I wonder why whites feel under attack?

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IF they aren't in a stable family they aren't married and just have kids, right Joe? Remember what you said? Pull your head out of your ass Joe, wake the fuck up, and realize that your liberal ideologue is self destructive.

Meh, I know kids raised by single parents who are just fine, I know rich little douchebags raised by two parents who are real fuckups. It's nice and stuff to have two parents, but not critical.

But if you really want to change the system, how about stop penalizing poor married couples for staying married?
IF they aren't in a stable family they aren't married and just have kids, right Joe? Remember what you said? Pull your head out of your ass Joe, wake the fuck up, and realize that your liberal ideologue is self destructive.

Meh, I know kids raised by single parents who are just fine, I know rich little douchebags raised by two parents who are real fuckups. It's nice and stuff to have two parents, but not critical.

But if you really want to change the system, how about stop penalizing poor married couples for staying married?
Are Children Raised With Absent Fathers Worse Off?
Children raised by single mothers are more likely to fare worse on a number of dimensions, including their school achievement, their social and emotional development, their health and their success in the labor market. They are at greater risk of parental abuse and neglect (especially from live-in boyfriends who are not their biological fathers), more likely to become teen parents and less likely to graduate from high school or college. Not all children raised in single parent families suffer these adverse outcomes; it is simply that the risks are greater for them.
Would you say smoking gives you cancer Joe, or does it increase your chance of getting cancer? You Joe, are a stupid fuck, who must drink the liberal koolaid and spew out the talking points just like a good little Eichmann.

Would you say smoking gives you cancer Joe, or does it increase your chance of getting cancer? You Joe, are a stupid fuck, who must drink the liberal koolaid and spew out the talking points just like a good little Eichmann.

You can spew out all the Right Wing propaganda you want, but NOBODY should stay in a marriage that makes them unhappy. Period.

And if you want to bring the Nazis into this, the Nazis just loved the "Family Values" bullshit more than the Republican Right Wing does.

I love how you guys talk about 'Freedom" all day, but man, when it comes to anything to do with relationships, you want to tell people what kind of birth control they can use, who they can have sex with and you are going to stay in that miserable marriage no matter what!
IF they aren't in a stable family they aren't married and just have kids, right Joe? Remember what you said? Pull your head out of your ass Joe, wake the fuck up, and realize that your liberal ideologue is self destructive.

Meh, I know kids raised by single parents who are just fine, I know rich little douchebags raised by two parents who are real fuckups. It's nice and stuff to have two parents, but not critical.

But if you really want to change the system, how about stop penalizing poor married couples for staying married?
Why are they poor Joe? My parents were poor when they started off, even after having children. But they didn't stay poor Joe, didn't suck on the government teat either, but dad worked 2 jobs and mom also, to make ends meet. The problem with you Joe, is that you probably were born with a silver spoon in your mouth, like the Kennedy's never had to struggle in your life, so those that sit back and take in welfare, you laugh at as losers. I was a loser when I quit college, was a full time minimum wage puke, but never took welfare. After realizing that being a liberal shmuch was not for me, I got skills to fix Fighter Jets, you know Joe, that can fly in rain and at night, so I was able to go to Saudi Arabia Joe, make 6 figures and pay no taxes on the first $70,000 and amass a small fortune, that today, with investing in stocks, well into the 10s of millions. Does that make me evil, Joe, or a smart mother fucker, who didn't play the victim card? Today I help others of any race achieve the same success, by opening their minds to entrepreneurship, so they too can achieve personal satisfaction and wealth. You can continue to be a victim and never make something of yourself except being a liberal dunce.

This is one of the many Jets I worked on while in Saudi Arabia..
Why are they poor Joe? My parents were poor when they started off, even after having children. But they didn't stay poor Joe, didn't suck on the government teat either, but dad worked 2 jobs and mom also, to make ends meet.

And here's the big difference. Your family was white. I'm sorry why you don't see that as a huge advantage in this society, but it is.

The problem with you Joe, is that you probably were born with a silver spoon in your mouth, like the Kennedy's never had to struggle in your life, so those that sit back and take in welfare, you laugh at as losers.

Naw, dude, I was born in a working class family back in the good old days when you could get a good union job and provide a good living for a family. something Republicans have been trying to dismantle for the last 40 years because those Dressage Horsies aren't buying themselves. Now, you spend a lot of time whining about why i have a second house. I have that because before my dad got married, he bought a plot of land in Wisconsin, built himself a cabin on a lake so he could have a place to fish. (My dad also grew up during the great depression, when they used to hunt and fish for subsistence. He never really got out of the habit, even when he was making good money.)

I was a loser when I quit college, was a full time minimum wage puke, but never took welfare.

Well, we can definitely tell you never got exposed to higher learning.

