I wonder if it's just my local Post Office

1) haha trump was no leftist dem like wilson

That's exactly what he was for most of his life, he suckered fools like into thinking he is a hard-core republican.
2) i have no idea the number. Trump didn’t worry about his kids growing up in a racial jungle...that was your Master Biden

Sued by the Fed Gov't for discriminating against black folks, but he didn't care about his kids going to school with black folks. Either your gullibleas hell or dumb as hell.
3) no, why should i? Xiden is President. We didn’t have these issues when trump was in office

President Biden has nothing to do with you getting your mail, but the Trump appointed PMG does.
1) haha trump was no leftist dem like wilson

That's exactly what he was for most of his life, he suckered fools like into thinking he is a hard-core republican.
2) i have no idea the number. Trump didn’t worry about his kids growing up in a racial jungle...that was your Master Biden

Sued by the Fed Gov't for discriminating against black folks, but he didn't care about his kids going to school with black folks. Either your gullibleas hell or dumb as hell.
3) no, why should i? Xiden is President. We didn’t have these issues when trump was in office

President Biden has nothing to do with you getting your mail, but the Trump appointed PMG does.
1) who? wilson? no he was no republican.
2) ah people sue people all the time. Means zippy. no he never made any claims about his kids growing up in a racial jungle or fought the enforcement of Brown v Board of Education...that was your Overseer Lord Xiden
3) Trump didn’t appoint the PMG...geez
1) haha trump was no leftist dem like wilson

That's exactly what he was for most of his life, he suckered fools like into thinking he is a hard-core republican.
2) i have no idea the number. Trump didn’t worry about his kids growing up in a racial jungle...that was your Master Biden

Sued by the Fed Gov't for discriminating against black folks, but he didn't care about his kids going to school with black folks. Either your gullibleas hell or dumb as hell.
3) no, why should i? Xiden is President. We didn’t have these issues when trump was in office

President Biden has nothing to do with you getting your mail, but the Trump appointed PMG does.
1) who? wilson? no he was no republican.

Neither was Trump until around 2014.
2) ah people sue people all the time. Means zippy.

No, the Federal Gov't doesn't sue folks all the time for racial discrimination.
no he never made any claims about his kids growing up in a racial jungle or fought the enforcement of Brown v Board of Education...that was your Overseer Lord Xiden.

Not that you heard of and I am pretty sure his kids didn't attend school with any black kids. You know the man who said he didn't want black folks counting his money.
3) Trump didn’t appoint the PMG...geez


1) what’s your point? Trump left the racist DNC? Klan party? ok. Good for him
2) sure they do, usually getting judgements. not like here, where no wrong doing was found
3 i am sure they did, but please support your claim. If you can’t i’ll just have to continue to assume you are a liar
1) what’s your point? Trump left the racist DNC? Klan party? ok. Good for him

No that's the Republican party of today. Why do you think all the racist support him.
2) sure they do, usually getting judgements.

How many times have you been sued for racial discrimination?
not like here, where no wrong doing was found.

LOL, The lawsuit was based on evidence gathered by testers for the New York City Human Rights Division, which alleged that black people who went to Trump buildings were told there were no apartments available, while white people were offered units.

"He met with the superintendent, and the superintendent said, 'I'm very sorry, but the apartment is rented — it's gone,' " Morse says. "So the gentlemen said to him, 'Well, why is the sign out? I still see a sign that says apartment for rent.' And the superintendent said, 'Oh, I guess I forgot to take it down.' "

The Justice Department considered the case "one of the most significant race bias cases" at the time.

It wasn't no big deal, hell it was 1972.
3 i am sure they did, but please support your claim. If you can’t i’ll just have to continue to assume you are a liar.

All you do is lie for your beloved God.
1) what’s your point? Trump left the racist DNC? Klan party? ok. Good for him

No that's the Republican party of today. Why do you think all the racist support him.
2) sure they do, usually getting judgements.

How many times have you been sued for racial discrimination?
not like here, where no wrong doing was found.

LOL, The lawsuit was based on evidence gathered by testers for the New York City Human Rights Division, which alleged that black people who went to Trump buildings were told there were no apartments available, while white people were offered units.

"He met with the superintendent, and the superintendent said, 'I'm very sorry, but the apartment is rented — it's gone,' " Morse says. "So the gentlemen said to him, 'Well, why is the sign out? I still see a sign that says apartment for rent.' And the superintendent said, 'Oh, I guess I forgot to take it down.' "

The Justice Department considered the case "one of the most significant race bias cases" at the time.

It wasn't no big deal, hell it was 1972.
3 i am sure they did, but please support your claim. If you can’t i’ll just have to continue to assume you are a liar.

