I wonder why whites feel under attack?

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'm sorry you have to lie about your resume to make yourself feel better for having a tiny dick. Many of your kind do that. That's two things that make you less of a man.

So you put your dick size on your resume?

Well, done, der Cleetus, I guess that done der be a qualification in Jesusland.

Moving along to someone who has a point...

If that's what you got out of what I posted, you're just stupid. No wonder the companies you worked for went out of business. They hired a retard.

You were offered your chance to prove your claim about resume compared to mine. You refused and made an excuse. Aren't you man enough to back up what you say? Wait, I know the answer. When you're man enough, let me know. Until then, I prefer to talk to people that actually have guts to prove what they say.
Before civil rights movement there were more intact black families. But not 90%. I think 70%. Since the great society and race based voting began the black family has been decimated. Today less than 30% of black kids have the luxury of a two parent family.

Here's the underlying problem of that argument.

The first one is that just because your parents aren't married, that you haven't actually got a father. A lot of families never get married, they just have kids.

Second, the decline of marriage - really just a way to make the Church and State richer and shake people down - is something that has happened across all races, not just black folks. Frankly, I see this as nothing but a positive development.

Third, given that 50% of marriages end in (usually bitter) divorces, white people are fucking it up just as bad as black folks are. They are just spending more money to do it.

As white culture comes under attack marriage rates for whites decline and white bastardry increases.
It is corrosive to society.
Married women are wealthier. Healthier. More secure. Their children better off.

Okay, but are they happier? A lot of people stay in marriages that never should have happened to start with.

And it is guaranteed to enrage liberals that I said that. At least I am hoping so. Nothing like a good demonstration of the rage bragging about intact families produce.

Nah, not enraged... just hilarious to see you fume that folks are rejecting your bronze age morality.
Before civil rights movement there were more intact black families. But not 90%. I think 70%. Since the great society and race based voting began the black family has been decimated. Today less than 30% of black kids have the luxury of a two parent family.

Here's the underlying problem of that argument.

The first one is that just because your parents aren't married, that you haven't actually got a father. A lot of families never get married, they just have kids.

Second, the decline of marriage - really just a way to make the Church and State richer and shake people down - is something that has happened across all races, not just black folks. Frankly, I see this as nothing but a positive development.

Third, given that 50% of marriages end in (usually bitter) divorces, white people are fucking it up just as bad as black folks are. They are just spending more money to do it.

As white culture comes under attack marriage rates for whites decline and white bastardry increases.
It is corrosive to society.
Married women are wealthier. Healthier. More secure. Their children better off.

Okay, but are they happier? A lot of people stay in marriages that never should have happened to start with.

And it is guaranteed to enrage liberals that I said that. At least I am hoping so. Nothing like a good demonstration of the rage bragging about intact families produce.

Nah, not enraged... just hilarious to see you fume that folks are rejecting your bronze age morality.

75% of black babies are born bastards. Are you saying that's a good thing? The white parents I know that are divorced, the father plays an active role in his child's life. In fact, some live with their father instead of their mother. On the other side, in the one situation I know where a friend's two daughters have black baby daddies, while they know who they are, the two worthless ******* do nothing for their children. That's rather common.
Before civil rights movement there were more intact black families. But not 90%. I think 70%. Since the great society and race based voting began the black family has been decimated. Today less than 30% of black kids have the luxury of a two parent family.

Here's the underlying problem of that argument.

The first one is that just because your parents aren't married, that you haven't actually got a father. A lot of families never get married, they just have kids.

Second, the decline of marriage - really just a way to make the Church and State richer and shake people down - is something that has happened across all races, not just black folks. Frankly, I see this as nothing but a positive development.

Third, given that 50% of marriages end in (usually bitter) divorces, white people are fucking it up just as bad as black folks are. They are just spending more money to do it.

As white culture comes under attack marriage rates for whites decline and white bastardry increases.
It is corrosive to society.
Married women are wealthier. Healthier. More secure. Their children better off.

Okay, but are they happier? A lot of people stay in marriages that never should have happened to start with.

And it is guaranteed to enrage liberals that I said that. At least I am hoping so. Nothing like a good demonstration of the rage bragging about intact families produce.