After realizing that being a liberal shmuch was not for me, I got skills to fix Fighter Jets, you know Joe, that can fly in rain and at night, so I was able to go to Saudi Arabia Joe, make 6 figures and pay no taxes on the first $70,000

I'm gonna cut you off right here, because the irony is kind of lost on you.

You make good money because a big government robs from people out here making a living to pay for a bloated, largely unnecessary military industrial complex and has to pay a premium for private contractors because the government wouldn't do what they did during WWII, and simply draft the warm bodies they need to do the schlub work. Do you not see the irony of that?

"Welfare for me, but not for thee...."
Why are they poor Joe? My parents were poor when they started off, even after having children. But they didn't stay poor Joe, didn't suck on the government teat either, but dad worked 2 jobs and mom also, to make ends meet.

And here's the big difference. Your family was white. I'm sorry why you don't see that as a huge advantage in this society, but it is.

The problem with you Joe, is that you probably were born with a silver spoon in your mouth, like the Kennedy's never had to struggle in your life, so those that sit back and take in welfare, you laugh at as losers.

Naw, dude, I was born in a working class family back in the good old days when you could get a good union job and provide a good living for a family. something Republicans have been trying to dismantle for the last 40 years because those Dressage Horsies aren't buying themselves. Now, you spend a lot of time whining about why i have a second house. I have that because before my dad got married, he bought a plot of land in Wisconsin, built himself a cabin on a lake so he could have a place to fish. (My dad also grew up during the great depression, when they used to hunt and fish for subsistence. He never really got out of the habit, even when he was making good money.)

I was a loser when I quit college, was a full time minimum wage puke, but never took welfare.

Well, we can definitely tell you never got exposed to higher learning.

After realizing that being a liberal shmuch was not for me, I got skills to fix Fighter Jets, you know Joe, that can fly in rain and at night, so I was able to go to Saudi Arabia Joe, make 6 figures and pay no taxes on the first $70,000

I'm gonna cut you off right here, because the irony is kind of lost on you.

You make good money because a big government robs from people out here making a living to pay for a bloated, largely unnecessary military industrial complex and has to pay a premium for private contractors because the government wouldn't do what they did during WWII, and simply draft the warm bodies they need to do the schlub work. Do you not see the irony of that?

"Welfare for me, but not for thee...."
I'm sorry why you don't see that as a huge advantage in this society, but it is.
I don't know, my family didn't have affirmative action to help them find a job. But they did work hard, so I guess color and working hard go hand in hand?
Naw, dude, I was born in a working class family back in the good old days when you could get a good union job and provide a good living for a family.
Why is it that Union execs make millions of dollars and their "workers" only make enough to provide a "good" living, not a great living? Seems that the Union Execs are scamming the fuck out of dipshits like you, yet you hate people trying to reform unions.
Well, we can definitely tell you never got exposed to higher learning.
I am glad as fuck, I didn't waste my time and money on liberal upper propaganda, where many are in debt for 100s of thousands of dollars, so must live with their liberal parents, and have to get welfare. Real nice Joe.

With my skills and learning about LIFE, I am a self made millionaire, are you Joe?
I don't know, my family didn't have affirmative action to help them find a job. But they did work hard, so I guess color and working hard go hand in hand?

Not really. But I bet that every member of your family was hired by another white person. I know every job I ever got, a white person made the hiring decision, even that time I worked for the Japanese company.

Why is it that Union execs make millions of dollars and their "workers" only make enough to provide a "good" living, not a great living? Seems that the Union Execs are scamming the fuck out of dipshits like you, yet you hate people trying to reform unions.

Well, except they don't make "millions of dollars". It's rare for a union president to make 7 figures. Meanwhile 8 figure salaries for CEO's are common.

The problem with the people who are trying to "Reform" unions is that htey are like Butterball trying to "Reform" Turkeys.

I am glad as fuck, I didn't waste my time and money on liberal upper propaganda, where many are in debt for 100s of thousands of dollars, so must live with their liberal parents, and have to get welfare. Real nice Joe.

With my skills and learning about LIFE, I am a self made millionaire, are you Joe?

First, anyone who brags about being a millionaire on the internet probably isn't.

second, the reason why college costs so much is that they've been infected by the Capitalist disease. When I went to college back in the 1980's, tuition was less than $1500 a year. You could actually work you way through college on a minimum wage job. I did it! Had some help from the Army, of course, but I pulled it off.

Now, not so much. the Minimum wage hasn't kept up with inflation and the cost of tuition has skyrocketed. Yet more and more jobs demand a bachelor's degree as a minimum. You can't get a job in my field without a bachelor's today.
I don't know, my family didn't have affirmative action to help them find a job. But they did work hard, so I guess color and working hard go hand in hand?

Not really. But I bet that every member of your family was hired by another white person. I know every job I ever got, a white person made the hiring decision, even that time I worked for the Japanese company.

