I wonder why whites feel under attack?

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Here's the deal in a nut shell.....Hillary was a fucked up candidate, a lot of people didn't vote.. some people knew about Trump., but the majority of the public did not. He won. However, the people that supported Trump, 39% mostly small town meth heads or where big paying jobs have left town, all are on some type of gov. asst and we all know white people want to work, so they voted for Dumb Donald. Donald feeling the loyalty and love, sucks up to these people weekly with his Klan rallies, because he's too mired in narcissistic behavior to see 70% of the country hate his ass!! But because white people love the president, all 39%.......they feel empowered.

The white lash if any is aimed at these fools!!

Fuck off monkey, the majority of college graduate white males voted for Trump and even 41% of college educated white females, uneducated genetically inferior monkeys and wetbacks all voted for Hillary because the leeches of society always vote for who promises the most free shit.
Bitch, you white mf's since the boat fuckin ride have been getting free shit, its called white access to good jobs, good housing and income...all compliments and off the backs of all those you kept away by standing on their backs preventing access....listen, you white whore, you along with the rest of these cowardly mof's can kiss my ass, go straight to hell and then come back and kiss my ass again.

As if it's Blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims who are the ones who are the prime job creators.
Dude, its the labor of minorities that built this fuckin country, that left a legacy of wealth for you white mf's that still persist to this day. And just so you'll know, them white anti whore's marching against the jews in Charo'ville....they need to check the signatures on them paychecks they cash.....bet ya a dolla, the owner is a jew!!

I didn't mention Jews, now did I?
Here's the deal in a nut shell.....Hillary was a fucked up candidate, a lot of people didn't vote.. some people knew about Trump., but the majority of the public did not. He won. However, the people that supported Trump, 39% mostly small town meth heads or where big paying jobs have left town, all are on some type of gov. asst and we all know white people want to work, so they voted for Dumb Donald. Donald feeling the loyalty and love, sucks up to these people weekly with his Klan rallies, because he's too mired in narcissistic behavior to see 70% of the country hate his ass!! But because white people love the president, all 39%.......they feel empowered.

The white lash if any is aimed at these fools!!

Fuck off monkey, the majority of college graduate white males voted for Trump and even 41% of college educated white females, uneducated genetically inferior monkeys and wetbacks all voted for Hillary because the leeches of society always vote for who promises the most free shit.
Bitch, you white mf's since the boat fuckin ride have been getting free shit, its called white access to good jobs, good housing and income...all compliments and off the backs of all those you kept away by standing on their backs preventing access....listen, you white whore, you along with the rest of these cowardly mof's can kiss my ass, go straight to hell and then come back and kiss my ass again.

As if it's Blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims who are the ones who are the prime job creators.
Dude, its the labor of minorities that built this fuckin country, that left a legacy of wealth for you white mf's that still persist to this day. And just so you'll know, them white anti whore's marching against the jews in Charo'ville....they need to check the signatures on them paychecks they cash.....bet ya a dolla, the owner is a jew!!

Really enjoying your racism, hatred, and spite? Doing you a lot of good?
I don't live around or have anything to do with white trash. I classify them on the same low level as your kind.
You are white trash. You cant classify yourself to be on my kind because you are inferior, genetically recessive and defective cave monkeys.

I wouldn't want to be of your 2nd class kind, boy.
Good for you because you are below my kind even when they are second class. Youre more like 8th class.

Impossible. There's no such thing as being lower than your kind. Sad part is you could do something about it but choose not to.
Sorry to break it to you but youre not on the level of the original human. Youre a defective genetic mutation. Dont you wonder why the sun actively attempts to kill you?

You're not to the level of sub human. If your kind is supposed to be so superior, why are they so inferior in so many ways?
You are white trash. You cant classify yourself to be on my kind because you are inferior, genetically recessive and defective cave monkeys.