All you do is lie for your beloved God.
1) they don’t the KkK for example enforced Clinton, and Biden and his son are dems

2) not me, but many businesses have

3) no wrong doing was found or admitted to

4) i’m not lying, black people went to school with his kids. You are the one making the claim they didn’t...with no support to deflect from your master joe xiden’s history of fighting against desecration of schools out of free his n word dropping son would grow up in a racial jungle
1) what’s your point? Trump left the racist DNC? Klan party? ok. Good for him

No that's the Republican party of today. Why do you think all the racist support him.
2) sure they do, usually getting judgements.

How many times have you been sued for racial discrimination?
not like here, where no wrong doing was found.

LOL, The lawsuit was based on evidence gathered by testers for the New York City Human Rights Division, which alleged that black people who went to Trump buildings were told there were no apartments available, while white people were offered units.

"He met with the superintendent, and the superintendent said, 'I'm very sorry, but the apartment is rented — it's gone,' " Morse says. "So the gentlemen said to him, 'Well, why is the sign out? I still see a sign that says apartment for rent.' And the superintendent said, 'Oh, I guess I forgot to take it down.' "

The Justice Department considered the case "one of the most significant race bias cases" at the time.

It wasn't no big deal, hell it was 1972.
3 i am sure they did, but please support your claim. If you can’t i’ll just have to continue to assume you are a liar.

All you do is lie for your beloved God.
1) they don’t the KkK for example enforced Clinton, and Biden and his son are dems.

The KKK loves Trump, white supremist love Trump, racist love Trump.
2) not me, but many businesses have.

Yea the ones guilty of racism and discrimination.
3) no wrong doing was found or admitted to.

So what did they settle to if no wrong doing was found?
4) i’m not lying, black people went to school with his kids.

How do you know that? It's your stinking opinion.
You are the one making the claim they didn’t...with no support to deflect from your master joe xiden’s history of fighting against desecration of schools out of free his n word dropping son would grow up in a racial jungle

My opinion is based off of his words and deeds.
1) what’s your point? Trump left the racist DNC? Klan party? ok. Good for him

No that's the Republican party of today. Why do you think all the racist support him.
2) sure they do, usually getting judgements.

How many times have you been sued for racial discrimination?
not like here, where no wrong doing was found.

LOL, The lawsuit was based on evidence gathered by testers for the New York City Human Rights Division, which alleged that black people who went to Trump buildings were told there were no apartments available, while white people were offered units.

"He met with the superintendent, and the superintendent said, 'I'm very sorry, but the apartment is rented — it's gone,' " Morse says. "So the gentlemen said to him, 'Well, why is the sign out? I still see a sign that says apartment for rent.' And the superintendent said, 'Oh, I guess I forgot to take it down.' "

The Justice Department considered the case "one of the most significant race bias cases" at the time.

It wasn't no big deal, hell it was 1972.
3 i am sure they did, but please support your claim. If you can’t i’ll just have to continue to assume you are a liar.

All you do is lie for your beloved God.
1) they don’t the KkK for example enforced Clinton, and Biden and his son are dems.

The KKK loves Trump, white supremist love Trump, racist love Trump.
2) not me, but many businesses have.

Yea the ones guilty of racism and discrimination.
3) no wrong doing was found or admitted to.

So what did they settle to if no wrong doing was found?
4) i’m not lying, black people went to school with his kids.

How do you know that? It's your stinking opinion.
You are the one making the claim they didn’t...with no support to deflect from your master joe xiden’s history of fighting against desecration of schools out of free his n word dropping son would grow up in a racial jungle

My opinion is based off of his words and deeds.
1) nope they edifices clinton in2016 and the bidens certainly didn’t support trump and they are clearly racist
2) sorry being sued or accused doesn’t make you guilty...maybe to Dem lynch mobs or does...the dems lynched a lot of people based on accusations
3) they settled to drop the cases. All trump had to do was say he won’t discriminate...and he said of course...
4) because i know the schools they went to...UPenn has plenty of minorities!
5) your opinion is just a lie, based on lies and propaganda. It’s not even an opinion, it’s a lie
Maybe you've had this happen to you lately?
Numerous times now lately I have waited patiently for packages to arrive from China.

Usually about a month. Sometimes a little more. Patient.

Only to have the package arrive at the LOCAL POST office (Last Mile Carrier) and drop off the face of the planet.
Never to be heard from again.

The Post Office is very quick to blame the coronavirus.
Yet no one that I can determine is taking time off. The usual staff is there every day.
Everyone is still there and most definitely still on the dole.

I firmly believe this is the end result of Union interference with productivity.
Your Union dues paid are your assurance of security regardless or in the face of any lack of productivity.
Not to mention anything the government sticks it's chubby fingers in gets stinky.

