I wonder why whites feel under attack?

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After 5 or so years on this board, I have to say that never have I encountered such a whiny group of snowflakes as white conservatives. Everything is SO UNFAIR.

You won the White House, the Congress and the Senate and you're still pissed off because your no one respects your President. Like any of you respected Obama.

Trump is your perfect President because he whines more than anybody else. He lost the popular vote. Boo fucking hoo. W never whined about losing the popular vote. He didn't call for a commission to look into voter fraud.

Trump is such a delicate snowflake he has staff prepare a file of positive news stories about him to put him in a better mood. Poor dear. Negative press upsets him so. Staff does this in the hope they won't be the one he turns on or fires this week.

White guys have it so tough. Despite white privilege, legacy college admissions, the "old boys" network, and being everyone's first pick for the highest paying jobs, life is so unfair. So they march chanting "Jews will not replace us". How very odd. Are there enough Jews to replace all the white men in America? Why are they worried about Jews replacing them?

White guys are so butt hurt that they spend time scouring the obscure corners of the internet to find all those headlines in the OP. I've never seen anything like them in the MSM so they had to look into obscure websites to come up with all that shit. Imagine wanting to wallow in self pity enough to go looking for things to be offended about.

Of course that's what Trump does so I guess he's leading by example. Trump gets outraged because the MSM does its job. He looks for things to get pissed off about.

You poor downtrodden white guys. What would happen to you if you had real problems to deal with?

I just gave your post a standing ovation. Thank you for having the patience to say what I'd like to say, but am far too lazy.

I'm reminded of this clip from Louis CK:

Thanks for that clip. I especially liked his time machine stuff and being afraid to go into the future because white guys are going to have to pay hard for all the privileges they have now.

Privileges? According to you all I would have had to do to get ahead in my field was say "I'm a white male, hire me". It would have saved a lot of time and effort earning my way to the point of being ahead of you and the rest of the whiners than fall so far behind. If I had only known.

If you truly did earn your way ahead of me, you would have had to work pretty damn hard, considering that I worked hard enough to become one of the first female bank managers in Canada. When I made the switch to law, I started out in a small law office in midtown Toronto and ended my career working on Bay Street for one of the top legal firms in the world.

You seem to be complaining about having to work hard to get ahead, but I'm willing to bet nobody ever asked you why you were given a job instead of a man, or provided you with a list of people to sleep with if you wanted a promotion. Both happened to me. When I refused to exchange sexual favours for a promotion, they hired a guy at a salary 15% higher than me and then sent him to me to be trained on how to do the job telling him that I was the "best" at the work. That's when I switched to law.

On more than one occasion, when I left a job, they replaced me with two people.

This is why I have little patience with whiny white men who think they're being unfairly discriminated against. You're not. You're just that incompetent.

I did work pretty damn hard despite your beliefs that all white males have to do is being white and male.

I'm not complaining about having to work hard. I had no problem doing so.

Can you provide a copy of that list of names you claim you was given to you? I don't believe you if you can't provide the proof. Since you claim to have switched to law, you should understand that concept.
After 5 or so years on this board, I have to say that never have I encountered such a whiny group of snowflakes as white conservatives. Everything is SO UNFAIR.

You won the White House, the Congress and the Senate and you're still pissed off because your no one respects your President. Like any of you respected Obama.

Trump is your perfect President because he whines more than anybody else. He lost the popular vote. Boo fucking hoo. W never whined about losing the popular vote. He didn't call for a commission to look into voter fraud.

Trump is such a delicate snowflake he has staff prepare a file of positive news stories about him to put him in a better mood. Poor dear. Negative press upsets him so. Staff does this in the hope they won't be the one he turns on or fires this week.

White guys have it so tough. Despite white privilege, legacy college admissions, the "old boys" network, and being everyone's first pick for the highest paying jobs, life is so unfair. So they march chanting "Jews will not replace us". How very odd. Are there enough Jews to replace all the white men in America? Why are they worried about Jews replacing them?

White guys are so butt hurt that they spend time scouring the obscure corners of the internet to find all those headlines in the OP. I've never seen anything like them in the MSM so they had to look into obscure websites to come up with all that shit. Imagine wanting to wallow in self pity enough to go looking for things to be offended about.

Of course that's what Trump does so I guess he's leading by example. Trump gets outraged because the MSM does its job. He looks for things to get pissed off about.