Nah, not enraged... just hilarious to see you fume that folks are rejecting your bronze age morality.

75% of black babies are born bastards. Are you saying that's a good thing? The white parents I know that are divorced, the father plays an active role in his child's life. In fact, some live with their father instead of their mother. On the other side, in the one situation I know where a friend's two daughters have black baby daddies, while they know who they are, the two worthless ******* do nothing for their children. That's rather common.

I was in training a while back with a black guy. He was nice enough and committed to improving his situation so that he could support his children.

But the guy had like 6 kids. He had set himself up for failure. NO way he was going to meet those obligations.
Before civil rights movement there were more intact black families. But not 90%. I think 70%. Since the great society and race based voting began the black family has been decimated. Today less than 30% of black kids have the luxury of a two parent family.

Here's the underlying problem of that argument.

The first one is that just because your parents aren't married, that you haven't actually got a father. A lot of families never get married, they just have kids.

Second, the decline of marriage - really just a way to make the Church and State richer and shake people down - is something that has happened across all races, not just black folks. Frankly, I see this as nothing but a positive development.

Third, given that 50% of marriages end in (usually bitter) divorces, white people are fucking it up just as bad as black folks are. They are just spending more money to do it.

As white culture comes under attack marriage rates for whites decline and white bastardry increases.
It is corrosive to society.
Married women are wealthier. Healthier. More secure. Their children better off.

Okay, but are they happier? A lot of people stay in marriages that never should have happened to start with.

And it is guaranteed to enrage liberals that I said that. At least I am hoping so. Nothing like a good demonstration of the rage bragging about intact families produce.

Nah, not enraged... just hilarious to see you fume that folks are rejecting your bronze age morality.
A lot of families never get married, they just have kids.
Yeah, liberal polices made that happen, especially in the inner cities, so Uncle Sugar could be there to take care of them. Even Obama created a video for your precious little liberal snowflakes. You liberal shitfucks make me sick.

Before civil rights movement there were more intact black families. But not 90%. I think 70%. Since the great society and race based voting began the black family has been decimated. Today less than 30% of black kids have the luxury of a two parent family.

Here's the underlying problem of that argument.

The first one is that just because your parents aren't married, that you haven't actually got a father. A lot of families never get married, they just have kids.

Second, the decline of marriage - really just a way to make the Church and State richer and shake people down - is something that has happened across all races, not just black folks. Frankly, I see this as nothing but a positive development.

Third, given that 50% of marriages end in (usually bitter) divorces, white people are fucking it up just as bad as black folks are. They are just spending more money to do it.

As white culture comes under attack marriage rates for whites decline and white bastardry increases.
It is corrosive to society.
Married women are wealthier. Healthier. More secure. Their children better off.

Okay, but are they happier? A lot of people stay in marriages that never should have happened to start with.

And it is guaranteed to enrage liberals that I said that. At least I am hoping so. Nothing like a good demonstration of the rage bragging about intact families produce.

Nah, not enraged... just hilarious to see you fume that folks are rejecting your bronze age morality.
Third, given that 50% of marriages end in (usually bitter) divorces, white people are fucking it up
First hand experience there Joe, are you one of the 50% statistic that just gave up, because it was too hard for you to stay with the one you vowed life for? God never said life was to be easy, but you libshits just give up whenever you FEEL that life has delt you a bowl of shit, because you are victims. Notice that 50% of the marriages end in divorce, and that is about the total of US voters that vote Dimbocrap. Why is it Joe, your side hates marriages? Because you fuckers cant find happiness, and must FORCE the rest of US to be miserable with you. Joe do US all a favor, if you don't like it here or what I am saying, take your punk ass and go to Cuba, just leave your passport at the border.
75% of black babies are born bastards. Are you saying that's a good thing? The white parents I know that are divorced, the father plays an active role in his child's life. In fact, some live with their father instead of their mother. On the other side, in the one situation I know where a friend's two daughters have black baby daddies, while they know who they are, the two worthless ******* do nothing for their children. That's rather common.

I want to totally hear about how not racist you are... that shit never gets old.
First hand experience there Joe, are you one of the 50% statistic that just gave up, because it was too hard for you to stay with the one you vowed life for?