Everything would go more smoothly if you ordered direct from Wuhan.
1) what’s your point? Trump left the racist DNC? Klan party? ok. Good for him

No that's the Republican party of today. Why do you think all the racist support him.
2) sure they do, usually getting judgements.

How many times have you been sued for racial discrimination?
not like here, where no wrong doing was found.

LOL, The lawsuit was based on evidence gathered by testers for the New York City Human Rights Division, which alleged that black people who went to Trump buildings were told there were no apartments available, while white people were offered units.

"He met with the superintendent, and the superintendent said, 'I'm very sorry, but the apartment is rented — it's gone,' " Morse says. "So the gentlemen said to him, 'Well, why is the sign out? I still see a sign that says apartment for rent.' And the superintendent said, 'Oh, I guess I forgot to take it down.' "

The Justice Department considered the case "one of the most significant race bias cases" at the time.

It wasn't no big deal, hell it was 1972.
3 i am sure they did, but please support your claim. If you can’t i’ll just have to continue to assume you are a liar.

All you do is lie for your beloved God.
1) they don’t the KkK for example enforced Clinton, and Biden and his son are dems.

The KKK loves Trump, white supremist love Trump, racist love Trump.
2) not me, but many businesses have.

Yea the ones guilty of racism and discrimination.
3) no wrong doing was found or admitted to.

So what did they settle to if no wrong doing was found?
4) i’m not lying, black people went to school with his kids.

How do you know that? It's your stinking opinion.
You are the one making the claim they didn’t...with no support to deflect from your master joe xiden’s history of fighting against desecration of schools out of free his n word dropping son would grow up in a racial jungle

My opinion is based off of his words and deeds.
1) nope they edifices clinton in2016 and the bidens certainly didn’t support trump and they are clearly racist

Why would they support him in 2016 when he was running as a Republican. Duh. Trump has played the racist like you.
2) sorry being sued or accused doesn’t make you guilty...maybe to Dem lynch mobs or does...the dems lynched a lot of people based on accusations.
We had a Republican president in 1972. Smfh. So it was Republican lynch mobs after Trump. Lol.
3) they settled to drop the cases. All trump had to do was say he won’t discriminate...and he said of course...

Yea that makes sense, I have never discriminated against anyone so I will just agree not to discriminate. So I guess the folks who were trying to rent his apartments are just telling lies because they don't like Trump.
4) because i know the schools they went to...UPenn has plenty of minorities!

I am talking grade school and HS genius.
5) your opinion is just a lie, based on lies and propaganda. It’s not even an opinion, it’s a lie.

The only liar is you, you are truly a Trump Humper. One of those folks who the facts are kicking you in the ass and you will claim it is just your hemorrhoids' flaring up.
1) what’s your point? Trump left the racist DNC? Klan party? ok. Good for him

No that's the Republican party of today. Why do you think all the racist support him.
2) sure they do, usually getting judgements.

How many times have you been sued for racial discrimination?
not like here, where no wrong doing was found.

LOL, The lawsuit was based on evidence gathered by testers for the New York City Human Rights Division, which alleged that black people who went to Trump buildings were told there were no apartments available, while white people were offered units.

"He met with the superintendent, and the superintendent said, 'I'm very sorry, but the apartment is rented — it's gone,' " Morse says. "So the gentlemen said to him, 'Well, why is the sign out? I still see a sign that says apartment for rent.' And the superintendent said, 'Oh, I guess I forgot to take it down.' "

The Justice Department considered the case "one of the most significant race bias cases" at the time.

It wasn't no big deal, hell it was 1972.
3 i am sure they did, but please support your claim. If you can’t i’ll just have to continue to assume you are a liar.

All you do is lie for your beloved God.
1) they don’t the KkK for example enforced Clinton, and Biden and his son are dems.

The KKK loves Trump, white supremist love Trump, racist love Trump.
2) not me, but many businesses have.

Yea the ones guilty of racism and discrimination.
3) no wrong doing was found or admitted to.

So what did they settle to if no wrong doing was found?
4) i’m not lying, black people went to school with his kids.

How do you know that? It's your stinking opinion.
You are the one making the claim they didn’t...with no support to deflect from your master joe xiden’s history of fighting against desecration of schools out of free his n word dropping son would grow up in a racial jungle

My opinion is based off of his words and deeds.
1) nope they edifices clinton in2016 and the bidens certainly didn’t support trump and they are clearly racist

Why would they support him in 2016 when he was running as a Republican. Duh. Trump has played the racist like you.
2) sorry being sued or accused doesn’t make you guilty...maybe to Dem lynch mobs or does...the dems lynched a lot of people based on accusations.
We had a Republican president in 1972. Smfh. So it was Republican lynch mobs after Trump. Lol.
3) they settled to drop the cases. All trump had to do was say he won’t discriminate...and he said of course...