Why is it that Union execs make millions of dollars and their "workers" only make enough to provide a "good" living, not a great living? Seems that the Union Execs are scamming the fuck out of dipshits like you, yet you hate people trying to reform unions.

Well, except they don't make "millions of dollars". It's rare for a union president to make 7 figures. Meanwhile 8 figure salaries for CEO's are common.

The problem with the people who are trying to "Reform" unions is that htey are like Butterball trying to "Reform" Turkeys.

I am glad as fuck, I didn't waste my time and money on liberal upper propaganda, where many are in debt for 100s of thousands of dollars, so must live with their liberal parents, and have to get welfare. Real nice Joe.

With my skills and learning about LIFE, I am a self made millionaire, are you Joe?

First, anyone who brags about being a millionaire on the internet probably isn't.

second, the reason why college costs so much is that they've been infected by the Capitalist disease. When I went to college back in the 1980's, tuition was less than $1500 a year. You could actually work you way through college on a minimum wage job. I did it! Had some help from the Army, of course, but I pulled it off.

Now, not so much. the Minimum wage hasn't kept up with inflation and the cost of tuition has skyrocketed. Yet more and more jobs demand a bachelor's degree as a minimum. You can't get a job in my field without a bachelor's today.
Well, except they don't make "millions of dollars". It's rare for a union president to make 7 figures. Meanwhile 8 figure salaries for CEO's are common.
what goods or services does the Union President provide a customer? Why is it he must steal the union dues of the "workers" so he can get his paycheck? Andy Stern Net Worth
How rich is Andy Stern?
Andy Stern Net Worth:
$2.1 Million
An executive for a business, is paid for his experience to run a profitable company, like a profession athlete is paid for his expertise to win a game. The CEO employs thousands of people, to provide goods and services, a pro athlete provides entertainment but employs only himself. I think, you Joe have wealth envy, because your union didn't provide you with millions of dollars like Andy did, so now you have to be in the middle class the rest of your life.
the Minimum wage hasn't kept up with inflation and the cost of tuition has skyrocketed.
Hey Joe when I worked at McD's back in 1976 the minimum wage was $2.10 an hour and you could buy a burger, fry and small drink for only 95 cents. When minimum wage was $7.50 an hour, that burger, fry and small drink was just over $3.00 So minimum wage when up 3.5 times, but the food only went up 3 times. But the reason why College Tuition went through the roof, is that liberals are in charge of the colleges and demand more money because the government took over the college tuition plan. Liberals scratching the backs of other liberals, and you are just an ignorant fuck for not noticing that. Keep it up Joe and you will get the "stupidest liberal in the universe" award.

A year ago, the president signed legislation ending subsidies for private banks giving federally guaranteed student loans—making the federal government, not banks, the lender of choice for most students. You can still get private bank loans for your college education, but since they no longer are backed by the U.S. government, private loans aren't as good a deal anymore; most are variable rate loans that require a co-signer and are difficult to qualify for. So it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see why most kids take out federal student loans from the Department of Education now, and leave the bank loans as a last resort.

what goods or services does the Union President provide a customer? Why is it he must steal the union dues of the "workers" so he can get his paycheck?

Let's see now, those union members get salaries and protections most of us don't enjoy. So there's that.

An executive for a business, is paid for his experience to run a profitable company, like a profession athlete is paid for his expertise to win a game.

Well, that would be great if they actually did that, but these guys get paid even if they run their companies into the ground. which a lot of them do. And you get big glossy magazines like Forbes and Fortune stroking their egos.

Hey Joe when I worked at McD's back in 1976 the minimum wage was $2.10 an hour and you could buy a burger, fry and small drink for only 95 cents. When minimum wage was $7.50 an hour, that burger, fry and small drink was just over $3.00 So minimum wage when up 3.5 times, but the food only went up 3 times. But the reason why College Tuition went through the roof, is that liberals are in charge of the colleges and demand more money because the government took over the college tuition plan. Liberals scratching the backs of other liberals, and you are just an ignorant fuck for not noticing that. Keep it up Joe and you will get the "stupidest liberal in the universe" award.

I think you are a little bit confused here guy. the reason why food costs have gone down relative to inflation is because the government subsidizes its production. Agriculture is probably the least capitalistic sector of our economy, it's why we have a 100 Billion dollar Farm Bill every year.

The old joke about the USDA bureaucrat being in mourning because his farmer died isn't that far from the truth.

MEANWHILE, the Colleges are displaying a lot of the same bad habits as corporations.

What's Driving College Costs Higher?

"[Colleges and universities] compete with one another not to make money, but for status and prestige, so they buy things that increase their status and prestige in relation to their competitors," Carey tells Fresh Air's Dave Davies. "They're big on construction. ... They're always building things."