Naw, I was one of the guys who saw how these golddiggers totally ripped off my fellow NCO's when I was in the army, where Wife #3 was upset that wife #2 was already getting half his pay.
God never said life was to be easy, but you libshits just give up whenever you FEEL that life has delt you a bowl of shit, because you are victims.

There is no God. Never was. And frankly, I don't think anyone should stay in a marriage that was a bad idea because of "the Children". Even they are sick of the drama at a certain point.
First hand experience there Joe, are you one of the 50% statistic that just gave up, because it was too hard for you to stay with the one you vowed life for?

Naw, I was one of the guys who saw how these golddiggers totally ripped off my fellow NCO's when I was in the army, where Wife #3 was upset that wife #2 was already getting half his pay.
God never said life was to be easy, but you libshits just give up whenever you FEEL that life has delt you a bowl of shit, because you are victims.

There is no God. Never was. And frankly, I don't think anyone should stay in a marriage that was a bad idea because of "the Children". Even they are sick of the drama at a certain point.
If what you say is correct Joe, why don't you look like a fucking Picasso? Random is random, but there is some intelligent design when it comes to humanity. Except when it comes to liberals and intelligence, that is for sure.

First hand experience there Joe, are you one of the 50% statistic that just gave up, because it was too hard for you to stay with the one you vowed life for?

Naw, I was one of the guys who saw how these golddiggers totally ripped off my fellow NCO's when I was in the army, where Wife #3 was upset that wife #2 was already getting half his pay.
God never said life was to be easy, but you libshits just give up whenever you FEEL that life has delt you a bowl of shit, because you are victims.

There is no God. Never was. And frankly, I don't think anyone should stay in a marriage that was a bad idea because of "the Children". Even they are sick of the drama at a certain point.
And frankly, I don't think anyone should stay in a marriage that was a bad idea because of "the Children".
You bitch about children not being in a stable family , then bitch about people who should bail at the first sign of trouble in a marriage. Yeah, Joe you are a chicken shit liberal.
If what you say is correct Joe, why don't you look like a fucking Picasso? Random is random, but there is some intelligent design when it comes to humanity. Except when it comes to liberals and intelligence, that is for sure.

Again, trying to explain a concept to you like evolution would be pointless.

There is no "design", just adaptation and evolution. Sorry, man, you are nothing special.
You bitch about children not being in a stable family , then bitch about people who should bail at the first sign of trouble in a marriage. Yeah, Joe you are a chicken shit liberal.

When did I bitch about children not being in a stable family.

Hey, if you guys want stable families, you should support family and medical leave and living wage laws. That'll give you stable families.
Yeah, liberal polices made that happen, especially in the inner cities, so Uncle Sugar could be there to take care of them. Even Obama created a video for your precious little liberal snowflakes. You liberal shitfucks make me sick.

I thought that was an awful campaign, honestly.

But the reality- most government benefits go to middle class white people. Middle Class White people are happy that they don't have to go into huge debt taking care of Grandma when she gets old.

The hilarious thing about you wingnuts is you'd be the first one running off for a government program, if let's say, your house got wiped out in a Flood in Texas.
75% of black babies are born bastards. Are you saying that's a good thing? The white parents I know that are divorced, the father plays an active role in his child's life. In fact, some live with their father instead of their mother. On the other side, in the one situation I know where a friend's two daughters have black baby daddies, while they know who they are, the two worthless ******* do nothing for their children. That's rather common.

I want to totally hear about how not racist you are... that shit never gets old.

It's not racist to tell the truth. Since you make exceptions for the definition of a term, any use of that term is not racist unless it's racist every time it's used.
You bitch about children not being in a stable family , then bitch about people who should bail at the first sign of trouble in a marriage. Yeah, Joe you are a chicken shit liberal.

When did I bitch about children not being in a stable family.

Hey, if you guys want stable families, you should support family and medical leave and living wage laws. That'll give you stable families.

People earning their own way not expecting to be handed something or a wage above what they're worth is what creates stable families. You don't create stability by handing someone something they didn't earn. It's create dependency and that is anything but stable.
Yeah, liberal polices made that happen, especially in the inner cities, so Uncle Sugar could be there to take care of them. Even Obama created a video for your precious little liberal snowflakes. You liberal shitfucks make me sick.

