I wonder why whites feel under attack?

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Nothing odd about expecting someone that makes a claim to prove it. Since you refuse, your claim has been dismissed for lack of evidence. Given your propensity to make claims without proof, I didn't think you were man enough. I can say I don't believe you and have something to back it up.

Okay, you see, at least I can make a claim and back it up.

My guess if you actually claimed to be anything but the Possum Catcher, it would be really obvious to everyone you don't know what you are talking about.

You made a claim about your resume then you hide like the typical NL coward you are when asked to prove it.

You're making claims again you won't be willing to back up. If you could prove your claim about your resume compared to mine, you would. Since you won't, it means you can't.
You made a claim about your resume then you hide like the typical NL coward you are when asked to prove it.

You're making claims again you won't be willing to back up. If you could prove your claim about your resume compared to mine, you would. Since you won't, it means you can't.

are you still talking, Possum catcher?

Still making claims you can't back up? For some reason you can make a claim you won't back up and it's my fault you're a coward.

My advice is to not make claims you can't prove then get mad when someone calls you a liar for not doing it. See, you learned something from me, son.
i dont feel one bit under attack...am i not white enough?

Self hatred is a hallmark of liberalism.
Who told you it was? Preppy Progues and their boytoys identify a superior class evolved out of the White race. They want to force the rest of us to feel guilty. As for themsellves, they feel they are the Immaculate Conception between a robber baron and his trophy wife. This started with JFK, whom the bootlicking Conservative have adopted just because he was a richkid.
Because they feel that the country their ancestors established for them is being stolen from them by those their elected representatives are largely responsible for allowing to literally break in? Shit like that? I know how they feel.
Islam Must Be Wiped off the Face of the Earth

The Muslime want to change the flag of formerly Great Britain because its St. George's Cross was used by our heroic Crusaders.

If Einstein said that he knowingly or unknowingly was repeating Marxist propaganda. A "pure race" is something only Nazis and Marxists have ever been interested in.
But its also true the Marxists cant decide between denying race exists and whining about racial injustice. Hard to defend both but I have seen prominent Jews making both claims simultaneously.
One of which is science writer Carl Zimmer. He will swear up and down there is no such thing as race while pausing to scream about racial disparities...then back to claiming there is no such thing as race. catch him on Twitter and be amazed.

Doublethink: The power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them…
The left is playing a dangerous game...

Whites were once the up and coming race. They had more people and more fire power, so collectivists raged war on people of color.

However, those of color are having more children and will soon out populate whitey, so now it's time for collectivists to choose the side of those they once killed and persecuted.

Whites were never more than a few per cent of the worlds population. High point probably 10 or 12%. They built incredibly advanced and wealthy societies, for a variety of reasons, which exaggerated their influence in the world.
Evil tears down. Barbarians. Vandals. And as builders whites will always be targeted by non whites. It is a childlike rebellion but then again liberalism is infantile. Non white against white. Women against men. Children against parents. Non Christians against Christians. They all have one thing in common..attacking that which gave them the freedom and security to engage in such nonsense. They are kicking the pillars out from under the roof that will crush them when it comes down.
this latest mess over statues again shows the insane concern that minorities have when there are much bigger issues....police are killing us in the streets.....but that statue needs to be removed....just as aim focuses on sports names....wyhile native american kids are being molested by know predators on reservations schools....but really bitching about being a white guy?

is it true that before the civil rights movement in the 1960s that 90% of black homes were with a father?

Before civil rights movement there were more intact black families. But not 90%. I think 70%. Since the great society and race based voting began the black family has been decimated. Today less than 30% of black kids have the luxury of a two parent family.
As white culture comes under attack marriage rates for whites decline and white bastardry increases.
It is corrosive to society.
Married women are wealthier. Healthier. More secure. Their children better off.
And it is guaranteed to enrage liberals that I said that. At least I am hoping so. Nothing like a good demonstration of the rage bragging about intact families produce.
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