I wonder why whites feel under attack?

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That's what you say. You did say companies, plural, when referencing your situation. Interesting how those things tend to follow you around. Or is it that you cause them to happen. Sounds to me like they made a bad investment in you and you fucked it up.

um, no, actually not. 13 million jobs a year are eliminated by a dynamic economy. So, yeah, that my job over an 8 year period might be one of the ones eliminated isn't really surprising. IT's something that should be planned for or expected.

I've quit more companies than have let me go for better opportunities or on occasion, just on principle, like the company that fired a gay co-worker because they were a bunch of religious bigots.

And I always land on my feet.

So you're a quitter when people don't do thing the way you demand they do them. It makes you a quitter.

Holding to one's religious beliefs doesn't make them a bigot. It makes you a whiner when you demand they practice their religion the way you want them to practice it.

Sounds to me as if your work history sucks. A quitter and a business killer.
So how did Morgan Freeman not fall into the underclass? He was an example of what you said when he lived in Memphis Tenn.. It is all about liberalism and victimhood. Then those liberals feel needed to give the victims just enough, so they will continue to vote Dimbocrap.

It is more than that, just a bit more.

A person has to see themselves as in control of themselves and their own fate. If they are taught that genetics predestines them then they will collapse in despair to that overwhelming fate and do what society tells them is expected from them.

Real men know that they are the captain of their own fate, men like Freeman, and they can then see the situation well enough to fight it.

This is the most important thing that a father shows us and demonstrates to use every day he goes to work for his family.
So you're a quitter when people don't do thing the way you demand they do them. It makes you a quitter.

No, it just means I don't define myself by my job. I'll work someplace as long as I'm happy to be there. When I'm not happy, I go somewhere else.

Holding to one's religious beliefs doesn't make them a bigot. It makes you a whiner when you demand they practice their religion the way you want them to practice it.

Uh, no, it makes them bigots. That they wrap their bigotry in a lot of selectively held superstitions makes it a little worse.

Sounds to me as if your work history sucks. A quitter and a business killer.

Again, my resume is probably a lot more impressive than yours. YOu won't even talk about what you do for a living, probably because it's not something you are terribly proud of.
So you're a quitter when people don't do thing the way you demand they do them. It makes you a quitter.

No, it just means I don't define myself by my job. I'll work someplace as long as I'm happy to be there. When I'm not happy, I go somewhere else.

Holding to one's religious beliefs doesn't make them a bigot. It makes you a whiner when you demand they practice their religion the way you want them to practice it.

Uh, no, it makes them bigots. That they wrap their bigotry in a lot of selectively held superstitions makes it a little worse.

Sounds to me as if your work history sucks. A quitter and a business killer.

Again, my resume is probably a lot more impressive than yours. YOu won't even talk about what you do for a living, probably because it's not something you are terribly proud of.

In other words, unless they're doing it your way, you're not happy?

That you call what they believe superstitions makes you a bigot.

Again, you keep making that claim yet you won't post it on here to prove the claim. If it was, you'd have no problem doing so.

I told you, son, I don't post it because it's none of your fucking business. You don't pay my salary and I don't work for you. It's that simple.
In other words, unless they're doing it your way, you're not happy?

That you call what they believe superstitions makes you a bigot.

Again, you keep making that claim yet you won't post it on here to prove the claim. If it was, you'd have no problem doing so.

I told you, son, I don't post it because it's none of your fucking business. You don't pay my salary and I don't work for you. It's that simple.

I know the whole community was proud of you when you got promoted to head Possum Catcher, but the rest of us arne't that impressed, Cleetus.
In other words, unless they're doing it your way, you're not happy?

That you call what they believe superstitions makes you a bigot.

Again, you keep making that claim yet you won't post it on here to prove the claim. If it was, you'd have no problem doing so.

I told you, son, I don't post it because it's none of your fucking business. You don't pay my salary and I don't work for you. It's that simple.

I know the whole community was proud of you when you got promoted to head Possum Catcher, but the rest of us arne't that impressed, Cleetus.

I'm not impressed by someone that moves from job to job more often than the seasons change.

Still waiting on that resume you claim is better than mine. Funny how you say it is but you won't show it.

I think the reason why whites feel "under attack" is because the One Percent have gotten very good at distracting them with bullshit.

You see, the reason why Willie White Trash doesn't live as good as his Dad did was because his Dad belonged to a union. But the One Percent got rid of the unions. which means if Willie WHite Trash has a job at all, he's working a lot harder for less money, less benefits and less job security.

now, the anger at that SHOULD be directed at richer white people who make the decisions. But for 40 years, the one percent have been blaming minorities, feminists and gays for his problems, and Willie White Trash has fallen for it.
I think the whites FEEL "under attack" is because libtards like you voted for a bi racial, homosexual, Muslim loving, community agitator, who created the most divisive area of his time.

Companies, as in more than one?

You could quit doing such a poor job those companies go out of business. I bet you blame management for the failure but would take credit it the company stayed in business. Do tell.

