I wonder why whites feel under attack?

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i dont feel one bit under attack...am i not white enough?

Not nearly. You identify with non Whites. You vote for those whose stated goal is replace whites.
You applaud Hillary Clinton's appeal to blacks to turn out and vote and criticize Trumps appeal for whites to vote.
Self hatred is a hallmark of liberalism.
Do you think that if black people would of conquered most of the Earth in the settlement years, that the world would be a better place? Go look at Harlem, or Congo, or other wonderful places that have had black influence form may years. How about South Side Chicago? Yep, nothing like a fucking racist who has to bring the color issue up instead of the ideology issue up where one side wants to make everyone equal(with Social Justice) , equally poor and equally miserable(like the blacks) the other wants everyone to have an equal opportunity to make something of themselves and be successful, like Michael Jordan, Condi Rice, and (God himself) Morgan Freeman. Yep and you are a reason why blacks have it so hard.

Probably something like this.....


and this like in Lagos.


Lagos was built by the British and has been deteriorating since it was handed over. 2 out of 3 residents of Lagos have no access to sanitation. 90 % have no running water. Lagos of the future: Megacity's ambitious plans - CNN
Water is sold by the bucket. It's loans, 18 billion worth in one instance , are periodically written off by the guiitridden west.
Heres a book for white foreigners on how to avoid being kidnapped in Lagos. Necessary information.


62% live on less than 1.25 a day. these are the pictures you should have posted.

After 5 or so years on this board, I have to say that never have I encountered such a whiny group of snowflakes as white conservatives. Everything is SO UNFAIR.

You won the White House, the Congress and the Senate and you're still pissed off because your no one respects your President. Like any of you respected Obama.

Trump is your perfect President because he whines more than anybody else. He lost the popular vote. Boo fucking hoo. W never whined about losing the popular vote. He didn't call for a commission to look into voter fraud.

Trump is such a delicate snowflake he has staff prepare a file of positive news stories about him to put him in a better mood. Poor dear. Negative press upsets him so. Staff does this in the hope they won't be the one he turns on or fires this week.

White guys have it so tough. Despite white privilege, legacy college admissions, the "old boys" network, and being everyone's first pick for the highest paying jobs, life is so unfair. So they march chanting "Jews will not replace us". How very odd. Are there enough Jews to replace all the white men in America? Why are they worried about Jews replacing them?

White guys are so butt hurt that they spend time scouring the obscure corners of the internet to find all those headlines in the OP. I've never seen anything like them in the MSM so they had to look into obscure websites to come up with all that shit. Imagine wanting to wallow in self pity enough to go looking for things to be offended about.

Of course that's what Trump does so I guess he's leading by example. Trump gets outraged because the MSM does its job. He looks for things to get pissed off about.

You poor downtrodden white guys. What would happen to you if you had real problems to deal with?

I just gave your post a standing ovation. Thank you for having the patience to say what I'd like to say, but am far too lazy.

I'm reminded of this clip from Louis CK:

Thanks for that clip. I especially liked his time machine stuff and being afraid to go into the future because white guys are going to have to pay hard for all the privileges they have now.

to pay hard for all the privileges they have now.
What privileges are those? Affirmative action? Being accused of rape, while not raping anyone? Or is it the hard work pays more, privilege? You are just a liberal whiney bitch victim, who cant compete in the world, but a snowflake, who gets insulted just by you living.

Again..........I'm a white boy born in Montana, and currently living in Texas. I'm 53, have served over 20 years in the Navy, and have never felt under attack for being white.

I have felt under attack in a couple of war zones though...
Have you watched the news at all during that time? Your statement leads me to believe that you don't follow the news at all.

Actually, yeah, I do follow the news. I have yet to see where whites are under attack for being white. And, hate to tell you, but there IS a difference between being white and being a white supremacist. One is simply a difference in skin pigment (being white), the other is believing that difference in skin pigment makes you superior to everyone else (white supremacist).

That clear it up for you a bit?
Ok, I can post ENDLESS videos of black mobs violently assaulting lone white people. Are you so stupid that you're unaware of this massive problem in the US, or are you just praying that I won't take the time to post a bunch of them?

Your post defies logic.
Again..........I'm a white boy born in Montana, and currently living in Texas. I'm 53, have served over 20 years in the Navy, and have never felt under attack for being white.