College campuses may be expanding but that doesn't necessarily mean their teaching staffs are growing. Carey points out that the number of full-time professors has shrunk across the country — and that less than 40 percent of students are now taught by tenure or tenure-track professors.

Opinion | The Real Reason College Tuition Costs So Much

By contrast, a major factor driving increasing costs is the constant expansion of university administration. According to the Department of Education data, administrative positions at colleges and universities grew by 60 percent between 1993 and 2009, which Bloomberg reported was 10 times the rate of growth of tenured faculty positions.

Even more strikingly, an analysis by a professor at California Polytechnic University, Pomona, found that, while the total number of full-time faculty members in the C.S.U. system grew from 11,614 to 12,019 between 1975 and 2008, the total number of administrators grew from 3,800 to 12,183 — a 221 percent increase.
I also noticed you completely avoided the point that you made a lot of money off a bloated government program... but you just hates the government spending money.
what goods or services does the Union President provide a customer? Why is it he must steal the union dues of the "workers" so he can get his paycheck?

Let's see now, those union members get salaries and protections most of us don't enjoy. So there's that.

An executive for a business, is paid for his experience to run a profitable company, like a profession athlete is paid for his expertise to win a game.

Well, that would be great if they actually did that, but these guys get paid even if they run their companies into the ground. which a lot of them do. And you get big glossy magazines like Forbes and Fortune stroking their egos.

Hey Joe when I worked at McD's back in 1976 the minimum wage was $2.10 an hour and you could buy a burger, fry and small drink for only 95 cents. When minimum wage was $7.50 an hour, that burger, fry and small drink was just over $3.00 So minimum wage when up 3.5 times, but the food only went up 3 times. But the reason why College Tuition went through the roof, is that liberals are in charge of the colleges and demand more money because the government took over the college tuition plan. Liberals scratching the backs of other liberals, and you are just an ignorant fuck for not noticing that. Keep it up Joe and you will get the "stupidest liberal in the universe" award.

I think you are a little bit confused here guy. the reason why food costs have gone down relative to inflation is because the government subsidizes its production. Agriculture is probably the least capitalistic sector of our economy, it's why we have a 100 Billion dollar Farm Bill every year.

The old joke about the USDA bureaucrat being in mourning because his farmer died isn't that far from the truth.

MEANWHILE, the Colleges are displaying a lot of the same bad habits as corporations.
Nothing is guaranteed in the world except "death and taxes". When i went to work for a company there was an agreement that i would work so many hours and get a paycheck for my efforts. Also, when i became more valuable with my increased skill set, i was given more PERKS so the company would want me to stay.
A union on the other hand, have both employee and company sign a contract, where the "worker" will do no more, no less than the contract, and so if the end product does not meet the profits needed to keep the company open, then the union holds the company liable and ends up bankrupting the company. Yeah, Joe i have been around for quite some time, seen Eastern Airlines go bankrupt because the union didn't renegotiate the deal. Unions might of had a purpose a long time ago, but outlived their usefulness, and need to be busted up. Now i am done talking with you, Joe, because i laugh at your wealth envy.
Nothing is guaranteed in the world except "death and taxes". When i went to work for a company there was an agreement that i would work so many hours and get a paycheck for my efforts. Also, when i became more valuable with my increased skill set, i was given more PERKS so the company would want me to stay. A union on the other hand, have both employee and company sign a contract, where the "worker" will do no more, no less than the contract, and so if the end product does not meet the profits needed to keep the company open, then the union holds the company liable and ends up bankrupting the company.

How does the union hold the company accountable if it's not profitable? That makes no sense. If a company isn't profitable, it's not because of labor, it's because of poor management.

Yeah, Joe i have been around for quite some time, seen Eastern Airlines go bankrupt because the union didn't renegotiate the deal. Unions might of had a purpose a long time ago, but outlived their usefulness, and need to be busted up. Now i am done talking with you, Joe, because i laugh at your wealth envy.

Eastern Airlines went bankrupt because of many factors, not the unions. Without unions today, what's to stop employers from rolling back all that which unions fought to get?

And this isn't about "wealth envy"...this is about greed.
A union on the other hand, have both employee and company sign a contract, where the "worker" will do no more, no less than the contract, and so if the end product does not meet the profits needed to keep the company open, then the union holds the company liable and ends up bankrupting the company. Yeah, Joe i have been around for quite some time, seen Eastern Airlines go bankrupt because the union didn't renegotiate the deal.

Okay, that just tells me that Eastern was badly managed by the millionaires. In fact the repeated fines for safety violations and the inability to compete with no-frills airlines did Eastern in, the the unwillingness of the unions to roll over.

Unions might of had a purpose a long time ago, but outlived their usefulness, and need to be busted up. Now i am done talking with you, Joe, because i laugh at your wealth envy.

Says the guy who whines because I own two houses?

Unions have the same use they've always had... to protect working folks from the greed and bad behavior of the wealthy.
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