I wonder why whites feel under attack?

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Absent fatherhood is a major indicator of whether young male individuals will become involved in crime, regardless of race. Young men raised in a home with married parents are the least likely to become involved with crime. Young black men are responsible for half of the murders in this country, and yet are only 6% of the population. Taking all of that into account, alongside the 72% out of wedlock birth rate... We can guess that a good number of young black men are growing up without fathers.

An out-of-wedlock birthdate does not correlate to an absentee father rate.

People who aren't married can still parent together.

Yeeeeaaaah.....and what do you think is more likely?

The problem with generalizations is that up to 49.9% of those about whom the generalization is made can break the "rule."

I think the reason why whites feel "under attack" is because the One Percent have gotten very good at distracting them with bullshit.

You see, the reason why Willie White Trash doesn't live as good as his Dad did was because his Dad belonged to a union. But the One Percent got rid of the unions. which means if Willie WHite Trash has a job at all, he's working a lot harder for less money, less benefits and less job security.

now, the anger at that SHOULD be directed at richer white people who make the decisions. But for 40 years, the one percent have been blaming minorities, feminists and gays for his problems, and Willie White Trash has fallen for it.
Why do you get sickle cell? Why are blacks 60% more likely to get diabetes than whites? Why do blacks die from asthma 3x more often than whites? Why is sarcoidosis 16x more prevalent in blacks than whites? Why do black males have a 40% higher death rate from cancer than white males? Why do black females have a 20% higher death rate from cancer than white females? Why, despite lower exposure to tobacco, are black males 50% more likely than white males to get lung cancer? Why do blacks develop high blood pressure much earlier in life than whites (>40% of blacks have high blood pressure by the time they're 20)? Why do strokes kill 4x more middle aged blacks than whites?

Genetics? I thought you said your people were superior. Maybe at keeling over sooner than whites and getting diseases more often and younger than whites. Hardly something to be proud of.
We get sickle cell because its a protection against Malaria. Now stop deflecting and answer my questions cave chimp.

What protects whites from Malaria? Chemical compounds to kill mosquitos which carry the disease something a genetically inferior ****** could ever come up with.
You must be an idiot.. Why would Black people come up with chemicals to protect against something their DNA automatically protects against? Now Blacks were the first to use anti biotics and invent carbonized steel. Something whites took centuries to come up with after Blacks educated them twice.

The point is ******* couldn't come up with chemical compounds or relate diseases to mosquito infestations in the first place.

******* didn't invent carbon steel there you go taking credit for the work of others again. Blacks haven't in their entire history developed a wholly original invention or even a functioning civilization for that matter.
I know it hurts cave monkey. Read it and weep.

Science: Africa's Ancient Steelmakers

"But carbon steel had been made long before either Kelly or Bessemer. One of the oldest and most sophisticated methods was that of the Haya people. They're an African tribe in what is Tanzania today. The Hayas produced high-grade carbon steel for about 2000 years."

If your kind is supposedly so advanced, why do they fall so far behind on so many things these days?

I think the reason why whites feel "under attack" is because the One Percent have gotten very good at distracting them with bullshit.

You see, the reason why Willie White Trash doesn't live as good as his Dad did was because his Dad belonged to a union. But the One Percent got rid of the unions. which means if Willie WHite Trash has a job at all, he's working a lot harder for less money, less benefits and less job security.

now, the anger at that SHOULD be directed at richer white people who make the decisions. But for 40 years, the one percent have been blaming minorities, feminists and gays for his problems, and Willie White Trash has fallen for it.

What's the reason you have so much trouble keeping a job?
What's the reason you have so much trouble keeping a job?

You mean other than companies going out of business? I mean I could keep showing up at a company after it's closed its door for lack of things to do, but that would be pointless.

Companies, as in more than one?

You could quit doing such a poor job those companies go out of business. I bet you blame management for the failure but would take credit it the company stayed in business. Do tell.
Companies, as in more than one?

You could quit doing such a poor job those companies go out of business. I bet you blame management for the failure but would take credit it the company stayed in business. Do tell.

Yup, I personally brought a national company to it's knees. I did it, it had nothing to do with the company losing a 35 million dollar account because the sales rep never showed up at their office or losing 40% of their business because the housing market crashed.

You are much too clever for us naughty people, inspector dim!

I do blame management, because down in the trenches, we warned them again and again that this might happen, that they were unhappy with the prices that management set, and they could probably go direct to the manufacturer and get better pricing.

But no one listened, the smartest guys in the room.
Companies, as in more than one?

You could quit doing such a poor job those companies go out of business. I bet you blame management for the failure but would take credit it the company stayed in business. Do tell.

Yup, I personally brought a national company to it's knees. I did it, it had nothing to do with the company losing a 35 million dollar account because the sales rep never showed up at their office or losing 40% of their business because the housing market crashed.