You poor downtrodden white guys. What would happen to you if you had real problems to deal with?

I just gave your post a standing ovation. Thank you for having the patience to say what I'd like to say, but am far too lazy.

I'm reminded of this clip from Louis CK:

Thanks for that clip. I especially liked his time machine stuff and being afraid to go into the future because white guys are going to have to pay hard for all the privileges they have now.

Privileges? According to you all I would have had to do to get ahead in my field was say "I'm a white male, hire me". It would have saved a lot of time and effort earning my way to the point of being ahead of you and the rest of the whiners than fall so far behind. If I had only known.

If you truly did earn your way ahead of me, you would have had to work pretty damn hard, considering that I worked hard enough to become one of the first female bank managers in Canada. When I made the switch to law, I started out in a small law office in midtown Toronto and ended my career working on Bay Street for one of the top legal firms in the world.

You seem to be complaining about having to work hard to get ahead, but I'm willing to bet nobody ever asked you why you were given a job instead of a man, or provided you with a list of people to sleep with if you wanted a promotion. Both happened to me. When I refused to exchange sexual favours for a promotion, they hired a guy at a salary 15% higher than me and then sent him to me to be trained on how to do the job telling him that I was the "best" at the work. That's when I switched to law.

On more than one occasion, when I left a job, they replaced me with two people.

This is why I have little patience with whiny white men who think they're being unfairly discriminated against. You're not. You're just that incompetent.

I've personally seen white guys discriminated against because of upper management's decision to promote a black.

Their have been plenty of reverse discrimination court cases proving such anti-white discrimination too.

YOur dismissal of our righteous grievances is just you supporting racists policies.

THat makes you the racist here.

Also, such oppression and bile will come back on you and yours sooner or later.
After 5 or so years on this board, I have to say that never have I encountered such a whiny group of snowflakes as white conservatives. Everything is SO UNFAIR.

You won the White House, the Congress and the Senate and you're still pissed off because your no one respects your President. Like any of you respected Obama.

Trump is your perfect President because he whines more than anybody else. He lost the popular vote. Boo fucking hoo. W never whined about losing the popular vote. He didn't call for a commission to look into voter fraud.

Trump is such a delicate snowflake he has staff prepare a file of positive news stories about him to put him in a better mood. Poor dear. Negative press upsets him so. Staff does this in the hope they won't be the one he turns on or fires this week.

White guys have it so tough. Despite white privilege, legacy college admissions, the "old boys" network, and being everyone's first pick for the highest paying jobs, life is so unfair. So they march chanting "Jews will not replace us". How very odd. Are there enough Jews to replace all the white men in America? Why are they worried about Jews replacing them?

White guys are so butt hurt that they spend time scouring the obscure corners of the internet to find all those headlines in the OP. I've never seen anything like them in the MSM so they had to look into obscure websites to come up with all that shit. Imagine wanting to wallow in self pity enough to go looking for things to be offended about.

Of course that's what Trump does so I guess he's leading by example. Trump gets outraged because the MSM does its job. He looks for things to get pissed off about.

You poor downtrodden white guys. What would happen to you if you had real problems to deal with?

I just gave your post a standing ovation. Thank you for having the patience to say what I'd like to say, but am far too lazy.

I'm reminded of this clip from Louis CK:

Thanks for that clip. I especially liked his time machine stuff and being afraid to go into the future because white guys are going to have to pay hard for all the privileges they have now.

Privileges? According to you all I would have had to do to get ahead in my field was say "I'm a white male, hire me". It would have saved a lot of time and effort earning my way to the point of being ahead of you and the rest of the whiners than fall so far behind. If I had only known.

If you truly did earn your way ahead of me, you would have had to work pretty damn hard, considering that I worked hard enough to become one of the first female bank managers in Canada. When I made the switch to law, I started out in a small law office in midtown Toronto and ended my career working on Bay Street for one of the top legal firms in the world.

You seem to be complaining about having to work hard to get ahead, but I'm willing to bet nobody ever asked you why you were given a job instead of a man, or provided you with a list of people to sleep with if you wanted a promotion. Both happened to me. When I refused to exchange sexual favours for a promotion, they hired a guy at a salary 15% higher than me and then sent him to me to be trained on how to do the job telling him that I was the "best" at the work. That's when I switched to law.