Yea that makes sense, I have never discriminated against anyone so I will just agree not to discriminate. So I guess the folks who were trying to rent his apartments are just telling lies because they don't like Trump.
4) because i know the schools they went to...UPenn has plenty of minorities!

I am talking grade school and HS genius.
5) your opinion is just a lie, based on lies and propaganda. It’s not even an opinion, it’s a lie.

The only liar is you, you are truly a Trump Humper. One of those folks who the facts are kicking you in the ass and you will claim it is just your hemorrhoids' flaring up.
1) Why did the KKK endorce Clinton in 2016? https://www.usnews.com/news/article...-quigg-endorses-hillary-clinton-for-president
2) No that wasn't a lynch mob, that was merely an accusation that was worked out in a civil process via the Court...unlike your leftwing lynch mob attitude that convicts people by merely accusing them
3) yeah it does...I never cheated on my wife, but I promised to remain faithful in my marriage vows too.
4) yeah, I know what schools they went to then too...it's on the wikipedia page...they have african-americans there too. You simply just lie...and lie...and lie...and ignore reality because it destroys the narrative your Plantation masters are feeding you.
5) you have not provided any facts to support your claim that their schools were all white. In fact, the first African-American attended the school Ivanka went to in the 1950s....decades before she went there. You just lie...and ignore reality
Last edited:
1) what’s your point? Trump left the racist DNC? Klan party? ok. Good for him

No that's the Republican party of today. Why do you think all the racist support him.
2) sure they do, usually getting judgements.

How many times have you been sued for racial discrimination?
not like here, where no wrong doing was found.

LOL, The lawsuit was based on evidence gathered by testers for the New York City Human Rights Division, which alleged that black people who went to Trump buildings were told there were no apartments available, while white people were offered units.

"He met with the superintendent, and the superintendent said, 'I'm very sorry, but the apartment is rented — it's gone,' " Morse says. "So the gentlemen said to him, 'Well, why is the sign out? I still see a sign that says apartment for rent.' And the superintendent said, 'Oh, I guess I forgot to take it down.' "

The Justice Department considered the case "one of the most significant race bias cases" at the time.

It wasn't no big deal, hell it was 1972.
3 i am sure they did, but please support your claim. If you can’t i’ll just have to continue to assume you are a liar.

All you do is lie for your beloved God.
1) they don’t the KkK for example enforced Clinton, and Biden and his son are dems.

The KKK loves Trump, white supremist love Trump, racist love Trump.
2) not me, but many businesses have.

Yea the ones guilty of racism and discrimination.
3) no wrong doing was found or admitted to.

So what did they settle to if no wrong doing was found?
4) i’m not lying, black people went to school with his kids.

How do you know that? It's your stinking opinion.
You are the one making the claim they didn’t...with no support to deflect from your master joe xiden’s history of fighting against desecration of schools out of free his n word dropping son would grow up in a racial jungle

My opinion is based off of his words and deeds.
1) nope they edifices clinton in2016 and the bidens certainly didn’t support trump and they are clearly racist

Why would they support him in 2016 when he was running as a Republican. Duh. Trump has played the racist like you.
2) sorry being sued or accused doesn’t make you guilty...maybe to Dem lynch mobs or does...the dems lynched a lot of people based on accusations.
We had a Republican president in 1972. Smfh. So it was Republican lynch mobs after Trump. Lol.
3) they settled to drop the cases. All trump had to do was say he won’t discriminate...and he said of course...

Yea that makes sense, I have never discriminated against anyone so I will just agree not to discriminate. So I guess the folks who were trying to rent his apartments are just telling lies because they don't like Trump.
4) because i know the schools they went to...UPenn has plenty of minorities!

I am talking grade school and HS genius.
5) your opinion is just a lie, based on lies and propaganda. It’s not even an opinion, it’s a lie.

The only liar is you, you are truly a Trump Humper. One of those folks who the facts are kicking you in the ass and you will claim it is just your hemorrhoids' flaring up.

2) No that wasn't a lynch mob, that was merely an accusation that was worked out in a civil process via the Court...unlike your leftwing lynch mob attitude that convicts people by merely accusing them.

So now it wasn't a lynch mob since it was a republican president. You called it a lynch mob when you thought it was democrats. You're a joke.
3) yeah it does...I never cheated on my wife, but I promised to remain faithful in my marriage vows too.