Yup, I personally brought a national company to it's knees. I did it, it had nothing to do with the company losing a 35 million dollar account because the sales rep never showed up at their office or losing 40% of their business because the housing market crashed.

You are much too clever for us naughty people, inspector dim!

I do blame management, because down in the trenches, we warned them again and again that this might happen, that they were unhappy with the prices that management set, and they could probably go direct to the manufacturer and get better pricing.

But no one listened, the smartest guys in the room.
You do realize that if Barney Frank. Maxine Waters, and Chris Dodd, had reigned in Fannie and Freddie, then there wouldn't of been reckless loaning of the subprime, but then Bill Clinton woudnt have had his roaring economy either.
The left is playing a dangerous game...

Whites were once the up and coming race. They had more people and more fire power, so collectivists raged war on people of color.

However, those of color are having more children and will soon out populate whitey, so now it's time for collectivists to choose the side of those they once killed and persecuted.
So you're a quitter when people don't do thing the way you demand they do them. It makes you a quitter.

No, it just means I don't define myself by my job. I'll work someplace as long as I'm happy to be there. When I'm not happy, I go somewhere else.

Holding to one's religious beliefs doesn't make them a bigot. It makes you a whiner when you demand they practice their religion the way you want them to practice it.

Uh, no, it makes them bigots. That they wrap their bigotry in a lot of selectively held superstitions makes it a little worse.

Sounds to me as if your work history sucks. A quitter and a business killer.

Again, my resume is probably a lot more impressive than yours. YOu won't even talk about what you do for a living, probably because it's not something you are terribly proud of.
Well you aren't happy here in the US, why don't you go to Cuba, and live your socialist paradise that you so much want? Or is it, you love your two(2) houses, but want everyone else to give up theirs?
The left is playing a dangerous game...

Whites were once the up and coming race. They had more people and more fire power, so collectivists raged war on people of color.

However, those of color are having more children and will soon out populate whitey, so now it's time for collectivists to choose the side of those they once killed and persecuted.

Whites still are. If they weren't, why is there still talk about the income gap between whites and blacks?
The left is playing a dangerous game...

Whites were once the up and coming race. They had more people and more fire power, so collectivists raged war on people of color.

However, those of color are having more children and will soon out populate whitey, so now it's time for collectivists to choose the side of those they once killed and persecuted.

Whites still are. If they weren't, why is there still talk about the income gap between whites and blacks?

The left is playing a dangerous game...

Whites were once the up and coming race. They had more people and more fire power, so collectivists raged war on people of color.

However, those of color are having more children and will soon out populate whitey, so now it's time for collectivists to choose the side of those they once killed and persecuted.

Whites still are. If they weren't, why is there still talk about the income gap between whites and blacks?

It is a well known fact that the higher your socioeconomic position the less children you have.

So since whites fair better in that aspect they have less children. Now add to this fact that immigrants continue to overwhelm the borders and I think you will get the big picture.

Race has been and always will be a tool for the state to divide and conquer their own citizens.
We get sickle cell because its a protection against Malaria. Now stop deflecting and answer my questions cave chimp.

What protects whites from Malaria? Chemical compounds to kill mosquitos which carry the disease something a genetically inferior ****** could ever come up with.
You must be an idiot.. Why would Black people come up with chemicals to protect against something their DNA automatically protects against? Now Blacks were the first to use anti biotics and invent carbonized steel. Something whites took centuries to come up with after Blacks educated them twice.

The point is ******* couldn't come up with chemical compounds or relate diseases to mosquito infestations in the first place.

******* didn't invent carbon steel there you go taking credit for the work of others again. Blacks haven't in their entire history developed a wholly original invention or even a functioning civilization for that matter.
I know it hurts cave monkey. Read it and weep.

Science: Africa's Ancient Steelmakers

"But carbon steel had been made long before either Kelly or Bessemer. One of the oldest and most sophisticated methods was that of the Haya people. They're an African tribe in what is Tanzania today. The Hayas produced high-grade carbon steel for about 2000 years."

If your kind is supposedly so advanced, why do they fall so far behind on so many things these days?
Who told you they fell behind?
What protects whites from Malaria? Chemical compounds to kill mosquitos which carry the disease something a genetically inferior ****** could ever come up with.
You must be an idiot.. Why would Black people come up with chemicals to protect against something their DNA automatically protects against? Now Blacks were the first to use anti biotics and invent carbonized steel. Something whites took centuries to come up with after Blacks educated them twice.

The point is ******* couldn't come up with chemical compounds or relate diseases to mosquito infestations in the first place.

******* didn't invent carbon steel there you go taking credit for the work of others again. Blacks haven't in their entire history developed a wholly original invention or even a functioning civilization for that matter.
I know it hurts cave monkey. Read it and weep.

Science: Africa's Ancient Steelmakers :laugh:

"But carbon steel had been made long before either Kelly or Bessemer. One of the oldest and most sophisticated methods was that of the Haya people. They're an African tribe in what is Tanzania today. The Hayas produced high-grade carbon steel for about 2000 years."

