Sachs helped mask Greece s debt - BBC News
Yes, yes, we know capitalists will relocate when regulations/taxes are raised, gotta make more profit, fuck em.
Venezuela needed to hammer the wealthy, that country was so fucking corrupt before Hugo.. Oil money was funneled to a tiny minority while the people suffered.
Then again, your arguments are laid out in a stupid manner.
I've noticed in my lifetime that people who think the only recourse for them when things get bad is welfare tend to learn how to manipulate the system pretty well. I know there are lots good people who just get on it but it seems that for every one normal person there is at least one other deadbeat who is on it perpetually. Crack the stats on neighborhoods where a majority of people are on welfare and you will see that that neighborhood is gang infested deadbeats. I know a lot welfare goes to rural areas but those asses should just move to the city and get jobs and there is plenty of them because Obama created so many of them (no really he did).
Why do we allow corporations to manufacture in china India and mexico when we have struggling inner cities? We should tax the traitors who left America or tarrif their imports and if they don't come home give small business manufacturing loans to Americans who will hire Americans.

We need a real God damn website where people are actually looking for help. I don't want to go back to school sell insurance or Amway. That's what monster and career bullcrap have become.

I've needed a job. It wasn't easy finding another job and I'm the shit! Wtf? There are a lot of people looking and companies don't hire people who don't already have a job. That's bs! You want to solve poverty? The rich don't. That would bring wages up and they like us not too comfortable.
Non sequitur...BTW those companies did so at the insistence of the very same government you worship so. It is YOUR fault because you voted for the people that allowed this.
One other thing, this chicken little thing doesn't wash.
It's called the global economy. Other nations have caught the US in manufacturing know how and in some instances passed us...
I have argued with those who support restrictive tariffs on foreign made goods. My response is always the same. That is trade wars are pointless. Nobody wins.
Those inner cities? They don't support nor even want the jobs. They'd rather whine to state and federal government to increase transfer payments.
Along those lines. what investor in their right mind would subject their business to confiscatory taxation and build a business in a place where a good portion of the population has little or no marketable skills?
What's wrong with selling insurance? It can be a rewarding career. Many who now own insurance agencies were once sales people.
It is your own narrow view which limits you. And it allows you to take the time to complain instead of working to better yourself.
Who made you the spokesperson for the human race?
I just love another dump welfare for the masses thread, yet no one can seem to give a shit about corporate welfare in the form of subsidies.....Thank you brown nosing corporate hacks...
I hate to change the topic's direction but I do not think that the poor will starve to death in this country. There are enough homeless shelters and charity in this country to prevent that from happening. An example is to count the number of people in soup kitchens and see what percentage of them are receiving welfare from the government. If it is not 100% then it is reasonable to conclude that a person can survive without government assistance Evan in the worst conditions.

they have NEVER in the history of man met the need idiot

Has it ever occurred to you my socialist friend that welfare is a burgoise concept? Think of it like this. A person goes to work and earns a decent living at it. He then realizes not evryone can have it as good as himself but he doesn't want to shell out some money from his own pocket to help others. He then creates a welfare system to appease his guilty conscious. As long as welfare exist he know he doesn't have to do squat for the poor and he can continue to be an active member in the capatalist society without feeling guilty about it.

That is correct. And due to the surplus population and the shrinking of the middle class job market, Welfare is the only thing that can keep lower class families out of third world style shanty towns and tent cities.

That is the cold hard truth that Conservative Utopists cannot wrap their heads around.

Somehow cutting taxes will suddenly cause all kinds of middle class jobs to appear. False.

Welfare is the only reason we're not exactly like a third world country.

Surplus population--is that how you view people? They are surplus when they can't find jobs? I guess when you think that the economy is planned you see people as commodities in it and nothing more. We either have to many or not enough. In your thinking people are reduced to sheep on a farm.

I actually thought that the poor had it better under more "conservative" economic policies.

Are the poor better off in Africa sleeping on the ground? In South America in metal shacks?

If you cannot find a job then you are surplus to the job market. That is a cold hard fact. And if you want to live like an American in a decent building with running water, in that case you are much better off living in a welfare state than being a member of the third world poor.

And more importantly, if you have a proper roof over your head and enough money to live on, then your children have a better chance to pay attention in school and work hard and have a better life.

