I wonder why whites feel under attack?

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The wiener head whites abused minorities for many years and now are gonna cry cause shit don't go their way without a hitch....whaa..

So the loss of individual rights as a group way back when justifies the loss of rights by a totally different group of individuals TODAY?

You are a fucking moron.
After 5 or so years on this board, I have to say that never have I encountered such a whiny group of snowflakes as white conservatives. Everything is SO UNFAIR.

You won the White House, the Congress and the Senate and you're still pissed off because your no one respects your President. Like any of you respected Obama.

Trump is your perfect President because he whines more than anybody else. He lost the popular vote. Boo fucking hoo. W never whined about losing the popular vote. He didn't call for a commission to look into voter fraud.

Trump is such a delicate snowflake he has staff prepare a file of positive news stories about him to put him in a better mood. Poor dear. Negative press upsets him so. Staff does this in the hope they won't be the one he turns on or fires this week.

White guys have it so tough. Despite white privilege, legacy college admissions, the "old boys" network, and being everyone's first pick for the highest paying jobs, life is so unfair. So they march chanting "Jews will not replace us". How very odd. Are there enough Jews to replace all the white men in America? Why are they worried about Jews replacing them?

White guys are so butt hurt that they spend time scouring the obscure corners of the internet to find all those headlines in the OP. I've never seen anything like them in the MSM so they had to look into obscure websites to come up with all that shit. Imagine wanting to wallow in self pity enough to go looking for things to be offended about.

Of course that's what Trump does so I guess he's leading by example. Trump gets outraged because the MSM does its job. He looks for things to get pissed off about.

You poor downtrodden white guys. What would happen to you if you had real problems to deal with?
Oh shut up.
After 5 or so years on this board, I have to say that never have I encountered such a whiny group of snowflakes as white conservatives. Everything is SO UNFAIR.

You won the White House, the Congress and the Senate and you're still pissed off because your no one respects your President. Like any of you respected Obama.

Trump is your perfect President because he whines more than anybody else. He lost the popular vote. Boo fucking hoo. W never whined about losing the popular vote. He didn't call for a commission to look into voter fraud.

Trump is such a delicate snowflake he has staff prepare a file of positive news stories about him to put him in a better mood. Poor dear. Negative press upsets him so. Staff does this in the hope they won't be the one he turns on or fires this week.

White guys have it so tough. Despite white privilege, legacy college admissions, the "old boys" network, and being everyone's first pick for the highest paying jobs, life is so unfair. So they march chanting "Jews will not replace us". How very odd. Are there enough Jews to replace all the white men in America? Why are they worried about Jews replacing them?

White guys are so butt hurt that they spend time scouring the obscure corners of the internet to find all those headlines in the OP. I've never seen anything like them in the MSM so they had to look into obscure websites to come up with all that shit. Imagine wanting to wallow in self pity enough to go looking for things to be offended about.

Of course that's what Trump does so I guess he's leading by example. Trump gets outraged because the MSM does its job. He looks for things to get pissed off about.

You poor downtrodden white guys. What would happen to you if you had real problems to deal with?

Like you?
Are Black men ever going to learn how to help raise their own children?


Statements like these is why people are hostile towards white people. Then people like you don't understand why they get called a racist.

72% of black children have no support from their father. That's a fact you weak, whiny liberal propagandist. And it's also a fact that you think "racist" is the nuclear swear word that will cow anyone who notices.
So yes I understand why "they get called a racist". They get called that to shut them up.

Are Black men ever going to learn how to help raise their own children?


Statements like these is why people are hostile towards white people. Then people like you don't understand why they get called a racist.
With unmarried pregnancy rates of black females upwards to 70%, it's a valid question.

Just because a couple isn't married does not mean that the father in uninvolved, not providing support, or even not in the home.

That's drawing illogical conclusions.
You poor downtrodden white guys. What would happen to you if you had real problems to deal with?
Oh shut up.
It is of interest to note that leftwing nutjobs like DragonBitch seem to think that Whites losing their rights and being discriminated against by law is just nothing and to complain about it is merely whining.

