I wonder why whites feel under attack?

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I think the whites FEEL "under attack" is because libtards like you voted for a bi racial, homosexual, Muslim loving, community agitator, who created the most divisive area of his time.

Okay, show of hands, how many have heard of King Shabbaz or whatever his name is before today? Show of hands? Anyone. Buehler. Buehler?

There's an equally crazy homeless guy who screams every day that the Aliens are out to get him, but I'm not on the lookout for flying saucers.
I think the whites FEEL "under attack" is because libtards like you voted for a bi racial, homosexual, Muslim loving, community agitator, who created the most divisive area of his time.

Okay, show of hands, how many have heard of King Shabbaz or whatever his name is before today? Show of hands? Anyone. Buehler. Buehler?

There's an equally crazy homeless guy who screams every day that the Aliens are out to get him, but I'm not on the lookout for flying saucers.
Then that just shows how uniformed you were in events during YOUR presidents(Obummer) terms in office. Yeah, you did real well there, probably one of the CCX guys. You know steal carbon tax from the poor to make yourself rich, and own 2 houses. Fucking hypocrite.
I'm not impressed by someone that moves from job to job more often than the seasons change.

Still waiting on that resume you claim is better than mine. Funny how you say it is but you won't show it.

When you show yours, I'll show mine.

I'm not the one that made the claim. Just like a coward to make a claim then run when expected to prove it. You're a good NL because you're just like them.

Tell you what. I'll be in Chicago in about 2 months. Post your address and I'll be glad to hand it to you face to face.
Whites still are. If they weren't, why is there still talk about the income gap between whites and blacks?

The problem is you think the white guys in the corner office really consider your Possum-catching ass an equal.

I think this white guy has your figured out for what you are and you damn sure aren't anywhere near equal to me. Still waiting on the resume you say is better than mine.

If you can't back up the claim, you shouldn't make it. That's what the blacks do. That's why no one believes them.
Again..........I'm a white boy born in Montana, and currently living in Texas. I'm 53, have served over 20 years in the Navy, and have never felt under attack for being white.

I have felt under attack in a couple of war zones though...
Again..........I'm a white boy born in Montana, and currently living in Texas. I'm 53, have served over 20 years in the Navy, and have never felt under attack for being white.

I have felt under attack in a couple of war zones though...
Have you watched the news at all during that time? Your statement leads me to believe that you don't follow the news at all.
After 5 or so years on this board, I have to say that never have I encountered such a whiny group of snowflakes as white conservatives. Everything is SO UNFAIR.

You won the White House, the Congress and the Senate and you're still pissed off because your no one respects your President. Like any of you respected Obama.

Trump is your perfect President because he whines more than anybody else. He lost the popular vote. Boo fucking hoo. W never whined about losing the popular vote. He didn't call for a commission to look into voter fraud.

Trump is such a delicate snowflake he has staff prepare a file of positive news stories about him to put him in a better mood. Poor dear. Negative press upsets him so. Staff does this in the hope they won't be the one he turns on or fires this week.

White guys have it so tough. Despite white privilege, legacy college admissions, the "old boys" network, and being everyone's first pick for the highest paying jobs, life is so unfair. So they march chanting "Jews will not replace us". How very odd. Are there enough Jews to replace all the white men in America? Why are they worried about Jews replacing them?

White guys are so butt hurt that they spend time scouring the obscure corners of the internet to find all those headlines in the OP. I've never seen anything like them in the MSM so they had to look into obscure websites to come up with all that shit. Imagine wanting to wallow in self pity enough to go looking for things to be offended about.

Of course that's what Trump does so I guess he's leading by example. Trump gets outraged because the MSM does its job. He looks for things to get pissed off about.

You poor downtrodden white guys. What would happen to you if you had real problems to deal with?

I just gave your post a standing ovation. Thank you for having the patience to say what I'd like to say, but am far too lazy.

I'm reminded of this clip from Louis CK:

After 5 or so years on this board, I have to say that never have I encountered such a whiny group of snowflakes as white conservatives. Everything is SO UNFAIR.

You won the White House, the Congress and the Senate and you're still pissed off because your no one respects your President. Like any of you respected Obama.

Trump is your perfect President because he whines more than anybody else. He lost the popular vote. Boo fucking hoo. W never whined about losing the popular vote. He didn't call for a commission to look into voter fraud.

Trump is such a delicate snowflake he has staff prepare a file of positive news stories about him to put him in a better mood. Poor dear. Negative press upsets him so. Staff does this in the hope they won't be the one he turns on or fires this week.

