I wonder if everyone was armed in Boston yesterday:

Do you think an AWB would have prevented it?

Do you think background checks would have prevented it?

Do you think a ban on high capacity magazines would have prevented it?
OP: are you wondering why no one shot the bombs before they were detonated? You might want to give that a bit of thought.


Westboro Baptist Church Hails Boston Marathon Explosion, Plans To Picket Funerals

From New York:

Darkness will not drive out darkness.

Only light can do that.

We can't let the Westboro and gun nut types turn this into yet another hate-a-thon.
Westboro is composed of 16 people who are all members of the same family. They look for publicity. If they really meant what they say they wouldn't be in Boston, but in West Hollywood picketing the funerals of those gays who died of bacterial menningitis.
Westboro is composed of 16 people who are all members of the same family. They look for publicity. If they really meant what they say they wouldn't be in Boston, but in West Hollywood picketing the funerals of those gays who died of bacterial menningitis.

Maybe, if we are fortunate, after the funeral picketing there won't be 16 anymore............and yes, I'm being bad for saying that.
Do you think those 100,000 guns could have prevented it????

It just goes to prove we don't have a "gun problem" in the US, we have a criminal problem.

Remember the underwear bomber? Authorities didn't prevent him from carrying out his attack, in fact the State Dept issued him a visa to enter the country. Yet that incident was used to push the body scanners and intrusive searches of elderly and little children.

Instead of going after the real problem, allowing criminals to enter our country, we take away more freedoms.

As for shootings, all of them are perpatrated by criminals or mentally ill, all of whom should of been locked up instead of on the streets. But do liberals address the real problem? No, they just want to take away more freedoms from law abiding citizens.

What is the use of pushing for "background checks" on people that buy guns? If someone is so dangerous that we put them on a "no guns" list, why are they even free in the first place?

So instead of keeping known violent hardened criminals/mentally ill behind bars, we set them free, put them on a "no guns" list, with the idiotic belief that if we do 100% background checks they won't just steal them from law abiding citizens that passed the checks....exactly like what happened in with the Sandy Hook shootings.
OP: are you wondering why no one shot the bombs before they were detonated? You might want to give that a bit of thought.


Westboro Baptist Church Hails Boston Marathon Explosion, Plans To Picket Funerals

From New York:

Darkness will not drive out darkness.

Only light can do that.

We can't let the Westboro and gun nut types turn this into yet another hate-a-thon.

What are "gun nut types" and what do they have to do with anything?

they are the ones Dudley calls "Anti-American" because they don't agree with him....and of course he will say they are ...."rw's".....

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