I Wish We Had A President Who Could Lead Like Abdullah


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
Now, this is what a really leader does. Too bad we have Squire Trelane in the White House. Contrast Abdullah's actions below with Obama trading five terrorists for a deserter and calling out the Crusades as a reason why we are no better than ISIS.

In less than a week, Jordan has transformed itself from a bit player in the war on terror to a moral beacon of why we fight — because it's ultimately a struggle of good versus evil, and good must win.

It began with King Abdullah's fiery vow to make the "earth shake" against terrorists who'd just murdered a 26-year-old Jordanian pilot from a prominent tribal family, as the king's red and white Bedouin tribal attire reminded Jordan's mourning citizens.

The king also morally delegitimized the terrorists, saying they had zero claim to the name Muslim — powerful, given that the king is a direct descendant of Muhammad. He was buttressed by Jordanian officials, who called the terrorists "daesh" — a derogatory word in Arabic that's as nasty as it sounds, and one that IS hates.

Then there was the swift execution of two death row terrorists that IS had sought in bad-faith negotiations for the pilot they had already murdered, done swiftly, just as Jordan had warned would happen.

There were also photos of the king suited up in his pilot's uniform, giving an unmistakable impression of medieval single combat unlike anything seen since the Middle Ages (even if the king didn't fly on the mission).

There was the king's moving expression of compassion for the grieving family in their humble Jordan village, with the king and Queen Rania offering comfort and assuring them that their son's death wasn't in vain.

As bombing missions took off, with the warning to the terrorists that they were now "meeting the Jordanians for the first time," half of Jordan's air force flew over the humble village of the murdered pilot to assure it what the mission was about.

And, matching the terrorists' propaganda-film tactics, the Jordanians also released a film — theirs, of IS targets being blown away by Jordanian forces, which at last count left 55 terrorists dead on the desert floor.

There's a word for this: victory. As the West dithers under the weak leadership and wavering resolve of the Obama administration, the Jordanians, however small and threatened they are as a nation, have injected the force multiplier of moral passion into their war effort....[/]

Jordan s King Gets Medieval On Them - Investors.com
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Jordan is just entering the fight?

Where have they been up till now?
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Gee, when did ISIS declare war on Jordan? Oh right, they didn't.

And the King dropping bombs on people from 5,000 feet? How very brave of him...
It's ironic that Jordan might become our best ally in this fight while our so-called ally Israel's 'leader' Netanyahu is spitting on America.
President Obama has been fighting ISiS all along. Nice of Jordan to finally join him and the more than 60 other countries who already joined our president.

Better late than never, right?

As for the cowardly traitor OP - You're more than welcome to leave the country to hate so much. Your kind would not be missed.
It's ironic that Jordan might become our best ally in this fight while our so-called ally Israel's 'leader' Netanyahu is spitting on America.
Obama is spitting on Israel, but you know that.

Let ISIS pull shit on Israel, and we will see Israel make them howl.
Now, this is what a really leader does. Too bad we have Squire Trelane in the White House. Contrast the Abdullah's actions below with Obama trading five terrorists for a deserter and calling out the Crusades as a reason why we are no better than ISIS.

In less than a week, Jordan has transformed itself from a bit player in the war on terror to a moral beacon of why we fight — because it's ultimately a struggle of good versus evil, and good must win.

It began with King Abdullah's fiery vow to make the "earth shake" against terrorists who'd just murdered a 26-year-old Jordanian pilot from a prominent tribal family, as the king's red and white Bedouin tribal attire reminded Jordan's mourning citizens.

The king also morally delegitimized the terrorists, saying they had zero claim to the name Muslim — powerful, given that the king is a direct descendant of Muhammad. He was buttressed by Jordanian officials, who called the terrorists "daesh" — a derogatory word in Arabic that's as nasty as it sounds, and one that IS hates.

Then there was the swift execution of two death row terrorists that IS had sought in bad-faith negotiations for the pilot they had already murdered, done swiftly, just as Jordan had warned would happen.

There were also photos of the king suited up in his pilot's uniform, giving an unmistakable impression of medieval single combat unlike anything seen since the Middle Ages (even if the king didn't fly on the mission).

There was the king's moving expression of compassion for the grieving family in their humble Jordan village, with the king and Queen Rania offering comfort and assuring them that their son's death wasn't in vain.

As bombing missions took off, with the warning to the terrorists that they were now "meeting the Jordanians for the first time," half of Jordan's air force flew over the humble village of the murdered pilot to assure it what the mission was about.

And, matching the terrorists' propaganda-film tactics, the Jordanians also released a film — theirs, of IS targets being blown away by Jordanian forces, which at last count left 55 terrorists dead on the desert floor.

