I would like to know what garbage the military puts into recruits heads

The OP is a hyper-partisan, dimwitted ingrate who should be dragged to the coast and given a farewell boot in the ass.
trump already tried to use alt right aligned veterans.
and to allow them to take away our freedom is exactly what we do when we don't challenge right wing ideological ideas or shut them down.
The only ones taking away any freedom around here are Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Biden, shithead. And don't think most Americans don't know it; Because they do. Moron.
I would actually like to know what the fuck they're teaching in the military about our constitution, about civil rights, about justice and equality, about their mission to fight for it...
Since I can't tell the difference between these so called fucking veterans coming home and the iraqis and afghans.

Is the drill instructor or higher up sitting there yelling into a microphone that the constitution stopped being written after the 10th amendment, or that the preamble says "We the select group of the majority"...
Or that its okay to disenfranchise or shit on, or walk over or step on the toes of people not of the "majority" that the constitution's preamble or 14th amendment supposedly says?

And if obviously not, maybe we should get rid of the subtle stimuli that is the names of confederate officers from our US federal blue aligned bases.


Considering that you are uneducated in the Constitution and the Congressional Acts concerning Confederate veterans...

...this OP comes as no surprise.


The US army changed into "wokeness" in the year 2000 when they started force indoctrinating homosexuality into the training schedule. As anyone in any military on the entire planet knows, a homo in your ranks is a backdoor for the enemy to sneak through. So, take this info with a ton of salt and dont say you didnt know where this all began and why it went where it did. Truth US
The US army changed into "wokeness" in the year 2000 when they started force indoctrinating homosexuality into the training schedule. As anyone in any military on the entire planet knows, a homo in your ranks is a backdoor for the enemy to sneak through. So, take this info with a ton of salt and dont say you didnt know where this all began and why it went where it did. Truth US
They didn't do that then. I don't believe they did. Post proof, pls.
Right at the end of the Clinton era months before Bush took office, thats what they did. I dont have the proof but of course who would?
Somebody who was willing to back up their assertions with references and facts. :dunno:

I take it that's not you. I'm not saying you're lying; but you're definitely not making a convincing argument. Links to this happening might would help your case.
Somebody who was willing to back up their assertions with references and facts. :dunno:

I take it that's not you.
Well, I cant answer the question "what garbage" but I believe this information is closely related to the decay and compromise of the US military. I dont have evidence and the specifics of what I know cant be used.
Well, I cant answer the question "what garbage" but I believe this information is closely related to the decay and compromise of the US military. I dont have evidence and the specifics of what I know cant be used.
Maybe lay 'em out there and you might be a tad more convincing. :dunno:
I am a 63 yo old Marine. To this day Marine boot camp comes out in me at weird times. I was standing at Kroger today waiting for a self check out to pay for my toothpaste and deodorant. I found myself at parade rest, quiet by accident. I am never late for anything, ever. My son got out of the Corps about 6 or 7 years ago. He was telling me the other day back when he was a kid, before he went in the Marine Corps he did not believe all the stuff I used to tell him, Now he does. The Marine Corps changes your life and how you think about stuff. But anyway, it aint garbage, it is why we (and you) are free to talk about crazy stuff like on this forum.
Thank you for your service to this country, mak2, and thanks to your son, also. My Dad and good friend were Marines, too. Marines do amazing things after they're back home. And that's my two cents. :salute:
My views :
Video or computer games sometimes are like pieces of junk. But some of them can be used to create powerful killing machines. So...no surprise if practically, US soldiers show no mercy to Russians or the Chinese or other war victims around the globe. Make militarism great again! lol. :)

A lot has changed since then, but one thing is for sure — military members have continued to play video games. As the esports industry continues to grow exponentially, nearly every branch of the military now has an official service-sanctioned gaming program.

For some of these service members, that means it's actually their job to play video games.

Source :
1) Military Esports: How Gaming Is Changing Recruitment & Morale > U.S. Department of Defense > Story – Military Esports: How Gaming Is Changing Recruitment & Morale/
2) Here's a list of all the countries the US has bombed since World War II – Here's a list of all the countries the US has bombed since World War II/
3) Countries bombed by the United States, 1946—2020 – Countries bombed by the United States, 1946—2020

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