That's makes no sense. How many businesses have had to go to court and claim they will not discriminate? Only the ones who have been guilty of discrimination.
4) yeah, I know what schools they went to then too...it's on the wikipedia page...they have african-americans there too. You simply just lie...and lie...and lie...and ignore reality because it destroys the narrative your Plantation masters are feeding you.

Post a list of those schools.
5) you have not provided any facts to support your claim that their schools were all white. In fact, the first African-American attended the school Ivanka went to in the 1950s....decades before she went there. You just lie...and ignore reality

You haven't provided anything proven there were students of all colors at those so called schools. Trump Humpin ain't easy is it.
1) what’s your point? Trump left the racist DNC? Klan party? ok. Good for him

No that's the Republican party of today. Why do you think all the racist support him.
2) sure they do, usually getting judgements.

How many times have you been sued for racial discrimination?
not like here, where no wrong doing was found.

LOL, The lawsuit was based on evidence gathered by testers for the New York City Human Rights Division, which alleged that black people who went to Trump buildings were told there were no apartments available, while white people were offered units.

"He met with the superintendent, and the superintendent said, 'I'm very sorry, but the apartment is rented — it's gone,' " Morse says. "So the gentlemen said to him, 'Well, why is the sign out? I still see a sign that says apartment for rent.' And the superintendent said, 'Oh, I guess I forgot to take it down.' "

The Justice Department considered the case "one of the most significant race bias cases" at the time.

It wasn't no big deal, hell it was 1972.
3 i am sure they did, but please support your claim. If you can’t i’ll just have to continue to assume you are a liar.

All you do is lie for your beloved God.
1) they don’t the KkK for example enforced Clinton, and Biden and his son are dems.

The KKK loves Trump, white supremist love Trump, racist love Trump.
2) not me, but many businesses have.

Yea the ones guilty of racism and discrimination.
3) no wrong doing was found or admitted to.

So what did they settle to if no wrong doing was found?
4) i’m not lying, black people went to school with his kids.

How do you know that? It's your stinking opinion.
You are the one making the claim they didn’t...with no support to deflect from your master joe xiden’s history of fighting against desecration of schools out of free his n word dropping son would grow up in a racial jungle

My opinion is based off of his words and deeds.
1) nope they edifices clinton in2016 and the bidens certainly didn’t support trump and they are clearly racist

Why would they support him in 2016 when he was running as a Republican. Duh. Trump has played the racist like you.
2) sorry being sued or accused doesn’t make you guilty...maybe to Dem lynch mobs or does...the dems lynched a lot of people based on accusations.
We had a Republican president in 1972. Smfh. So it was Republican lynch mobs after Trump. Lol.
3) they settled to drop the cases. All trump had to do was say he won’t discriminate...and he said of course...

Yea that makes sense, I have never discriminated against anyone so I will just agree not to discriminate. So I guess the folks who were trying to rent his apartments are just telling lies because they don't like Trump.
4) because i know the schools they went to...UPenn has plenty of minorities!

I am talking grade school and HS genius.
5) your opinion is just a lie, based on lies and propaganda. It’s not even an opinion, it’s a lie.

The only liar is you, you are truly a Trump Humper. One of those folks who the facts are kicking you in the ass and you will claim it is just your hemorrhoids' flaring up.

2) No that wasn't a lynch mob, that was merely an accusation that was worked out in a civil process via the Court...unlike your leftwing lynch mob attitude that convicts people by merely accusing them.

So now it wasn't a lynch mob since it was a republican president. You called it a lynch mob when you thought it was democrats. You're a joke.
3) yeah it does...I never cheated on my wife, but I promised to remain faithful in my marriage vows too.

That's makes no sense. How many businesses have had to go to court and claim they will not discriminate? Only the ones who have been guilty of discrimination.
4) yeah, I know what schools they went to then too...it's on the wikipedia page...they have african-americans there too. You simply just lie...and lie...and lie...and ignore reality because it destroys the narrative your Plantation masters are feeding you.

Post a list of those schools.
5) you have not provided any facts to support your claim that their schools were all white. In fact, the first African-American attended the school Ivanka went to in the 1950s....decades before she went there. You just lie...and ignore reality

You haven't provided anything proven there were students of all colors at those so called schools. Trump Humpin ain't easy is it.
so racist jumped on both? ok. it happens...but then you voted for one and put him in office...

sure it does...the vows are the same vows millions have made

why don’t you take the time to look them up before you ran out the mouth and lied?

sure i did, i said Ivanka school was desegregated....despite Xiden’s objections and attempts to undermine, back in the 50s
1) what’s your point? Trump left the racist DNC? Klan party? ok. Good for him

No that's the Republican party of today. Why do you think all the racist support him.
2) sure they do, usually getting judgements.