There's a word for this: victory. As the West dithers under the weak leadership and wavering resolve of the Obama administration, the Jordanians, however small and threatened they are as a nation, have injected the force multiplier of moral passion into their war effort....[/]

Jordan s King Gets Medieval On Them - Investors.com
You should move to Jordan and take up arms for him, then you will have your wish. Oh, that's right, you are just an anonymous tough-talking keyboard kommando pussy, nevermind.
Now, this is what a really leader does. Too bad we have Squire Trelane in the White House. Contrast the Abdullah's actions below with Obama trading five terrorists for a deserter and calling out the Crusades as a reason why we are no better than ISIS.

In less than a week, Jordan has transformed itself from a bit player in the war on terror to a moral beacon of why we fight — because it's ultimately a struggle of good versus evil, and good must win.

It began with King Abdullah's fiery vow to make the "earth shake" against terrorists who'd just murdered a 26-year-old Jordanian pilot from a prominent tribal family, as the king's red and white Bedouin tribal attire reminded Jordan's mourning citizens.

The king also morally delegitimized the terrorists, saying they had zero claim to the name Muslim — powerful, given that the king is a direct descendant of Muhammad. He was buttressed by Jordanian officials, who called the terrorists "daesh" — a derogatory word in Arabic that's as nasty as it sounds, and one that IS hates.

Then there was the swift execution of two death row terrorists that IS had sought in bad-faith negotiations for the pilot they had already murdered, done swiftly, just as Jordan had warned would happen.

There were also photos of the king suited up in his pilot's uniform, giving an unmistakable impression of medieval single combat unlike anything seen since the Middle Ages (even if the king didn't fly on the mission).

There was the king's moving expression of compassion for the grieving family in their humble Jordan village, with the king and Queen Rania offering comfort and assuring them that their son's death wasn't in vain.

As bombing missions took off, with the warning to the terrorists that they were now "meeting the Jordanians for the first time," half of Jordan's air force flew over the humble village of the murdered pilot to assure it what the mission was about.

And, matching the terrorists' propaganda-film tactics, the Jordanians also released a film — theirs, of IS targets being blown away by Jordanian forces, which at last count left 55 terrorists dead on the desert floor.

There's a word for this: victory. As the West dithers under the weak leadership and wavering resolve of the Obama administration, the Jordanians, however small and threatened they are as a nation, have injected the force multiplier of moral passion into their war effort....[/]

Jordan s King Gets Medieval On Them - Investors.com

What a difference hearing a real leader with real fire and passion as opposed to Obama who turns everything into a snooty Liberal lecture.
You should move to Jordan and take up arms for him, then you will have your wish. Oh, that's right, you are just an anonymous tough-talking keyboard kommando pussy, nevermind.

What a stupid reply.
This type of thread is So Revealing. The moonbats scurry out of their dank little corners of fear in order to shit and piss on anyone who shows that he has a Backbone made of Moral Fiber.
Now, this is what a really leader does. Too bad we have Squire Trelane in the White House. Contrast the Abdullah's actions below with Obama trading five terrorists for a deserter and calling out the Crusades as a reason why we are no better than ISIS.

In less than a week, Jordan has transformed itself from a bit player in the war on terror to a moral beacon of why we fight — because it's ultimately a struggle of good versus evil, and good must win.

It began with King Abdullah's fiery vow to make the "earth shake" against terrorists who'd just murdered a 26-year-old Jordanian pilot from a prominent tribal family, as the king's red and white Bedouin tribal attire reminded Jordan's mourning citizens.

The king also morally delegitimized the terrorists, saying they had zero claim to the name Muslim — powerful, given that the king is a direct descendant of Muhammad. He was buttressed by Jordanian officials, who called the terrorists "daesh" — a derogatory word in Arabic that's as nasty as it sounds, and one that IS hates.

Then there was the swift execution of two death row terrorists that IS had sought in bad-faith negotiations for the pilot they had already murdered, done swiftly, just as Jordan had warned would happen.

There were also photos of the king suited up in his pilot's uniform, giving an unmistakable impression of medieval single combat unlike anything seen since the Middle Ages (even if the king didn't fly on the mission).

There was the king's moving expression of compassion for the grieving family in their humble Jordan village, with the king and Queen Rania offering comfort and assuring them that their son's death wasn't in vain.

As bombing missions took off, with the warning to the terrorists that they were now "meeting the Jordanians for the first time," half of Jordan's air force flew over the humble village of the murdered pilot to assure it what the mission was about.

And, matching the terrorists' propaganda-film tactics, the Jordanians also released a film — theirs, of IS targets being blown away by Jordanian forces, which at last count left 55 terrorists dead on the desert floor.

There's a word for this: victory. As the West dithers under the weak leadership and wavering resolve of the Obama administration, the Jordanians, however small and threatened they are as a nation, have injected the force multiplier of moral passion into their war effort....[/]

Jordan s King Gets Medieval On Them - Investors.com

What a difference hearing a real leader with real fire and passion as opposed to Obama who turns everything into a snooty Liberal lecture.
You should move to Jordan with boedicca, you'll get all the real fire and passion you can handle.

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