White guys have it so tough. Despite white privilege, legacy college admissions, the "old boys" network, and being everyone's first pick for the highest paying jobs, life is so unfair. So they march chanting "Jews will not replace us". How very odd. Are there enough Jews to replace all the white men in America? Why are they worried about Jews replacing them?

White guys are so butt hurt that they spend time scouring the obscure corners of the internet to find all those headlines in the OP. I've never seen anything like them in the MSM so they had to look into obscure websites to come up with all that shit. Imagine wanting to wallow in self pity enough to go looking for things to be offended about.

Of course that's what Trump does so I guess he's leading by example. Trump gets outraged because the MSM does its job. He looks for things to get pissed off about.

You poor downtrodden white guys. What would happen to you if you had real problems to deal with?

I just gave your post a standing ovation. Thank you for having the patience to say what I'd like to say, but am far too lazy.

I'm reminded of this clip from Louis CK:

Thanks for that clip. I especially liked his time machine stuff and being afraid to go into the future because white guys are going to have to pay hard for all the privileges they have now.
After 5 or so years on this board, I have to say that never have I encountered such a whiny group of snowflakes as white conservatives. Everything is SO UNFAIR.

You won the White House, the Congress and the Senate and you're still pissed off because your no one respects your President. Like any of you respected Obama.

Trump is your perfect President because he whines more than anybody else. He lost the popular vote. Boo fucking hoo. W never whined about losing the popular vote. He didn't call for a commission to look into voter fraud.

Trump is such a delicate snowflake he has staff prepare a file of positive news stories about him to put him in a better mood. Poor dear. Negative press upsets him so. Staff does this in the hope they won't be the one he turns on or fires this week.

White guys have it so tough. Despite white privilege, legacy college admissions, the "old boys" network, and being everyone's first pick for the highest paying jobs, life is so unfair. So they march chanting "Jews will not replace us". How very odd. Are there enough Jews to replace all the white men in America? Why are they worried about Jews replacing them?

White guys are so butt hurt that they spend time scouring the obscure corners of the internet to find all those headlines in the OP. I've never seen anything like them in the MSM so they had to look into obscure websites to come up with all that shit. Imagine wanting to wallow in self pity enough to go looking for things to be offended about.

Of course that's what Trump does so I guess he's leading by example. Trump gets outraged because the MSM does its job. He looks for things to get pissed off about.

You poor downtrodden white guys. What would happen to you if you had real problems to deal with?

I just gave your post a standing ovation. Thank you for having the patience to say what I'd like to say, but am far too lazy.

I'm reminded of this clip from Louis CK:

Thanks for that clip. I especially liked his time machine stuff and being afraid to go into the future because white guys are going to have to pay hard for all the privileges they have now.

lol, I know. Cracks me up. I love the "I'm a MAN, I'm white and a MAN....you can't even hurt my feelings!" bit too.
Again..........I'm a white boy born in Montana, and currently living in Texas. I'm 53, have served over 20 years in the Navy, and have never felt under attack for being white.

I have felt under attack in a couple of war zones though...
Have you watched the news at all during that time? Your statement leads me to believe that you don't follow the news at all.

Actually, yeah, I do follow the news. I have yet to see where whites are under attack for being white. And, hate to tell you, but there IS a difference between being white and being a white supremacist. One is simply a difference in skin pigment (being white), the other is believing that difference in skin pigment makes you superior to everyone else (white supremacist).

That clear it up for you a bit?
Again..........I'm a white boy born in Montana, and currently living in Texas. I'm 53, have served over 20 years in the Navy, and have never felt under attack for being white.

I have felt under attack in a couple of war zones though...
Have you watched the news at all during that time? Your statement leads me to believe that you don't follow the news at all.

Actually, yeah, I do follow the news. I have yet to see where whites are under attack for being white. And, hate to tell you, but there IS a difference between being white and being a white supremacist. One is simply a difference in skin pigment (being white), the other is believing that difference in skin pigment makes you superior to everyone else (white supremacist).

That clear it up for you a bit?
Ok, I can post ENDLESS videos of black mobs violently assaulting lone white people. Are you so stupid that you're unaware of this massive problem in the US, or are you just praying that I won't take the time to post a bunch of them?

Your post defies logic. I have video proof of my claim. What do you have to support yours?
Again..........I'm a white boy born in Montana, and currently living in Texas. I'm 53, have served over 20 years in the Navy, and have never felt under attack for being white.

