I wonder if Comey still hopes there are no tapes...

Do you agree with Schiff?

only that quote. i don't agree with him on all the other stuff.
So if you agree with that quote then you are agreeing the Obama dropped the ball on dealing with the Russia situation which is very serious... Is that correct?

only that quote. i don't agree with him on all the other stuff.
So if you agree with that quote then you are agreeing the Obama dropped the ball on dealing with the Russia situation which is very serious... Is that correct?


and your point is?
no point, I was just asking questions... I do have 2 more that I hope you'll answer honestly:

1. Obama ordered an investigation by our intel agencies and issued sanctions against the Russians... What else would you have suggested he do?

2. What about the way Trump has handled the Russian situation has been better or worse than what Obama did?
There are morons on the left that still believe there was a collusion and they believe the lie that Trump lied about tapes on Comey.

Did any media outlet ever quote the actual lie about tapes from Trump?

The best part about all of this is they truly have not learned their lesson.

Kiss 2018 goodbye you fucking losers.

Trump basically came out and said that everything Comey said in his testimony was true. "Not-stupid tweeting about "Tapes" made Comey not-lie herp-derp"

He is an idiot and so are you.
how come you stupid fks can't ever quote the guy. now please post that quote. jeopardy music please!!!

It's what he said dumbass - what other interpretation can there possibly be?

Tape tweeting was smart because it made Comey not lie. It is therefore admission that he DIDN'T lie.

I want to see you spin that.

only that quote. i don't agree with him on all the other stuff.
So if you agree with that quote then you are agreeing the Obama dropped the ball on dealing with the Russia situation which is very serious... Is that correct?


and your point is?
no point, I was just asking questions... I do have 2 more that I hope you'll answer honestly:

1. Obama ordered an investigation by our intel agencies and issued sanctions against the Russians... What else would you have suggested he do?

2. What about the way Trump has handled the Russian situation has been better or worse than what Obama did?

Shame on you, forcing Trumpsters into constructive, consistent thought patterns is a form of a cruel and unusual punishment.

only that quote. i don't agree with him on all the other stuff.
So if you agree with that quote then you are agreeing the Obama dropped the ball on dealing with the Russia situation which is very serious... Is that correct?


and your point is?
no point, I was just asking questions... I do have 2 more that I hope you'll answer honestly:

1. Obama ordered an investigation by our intel agencies and issued sanctions against the Russians... What else would you have suggested he do?

2. What about the way Trump has handled the Russian situation has been better or worse than what Obama did?

You mean by trying to get rid of or weakening the sanctions that were put on them? Yeah, that'll show those Ruskies not to help Trump win again next time!!!!
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5 republicans are voting no on the Senate bill
It's DOA.

Not so easy replacing Obamacare eh wingnuts?
Not until they can come up with something better. The problem for the Republicans is that they ran on a ticket of "replacing Obamacare" rather than the less sexy and less dramatic "fixing Obamacare".
they have no choice. they can't repeal without democrats.
Are you saying no Republicans knew this prior to 2016?
I have no idea if they knew that or not. Why would I. Do you?
President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

The Lies of Trump.
Takes up a full page of newsprint. If the fat senile old orange clown lasts to 2020, it will take up 4 pages.

In One Rally, 12 Inaccurate Claims From Trump

New York Times ... sure they're trustworthy....:lmao::lmao::lmao:
It's a list of Trump quotes that are untrue statements with reference to the day they were said. The source that collected them doesn't really matter

Of course it doesn't to you, you support lying sacks of shit news ( :lol: ) sources I suspect, then make sanctimonious moral judgements. It was just another hit piece from a liberal rag for collusive political propaganda. Should we rehash major lies (I'd rather not) of the Democratic Party that actually affected lives?
That's a "you too" fallacy, meaning it doesn't change Slade3200 's point, but, yes, the Democrats are as big a group of fucking low life liars like Donald Trump. Feel better now?

Hillary would have been a more competent President than President Twit-ter, but she was also much more corrupt. As the Russian hacks revealed, she had the DNC by the balls and was squeezing them for all the power she needed to become both their nominee and POTUS. What her cronyism and corruption couldn't control was John Q. Public, the American voter. It explains both why both candidates received less than 50% of the vote and why the winner has low approval ratings; the American public didn't like either of them. I strongly doubt Hillary's approval ratings would be above 50% had she won the election.

Dude, you've lost it
New York Times ... sure they're trustworthy....:lmao::lmao::lmao:
It's a list of Trump quotes that are untrue statements with reference to the day they were said. The source that collected them doesn't really matter

Of course it doesn't to you, you support lying sacks of shit news ( :lol: ) sources I suspect, then make sanctimonious moral judgements. It was just another hit piece from a liberal rag for collusive political propaganda. Should we rehash major lies (I'd rather not) of the Democratic Party that actually affected lives?
That's a "you too" fallacy, meaning it doesn't change Slade3200 's point, but, yes, the Democrats are as big a group of fucking low life liars like Donald Trump. Feel better now?

Hillary would have been a more competent President than President Twit-ter, but she was also much more corrupt. As the Russian hacks revealed, she had the DNC by the balls and was squeezing them for all the power she needed to become both their nominee and POTUS. What her cronyism and corruption couldn't control was John Q. Public, the American voter. It explains both why both candidates received less than 50% of the vote and why the winner has low approval ratings; the American public didn't like either of them. I strongly doubt Hillary's approval ratings would be above 50% had she won the election.