On more than one occasion, when I left a job, they replaced me with two people.

This is why I have little patience with whiny white men who think they're being unfairly discriminated against. You're not. You're just that incompetent.

I did work pretty damn hard despite your beliefs that all white males have to do is being white and male.

I'm not complaining about having to work hard. I had no problem doing so.

Can you provide a copy of that list of names you claim you was given to you? I don't believe you if you can't provide the proof. Since you claim to have switched to law, you should understand that concept.

Stan Harrington, Barry Wicks, and Dave Troutman. I would have done Stan for free, except he was married. The other two - no way.
I just gave your post a standing ovation. Thank you for having the patience to say what I'd like to say, but am far too lazy.

I'm reminded of this clip from Louis CK:

Thanks for that clip. I especially liked his time machine stuff and being afraid to go into the future because white guys are going to have to pay hard for all the privileges they have now.

Privileges? According to you all I would have had to do to get ahead in my field was say "I'm a white male, hire me". It would have saved a lot of time and effort earning my way to the point of being ahead of you and the rest of the whiners than fall so far behind. If I had only known.

If you truly did earn your way ahead of me, you would have had to work pretty damn hard, considering that I worked hard enough to become one of the first female bank managers in Canada. When I made the switch to law, I started out in a small law office in midtown Toronto and ended my career working on Bay Street for one of the top legal firms in the world.

You seem to be complaining about having to work hard to get ahead, but I'm willing to bet nobody ever asked you why you were given a job instead of a man, or provided you with a list of people to sleep with if you wanted a promotion. Both happened to me. When I refused to exchange sexual favours for a promotion, they hired a guy at a salary 15% higher than me and then sent him to me to be trained on how to do the job telling him that I was the "best" at the work. That's when I switched to law.

On more than one occasion, when I left a job, they replaced me with two people.

This is why I have little patience with whiny white men who think they're being unfairly discriminated against. You're not. You're just that incompetent.

I did work pretty damn hard despite your beliefs that all white males have to do is being white and male.

I'm not complaining about having to work hard. I had no problem doing so.

Can you provide a copy of that list of names you claim you was given to you? I don't believe you if you can't provide the proof. Since you claim to have switched to law, you should understand that concept.

Stan Harrington, Barry Wicks, and Dave Troutman. I would have done Stan for free, except he was married. The other two - no way.

That you admit you would have proves those asking you had reason to do so.
Thanks for that clip. I especially liked his time machine stuff and being afraid to go into the future because white guys are going to have to pay hard for all the privileges they have now.

Privileges? According to you all I would have had to do to get ahead in my field was say "I'm a white male, hire me". It would have saved a lot of time and effort earning my way to the point of being ahead of you and the rest of the whiners than fall so far behind. If I had only known.

If you truly did earn your way ahead of me, you would have had to work pretty damn hard, considering that I worked hard enough to become one of the first female bank managers in Canada. When I made the switch to law, I started out in a small law office in midtown Toronto and ended my career working on Bay Street for one of the top legal firms in the world.

You seem to be complaining about having to work hard to get ahead, but I'm willing to bet nobody ever asked you why you were given a job instead of a man, or provided you with a list of people to sleep with if you wanted a promotion. Both happened to me. When I refused to exchange sexual favours for a promotion, they hired a guy at a salary 15% higher than me and then sent him to me to be trained on how to do the job telling him that I was the "best" at the work. That's when I switched to law.

On more than one occasion, when I left a job, they replaced me with two people.

This is why I have little patience with whiny white men who think they're being unfairly discriminated against. You're not. You're just that incompetent.

I did work pretty damn hard despite your beliefs that all white males have to do is being white and male.

I'm not complaining about having to work hard. I had no problem doing so.

Can you provide a copy of that list of names you claim you was given to you? I don't believe you if you can't provide the proof. Since you claim to have switched to law, you should understand that concept.

Stan Harrington, Barry Wicks, and Dave Troutman. I would have done Stan for free, except he was married. The other two - no way.

That you admit you would have proves those asking you had reason to do so.
Thanks for that clip. I especially liked his time machine stuff and being afraid to go into the future because white guys are going to have to pay hard for all the privileges they have now.