You are much too clever for us naughty people, inspector dim!

I do blame management, because down in the trenches, we warned them again and again that this might happen, that they were unhappy with the prices that management set, and they could probably go direct to the manufacturer and get better pricing.

But no one listened, the smartest guys in the room.

I've never worked for a company that went out of business. According to you, you've worked for companieS that did.

I'm sure you blame management. It's your M/O to blame someone else.
I've never worked for a company that went out of business. According to you, you've worked for companieS that did.

Yes, there will always done be a market for Possum Catcher, Cleetus. Given you never talk about what you actually do for a living, it tells me it's nothing you are proud of.

I'm sure you blame management. It's your M/O to blame someone else.

Yup, I do blame management when they make awful decisions. Because, mostly, that's what they do. It's why the Germans and Japanese have pretty much eaten our lunch, nationally.
We get sickle cell because its a protection against Malaria. Now stop deflecting and answer my questions cave chimp.

What protects whites from Malaria? Chemical compounds to kill mosquitos which carry the disease something a genetically inferior ****** could ever come up with.
You must be an idiot.. Why would Black people come up with chemicals to protect against something their DNA automatically protects against? Now Blacks were the first to use anti biotics and invent carbonized steel. Something whites took centuries to come up with after Blacks educated them twice.

The point is ******* couldn't come up with chemical compounds or relate diseases to mosquito infestations in the first place.

******* didn't invent carbon steel there you go taking credit for the work of others again. Blacks haven't in their entire history developed a wholly original invention or even a functioning civilization for that matter.
I know it hurts cave monkey. Read it and weep.

Science: Africa's Ancient Steelmakers :laugh:

"But carbon steel had been made long before either Kelly or Bessemer. One of the oldest and most sophisticated methods was that of the Haya people. They're an African tribe in what is Tanzania today. The Hayas produced high-grade carbon steel for about 2000 years."

The Asians invented carbon steel you stupid ******. This ****** tribe that you're talking about doesn't even have a written history they are primitive savages and this archaelogist literally relies on their oral history for his assertion, fucking laughable.

The Bell Curve Rings a Warning That Falls on Deaf Ears

Wasting resources on evolution's losers is like telling a coach he has to forget about his team and spend all his time trying to improve the skills of those he had to cut in tryouts. We are not allowed to consider the other half of this disaster: neglect of the talented, who must be paid up front or they will later produce far less than they are capable of.
The Bell Curve Rings a Warning That Falls on Deaf Ears

Wasting resources on evolution's losers is like telling a coach he has to forget about his team and spend all his time trying to improve the skills of those he had to cut in tryouts. We are not allowed to consider the other half of this disaster: neglect of the talented, who must be paid up front or they will later produce far less than they are capable of.

I agree. We need to euthanize all the white trash in the trailer park in the name of evolution...

Oh, no, wait. That's not what you were going for, was it?
Statements like these is why people are hostile towards white people. Then people like you don't understand why they get called a racist.
With unmarried pregnancy rates of black females upwards to 70%, it's a valid question.

Just because a couple isn't married does not mean that the father in uninvolved, not providing support, or even not in the home.

That's drawing illogical conclusions.
Just because a couple isn't married does not mean that the father in uninvolved, not providing support, or even not in the home.

Dude, that is not helping raise the kids.Obviously if you understood that you wouldnt be a libetard.

Have you heard of couples living together without being married? Have you heard of child support? Have you heard of joint custody for parents who don't live together?

Are these new concepts for you?
. Stop trying to feed us bullshit about black men and their support of their own kids. For the most part they are absent for either reasons over there in jail or they don't give a shit about getting their Ho''s knocked up.
The bro do care 'bout getting a piece a Baby Mama's welfare check. It be RACE SIZZ to say the bro don't care about nuthin.
Here's the deal in a nut shell.....Hillary was a fucked up candidate, a lot of people didn't vote.. some people knew about Trump., but the majority of the public did not. He won. However, the people that supported Trump, 39% mostly small town meth heads or where big paying jobs have left town, all are on some type of gov. asst and we all know white people want to work, so they voted for Dumb Donald. Donald feeling the loyalty and love, sucks up to these people weekly with his Klan rallies, because he's too mired in narcissistic behavior to see 70% of the country hate his ass!! But because white people love the president, all 39%.......they feel empowered.

The white lash if any is aimed at these fools!!

Fuck off monkey, the majority of college graduate white males voted for Trump and even 41% of college educated white females, uneducated genetically inferior monkeys and wetbacks all voted for Hillary because the leeches of society always vote for who promises the most free shit.
The enemies of democracy say it works only until people vote to have the government let them live off the earnings of others. This is what's happening now. Because the critics are wrong and that can't happen under majority rule, the only explanation, though forbidden by thought control, is that Liberals are agents of the Right Wing. Their assignment is to discredit democracy.