The tide is turning, and the bullshit by leftists today is going to come back to haunt them in the not-so-distant future.
You poor downtrodden white guys. What would happen to you if you had real problems to deal with?
Oh shut up.
It is of interest to note that leftwing nutjobs like DragonBitch seem to think that Whites losing their rights and being discriminated against by law is just nothing and to complain about it is merely whining.

The tide is turning, and the bullshit by leftists today is going to come back to haunt them in the not-so-distant future.

What rights are white people losing?
Are Black men ever going to learn how to help raise their own children?


Statements like these is why people are hostile towards white people. Then people like you don't understand why they get called a racist.
With unmarried pregnancy rates of black females upwards to 70%, it's a valid question.

Just because a couple isn't married does not mean that the father in uninvolved, not providing support, or even not in the home.

That's drawing illogical conclusions.
Just because a couple isn't married does not mean that the father in uninvolved, not providing support, or even not in the home.

Dude, that is not helping raise the kids.Obviously if you understood that you wouldnt be a libtard.
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Are Black men ever going to learn how to help raise their own children?


Statements like these is why people are hostile towards white people. Then people like you don't understand why they get called a racist.
With unmarried pregnancy rates of black females upwards to 70%, it's a valid question.
We may or may not be number one, but your easy breezy drop their panties at the drop of a hat, white whores are in the top mf two!

Yer an idiot.
Are Black men ever going to learn how to help raise their own children?


Statements like these is why people are hostile towards white people. Then people like you don't understand why they get called a racist.
With unmarried pregnancy rates of black females upwards to 70%, it's a valid question.

Just because a couple isn't married does not mean that the father in uninvolved, not providing support, or even not in the home.

That's drawing illogical conclusions.
Just because a couple isn't married does not mean that the father in uninvolved, not providing support, or even not in the home.

Dude, that is not helping raise the kids.Obviously if you understood that you wouldnt be a libetard.

Have you heard of couples living together without being married? Have you heard of child support? Have you heard of joint custody for parents who don't live together?

Are these new concepts for you?
What rights are white people losing?
1. Due process as various leaders and rank and file DOJ have said repeatedly that anti-discrimination laws are not written to protect whites.

2. It is legal to discriminate against white in federal contracting.

3. The word or use of white perspective is dismissed in court in favor of the 'Reasonable Minority' perspective instead.

4. While minorities have hundreds of groups that assist them specifically by their group definition, any time whites do that the Establishment attacks them as White Supremacist and shut them down through slander. This is also happening to Christian groups as well since the SPLC is anti-Christian and being used as the primary source for consideration of who is a hate group.

I could go on, but we both know you really dont give a ratfuck and will deny that whites are being discriminated against anyway.
Have you heard of couples living together without being married? Have you heard of child support? Have you heard of joint custody for parents who don't live together?

Are these new concepts for you?

Of course not, but apparently child raising is new to you. None of the things you listed are 'raising a child'.

And if you think most of these ne'er do wells go to court to get visitation then you are living in another universe.
What rights are white people losing?
1. Due process as various leaders and rank and file DOJ have said repeatedly that anti-discrimination laws are not written to protect whites.

2. It is legal to discriminate against white in federal contracting.

3. The word or use of white perspective is dismissed in court in favor of the 'Reasonable Minority' perspective instead.

4. While minorities have hundreds of groups that assist them specifically by their group definition, any time whites do that the Establishment attacks them as White Supremacist and shut them down through slander. This is also happening to Christian groups as well since the SPLC is anti-Christian and being used as the primary source for consideration of who is a hate group.

I could go on, but we both know you really dont give a ratfuck and will deny that whites are being discriminated against anyway.

Most of this has to do with anti-discrimination laws. Anti-discrimination laws have been written to protect groups who have gone through a history of discrimination. White people don't fit that definition.
You poor downtrodden white guys. What would happen to you if you had real problems to deal with?
Oh shut up.
It is of interest to note that leftwing nutjobs like DragonBitch seem to think that Whites losing their rights and being discriminated against by law is just nothing and to complain about it is merely whining.