I thought that was an awful campaign, honestly.

But the reality- most government benefits go to middle class white people. Middle Class White people are happy that they don't have to go into huge debt taking care of Grandma when she gets old.

The hilarious thing about you wingnuts is you'd be the first one running off for a government program, if let's say, your house got wiped out in a Flood in Texas.

On a proportional basis, they go mostly to blacks. Are you claiming blacks are taking care of grandma? They can't take care of their own little bastard children. 1 in every 3 1/2 on food stamps isn't taking care of yourself.

Making more predictions about what people would do? I don't have to make predictions about what you'll do. You were offered an opportunity to provide proof of your claim and you refused. Me saying that you're a pussy isn't a prediction but a FACT that can be supported by your own refusal.
It's not racist to tell the truth. Since you make exceptions for the definition of a term, any use of that term is not racist unless it's racist every time it's used.

Again, context... no reasonable person would think the context you use it in is okay, Possum Catcher.

On a proportional basis, they go mostly to blacks. Are you claiming blacks are taking care of grandma? They can't take care of their own little bastard children. 1 in every 3 1/2 on food stamps isn't taking care of yourself.

Uh, no, they really don't.

There haven't been "Food Stamps" since the 1990's... and most of them go to the elderly and people with jobs.

Who is Really on Food Stamps? - ATTN:

For starters, the majority of food stamp recipients are white. Data from the USDA released in 2013 showed the breakdown of SNAP recipients: 40.2 percent are white, 25.7 percent are Black, 10.3 percent of recipients are Hispanic, 2.1 percent are Asian, and 1.2 percent of SNAP recipients are Native American.

That same report found that nearly 45 percent of food stamp recipients were children under the age of 18, which according to NBC News is around 20 million children. At some point in their lives half of U.S. children will be fed with food stamps. It was also found that nine percent of recipients were elderly (over 60-years-old), and 10 percent were non-elderly disabled adults. (The organization SNAP to Health, puts these figures even higher.)
If what you say is correct Joe, why don't you look like a fucking Picasso? Random is random, but there is some intelligent design when it comes to humanity. Except when it comes to liberals and intelligence, that is for sure.

Again, trying to explain a concept to you like evolution would be pointless.

There is no "design", just adaptation and evolution. Sorry, man, you are nothing special.
I used to feel sorry for people like Joe, who at the end, will either be worm food, or go on to hell, for his attitude towards God. Even Ted Kennedy, who killed Mary Jo, at the end asked for forgiveness. Why is that Joe? And if as you say, there is no God, is there no Lucifer either? Your leader of your Party even believed in Satan, and why your immoral ways honor him..

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication
“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
You bitch about children not being in a stable family , then bitch about people who should bail at the first sign of trouble in a marriage. Yeah, Joe you are a chicken shit liberal.

When did I bitch about children not being in a stable family.

Hey, if you guys want stable families, you should support family and medical leave and living wage laws. That'll give you stable families.
When did I bitch about children not being in a stable family.
IF they aren't in a stable family they aren't married and just have kids, right Joe? Remember what you said? Pull your head out of your ass Joe, wake the fuck up, and realize that your liberal ideologue is self destructive.
The first one is that just because your parents aren't married, that you haven't actually got a father. A lot of families never get married, they just have kids.
I used to feel sorry for people like Joe, who at the end, will either be worm food, or go on to hell, for his attitude towards God. Even Ted Kennedy, who killed Mary Jo, at the end asked for forgiveness. Why is that Joe? And if as you say, there is no God, is there no Lucifer either? Your leader of your Party even believed in Satan, and why your immoral ways honor him..

besides the fact you fail to realize Saul was being sardonic, I have to ask a question. Why is Satan "evil"?

In the whole of the bible, he only kills 10 people. Namely, the Children of Job, and he only did that on a bet with God that he could make Job curse God. (Oh, if only poor Job knew the truth, they were fucking up his life over a bar bet.)

Meanwhile, God killed everyone in the world in the flood, killed everyone in Sodom and Gomorrah for the butt sex, killed every first born child in Egypt, killed King David's infant son to show him adultery was wrong of something.

So which one of these guys was evil again?
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