I have felt under attack in a couple of war zones though...
Have you watched the news at all during that time? Your statement leads me to believe that you don't follow the news at all.

Actually, yeah, I do follow the news. I have yet to see where whites are under attack for being white. And, hate to tell you, but there IS a difference between being white and being a white supremacist. One is simply a difference in skin pigment (being white), the other is believing that difference in skin pigment makes you superior to everyone else (white supremacist).

That clear it up for you a bit?
Ok, I can post ENDLESS videos of black mobs violently assaulting lone white people. Are you so stupid that you're unaware of this massive problem in the US, or are you just praying that I won't take the time to post a bunch of them?

Your post defies logic.

Endless videos? From where? Why are there no news reports?

I would say that you're the stupid one if you think this is a "massive problem" in the US.
Endless videos? From where? Why are there no news reports?
When there is a liberal, lickspittle, lapdog, lamestream media, of course you wont hear about the liberals doing bad things. PRAVDA would be proud how propagandized the US FAKE news media has become. You are just a stupid bitch who has been brainwashed like those that followed Hitler or Stalin.

Real Journalism - Fourth Estate

The Fourth Estate (or fourth power) is a societal or political force or institution whose influence is not consistently or officially recognized. "Fourth Estate" most commonly refers to the news media, especially print journalism or "the press".
Fourth Estate - Wikipedia

FAKE Journalism - CNN, MSNBC, ABC, (FOX) - Fifth column
A fifth column is any group of people who undermine a larger group—such as a nation or a besieged city—from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or nation. The activities of a fifth column can be overt or clandestine. Forces gathered in secret can mobilize openly to assist an external attack. This term is also extended to organized actions by military personnel.
Fifth column - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Then that just shows how uniformed you were in events during YOUR presidents(Obummer) terms in office. Yeah, you did real well there, probably one of the CCX guys. You know steal carbon tax from the poor to make yourself rich, and own 2 houses. Fucking hypocrite.

My second property is on two acres of primo forest land... my guess is that my "carbon footprint' is nil.

ANd, no, this guy was a nobody with some issues, but the kind of person who gets attention from the Right Wing Press to scare dumb white trash into submission.
What privileges are those? Affirmative action? Being accused of rape, while not raping anyone? Or is it the hard work pays more, privilege? You are just a liberal whiney bitch victim, who cant compete in the world, but a snowflake, who gets insulted just by you living.

guy, we already proved to you the main beneficiary of Affirmative action are white women.

And yes, while what happened at Duke was a travesty, these privileged punks were hardly innocent. They hired a couple of strippers and were surprised when one of them turned out to be a mental case? No, really?

Check your privilege, buddy.
Again..........I'm a white boy born in Montana, and currently living in Texas. I'm 53, have served over 20 years in the Navy, and have never felt under attack for being white.

I have felt under attack in a couple of war zones though...
Have you watched the news at all during that time? Your statement leads me to believe that you don't follow the news at all.

Actually, yeah, I do follow the news. I have yet to see where whites are under attack for being white. And, hate to tell you, but there IS a difference between being white and being a white supremacist. One is simply a difference in skin pigment (being white), the other is believing that difference in skin pigment makes you superior to everyone else (white supremacist).

That clear it up for you a bit?
Ok, I can post ENDLESS videos of black mobs violently assaulting lone white people. Are you so stupid that you're unaware of this massive problem in the US, or are you just praying that I won't take the time to post a bunch of them?

Your post defies logic.
Again..........I'm a white boy born in Montana, and currently living in Texas. I'm 53, have served over 20 years in the Navy, and have never felt under attack for being white.

I have felt under attack in a couple of war zones though...
Have you watched the news at all during that time? Your statement leads me to believe that you don't follow the news at all.

Actually, yeah, I do follow the news. I have yet to see where whites are under attack for being white. And, hate to tell you, but there IS a difference between being white and being a white supremacist. One is simply a difference in skin pigment (being white), the other is believing that difference in skin pigment makes you superior to everyone else (white supremacist).

That clear it up for you a bit?
Ok, I can post ENDLESS videos of black mobs violently assaulting lone white people. Are you so stupid that you're unaware of this massive problem in the US, or are you just praying that I won't take the time to post a bunch of them?

Your post defies logic.