I wouldn't want to be of your 2nd class kind, boy.
Good for you because you are below my kind even when they are second class. Youre more like 8th class.

Impossible. There's no such thing as being lower than your kind. Sad part is you could do something about it but choose not to.
Sorry to break it to you but youre not on the level of the original human. Youre a defective genetic mutation. Dont you wonder why the sun actively attempts to kill you?

You're not to the level of sub human. If your kind is supposed to be so superior, why are they so inferior in so many ways?
Who told you Blacks were inferior and why did you believe them with all this evidence to the contrary?
I wouldn't want to be of your 2nd class kind, boy.
Good for you because you are below my kind even when they are second class. Youre more like 8th class.

Impossible. There's no such thing as being lower than your kind. Sad part is you could do something about it but choose not to.
Sorry to break it to you but youre not on the level of the original human. Youre a defective genetic mutation. Dont you wonder why the sun actively attempts to kill you?

You're not to the level of sub human. If your kind is supposed to be so superior, why are they so inferior in so many ways?
Who told you Blacks were inferior and why did you believe them with all this evidence to the contrary?

No one had to tell me. I can look at how they act, live, etc. and see it for myself.
Good for you because you are below my kind even when they are second class. Youre more like 8th class.

Impossible. There's no such thing as being lower than your kind. Sad part is you could do something about it but choose not to.
Sorry to break it to you but youre not on the level of the original human. Youre a defective genetic mutation. Dont you wonder why the sun actively attempts to kill you?

You're not to the level of sub human. If your kind is supposed to be so superior, why are they so inferior in so many ways?
Who told you Blacks were inferior and why did you believe them with all this evidence to the contrary?

No one had to tell me. I can look at how they act, live, etc. and see it for myself.
Which means nothing. Why do you get skin cancer so fast? Why do you attract hair lice? Why are your birth rates so low that you have to invent artificial ways to propagate?
Some Black Americans gave their lives for this country, you obviously never served.
Impossible. There's no such thing as being lower than your kind. Sad part is you could do something about it but choose not to.
Sorry to break it to you but youre not on the level of the original human. Youre a defective genetic mutation. Dont you wonder why the sun actively attempts to kill you?

You're not to the level of sub human. If your kind is supposed to be so superior, why are they so inferior in so many ways?
Who told you Blacks were inferior and why did you believe them with all this evidence to the contrary?

No one had to tell me. I can look at how they act, live, etc. and see it for myself.
Which means nothing. Why do you get skin cancer so fast? Why do you attract hair lice? Why are your birth rates so low that you have to invent artificial ways to propagate?

You cannot defeat racists by being one.
Sorry to break it to you but youre not on the level of the original human. Youre a defective genetic mutation. Dont you wonder why the sun actively attempts to kill you?

You're not to the level of sub human. If your kind is supposed to be so superior, why are they so inferior in so many ways?
Who told you Blacks were inferior and why did you believe them with all this evidence to the contrary?

No one had to tell me. I can look at how they act, live, etc. and see it for myself.
Which means nothing. Why do you get skin cancer so fast? Why do you attract hair lice? Why are your birth rates so low that you have to invent artificial ways to propagate?

You cannot defeat racists by being one.
I'm just funnin with them. You cant defeat stupidity. You can only make it squirm.
Sorry to break it to you but youre not on the level of the original human. Youre a defective genetic mutation. Dont you wonder why the sun actively attempts to kill you?

You're not to the level of sub human. If your kind is supposed to be so superior, why are they so inferior in so many ways?
Who told you Blacks were inferior and why did you believe them with all this evidence to the contrary?

No one had to tell me. I can look at how they act, live, etc. and see it for myself.
Which means nothing. Why do you get skin cancer so fast? Why do you attract hair lice? Why are your birth rates so low that you have to invent artificial ways to propagate?