The tide is turning, and the bullshit by leftists today is going to come back to haunt them in the not-so-distant future.
I don't think these idiots understand they have unleashed with their insistence on ruthless identity politics.
What rights are white people losing?
1. Due process as various leaders and rank and file DOJ have said repeatedly that anti-discrimination laws are not written to protect whites.

2. It is legal to discriminate against white in federal contracting.

3. The word or use of white perspective is dismissed in court in favor of the 'Reasonable Minority' perspective instead.

4. While minorities have hundreds of groups that assist them specifically by their group definition, any time whites do that the Establishment attacks them as White Supremacist and shut them down through slander. This is also happening to Christian groups as well since the SPLC is anti-Christian and being used as the primary source for consideration of who is a hate group.

I could go on, but we both know you really dont give a ratfuck and will deny that whites are being discriminated against anyway.
What rights are white people losing?
1. Due process as various leaders and rank and file DOJ have said repeatedly that anti-discrimination laws are not written to protect whites.

2. It is legal to discriminate against white in federal contracting.

3. The word or use of white perspective is dismissed in court in favor of the 'Reasonable Minority' perspective instead.

4. While minorities have hundreds of groups that assist them specifically by their group definition, any time whites do that the Establishment attacks them as White Supremacist and shut them down through slander. This is also happening to Christian groups as well since the SPLC is anti-Christian and being used as the primary source for consideration of who is a hate group.

I could go on, but we both know you really dont give a ratfuck and will deny that whites are being discriminated against anyway.

Most of this has to do with anti-discrimination laws. Anti-discrimination laws have been written to protect groups who have gone through a history of discrimination. White people don't fit that definition.
We fit the definition now.
Have you heard of couples living together without being married? Have you heard of child support? Have you heard of joint custody for parents who don't live together?

Are these new concepts for you?

Of course not, but apparently child raising is new to you. None of the things you listed are 'raising a child'.

And if you think most of these ne'er do wells go to court to get visitation then you are living in another universe.

Yes, all of those things are "raising a child." Being in the home, providing financial support, spending time with a child = raising a child.

What "ne'er do wells" are you talking about?
What rights are white people losing?
1. Due process as various leaders and rank and file DOJ have said repeatedly that anti-discrimination laws are not written to protect whites.

2. It is legal to discriminate against white in federal contracting.

3. The word or use of white perspective is dismissed in court in favor of the 'Reasonable Minority' perspective instead.

4. While minorities have hundreds of groups that assist them specifically by their group definition, any time whites do that the Establishment attacks them as White Supremacist and shut them down through slander. This is also happening to Christian groups as well since the SPLC is anti-Christian and being used as the primary source for consideration of who is a hate group.

I could go on, but we both know you really dont give a ratfuck and will deny that whites are being discriminated against anyway.

Most of this has to do with anti-discrimination laws. Anti-discrimination laws have been written to protect groups who have gone through a history of discrimination. White people don't fit that definition.

By law one is not supposed to discriminate by race, but they do regardless of why they do it.

Whites are still being discriminated against, and the libtard definition of jack shit doesnt really matter.

BTW, none of the reasons I gave you have anything to do with past discrimination.

The way to end racist discrimination is to END RACIST DISCRIMINATION, dude.
You poor downtrodden white guys. What would happen to you if you had real problems to deal with?
Oh shut up.
It is of interest to note that leftwing nutjobs like DragonBitch seem to think that Whites losing their rights and being discriminated against by law is just nothing and to complain about it is merely whining.

The tide is turning, and the bullshit by leftists today is going to come back to haunt them in the not-so-distant future.

How so, exactly?
Have you heard of couples living together without being married? Have you heard of child support? Have you heard of joint custody for parents who don't live together?
Of course not, but apparently child raising is new to you. None of the things you listed are 'raising a child'.
Yes, all of those things are "raising a child." Being in the home, providing financial support, spending time with a child = raising a child.
I rest my case, lololololol
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