Endless videos? From where? Why are there no news reports?

I would say that you're the stupid one if you think this is a "massive problem" in the US.
Endless videos? From where? Why are there no news reports?
When there is a liberal, lickspittle, lapdog, lamestream media, of course you wont hear about the liberals doing bad things. PRAVDA would be proud how propagandized the US FAKE news media has become. You are just a stupid bitch who has been brainwashed like those that followed Hitler or Stalin.

Real Journalism - Fourth Estate

The Fourth Estate (or fourth power) is a societal or political force or institution whose influence is not consistently or officially recognized. "Fourth Estate" most commonly refers to the news media, especially print journalism or "the press".
Fourth Estate - Wikipedia

FAKE Journalism - CNN, MSNBC, ABC, (FOX) - Fifth column
A fifth column is any group of people who undermine a larger group—such as a nation or a besieged city—from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or nation. The activities of a fifth column can be overt or clandestine. Forces gathered in secret can mobilize openly to assist an external attack. This term is also extended to organized actions by military personnel.
Fifth column - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
After 5 or so years on this board, I have to say that never have I encountered such a whiny group of snowflakes as white conservatives. Everything is SO UNFAIR.

You won the White House, the Congress and the Senate and you're still pissed off because your no one respects your President. Like any of you respected Obama.

Trump is your perfect President because he whines more than anybody else. He lost the popular vote. Boo fucking hoo. W never whined about losing the popular vote. He didn't call for a commission to look into voter fraud.

Trump is such a delicate snowflake he has staff prepare a file of positive news stories about him to put him in a better mood. Poor dear. Negative press upsets him so. Staff does this in the hope they won't be the one he turns on or fires this week.

White guys have it so tough. Despite white privilege, legacy college admissions, the "old boys" network, and being everyone's first pick for the highest paying jobs, life is so unfair. So they march chanting "Jews will not replace us". How very odd. Are there enough Jews to replace all the white men in America? Why are they worried about Jews replacing them?

White guys are so butt hurt that they spend time scouring the obscure corners of the internet to find all those headlines in the OP. I've never seen anything like them in the MSM so they had to look into obscure websites to come up with all that shit. Imagine wanting to wallow in self pity enough to go looking for things to be offended about.

Of course that's what Trump does so I guess he's leading by example. Trump gets outraged because the MSM does its job. He looks for things to get pissed off about.

You poor downtrodden white guys. What would happen to you if you had real problems to deal with?

I just gave your post a standing ovation. Thank you for having the patience to say what I'd like to say, but am far too lazy.

I'm reminded of this clip from Louis CK:

Thanks for that clip. I especially liked his time machine stuff and being afraid to go into the future because white guys are going to have to pay hard for all the privileges they have now.

to pay hard for all the privileges they have now.
What privileges are those? Affirmative action? Being accused of rape, while not raping anyone? Or is it the hard work pays more, privilege? You are just a liberal whiney bitch victim, who cant compete in the world, but a snowflake, who gets insulted just by you living.

View attachment 146537

Oh you poor poor dear. How can you bear all of this oppression? Oh the suffering!!

Any white male who claims victimhood is obviously a lazy loser who thinks that white skin is his ticket to riches and glory and all that goes with it. Who resents those who are smarter, who work harder and who don't give up.

Try comparing unemployment rates for white males against any other demographic and what you will find is that white males have the lowest rate of any group. They also make more money than any other demographic, even when doing the same job. And they are more likely to receive promotions.

Asians have a lower arrest rate but white males are less likely to go to jail for their crimes, and if they do, their sentences are shorter.

As for being falsely accused of rape, that's a joke. Fewer than 15% of rapes are ever reported to police and even fewer are ever prosecuted. Only 1% of all rapes result in a conviction, meaning that 99% of the time, the man gets away with it.

You come across as a total whiny loser, who blames everyone but himself for his lot in life. Try getting off your lazy ass and working for what you want.
After 5 or so years on this board, I have to say that never have I encountered such a whiny group of snowflakes as white conservatives. Everything is SO UNFAIR.

You won the White House, the Congress and the Senate and you're still pissed off because your no one respects your President. Like any of you respected Obama.

Trump is your perfect President because he whines more than anybody else. He lost the popular vote. Boo fucking hoo. W never whined about losing the popular vote. He didn't call for a commission to look into voter fraud.