How many times have you been sued for racial discrimination?
not like here, where no wrong doing was found.

LOL, The lawsuit was based on evidence gathered by testers for the New York City Human Rights Division, which alleged that black people who went to Trump buildings were told there were no apartments available, while white people were offered units.

"He met with the superintendent, and the superintendent said, 'I'm very sorry, but the apartment is rented — it's gone,' " Morse says. "So the gentlemen said to him, 'Well, why is the sign out? I still see a sign that says apartment for rent.' And the superintendent said, 'Oh, I guess I forgot to take it down.' "

The Justice Department considered the case "one of the most significant race bias cases" at the time.

It wasn't no big deal, hell it was 1972.
3 i am sure they did, but please support your claim. If you can’t i’ll just have to continue to assume you are a liar.

All you do is lie for your beloved God.
1) they don’t the KkK for example enforced Clinton, and Biden and his son are dems.

The KKK loves Trump, white supremist love Trump, racist love Trump.
2) not me, but many businesses have.

Yea the ones guilty of racism and discrimination.
3) no wrong doing was found or admitted to.

So what did they settle to if no wrong doing was found?
4) i’m not lying, black people went to school with his kids.

How do you know that? It's your stinking opinion.
You are the one making the claim they didn’t...with no support to deflect from your master joe xiden’s history of fighting against desecration of schools out of free his n word dropping son would grow up in a racial jungle

My opinion is based off of his words and deeds.
1) nope they edifices clinton in2016 and the bidens certainly didn’t support trump and they are clearly racist

Why would they support him in 2016 when he was running as a Republican. Duh. Trump has played the racist like you.
2) sorry being sued or accused doesn’t make you guilty...maybe to Dem lynch mobs or does...the dems lynched a lot of people based on accusations.
We had a Republican president in 1972. Smfh. So it was Republican lynch mobs after Trump. Lol.
3) they settled to drop the cases. All trump had to do was say he won’t discriminate...and he said of course...

Yea that makes sense, I have never discriminated against anyone so I will just agree not to discriminate. So I guess the folks who were trying to rent his apartments are just telling lies because they don't like Trump.
4) because i know the schools they went to...UPenn has plenty of minorities!

I am talking grade school and HS genius.
5) your opinion is just a lie, based on lies and propaganda. It’s not even an opinion, it’s a lie.

The only liar is you, you are truly a Trump Humper. One of those folks who the facts are kicking you in the ass and you will claim it is just your hemorrhoids' flaring up.

2) No that wasn't a lynch mob, that was merely an accusation that was worked out in a civil process via the Court...unlike your leftwing lynch mob attitude that convicts people by merely accusing them.

So now it wasn't a lynch mob since it was a republican president. You called it a lynch mob when you thought it was democrats. You're a joke.
3) yeah it does...I never cheated on my wife, but I promised to remain faithful in my marriage vows too.

That's makes no sense. How many businesses have had to go to court and claim they will not discriminate? Only the ones who have been guilty of discrimination.
4) yeah, I know what schools they went to then too...it's on the wikipedia page...they have african-americans there too. You simply just lie...and lie...and lie...and ignore reality because it destroys the narrative your Plantation masters are feeding you.

Post a list of those schools.
5) you have not provided any facts to support your claim that their schools were all white. In fact, the first African-American attended the school Ivanka went to in the 1950s....decades before she went there. You just lie...and ignore reality

You haven't provided anything proven there were students of all colors at those so called schools. Trump Humpin ain't easy is it.
so racist jumped on both? ok. it happens...but then you voted for one and put him in office...

You voted for one in Trump.
sure it does...the vows are the same vows millions have made

When did you have to vow that you would not discriminate.
why don’t you take the time to look them up before you ran out the mouth and lied?

Who said I lied, you haven't provided anything about where they went to school and who with.
sure i did, i said Ivanka school was desegregated....despite Xiden’s objections and attempts to undermine, back in the 50s

What school was that?
1) what’s your point? Trump left the racist DNC? Klan party? ok. Good for him

No that's the Republican party of today. Why do you think all the racist support him.
2) sure they do, usually getting judgements.

How many times have you been sued for racial discrimination?
not like here, where no wrong doing was found.

LOL, The lawsuit was based on evidence gathered by testers for the New York City Human Rights Division, which alleged that black people who went to Trump buildings were told there were no apartments available, while white people were offered units.

"He met with the superintendent, and the superintendent said, 'I'm very sorry, but the apartment is rented — it's gone,' " Morse says. "So the gentlemen said to him, 'Well, why is the sign out? I still see a sign that says apartment for rent.' And the superintendent said, 'Oh, I guess I forgot to take it down.' "

The Justice Department considered the case "one of the most significant race bias cases" at the time.