Privileges? According to you all I would have had to do to get ahead in my field was say "I'm a white male, hire me". It would have saved a lot of time and effort earning my way to the point of being ahead of you and the rest of the whiners than fall so far behind. If I had only known.

If you truly did earn your way ahead of me, you would have had to work pretty damn hard, considering that I worked hard enough to become one of the first female bank managers in Canada. When I made the switch to law, I started out in a small law office in midtown Toronto and ended my career working on Bay Street for one of the top legal firms in the world.

You seem to be complaining about having to work hard to get ahead, but I'm willing to bet nobody ever asked you why you were given a job instead of a man, or provided you with a list of people to sleep with if you wanted a promotion. Both happened to me. When I refused to exchange sexual favours for a promotion, they hired a guy at a salary 15% higher than me and then sent him to me to be trained on how to do the job telling him that I was the "best" at the work. That's when I switched to law.

On more than one occasion, when I left a job, they replaced me with two people.

This is why I have little patience with whiny white men who think they're being unfairly discriminated against. You're not. You're just that incompetent.

I did work pretty damn hard despite your beliefs that all white males have to do is being white and male.

I'm not complaining about having to work hard. I had no problem doing so.

Can you provide a copy of that list of names you claim you was given to you? I don't believe you if you can't provide the proof. Since you claim to have switched to law, you should understand that concept.

Stan Harrington, Barry Wicks, and Dave Troutman. I would have done Stan for free, except he was married. The other two - no way.

That you admit you would have proves those asking you had reason to do so.

No it doesn't. Stan was early 30's and a Brad Pitt lookalike. Tall, blonde, blue eyed, well built - just my type, and I was single and unattached. Given his age, I was surprised he was even on the list. The other two were old enough to be my father.

Not once ever in my career did I ever date a coworker. The person who gave me the list did so as a "friend", and said that if the conversation ever came back to haunt him, he would deny it had ever taken place.

You have one example of a guy who didn't get a promotion over a black man. For every one story like that, there are literally hundreds of people who watched less skilled, less capable and less talented white guys receive jobs or promotions that should have gone to them.

Ginger Rogers did everything that Fred Astaire did, but she did it backwards while wearing high heels. And Fred was still paid more than Ginger.

It's no surprise to me that you're still whining about how difficult things are for white males without providing a single piece of evidence to support your claims that white men have it harder than everyone else.

I've never complained about having to work hard to get ahead. Or about the long hours I put in, or working on files after my kids were in bed. I didn't file discrimination or harassment claims, and in fact refused to do so even when the Dept. of Labour offered to push my case and fund the suit. I just put my head down, took courses and worked harder.

And you call me bigoted and racist because there's no way you can otherwise deny what I'm saying.
Privileges? According to you all I would have had to do to get ahead in my field was say "I'm a white male, hire me". It would have saved a lot of time and effort earning my way to the point of being ahead of you and the rest of the whiners than fall so far behind. If I had only known.

If you truly did earn your way ahead of me, you would have had to work pretty damn hard, considering that I worked hard enough to become one of the first female bank managers in Canada. When I made the switch to law, I started out in a small law office in midtown Toronto and ended my career working on Bay Street for one of the top legal firms in the world.

You seem to be complaining about having to work hard to get ahead, but I'm willing to bet nobody ever asked you why you were given a job instead of a man, or provided you with a list of people to sleep with if you wanted a promotion. Both happened to me. When I refused to exchange sexual favours for a promotion, they hired a guy at a salary 15% higher than me and then sent him to me to be trained on how to do the job telling him that I was the "best" at the work. That's when I switched to law.

On more than one occasion, when I left a job, they replaced me with two people.

This is why I have little patience with whiny white men who think they're being unfairly discriminated against. You're not. You're just that incompetent.

I did work pretty damn hard despite your beliefs that all white males have to do is being white and male.

I'm not complaining about having to work hard. I had no problem doing so.

Can you provide a copy of that list of names you claim you was given to you? I don't believe you if you can't provide the proof. Since you claim to have switched to law, you should understand that concept.

Stan Harrington, Barry Wicks, and Dave Troutman. I would have done Stan for free, except he was married. The other two - no way.

That you admit you would have proves those asking you had reason to do so.
Privileges? According to you all I would have had to do to get ahead in my field was say "I'm a white male, hire me". It would have saved a lot of time and effort earning my way to the point of being ahead of you and the rest of the whiners than fall so far behind. If I had only known.