Trump is such a delicate snowflake he has staff prepare a file of positive news stories about him to put him in a better mood. Poor dear. Negative press upsets him so. Staff does this in the hope they won't be the one he turns on or fires this week.

White guys have it so tough. Despite white privilege, legacy college admissions, the "old boys" network, and being everyone's first pick for the highest paying jobs, life is so unfair. So they march chanting "Jews will not replace us". How very odd. Are there enough Jews to replace all the white men in America? Why are they worried about Jews replacing them?

White guys are so butt hurt that they spend time scouring the obscure corners of the internet to find all those headlines in the OP. I've never seen anything like them in the MSM so they had to look into obscure websites to come up with all that shit. Imagine wanting to wallow in self pity enough to go looking for things to be offended about.

Of course that's what Trump does so I guess he's leading by example. Trump gets outraged because the MSM does its job. He looks for things to get pissed off about.

You poor downtrodden white guys. What would happen to you if you had real problems to deal with?

I just gave your post a standing ovation. Thank you for having the patience to say what I'd like to say, but am far too lazy.

I'm reminded of this clip from Louis CK:

Thanks for that clip. I especially liked his time machine stuff and being afraid to go into the future because white guys are going to have to pay hard for all the privileges they have now.

Privileges? According to you all I would have had to do to get ahead in my field was say "I'm a white male, hire me". It would have saved a lot of time and effort earning my way to the point of being ahead of you and the rest of the whiners than fall so far behind. If I had only known.
Have you watched the news at all during that time? Your statement leads me to believe that you don't follow the news at all.

Actually, yeah, I do follow the news. I have yet to see where whites are under attack for being white. And, hate to tell you, but there IS a difference between being white and being a white supremacist. One is simply a difference in skin pigment (being white), the other is believing that difference in skin pigment makes you superior to everyone else (white supremacist).

That clear it up for you a bit?
Ok, I can post ENDLESS videos of black mobs violently assaulting lone white people. Are you so stupid that you're unaware of this massive problem in the US, or are you just praying that I won't take the time to post a bunch of them?

Your post defies logic.
Have you watched the news at all during that time? Your statement leads me to believe that you don't follow the news at all.

Actually, yeah, I do follow the news. I have yet to see where whites are under attack for being white. And, hate to tell you, but there IS a difference between being white and being a white supremacist. One is simply a difference in skin pigment (being white), the other is believing that difference in skin pigment makes you superior to everyone else (white supremacist).

That clear it up for you a bit?
Ok, I can post ENDLESS videos of black mobs violently assaulting lone white people. Are you so stupid that you're unaware of this massive problem in the US, or are you just praying that I won't take the time to post a bunch of them?

Your post defies logic.

Endless videos? From where? Why are there no news reports?

I would say that you're the stupid one if you think this is a "massive problem" in the US.
Endless videos? From where? Why are there no news reports?
When there is a liberal, lickspittle, lapdog, lamestream media, of course you wont hear about the liberals doing bad things. PRAVDA would be proud how propagandized the US FAKE news media has become. You are just a stupid bitch who has been brainwashed like those that followed Hitler or Stalin.

Real Journalism - Fourth Estate

The Fourth Estate (or fourth power) is a societal or political force or institution whose influence is not consistently or officially recognized. "Fourth Estate" most commonly refers to the news media, especially print journalism or "the press".
Fourth Estate - Wikipedia

FAKE Journalism - CNN, MSNBC, ABC, (FOX) - Fifth column
A fifth column is any group of people who undermine a larger group—such as a nation or a besieged city—from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or nation. The activities of a fifth column can be overt or clandestine. Forces gathered in secret can mobilize openly to assist an external attack. This term is also extended to organized actions by military personnel.
Fifth column - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
After 5 or so years on this board, I have to say that never have I encountered such a whiny group of snowflakes as white conservatives. Everything is SO UNFAIR.

You won the White House, the Congress and the Senate and you're still pissed off because your no one respects your President. Like any of you respected Obama.

Trump is your perfect President because he whines more than anybody else. He lost the popular vote. Boo fucking hoo. W never whined about losing the popular vote. He didn't call for a commission to look into voter fraud.