It wasn't no big deal, hell it was 1972.
3 i am sure they did, but please support your claim. If you can’t i’ll just have to continue to assume you are a liar.

All you do is lie for your beloved God.
1) they don’t the KkK for example enforced Clinton, and Biden and his son are dems.

The KKK loves Trump, white supremist love Trump, racist love Trump.
2) not me, but many businesses have.

Yea the ones guilty of racism and discrimination.
3) no wrong doing was found or admitted to.

So what did they settle to if no wrong doing was found?
4) i’m not lying, black people went to school with his kids.

How do you know that? It's your stinking opinion.
You are the one making the claim they didn’t...with no support to deflect from your master joe xiden’s history of fighting against desecration of schools out of free his n word dropping son would grow up in a racial jungle

My opinion is based off of his words and deeds.
1) nope they edifices clinton in2016 and the bidens certainly didn’t support trump and they are clearly racist

Why would they support him in 2016 when he was running as a Republican. Duh. Trump has played the racist like you.
2) sorry being sued or accused doesn’t make you guilty...maybe to Dem lynch mobs or does...the dems lynched a lot of people based on accusations.
We had a Republican president in 1972. Smfh. So it was Republican lynch mobs after Trump. Lol.
3) they settled to drop the cases. All trump had to do was say he won’t discriminate...and he said of course...

Yea that makes sense, I have never discriminated against anyone so I will just agree not to discriminate. So I guess the folks who were trying to rent his apartments are just telling lies because they don't like Trump.
4) because i know the schools they went to...UPenn has plenty of minorities!

I am talking grade school and HS genius.
5) your opinion is just a lie, based on lies and propaganda. It’s not even an opinion, it’s a lie.

The only liar is you, you are truly a Trump Humper. One of those folks who the facts are kicking you in the ass and you will claim it is just your hemorrhoids' flaring up.

2) No that wasn't a lynch mob, that was merely an accusation that was worked out in a civil process via the Court...unlike your leftwing lynch mob attitude that convicts people by merely accusing them.

So now it wasn't a lynch mob since it was a republican president. You called it a lynch mob when you thought it was democrats. You're a joke.
3) yeah it does...I never cheated on my wife, but I promised to remain faithful in my marriage vows too.

That's makes no sense. How many businesses have had to go to court and claim they will not discriminate? Only the ones who have been guilty of discrimination.
4) yeah, I know what schools they went to then too...it's on the wikipedia page...they have african-americans there too. You simply just lie...and lie...and lie...and ignore reality because it destroys the narrative your Plantation masters are feeding you.

Post a list of those schools.
5) you have not provided any facts to support your claim that their schools were all white. In fact, the first African-American attended the school Ivanka went to in the 1950s....decades before she went there. You just lie...and ignore reality

You haven't provided anything proven there were students of all colors at those so called schools. Trump Humpin ain't easy is it.
so racist jumped on both? ok. it happens...but then you voted for one and put him in office...

You voted for one in Trump.
sure it does...the vows are the same vows millions have made

When did you have to vow that you would not discriminate.
why don’t you take the time to look them up before you ran out the mouth and lied?

Who said I lied, you haven't provided anything about where they went to school and who with.
sure i did, i said Ivanka school was desegregated....despite Xiden’s objections and attempts to undermine, back in the 50s

What school was that?
1) um no, there is no evidence trump is a racist...xiden it’s public record
2) now you are just trolling
3) i have, i specifically highlighted one of his children and when the school intergrated

it’s very easy for you to wikipedia the information...you will choose not to, because you don’t want to be informed and spread lies. Much like the dems keep their slaves from learning to read, i suppose they have indoctrined in you the ability not to want to educate yourself...sad
1) what’s your point? Trump left the racist DNC? Klan party? ok. Good for him

No that's the Republican party of today. Why do you think all the racist support him.
2) sure they do, usually getting judgements.

How many times have you been sued for racial discrimination?
not like here, where no wrong doing was found.

LOL, The lawsuit was based on evidence gathered by testers for the New York City Human Rights Division, which alleged that black people who went to Trump buildings were told there were no apartments available, while white people were offered units.

"He met with the superintendent, and the superintendent said, 'I'm very sorry, but the apartment is rented — it's gone,' " Morse says. "So the gentlemen said to him, 'Well, why is the sign out? I still see a sign that says apartment for rent.' And the superintendent said, 'Oh, I guess I forgot to take it down.' "

The Justice Department considered the case "one of the most significant race bias cases" at the time.

It wasn't no big deal, hell it was 1972.
3 i am sure they did, but please support your claim. If you can’t i’ll just have to continue to assume you are a liar.