Welfare allows for children to have a better chance of breaking out of the cycle of poverty


sorry caps lock.
It is why I believe means tested welfare should be limited to those for whom solving for a simple poverty of money may not be enough; for the rest, unemployment compensation that clears our poverty guidelines on an at-will basis should be enough under our form of Capitalism.
Most would agree that there is always a percentage of the population that needs help.
Most would agree that government handouts are subject to abuse.
Changing the system would be easy. All it would take is for religious organizations, charities and those with great sums of money to have the will to take on the job of helping the poor and helpless.
But, of course, if one is rich and sees that society will pay to take care of those in danger, what would be the incentive to step forward?
Government handouts is the right thing to do. Helping people and getting the help they need is what a real follower of Christ would want.

I think we should focus more on the education and helping people along the path to recovery!

It is heartless to want to kick everyone off of it.
The Only problem with the funny money of EBT is that it cannot be used with financial planners. When is the hard money crowd going to get serious about a serious relationship with legal tender for all debts public and private.
You're a sick sob that thinks people should live on the street and when they do they're treated like shit. Most of these people probably worked their ass off just to get paid peanuts by their super rich boss that laughs all the way to the bank.

Limited welfare is a good thing and I think we should spend more on getting them more skills through community college, trade schools, etc. Just to say that we need to triple the size of the street class on our streets is sick.
It amazes me how some people view Welfare... some on this board think that if you get on welfare your their for life ... they aren't intelligent enough to know you can only be on it for I believe its two years ... ... in that two years you have to show some sort of job learning skills being taught to you Example: going to school ... going to a trade school of some kind ... if you don't then in the time allowed you are taken off welfare ... its not you're there for ever anymore ... the welfare rolls have come down in numbers, ever since clinton pass the new regulations
Government handouts is the right thing to do. Helping people and getting the help they need is what a real follower of Christ would want.

I think we should focus more on the education and helping people along the path to recovery!

It is heartless to want to kick everyone off of it.

why is it the Left-wing idiots that need constant reminding of the separation of church and state? When did Jesus ever say it was the government's responsibility to any of this?
When did anyone say Jesus said it was government's responsibility?
It is the responsibility of anyone who calls her/him self 'Christian'.
I've noticed in my lifetime that people who think the only recourse for them when things get bad is welfare tend to learn how to manipulate the system pretty well. I know there are lots good people who just get on it but it seems that for every one normal person there is at least one other deadbeat who is on it perpetually. Crack the stats on neighborhoods where a majority of people are on welfare and you will see that that neighborhood is gang infested deadbeats. I know a lot welfare goes to rural areas but those asses should just move to the city and get jobs and there is plenty of them because Obama created so many of them (no really he did).

How many perpetual deadbeats are we talking about?

Millions. I don't have raw figures to prove that obviously, because what you consider a deadbeat, and what I and others consider a deadbeat, are different things. As far as I'm concerned, if you are able bodied, then you should work or starve to death.

If you can move your arms and legs, and function on an ape-like level, then you should be in a warehouse doing pick and pack. A trained monkey, can pull an item off a shelf, and put it in a box, and close the box. You can do it, or you can starve.

If you want a better job than that, then it's your responsibility to improve your own lot in life.

Bingo. Great post and oh so true.

Loads of freeloaders in America game the system.

They receive an EBT card and free medical care for the kids.

Of course its not free. Its paid for by the taxpayers and you can bet those on Welfare could give a shit where the money comes from, or who works their ass off to earn that money, as long as that little EBT card has money in it every month. Money that they didn't earn but are more than happy to spend.

Welfare should be something you're allowed to be on for a limited amount of time. Not for a lifetime.

I would like to see it end. You'd be surprised how quickly these freeloaders can take care of themselves when the free ride comes to a screeching halt.

Its all about personal responsibility which loads of these freeloaders don't have. Why should they take care of themselves when we taxpayers are there to do it for them??

We can thank out Govt. for Welfare. Forcing those that work to take care of those that won't.
You're a sick sob that thinks people should live on the street and when they do they're treated like shit. Most of these people probably worked their ass off just to get paid peanuts by their super rich boss that laughs all the way to the bank.

Limited welfare is a good thing and I think we should spend more on getting them more skills through community college, trade schools, etc. Just to say that we need to triple the size of the street class on our streets is sick.
It amazes me how some people view Welfare... some on this board think that if you get on welfare your their for life ... they aren't intelligent enough to know you can only be on it for I believe its two years ... ... in that two years you have to show some sort of job learning skills being taught to you Example: going to school ... going to a trade school of some kind ... if you don't then in the time allowed you are taken off welfare ... its not you're there for ever anymore ... the welfare rolls have come down in numbers, ever since clinton pass the new regulations

actually it is 60 months ( 5 years) over a lifetime
and Obama gutted the work requirement from the Clinton years

welfare is at record levels genius

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