Trump is such a delicate snowflake he has staff prepare a file of positive news stories about him to put him in a better mood. Poor dear. Negative press upsets him so. Staff does this in the hope they won't be the one he turns on or fires this week.

White guys have it so tough. Despite white privilege, legacy college admissions, the "old boys" network, and being everyone's first pick for the highest paying jobs, life is so unfair. So they march chanting "Jews will not replace us". How very odd. Are there enough Jews to replace all the white men in America? Why are they worried about Jews replacing them?

White guys are so butt hurt that they spend time scouring the obscure corners of the internet to find all those headlines in the OP. I've never seen anything like them in the MSM so they had to look into obscure websites to come up with all that shit. Imagine wanting to wallow in self pity enough to go looking for things to be offended about.

Of course that's what Trump does so I guess he's leading by example. Trump gets outraged because the MSM does its job. He looks for things to get pissed off about.

You poor downtrodden white guys. What would happen to you if you had real problems to deal with?

I just gave your post a standing ovation. Thank you for having the patience to say what I'd like to say, but am far too lazy.

I'm reminded of this clip from Louis CK:

Thanks for that clip. I especially liked his time machine stuff and being afraid to go into the future because white guys are going to have to pay hard for all the privileges they have now.

to pay hard for all the privileges they have now.
What privileges are those? Affirmative action? Being accused of rape, while not raping anyone? Or is it the hard work pays more, privilege? You are just a liberal whiney bitch victim, who cant compete in the world, but a snowflake, who gets insulted just by you living.

View attachment 146537

Oh you poor poor dear. How can you bear all of this oppression? Oh the suffering!!

Any white male who claims victimhood is obviously a lazy loser who thinks that white skin is his ticket to riches and glory and all that goes with it. Who resents those who are smarter, who work harder and who don't give up.

Try comparing unemployment rates for white males against any other demographic and what you will find is that white males have the lowest rate of any group. They also make more money than any other demographic, even when doing the same job. And they are more likely to receive promotions.

Asians have a lower arrest rate but white males are less likely to go to jail for their crimes, and if they do, their sentences are shorter.

As for being falsely accused of rape, that's a joke. Fewer than 15% of rapes are ever reported to police and even fewer are ever prosecuted. Only 1% of all rapes result in a conviction, meaning that 99% of the time, the man gets away with it.

You come across as a total whiny loser, who blames everyone but himself for his lot in life. Try getting off your lazy ass and working for what you want.

YOur lack of concern for poor and even middle class whites reveals you to be a racist asshole.

No one has ever given me anything for being white. I have worked crazy hard for what I have today. I made two careers out of taking jobs that more reasonable people would not.

THe future will not be white men paying for their bullshit "privilege" but white men getting fucking sick and tired of being fucked for no reason, and fighting back.

"Whiny"? You say that from the safety of your keyboard. YOu ever say that to someone's face?
After 5 or so years on this board, I have to say that never have I encountered such a whiny group of snowflakes as white conservatives. Everything is SO UNFAIR.

You won the White House, the Congress and the Senate and you're still pissed off because your no one respects your President. Like any of you respected Obama.

Trump is your perfect President because he whines more than anybody else. He lost the popular vote. Boo fucking hoo. W never whined about losing the popular vote. He didn't call for a commission to look into voter fraud.

Trump is such a delicate snowflake he has staff prepare a file of positive news stories about him to put him in a better mood. Poor dear. Negative press upsets him so. Staff does this in the hope they won't be the one he turns on or fires this week.

White guys have it so tough. Despite white privilege, legacy college admissions, the "old boys" network, and being everyone's first pick for the highest paying jobs, life is so unfair. So they march chanting "Jews will not replace us". How very odd. Are there enough Jews to replace all the white men in America? Why are they worried about Jews replacing them?

White guys are so butt hurt that they spend time scouring the obscure corners of the internet to find all those headlines in the OP. I've never seen anything like them in the MSM so they had to look into obscure websites to come up with all that shit. Imagine wanting to wallow in self pity enough to go looking for things to be offended about.

Of course that's what Trump does so I guess he's leading by example. Trump gets outraged because the MSM does its job. He looks for things to get pissed off about.

You poor downtrodden white guys. What would happen to you if you had real problems to deal with?

I just gave your post a standing ovation. Thank you for having the patience to say what I'd like to say, but am far too lazy.