The solution is to not allow anyone on welfare to vote.
Hey you idiots, did Trump or did he not promise the following: Healthcare for all, not only cheaper but affordable? Did he or did he not promise good paying jobs all stripped from China? There's your fuckin free shit in a nut shell and I completely disagree with people on welfare not be able to vote...I say, if you are white, live in the south, your voting privileges should be revoked until 2 things happen, you take a civics class and can explain while standing in line to cash your free check from tax payers, how the fuck your check isn't welfare
I've never worked for a company that went out of business. According to you, you've worked for companieS that did.

Yes, there will always done be a market for Possum Catcher, Cleetus. Given you never talk about what you actually do for a living, it tells me it's nothing you are proud of.

I'm sure you blame management. It's your M/O to blame someone else.

Yup, I do blame management when they make awful decisions. Because, mostly, that's what they do. It's why the Germans and Japanese have pretty much eaten our lunch, nationally.
If you were as smart as you claim, it should tell you that it's none of your fucking business.

You blame management when things go poorly but give yourself credit when things go well. Typical Liberal. I'll agree the places you worked that went out of business made bad decisions. They hired you dumbass and you cost them dearly.
With unmarried pregnancy rates of black females upwards to 70%, it's a valid question.

Just because a couple isn't married does not mean that the father in uninvolved, not providing support, or even not in the home.

That's drawing illogical conclusions.
Just because a couple isn't married does not mean that the father in uninvolved, not providing support, or even not in the home.

Dude, that is not helping raise the kids.Obviously if you understood that you wouldnt be a libetard.

Have you heard of couples living together without being married? Have you heard of child support? Have you heard of joint custody for parents who don't live together?

Are these new concepts for you?
. Stop trying to feed us bullshit about black men and their support of their own kids. For the most part they are absent for either reasons over there in jail or they don't give a shit about getting their Ho''s knocked up.
The bro do care 'bout getting a piece a Baby Mama's welfare check. It be RACE SIZZ to say the bro don't care about nuthin.

Stupid shit like this ^^^^^^ is why this forum remains a playpen for arrested development idiots rather than a place for serious discussion.
The Bell Curve Rings a Warning That Falls on Deaf Ears

Wasting resources on evolution's losers is like telling a coach he has to forget about his team and spend all his time trying to improve the skills of those he had to cut in tryouts. We are not allowed to consider the other half of this disaster: neglect of the talented, who must be paid up front or they will later produce far less than they are capable of.

I agree. We need to euthanize all the white trash in the trailer park in the name of evolution...

Oh, no, wait. That's not what you were going for, was it?

Quite clear he wasn't but I bet you understand who it was, don't you?
You blame management when things go poorly but give yourself credit when things go well. Typical Liberal. I'll agree the places you worked that went out of business made bad decisions. They hired you dumbass and you cost them dearly.

Yeah, except I didn't cause the things that caused them to lose business. That was all on them, setting prices that were too high and making bad investments in infrastructure.

I wish I had a say in that, but I really didn't.
The Bell Curve Rings a Warning That Falls on Deaf Ears

Wasting resources on evolution's losers is like telling a coach he has to forget about his team and spend all his time trying to improve the skills of those he had to cut in tryouts. We are not allowed to consider the other half of this disaster: neglect of the talented, who must be paid up front or they will later produce far less than they are capable of.

I agree. We need to euthanize all the white trash in the trailer park in the name of evolution...

Oh, no, wait. That's not what you were going for, was it?
Nah, let's euthanize the white leftist snob urbanite. They rarely have children, so they could probably be completely exterminated in short order.
You blame management when things go poorly but give yourself credit when things go well. Typical Liberal. I'll agree the places you worked that went out of business made bad decisions. They hired you dumbass and you cost them dearly.

Yeah, except I didn't cause the things that caused them to lose business. That was all on them, setting prices that were too high and making bad investments in infrastructure.

I wish I had a say in that, but I really didn't.

That's what you say. You did say companies, plural, when referencing your situation. Interesting how those things tend to follow you around. Or is it that you cause them to happen. Sounds to me like they made a bad investment in you and you fucked it up.
That's what you say. You did say companies, plural, when referencing your situation. Interesting how those things tend to follow you around. Or is it that you cause them to happen. Sounds to me like they made a bad investment in you and you fucked it up.

um, no, actually not. 13 million jobs a year are eliminated by a dynamic economy. So, yeah, that my job over an 8 year period might be one of the ones eliminated isn't really surprising. IT's something that should be planned for or expected.

I've quit more companies than have let me go for better opportunities or on occasion, just on principle, like the company that fired a gay co-worker because they were a bunch of religious bigots.

And I always land on my feet.
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