I have felt under attack in a couple of war zones though...
Have you watched the news at all during that time? Your statement leads me to believe that you don't follow the news at all.

Actually, yeah, I do follow the news. I have yet to see where whites are under attack for being white. And, hate to tell you, but there IS a difference between being white and being a white supremacist. One is simply a difference in skin pigment (being white), the other is believing that difference in skin pigment makes you superior to everyone else (white supremacist).

That clear it up for you a bit?
Ok, I can post ENDLESS videos of black mobs violently assaulting lone white people. Are you so stupid that you're unaware of this massive problem in the US, or are you just praying that I won't take the time to post a bunch of them?

Your post defies logic.
Again..........I'm a white boy born in Montana, and currently living in Texas. I'm 53, have served over 20 years in the Navy, and have never felt under attack for being white.

I have felt under attack in a couple of war zones though...
Have you watched the news at all during that time? Your statement leads me to believe that you don't follow the news at all.

Actually, yeah, I do follow the news. I have yet to see where whites are under attack for being white. And, hate to tell you, but there IS a difference between being white and being a white supremacist. One is simply a difference in skin pigment (being white), the other is believing that difference in skin pigment makes you superior to everyone else (white supremacist).

That clear it up for you a bit?
Ok, I can post ENDLESS videos of black mobs violently assaulting lone white people. Are you so stupid that you're unaware of this massive problem in the US, or are you just praying that I won't take the time to post a bunch of them?

Your post defies logic.

Endless videos? From where? Why are there no news reports?

I would say that you're the stupid one if you think this is a "massive problem" in the US.
Again..........I'm a white boy born in Montana, and currently living in Texas. I'm 53, have served over 20 years in the Navy, and have never felt under attack for being white.

I have felt under attack in a couple of war zones though...
Have you watched the news at all during that time? Your statement leads me to believe that you don't follow the news at all.

Actually, yeah, I do follow the news. I have yet to see where whites are under attack for being white. And, hate to tell you, but there IS a difference between being white and being a white supremacist. One is simply a difference in skin pigment (being white), the other is believing that difference in skin pigment makes you superior to everyone else (white supremacist).

That clear it up for you a bit?
Ok, I can post ENDLESS videos of black mobs violently assaulting lone white people. Are you so stupid that you're unaware of this massive problem in the US, or are you just praying that I won't take the time to post a bunch of them?

Your post defies logic. I have video proof of my claim. What do you have to support yours?

YouTube isn't proof. You can edit or doctor those videos to say anything you want. Give me an actual news story, not some propaganda you pulled off of the web.

As far as my proof? Can't really give you much of that, just my life experiences, which you would probably not believe any way because you choose to keep a closed mind.

But like I said, I've been treated better as a white person than many of my black friends. One of those examples was when I went to a bar called "Pott's Place" in Meridian MS back in late '82. My room mate LA (who was black) and I were in uniform because we were still newbies and went there to listen to the band. I was told I could come in, but the "n****r" wasn't getting in. I asked why, because we were both guarding his country, but he said nope, no "n*****s" allowed period.

On the other hand, I've been to many discos and rap clubs with black friends, and have never been told I couldn't come in. One time I was in a club in GA where I was the only white boy there. A big black dude came up to me (my friends were at the bar, I was shooting pool), and asked me if I knew where I was. I said "yeah, I'm in a bar, shooting pool, chasing pretty women and dancing". He backed up, told me I was okay, shook my hand and bought me a beer.

Nope. Never felt under attack for being white.

However.....................in Memphis, I HAVE been insulted and called nasty names for having a black friend that I raced bicycles with.
Again..........I'm a white boy born in Montana, and currently living in Texas. I'm 53, have served over 20 years in the Navy, and have never felt under attack for being white.

I have felt under attack in a couple of war zones though...
Have you watched the news at all during that time? Your statement leads me to believe that you don't follow the news at all.

Actually, yeah, I do follow the news. I have yet to see where whites are under attack for being white. And, hate to tell you, but there IS a difference between being white and being a white supremacist. One is simply a difference in skin pigment (being white), the other is believing that difference in skin pigment makes you superior to everyone else (white supremacist).

That clear it up for you a bit?
Ok, I can post ENDLESS videos of black mobs violently assaulting lone white people. Are you so stupid that you're unaware of this massive problem in the US, or are you just praying that I won't take the time to post a bunch of them?

Your post defies logic. I have video proof of my claim. What do you have to support yours?