I'm reminded of this clip from Louis CK:

Thanks for that clip. I especially liked his time machine stuff and being afraid to go into the future because white guys are going to have to pay hard for all the privileges they have now.

Privileges? According to you all I would have had to do to get ahead in my field was say "I'm a white male, hire me". It would have saved a lot of time and effort earning my way to the point of being ahead of you and the rest of the whiners than fall so far behind. If I had only known.

I look at my life, and the lives of my peers, and I can't believe that more liberals don't get their faces punched in.

I guess most of them know not to say shit like that in real life to real people.
Privileges? According to you all I would have had to do to get ahead in my field was say "I'm a white male, hire me". It would have saved a lot of time and effort earning my way to the point of being ahead of you and the rest of the whiners than fall so far behind. If I had only known.

I'm sure being white got you that job as head Possum Catcher.
Privileges? According to you all I would have had to do to get ahead in my field was say "I'm a white male, hire me". It would have saved a lot of time and effort earning my way to the point of being ahead of you and the rest of the whiners than fall so far behind. If I had only known.

I'm sure being white got you that job as head Possum Catcher.

Still waiting on that resume to back up YOUR claim, son.

I'm sure you being a NL got you whatever low skilled job you do.
After 5 or so years on this board, I have to say that never have I encountered such a whiny group of snowflakes as white conservatives. Everything is SO UNFAIR.

You won the White House, the Congress and the Senate and you're still pissed off because your no one respects your President. Like any of you respected Obama.

Trump is your perfect President because he whines more than anybody else. He lost the popular vote. Boo fucking hoo. W never whined about losing the popular vote. He didn't call for a commission to look into voter fraud.

Trump is such a delicate snowflake he has staff prepare a file of positive news stories about him to put him in a better mood. Poor dear. Negative press upsets him so. Staff does this in the hope they won't be the one he turns on or fires this week.

White guys have it so tough. Despite white privilege, legacy college admissions, the "old boys" network, and being everyone's first pick for the highest paying jobs, life is so unfair. So they march chanting "Jews will not replace us". How very odd. Are there enough Jews to replace all the white men in America? Why are they worried about Jews replacing them?

White guys are so butt hurt that they spend time scouring the obscure corners of the internet to find all those headlines in the OP. I've never seen anything like them in the MSM so they had to look into obscure websites to come up with all that shit. Imagine wanting to wallow in self pity enough to go looking for things to be offended about.

Of course that's what Trump does so I guess he's leading by example. Trump gets outraged because the MSM does its job. He looks for things to get pissed off about.

You poor downtrodden white guys. What would happen to you if you had real problems to deal with?

I just gave your post a standing ovation. Thank you for having the patience to say what I'd like to say, but am far too lazy.

I'm reminded of this clip from Louis CK:

Thanks for that clip. I especially liked his time machine stuff and being afraid to go into the future because white guys are going to have to pay hard for all the privileges they have now.

Privileges? According to you all I would have had to do to get ahead in my field was say "I'm a white male, hire me". It would have saved a lot of time and effort earning my way to the point of being ahead of you and the rest of the whiners than fall so far behind. If I had only known.

If you truly did earn your way ahead of me, you would have had to work pretty damn hard, considering that I worked hard enough to become one of the first female bank managers in Canada. When I made the switch to law, I started out in a small law office in midtown Toronto and ended my career working on Bay Street for one of the top legal firms in the world.

You seem to be complaining about having to work hard to get ahead, but I'm willing to bet nobody ever asked you why you were given a job instead of a man, or provided you with a list of people to sleep with if you wanted a promotion. Both happened to me. When I refused to exchange sexual favours for a promotion, they hired a guy at a salary 15% higher than me and then sent him to me to be trained on how to do the job telling him that I was the "best" at the work. That's when I switched to law.

On more than one occasion, when I left a job, they replaced me with two people.

This is why I have little patience with whiny white men who think they're being unfairly discriminated against. You're not. You're just that incompetent.
Still waiting on that resume to back up YOUR claim, son.

I'm sure you being a NL got you whatever low skilled job you do.

Like I said, man, I'll talk about what I do for a living, (which is purchasing and procurement for those playing along at home.) You are too embarrassed to even talk about what you do for a living.

Seems your too cowardly to provide the resume of yours you say is better than mine.

Like I said. A low skilled job.
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