Black monkeys have been tested and the science proves that the majority are mentally inferior to whites which is why they are reliant on affirmative action because on a level playing field the black apes can't compete against whites and asians.
White monkeys had 400 years of affirmative action and they are still whining now that they cant get all the jobs.
Impossible. There's no such thing as being lower than your kind. Sad part is you could do something about it but choose not to.
Sorry to break it to you but youre not on the level of the original human. Youre a defective genetic mutation. Dont you wonder why the sun actively attempts to kill you?

You're not to the level of sub human. If your kind is supposed to be so superior, why are they so inferior in so many ways?
Who told you Blacks were inferior and why did you believe them with all this evidence to the contrary?

No one had to tell me. I can look at how they act, live, etc. and see it for myself.
Which means nothing. Why do you get skin cancer so fast? Why do you attract hair lice? Why are your birth rates so low that you have to invent artificial ways to propagate?

Why do you get sickle cell? Why are blacks 60% more likely to get diabetes than whites? Why do blacks die from asthma 3x more often than whites? Why is sarcoidosis 16x more prevalent in blacks than whites? Why do black males have a 40% higher death rate from cancer than white males? Why do black females have a 20% higher death rate from cancer than white females? Why, despite lower exposure to tobacco, are black males 50% more likely than white males to get lung cancer? Why do blacks develop high blood pressure much earlier in life than whites (>40% of blacks have high blood pressure by the time they're 20)? Why do strokes kill 4x more middle aged blacks than whites?

Genetics? I thought you said your people were superior. Maybe at keeling over sooner than whites and getting diseases more often and younger than whites. Hardly something to be proud of.
Sorry to break it to you but youre not on the level of the original human. Youre a defective genetic mutation. Dont you wonder why the sun actively attempts to kill you?

You're not to the level of sub human. If your kind is supposed to be so superior, why are they so inferior in so many ways?
Who told you Blacks were inferior and why did you believe them with all this evidence to the contrary?

No one had to tell me. I can look at how they act, live, etc. and see it for myself.
Which means nothing. Why do you get skin cancer so fast? Why do you attract hair lice? Why are your birth rates so low that you have to invent artificial ways to propagate?

Why do you get sickle cell? Why are blacks 60% more likely to get diabetes than whites? Why do blacks die from asthma 3x more often than whites? Why is sarcoidosis 16x more prevalent in blacks than whites? Why do black males have a 40% higher death rate from cancer than white males? Why do black females have a 20% higher death rate from cancer than white females? Why, despite lower exposure to tobacco, are black males 50% more likely than white males to get lung cancer? Why do blacks develop high blood pressure much earlier in life than whites (>40% of blacks have high blood pressure by the time they're 20)? Why do strokes kill 4x more middle aged blacks than whites?

Genetics? I thought you said your people were superior. Maybe at keeling over sooner than whites and getting diseases more often and younger than whites. Hardly something to be proud of.
We get sickle cell because its a protection against Malaria. Now stop deflecting and answer my questions cave chimp.

CDC - Malaria - About Malaria - Biology - Protective Effect of Sickle Cell

"The sickle cell gene is caused by a single amino acid mutation (valine instead of glutamate at the 6th position) in the beta chain of the hemoglobin gene. Inheritance of this mutated gene from both parents leads to sickle cell disease and people with this disease have shorter life expectancy. On the contrary, individuals who are carriers for the sickle cell disease (with one sickle gene and one normal hemoglobin gene, also known as sickle cell trait) have some protective advantage against malaria. As a result, the frequencies of sickle cell carriers are high in malaria-endemic areas."
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You're not to the level of sub human. If your kind is supposed to be so superior, why are they so inferior in so many ways?
Who told you Blacks were inferior and why did you believe them with all this evidence to the contrary?

No one had to tell me. I can look at how they act, live, etc. and see it for myself.
Which means nothing. Why do you get skin cancer so fast? Why do you attract hair lice? Why are your birth rates so low that you have to invent artificial ways to propagate?