All you do is lie for your beloved God.
1) they don’t the KkK for example enforced Clinton, and Biden and his son are dems.

The KKK loves Trump, white supremist love Trump, racist love Trump.
2) not me, but many businesses have.

Yea the ones guilty of racism and discrimination.
3) no wrong doing was found or admitted to.

So what did they settle to if no wrong doing was found?
4) i’m not lying, black people went to school with his kids.

How do you know that? It's your stinking opinion.
You are the one making the claim they didn’t...with no support to deflect from your master joe xiden’s history of fighting against desecration of schools out of free his n word dropping son would grow up in a racial jungle

My opinion is based off of his words and deeds.
1) nope they edifices clinton in2016 and the bidens certainly didn’t support trump and they are clearly racist

Why would they support him in 2016 when he was running as a Republican. Duh. Trump has played the racist like you.
2) sorry being sued or accused doesn’t make you guilty...maybe to Dem lynch mobs or does...the dems lynched a lot of people based on accusations.
We had a Republican president in 1972. Smfh. So it was Republican lynch mobs after Trump. Lol.
3) they settled to drop the cases. All trump had to do was say he won’t discriminate...and he said of course...

Yea that makes sense, I have never discriminated against anyone so I will just agree not to discriminate. So I guess the folks who were trying to rent his apartments are just telling lies because they don't like Trump.
4) because i know the schools they went to...UPenn has plenty of minorities!

I am talking grade school and HS genius.
5) your opinion is just a lie, based on lies and propaganda. It’s not even an opinion, it’s a lie.

The only liar is you, you are truly a Trump Humper. One of those folks who the facts are kicking you in the ass and you will claim it is just your hemorrhoids' flaring up.

2) No that wasn't a lynch mob, that was merely an accusation that was worked out in a civil process via the Court...unlike your leftwing lynch mob attitude that convicts people by merely accusing them.

So now it wasn't a lynch mob since it was a republican president. You called it a lynch mob when you thought it was democrats. You're a joke.
3) yeah it does...I never cheated on my wife, but I promised to remain faithful in my marriage vows too.

That's makes no sense. How many businesses have had to go to court and claim they will not discriminate? Only the ones who have been guilty of discrimination.
4) yeah, I know what schools they went to then too...it's on the wikipedia page...they have african-americans there too. You simply just lie...and lie...and lie...and ignore reality because it destroys the narrative your Plantation masters are feeding you.

Post a list of those schools.
5) you have not provided any facts to support your claim that their schools were all white. In fact, the first African-American attended the school Ivanka went to in the 1950s....decades before she went there. You just lie...and ignore reality

You haven't provided anything proven there were students of all colors at those so called schools. Trump Humpin ain't easy is it.
so racist jumped on both? ok. it happens...but then you voted for one and put him in office...

You voted for one in Trump.
sure it does...the vows are the same vows millions have made

When did you have to vow that you would not discriminate.
why don’t you take the time to look them up before you ran out the mouth and lied?

Who said I lied, you haven't provided anything about where they went to school and who with.
sure i did, i said Ivanka school was desegregated....despite Xiden’s objections and attempts to undermine, back in the 50s

What school was that?
1) um no, there is no evidence trump is a racist...xiden it’s public record[/qute]

Plenty of evidence to that.
2) now you are just trolling

No you claimed that it is something everyone does.
3) i have, i specifically highlighted one of his children and when the school intergrated

You highlighted a college, tell me what grade school or HS his children attended. If you don't know then just say that.
it’s very easy for you to wikipedia the information...you will choose not to, because you don’t want to be informed and spread lies. Much like the dems keep their slaves from learning to read, i suppose they have indoctrined in you the ability not to want to educate yourself...sad

You don't have a damn clue, do you? What is sad is that you will kiss someone's ass this much to try and defend them when you don't know nothing about them.
Talking to my daughter this morning about this very thing.
Seems the postal workers are opening and stealing her mail.Tax check is misssing and card opened with letter opener.
Maybe you've had this happen to you lately?
Numerous times now lately I have waited patiently for packages to arrive from China.

Usually about a month. Sometimes a little more. Patient.

Only to have the package arrive at the LOCAL POST office (Last Mile Carrier) and drop off the face of the planet.
Never to be heard from again.

The Post Office is very quick to blame the coronavirus.
Yet no one that I can determine is taking time off. The usual staff is there every day.
Everyone is still there and most definitely still on the dole.

I firmly believe this is the end result of Union interference with productivity.
Your Union dues paid are your assurance of security regardless or in the face of any lack of productivity.
Not to mention anything the government sticks it's chubby fingers in gets stinky.
Screwing with your fentanyl orders?

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