YouTube isn't proof. You can edit or doctor those videos to say anything you want. Give me an actual news story, not some propaganda you pulled off of the web.

As far as my proof? Can't really give you much of that, just my life experiences, which you would probably not believe any way because you choose to keep a closed mind.

But like I said, I've been treated better as a white person than many of my black friends. One of those examples was when I went to a bar called "Pott's Place" in Meridian MS back in late '82. My room mate LA (who was black) and I were in uniform because we were still newbies and went there to listen to the band. I was told I could come in, but the "n****r" wasn't getting in. I asked why, because we were both guarding his country, but he said nope, no "n*****s" allowed period.

On the other hand, I've been to many discos and rap clubs with black friends, and have never been told I couldn't come in. One time I was in a club in GA where I was the only white boy there. A big black dude came up to me (my friends were at the bar, I was shooting pool), and asked me if I knew where I was. I said "yeah, I'm in a bar, shooting pool, chasing pretty women and dancing". He backed up, told me I was okay, shook my hand and bought me a beer.

Nope. Never felt under attack for being white.

However.....................in Memphis, I HAVE been insulted and called nasty names for having a black friend that I raced bicycles with.
EXCLUSIVE: Mob of teens attack man in downtown Cleveland
Akron police investigate teen mob attack on family
Mob of black teens reportedly beats white Alabama family in racially charged attack - Yellowhammer News
Mob attacks in Quincy, MA appear racially motivated
Flash mob attacks: Rising concern over black teen involvement
911 calls reveal ‘terrifying’ mob
State Fair melees produce 11 injuries, 31 arrests

There are HUNDREDS of these fucking stories.
Again..........I'm a white boy born in Montana, and currently living in Texas. I'm 53, have served over 20 years in the Navy, and have never felt under attack for being white.

I have felt under attack in a couple of war zones though...
Have you watched the news at all during that time? Your statement leads me to believe that you don't follow the news at all.

Actually, yeah, I do follow the news. I have yet to see where whites are under attack for being white. And, hate to tell you, but there IS a difference between being white and being a white supremacist. One is simply a difference in skin pigment (being white), the other is believing that difference in skin pigment makes you superior to everyone else (white supremacist).

That clear it up for you a bit?
Ok, I can post ENDLESS videos of black mobs violently assaulting lone white people. Are you so stupid that you're unaware of this massive problem in the US, or are you just praying that I won't take the time to post a bunch of them?

Your post defies logic. I have video proof of my claim. What do you have to support yours?

You'll have to forgive him. CNN and Huffington Post don't cover such events.
White guys are so butt hurt that they spend time scouring the obscure corners of the internet to find all those headlines in the OP. I've never seen anything like them in the MSM so they had to look into obscure websites to come up with all that shit. Imagine wanting to wallow in self pity enough to go looking for things to be offended about.

You know the term Garbage In Garbage out? It describes your brainwashed diatribe above. So these are just "obscure " findings and you have never ever seen examples yourself? Are you illiterate? Don't read the news. It takes a few seconds to find those examples and sourcevthem to the "MSM" as you call them. Are you that brainwashed...or that lazy? Or is it dishonesty?

What’s Going on With America’s White People?

Geographers Warn We Shouldn’t Use Research Conducted By Straight White Men

Michael Eric Dyson Believes in Individual Reparations

Want to Heal Yourself from 'Toxic Whiteness'? This Class Can Help

Santa Claus Should Not Be a White Man Anymore

Dear White People, You Suck At Diversity

NYT, Slate, tech crunch. Just a few seconds work. You predicated your whole diatribe on falsehoods didn't you? So I think it can all be safely ignored. Since you started with a false premise any conclusions by necessity must be fake as well.
Garbage in Garbage out

I think the reason why whites feel "under attack" is because the One Percent have gotten very good at distracting them with bullshit.

You see, the reason why Willie White Trash doesn't live as good as his Dad did was because his Dad belonged to a union. But the One Percent got rid of the unions. which means if Willie WHite Trash has a job at all, he's working a lot harder for less money, less benefits and less job security.

now, the anger at that SHOULD be directed at richer white people who make the decisions. But for 40 years, the one percent have been blaming minorities, feminists and gays for his problems, and Willie White Trash has fallen for it.

Could you be that divorced from reality? Your 1% ( very few presbyterians among them by the way") have been blaming whites. They use minorities against the majority and they do it not only to the detriment of the majority but the minorities suffer as well. Minorities get a free pass.
Whites feel under attack because they are. And whites fell no less under attack when told to ignore it.
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