Black monkeys have been tested and the science proves that the majority are mentally inferior to whites which is why they are reliant on affirmative action because on a level playing field the black apes can't compete against whites and asians.
White monkeys had 400 years of affirmative action and they are still whining now that they cant get all the jobs.

What affirmative action of whites? You're dreaming, boy, and making excuses because your people couldn't get a job if affirmative action didn't exist.
Who told you Blacks were inferior and why did you believe them with all this evidence to the contrary?

No one had to tell me. I can look at how they act, live, etc. and see it for myself.
Which means nothing. Why do you get skin cancer so fast? Why do you attract hair lice? Why are your birth rates so low that you have to invent artificial ways to propagate?

Black monkeys have been tested and the science proves that the majority are mentally inferior to whites which is why they are reliant on affirmative action because on a level playing field the black apes can't compete against whites and asians.
White monkeys had 400 years of affirmative action and they are still whining now that they cant get all the jobs.

What affirmative action of whites? You're dreaming, boy, and making excuses because your people couldn't get a job if affirmative action didn't exist.
The affrimative action where white cave chimps were able to get paid for working while Blacks had to work for free. Where Blacks were discriminated against and killed if they were taking white jobs. Where whites were entitled to a better education. You cant be that stupid? I guess you can.
You're not to the level of sub human. If your kind is supposed to be so superior, why are they so inferior in so many ways?
Who told you Blacks were inferior and why did you believe them with all this evidence to the contrary?

No one had to tell me. I can look at how they act, live, etc. and see it for myself.
Which means nothing. Why do you get skin cancer so fast? Why do you attract hair lice? Why are your birth rates so low that you have to invent artificial ways to propagate?

Why do you get sickle cell? Why are blacks 60% more likely to get diabetes than whites? Why do blacks die from asthma 3x more often than whites? Why is sarcoidosis 16x more prevalent in blacks than whites? Why do black males have a 40% higher death rate from cancer than white males? Why do black females have a 20% higher death rate from cancer than white females? Why, despite lower exposure to tobacco, are black males 50% more likely than white males to get lung cancer? Why do blacks develop high blood pressure much earlier in life than whites (>40% of blacks have high blood pressure by the time they're 20)? Why do strokes kill 4x more middle aged blacks than whites?

Genetics? I thought you said your people were superior. Maybe at keeling over sooner than whites and getting diseases more often and younger than whites. Hardly something to be proud of.
We get sickle cell because its a protection against Malaria. Now stop deflecting and answer my questions cave chimp.

That would be incorrect. If someone has sickle cell, they're more vulnerable to malaria.

I don't take orders from you, ******.
Who told you Blacks were inferior and why did you believe them with all this evidence to the contrary?

No one had to tell me. I can look at how they act, live, etc. and see it for myself.
Which means nothing. Why do you get skin cancer so fast? Why do you attract hair lice? Why are your birth rates so low that you have to invent artificial ways to propagate?

Why do you get sickle cell? Why are blacks 60% more likely to get diabetes than whites? Why do blacks die from asthma 3x more often than whites? Why is sarcoidosis 16x more prevalent in blacks than whites? Why do black males have a 40% higher death rate from cancer than white males? Why do black females have a 20% higher death rate from cancer than white females? Why, despite lower exposure to tobacco, are black males 50% more likely than white males to get lung cancer? Why do blacks develop high blood pressure much earlier in life than whites (>40% of blacks have high blood pressure by the time they're 20)? Why do strokes kill 4x more middle aged blacks than whites?

Genetics? I thought you said your people were superior. Maybe at keeling over sooner than whites and getting diseases more often and younger than whites. Hardly something to be proud of.
We get sickle cell because its a protection against Malaria. Now stop deflecting and answer my questions cave chimp.

That would be incorrect. If someone has sickle cell, they're more vulnerable to malaria.