:laugh: .. there's just no pleasing you Windy. What's your constructive and realistic solution, just wondering?
Constructive solution is simple. Hold our leaders (regardless of party) and our media to higher standards of honesty.

Our leaders are elected by US and speak to the needs of their constituents. The media feeds off ratings and feedback that WE the viewers give them. If we can't be honest in our conversations and if we can't hold people like OUR PRESIDENT accountable for his lies and deceptions, then all we are doing is feeding the problem. Same goes for Pelosi and Schumer and leaders on the left. But don't just point the finger one way... you lose credibility when you attack one side then excuse your side for doing the same thing.
Constructive solution is simple. Hold our leaders (regardless of party) and our media to higher standards of honesty.

Where did you post the list? all I saw was a link to the NYT If you would post anything by them as proof, you have NO proof. As for Targeted lies has he tried to get them removed from office? hell no, has he used the IRS or the FCC to close and censor the news or the papers yet, HELL no, Go back to the bathroom and put out some more of this type information, I need some more good laughs.
Go a page back and look at the list of QUOTES... real words that came out of Trumps mouth. Are you denying that he said those words?
What post #?
There are morons on the left that still believe there was a collusion and they believe the lie that Trump lied about tapes on Comey.

Did any media outlet ever quote the actual lie about tapes from Trump?

The best part about all of this is they truly have not learned their lesson.

Kiss 2018 goodbye you fucking losers.
Owl has the mindset that will continue to keep our country separated.

Individuals on both the right and the left that are so driven by anger they want to vilify the other side and keep America separated.
They are poison.
Most feel life has wronged them and they want somebody to blame.
Yeah Russia Russia is all left fking with 63 million votes so you can fk off
President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List

The Lies of Trump.
Takes up a full page of newsprint. If the fat senile old orange clown lasts to 2020, it will take up 4 pages.

In One Rally, 12 Inaccurate Claims From Trump

New York Times ... sure they're trustworthy....:lmao::lmao::lmao:
It's a list of Trump quotes that are untrue statements with reference to the day they were said. The source that collected them doesn't really matter

Of course it doesn't to you, you support lying sacks of shit news ( :lol: ) sources I suspect, then make sanctimonious moral judgements. It was just another hit piece from a liberal rag for collusive political propaganda. Should we rehash major lies (I'd rather not) of the Democratic Party that actually affected lives?
That's a "you too" fallacy, meaning it doesn't change Slade3200 's point, but, yes, the Democrats are as big a group of fucking low life liars like Donald Trump. Feel better now?

Hillary would have been a more competent President than President Twit-ter, but she was also much more corrupt. As the Russian hacks revealed, she had the DNC by the balls and was squeezing them for all the power she needed to become both their nominee and POTUS. What her cronyism and corruption couldn't control was John Q. Public, the American voter. It explains both why both candidates received less than 50% of the vote and why the winner has low approval ratings; the American public didn't like either of them. I strongly doubt Hillary's approval ratings would be above 50% had she won the election.

Dude, you've lost it
A lie, but if it makes you feel better about yourself to believe it, then you have my blessing.
There are morons on the left that still believe there was a collusion and they believe the lie that Trump lied about tapes on Comey.

Did any media outlet ever quote the actual lie about tapes from Trump?

The best part about all of this is they truly have not learned their lesson.

Kiss 2018 goodbye you fucking losers.
Are you saying Trump's tweet about tapes was perfectly above board and honest?
New York Times ... sure they're trustworthy....:lmao::lmao::lmao:
It's a list of Trump quotes that are untrue statements with reference to the day they were said. The source that collected them doesn't really matter

Of course it doesn't to you, you support lying sacks of shit news ( :lol: ) sources I suspect, then make sanctimonious moral judgements. It was just another hit piece from a liberal rag for collusive political propaganda. Should we rehash major lies (I'd rather not) of the Democratic Party that actually affected lives?
That's a "you too" fallacy, meaning it doesn't change Slade3200 's point, but, yes, the Democrats are as big a group of fucking low life liars like Donald Trump. Feel better now?

Hillary would have been a more competent President than President Twit-ter, but she was also much more corrupt. As the Russian hacks revealed, she had the DNC by the balls and was squeezing them for all the power she needed to become both their nominee and POTUS. What her cronyism and corruption couldn't control was John Q. Public, the American voter. It explains both why both candidates received less than 50% of the vote and why the winner has low approval ratings; the American public didn't like either of them. I strongly doubt Hillary's approval ratings would be above 50% had she won the election.

Dude, you've lost it
A lie, but if it makes you feel better about yourself to believe it, then you have my blessing.
What's a lie?
I don't think Comey gives damn .. he didn't lie.
Even worse than that, Trump tried to silence Comey with the threat there could have been tapes.


He didn't silence Comey and your dreams of impeachment are, "what, are you crazy?", why torture yourself.. :eusa_snooty:
Where in the law prohibiting obstruction of justice does it state the obstruction had to be successful in order to be prosecutable??
The Comey/Democrat/Fake News torrid romance, how much longer can it last....:popcorn:

I don't think Comey gives damn .. he didn't lie.
Even worse than that, Trump tried to silence Comey with the threat there could have been tapes.


He didn't silence Comey and your dreams of impeachment are, "what, are you crazy?", why torture yourself.. :eusa_snooty:
Where in the law prohibiting obstruction of justice does it state the obstruction had to be successful in order to be prosecutable??

I'm not a lawyer, I'm just blessed with common sense..... well, mostly..

keep your dream ... :wink_2:

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