If you truly did earn your way ahead of me, you would have had to work pretty damn hard, considering that I worked hard enough to become one of the first female bank managers in Canada. When I made the switch to law, I started out in a small law office in midtown Toronto and ended my career working on Bay Street for one of the top legal firms in the world.

You seem to be complaining about having to work hard to get ahead, but I'm willing to bet nobody ever asked you why you were given a job instead of a man, or provided you with a list of people to sleep with if you wanted a promotion. Both happened to me. When I refused to exchange sexual favours for a promotion, they hired a guy at a salary 15% higher than me and then sent him to me to be trained on how to do the job telling him that I was the "best" at the work. That's when I switched to law.

On more than one occasion, when I left a job, they replaced me with two people.

This is why I have little patience with whiny white men who think they're being unfairly discriminated against. You're not. You're just that incompetent.

I did work pretty damn hard despite your beliefs that all white males have to do is being white and male.

I'm not complaining about having to work hard. I had no problem doing so.

Can you provide a copy of that list of names you claim you was given to you? I don't believe you if you can't provide the proof. Since you claim to have switched to law, you should understand that concept.

Stan Harrington, Barry Wicks, and Dave Troutman. I would have done Stan for free, except he was married. The other two - no way.

That you admit you would have proves those asking you had reason to do so.

No it doesn't. Stan was early 30's and a Brad Pitt lookalike. Tall, blonde, blue eyed, well built - just my type, and I was single and unattached. Given his age, I was surprised he was even on the list. The other two were old enough to be my father.

Not once ever in my career did I ever date a coworker. The person who gave me the list did so as a "friend", and said that if the conversation ever came back to haunt him, he would deny it had ever taken place.

You have one example of a guy who didn't get a promotion over a black man. For every one story like that, there are literally hundreds of people who watched less skilled, less capable and less talented white guys receive jobs or promotions that should have gone to them.

Ginger Rogers did everything that Fred Astaire did, but she did it backwards while wearing high heels. And Fred was still paid more than Ginger.

It's no surprise to me that you're still whining about how difficult things are for white males without providing a single piece of evidence to support your claims that white men have it harder than everyone else.

I've never complained about having to work hard to get ahead. Or about the long hours I put in, or working on files after my kids were in bed. I didn't file discrimination or harassment claims, and in fact refused to do so even when the Dept. of Labour offered to push my case and fund the suit. I just put my head down, took courses and worked harder.

And you call me bigoted and racist because there's no way you can otherwise deny what I'm saying.

You said you were provided a list of those you'd have to sleep with to get ahead. It came across as if that bothered you yet you admitted that you would have done it with someone if the situation had been different.

Now your making excuses.

My argument isn't that white men have it more difficult but that certain groups have it less difficult to get the same thing. With AA, things have to be done to make sure certain elements in society are provided information and opportunities that the white boys have to find out on their own.

My primary problem with AA is that it uses characteristics to benefit certain groups that those groups and supporters of AA claimed is the reason why AA was needed. They're saying that minorities, women, etc. were being discriminated against in hiring because they were (fill in the blank). When it comes to fighting what they saw as a problem, it involves them using the very characteristics they say using was wrong. If it's wrong to use race, gender, etc. to deny, how is it OK to use race, gender, etc. as a consideration when benefits are received?
The left is playing a dangerous game...

Whites were once the up and coming race. They had more people and more fire power, so collectivists raged war on people of color.

However, those of color are having more children and will soon out populate whitey, so now it's time for collectivists to choose the side of those they once killed and persecuted.
The term 'white race' is ambiguous and thus largely meaningless. It obviously includes Northern Europeans, but also includes Italians, Spaniards and Greeks, but many groups are on the margins, like the Turks, Kurds, Arabs and Amerindians.

Going by the definitions given by race 'experts' of the early 1900s, who largely defined what races are, 'white' = Caucasian, and Caucasian ethnicities are still growing.