I don't take orders from you, ******.
No stupid. It just means they have both the genes that protect from malaria. I know you dont take orders from me. if you did you would be answering my question instead of deflecting like most of you cave monkeys tend to do.
You're not to the level of sub human. If your kind is supposed to be so superior, why are they so inferior in so many ways?
Who told you Blacks were inferior and why did you believe them with all this evidence to the contrary?

No one had to tell me. I can look at how they act, live, etc. and see it for myself.
Which means nothing. Why do you get skin cancer so fast? Why do you attract hair lice? Why are your birth rates so low that you have to invent artificial ways to propagate?

Why do you get sickle cell? Why are blacks 60% more likely to get diabetes than whites? Why do blacks die from asthma 3x more often than whites? Why is sarcoidosis 16x more prevalent in blacks than whites? Why do black males have a 40% higher death rate from cancer than white males? Why do black females have a 20% higher death rate from cancer than white females? Why, despite lower exposure to tobacco, are black males 50% more likely than white males to get lung cancer? Why do blacks develop high blood pressure much earlier in life than whites (>40% of blacks have high blood pressure by the time they're 20)? Why do strokes kill 4x more middle aged blacks than whites?

Genetics? I thought you said your people were superior. Maybe at keeling over sooner than whites and getting diseases more often and younger than whites. Hardly something to be proud of.
We get sickle cell because its a protection against Malaria. Now stop deflecting and answer my questions cave chimp.

What protects whites from Malaria? Chemical compounds to kill mosquitos which carry the disease something a genetically inferior ****** could ever come up with.
No one had to tell me. I can look at how they act, live, etc. and see it for myself.
Which means nothing. Why do you get skin cancer so fast? Why do you attract hair lice? Why are your birth rates so low that you have to invent artificial ways to propagate?

Black monkeys have been tested and the science proves that the majority are mentally inferior to whites which is why they are reliant on affirmative action because on a level playing field the black apes can't compete against whites and asians.
White monkeys had 400 years of affirmative action and they are still whining now that they cant get all the jobs.

What affirmative action of whites? You're dreaming, boy, and making excuses because your people couldn't get a job if affirmative action didn't exist.
The affrimative action where white cave chimps were able to get paid for working while Blacks had to work for free. Where Blacks were discriminated against and killed if they were taking white jobs. Where whites were entitled to a better education. You cant be that stupid? I guess you can.

Lol what % of whites owned slaves? God you're a dumb fucking ******.
Who told you Blacks were inferior and why did you believe them with all this evidence to the contrary?

No one had to tell me. I can look at how they act, live, etc. and see it for myself.
Which means nothing. Why do you get skin cancer so fast? Why do you attract hair lice? Why are your birth rates so low that you have to invent artificial ways to propagate?

Why do you get sickle cell? Why are blacks 60% more likely to get diabetes than whites? Why do blacks die from asthma 3x more often than whites? Why is sarcoidosis 16x more prevalent in blacks than whites? Why do black males have a 40% higher death rate from cancer than white males? Why do black females have a 20% higher death rate from cancer than white females? Why, despite lower exposure to tobacco, are black males 50% more likely than white males to get lung cancer? Why do blacks develop high blood pressure much earlier in life than whites (>40% of blacks have high blood pressure by the time they're 20)? Why do strokes kill 4x more middle aged blacks than whites?

Genetics? I thought you said your people were superior. Maybe at keeling over sooner than whites and getting diseases more often and younger than whites. Hardly something to be proud of.
We get sickle cell because its a protection against Malaria. Now stop deflecting and answer my questions cave chimp.

What protects whites from Malaria? Chemical compounds to kill mosquitos which carry the disease something a genetically inferior ****** could ever come up with.
You must be an idiot.. Why would Black people come up with chemicals to protect against something their DNA automatically protects against? Now Blacks were the first to use anti biotics and invent carbonized steel. Something whites took centuries to come up with after Blacks educated them twice.
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