The Asians invented carbon steel you stupid ******. This ****** tribe that you're talking about doesn't even have a written history they are primitive savages and this archaelogist literally relies on their oral history for his assertion, fucking laughable.

The Bell Curve Rings a Warning That Falls on Deaf Ears

Wasting resources on evolution's losers is like telling a coach he has to forget about his team and spend all his time trying to improve the skills of those he had to cut in tryouts. We are not allowed to consider the other half of this disaster: neglect of the talented, who must be paid up front or they will later produce far less than they are capable of.
Then you should kill yourself. Youre an evolutionary loser. Youre recessive and nature has it out for you. The sun is pro Black and anti white.
What protects whites from Malaria? Chemical compounds to kill mosquitos which carry the disease something a genetically inferior ****** could ever come up with.
You must be an idiot.. Why would Black people come up with chemicals to protect against something their DNA automatically protects against? Now Blacks were the first to use anti biotics and invent carbonized steel. Something whites took centuries to come up with after Blacks educated them twice.

The point is ******* couldn't come up with chemical compounds or relate diseases to mosquito infestations in the first place.

******* didn't invent carbon steel there you go taking credit for the work of others again. Blacks haven't in their entire history developed a wholly original invention or even a functioning civilization for that matter.
I know it hurts cave monkey. Read it and weep.

Science: Africa's Ancient Steelmakers

"But carbon steel had been made long before either Kelly or Bessemer. One of the oldest and most sophisticated methods was that of the Haya people. They're an African tribe in what is Tanzania today. The Hayas produced high-grade carbon steel for about 2000 years."

If your kind is supposedly so advanced, why do they fall so far behind on so many things these days?
Who told you they fell behind?

No one. I read the numbers.
You must be an idiot.. Why would Black people come up with chemicals to protect against something their DNA automatically protects against? Now Blacks were the first to use anti biotics and invent carbonized steel. Something whites took centuries to come up with after Blacks educated them twice.

The point is ******* couldn't come up with chemical compounds or relate diseases to mosquito infestations in the first place.

******* didn't invent carbon steel there you go taking credit for the work of others again. Blacks haven't in their entire history developed a wholly original invention or even a functioning civilization for that matter.
I know it hurts cave monkey. Read it and weep.

Science: Africa's Ancient Steelmakers

"But carbon steel had been made long before either Kelly or Bessemer. One of the oldest and most sophisticated methods was that of the Haya people. They're an African tribe in what is Tanzania today. The Hayas produced high-grade carbon steel for about 2000 years."

If your kind is supposedly so advanced, why do they fall so far behind on so many things these days?
Who told you they fell behind?

No one. I read the numbers.
You can barely read. What makes you think anyone trusts your reading comprehension?
The point is ******* couldn't come up with chemical compounds or relate diseases to mosquito infestations in the first place.

******* didn't invent carbon steel there you go taking credit for the work of others again. Blacks haven't in their entire history developed a wholly original invention or even a functioning civilization for that matter.
I know it hurts cave monkey. Read it and weep.

Science: Africa's Ancient Steelmakers

"But carbon steel had been made long before either Kelly or Bessemer. One of the oldest and most sophisticated methods was that of the Haya people. They're an African tribe in what is Tanzania today. The Hayas produced high-grade carbon steel for about 2000 years."

If your kind is supposedly so advanced, why do they fall so far behind on so many things these days?
Who told you they fell behind?

No one. I read the numbers.
You can barely read. What makes you think anyone trusts your reading comprehension?

What makes you think whether or not you trust me matters when it comes to the truth, boy? Your people were slaves for a reason. You couldn't do any better and had to be taken care of.
I know it hurts cave monkey. Read it and weep.

Science: Africa's Ancient Steelmakers

"But carbon steel had been made long before either Kelly or Bessemer. One of the oldest and most sophisticated methods was that of the Haya people. They're an African tribe in what is Tanzania today. The Hayas produced high-grade carbon steel for about 2000 years."

If your kind is supposedly so advanced, why do they fall so far behind on so many things these days?
Who told you they fell behind?

No one. I read the numbers.
You can barely read. What makes you think anyone trusts your reading comprehension?

What makes you think whether or not you trust me matters when it comes to the truth, boy? Your people were slaves for a reason. You couldn't do any better and had to be taken care of.
It matters because you have no credibility and I told you so.

Thats funny. We educate whites but we couldnt take care of ourselves? If not for Blacks your people would still be living in the caves of europe scratching your hairy ass after snacking on your neighbor.
I'm not impressed by someone that moves from job to job more often than the seasons change.

Still waiting on that resume you claim is better than mine. Funny how you say it is but you won't show it.

When you show yours, I'll show mine.
Well you aren't happy here in the US, why don't you go to Cuba, and live your socialist paradise that you so much want? Or is it, you love your two(2) houses, but want everyone else to give up theirs?

When have I ever asked anyone to give up their house?

Hey, the undocumented folks are more than capable of earning their own houses, and someone would be happy to build them.
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