Caucasian race - Wikipedia

The Caucasian race (also Caucasoid,[1] or Europid)[2] is a grouping of human beings historically regarded as a biological taxon, which, depending on which of the historical race classifications used, have usually included some or all of the ancient and modern populations of Europe, the Caucasus, Asia Minor, North Africa, the Horn of Africa, Western Asia, Central Asia and South Asia.[3]

In biological anthropology, Caucasoid has been used as an umbrella term for phenotypically similar groups from these different regions, with a focus on skeletal anatomy, and especially cranial morphology, over skin tone.[4] Ancient and modern "Caucasoid" populations were thus held to have ranged in complexion from white to dark brown.[5] In the United States, the root term Caucasian has also often been used in a different, societal context as a synonym for "white" or "of Europeanancestry".[6][7]....

The postulated subraces vary depending on the author, including but not limited to Mediterranean, Atlantid, Nordic, East Baltic, Alpine, Dinaric, Turanid, Armenoid, Iranid, Arabid, and Hamitic.[46]

H. G. Wells argued that across Europe, North Africa, the Horn of Africa, West Asia, Central Asia and South Asia, a Caucasian physical stock existed. He divided this racial element into two main groups: a shorter and darker Mediterranean or Iberian race and a taller and lighter Nordic race. Wells asserted that Semitic and Hamitic populations were mainly of Mediterranean type, and Aryan populations were originally of Nordic type. He regarded the Basquesas descendants of early Mediterranean peoples, who inhabited western Europe before the arrival of Aryan Celts from the direction of central Europe.[47]

Rough estimate of the population of the three primary races are around 4 billion Caucasians, 2 billion Mongoloids, and one billion Negroids.

Caucasians are still THE growing and dominant race, it is only the Westernized, effeminized whiter ethnic groups that are in decline due to the impact of social Marxism in its various forms.
Seems your too cowardly to provide the resume of yours you say is better than mine.

Like I said. A low skilled job.

YOu won't even say what your job is, Possum Catcher.

You asked me to provide something for a claim I didn't make yet you're not man enough to provide proof of one you did make. I offered you a way for that to happen but you refused to answer my offer.
I've personally seen white guys discriminated against because of upper management's decision to promote a black.

You mean they didn't get what htey were owed as white men?

Their have been plenty of reverse discrimination court cases proving such anti-white discrimination too.

Name one.

They weren't owed it because they were white unlike blacks think something is owed to them using something they never were as part of the claim.
You asked me to provide something for a claim I didn't make yet you're not man enough to provide proof of one you did make. I offered you a way for that to happen but you refused to answer my offer.

Sorry, given your propensity for violence, I'm really not about to tell you my real name or where I live and work.

You seem to have some odd obsessions.
Because they feel that the country their ancestors established for them is being stolen from them by those their elected representatives are largely responsible for allowing to literally break in? Shit like that? I know how they feel.
You asked me to provide something for a claim I didn't make yet you're not man enough to provide proof of one you did make. I offered you a way for that to happen but you refused to answer my offer.

Sorry, given your propensity for violence, I'm really not about to tell you my real name or where I live and work.

You seem to have some odd obsessions.

Nothing odd about expecting someone that makes a claim to prove it. Since you refuse, your claim has been dismissed for lack of evidence. Given your propensity to make claims without proof, I didn't think you were man enough. I can say I don't believe you and have something to back it up.
Nothing odd about expecting someone that makes a claim to prove it. Since you refuse, your claim has been dismissed for lack of evidence. Given your propensity to make claims without proof, I didn't think you were man enough. I can say I don't believe you and have something to back it up.

Okay, you see, at least I can make a claim and back it up.

My guess if you actually claimed to be anything but the Possum Catcher, it would be really obvious to everyone you don't know what you are talking about.
You know, I count myself very lucky having served a full career in the military. Yeah, I didn't get rich, but I did get to work with some really stellar people, as well as have worked for some real SOB's.

But, not once did I see someone get advanced over another individual because of race. In the Navy, you took an advancement exam twice a year if eligible, and if your evaluation average, your personal awards, as well as your test score were high enough to score above the cutoff for advancement, you were advanced.

You didn't have to sleep with anyone, you didn't have to worry about race, you simply had to do your job and be good at it.

I miss being in the military.
DOTR why does it upset you that i dont think being white is all i have to be?

could you
DOTR why does it upset you that i dont think being white is all i have to be?

We seem to have a communication issue. I'll help by repeating what I said.
You dont mind Democrats (or Republicans) running a get-out-the-black-vote campaign. Yet you criticized Trump by accusing him of appealing to white voters.
Do you consider whites second class citizens or something?
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