I would love to chat with Democrats about particular beliefs they have.

MAGAs are bitter people. They think that everybody is out to fuck em over. They had terrible childhoods and now they have daddy issues. Longing for the abusive father of their childhood.
I was for many decades a good Democrat. I do not recall even as a Democrat, that I believed everybody wanted to F me over. I started to realize though that a part of the Democrats did want to F me over. I never got that sensation from Republicians. So I changed parties.
Dims are obsessed with over population and carbon emissions. That is why all of their policies seem to be devoted to decreasing population levels, whether it be promoting gay marriage, the trans cult, abortion, high crime, and rampant drugs coming across the border that kill about 300 people a day, an economy that makes everyone not want to have children because they think they have no future, etc.

And you want to talk to them? I would have a better conversation with their cousin the National Socialists.
I wanted to share some excellent things about life with them. Republicans are well versed in things I want to share with Democrats.
You are angry and bitter because the GOP fucked up on abortion, and the bill comes due
I am displaying the lamp of truth. You clearly can't see the light. I am totally in the dark why you lied above. So tell me why you lied?
You are angry and bitter because the GOP fucked up on abortion, and the bill comes due
You probably mean the highest court. But this is their task to remove false rules and change them for correct rules. Why are you angry at them?
I was for many decades a good Democrat. I do not recall even as a Democrat, that I believed everybody wanted to F me over. I started to realize though that a part of the Democrats did want to F me over. I never got that sensation from Republicians. So I changed parties.
K. You do you
You probably mean the highest court. But this is their task to remove false rules and change them for correct rules. Why are you angry at them?
Trump already cleared that up. He took credit for putting a bunch of religious yahoos on the court. Bragged about it. Now we're ready to rub his nose into it.
Trump already cleared that up. He took credit for putting a bunch of religious yahoos on the court. Bragged about it. Now we're ready to rub his nose into it.
Your subject in this discussion is Religion. Why are you angry with religion? I base this on your last sentence. Frankly I do not have a clue if or what church the Justices attend.
Your subject in this discussion is Religion. Why are you angry with religion? I base this on your last sentence. Frankly I do not have a clue if or what church the Justices attend.
That's what I believe. That's what the title of this thread asked for. So you asked, and now you know.
That's what I believe. That's what the title of this thread asked for. So you asked, and now you know.
Somewhat accurate. After you spoke, I also engaged you in more things. Trying to figure out why you side with democrats. I note one reason you said is in effect Democrats despise religion. Any other issues?
Dims are obsessed with over population and carbon emissions. That is why all of their policies seem to be devoted to decreasing population levels, whether it be promoting gay marriage, the trans cult, abortion, high crime, and rampant drugs coming across the border that kill about 300 people a day, an economy that makes everyone not want to have children because they think they have no future, etc.

And you want to talk to them? I would have a better conversation with their cousin the National Socialists.
I want to clear up the chemistry you mentioned. It has been years since I studied Chemistry in college yet recall that Carbon is an element and so is Oxygen. That the combination is a good gas that feeds plants. And as a gas it is not just carbon. What is your impression?
I operate on the principle that we do not buy things, we buy benefits. This is often part of sales training I have to admit.

Stop to think about what you will accept and what you reject. When you reject, you see no benefit. You may reject a political party purely because you grew up rejecting said party. I for instance grew up rejecting Republicans. So for me, the benefit was from Democrats. So what did they do for me?
It is an interesting story.
Well it is a heavy load on anybody when the load is hate. Hate weighs a million tons and truth is like a feather. Truth does not cause one to fist fight over politics. Notice if one believes as Democrats believe, they are normally very very angry humans. I am sure they don't enjoy being angry. It gets them nowhere.

What is the benefit of being a Republican. Well we accept that even if we want no government, wanting or not, it is here. So can we make the best of Government. Well if we want to help others, as I do, the answer is yes we do want to help other people.
When Democrats get to the point they can't think right, we then struggle since they can't change until they want to start thinking. Thinking about freedom. I do not mean abortions. I mean basic human freedom including the unborn. We must also free them. Siding with the woman who kills her tiny human is not correct principles. We encourage all kinds of evil to take root. She thinks killing humans is fine.
Remember the Smith woman who is in prison over her drowning her children? She wanted some man. And to get the man, she drowned her children in a lake in her car. She followed Democrats principles.

So when you want to think, let me know.
That's one of the more retarded shit-posts of the day.
They tend to believe strongest in Mussolini’s motto - “All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.”
Dims are obsessed with over population and carbon emissions. That is why all of their policies seem to be devoted to decreasing population levels, whether it be promoting gay marriage, the trans cult, abortion, high crime, and rampant drugs coming across the border that kill about 300 people a day, an economy that makes everyone not want to have children because they think they have no future, etc.

And you want to talk to them? I would have a better conversation with their cousin the National Socialists.
It's a GOP economy, dupe. Nazis are rw duhhhh
I have to agree with a bit of that. But you are also talking about Democrats. Let's examine an example. Biden shows no interest in obeying this nation's laws. He in fact damages the nation by allowing illegal aliens to swarm in. As if he wants them here. Mayors tell him, Governors beg with him yet he breaks laws daily.
There is no law that says immigrants can't come here. Trump is the one not wanting to follow laws. Governors illegally shipped immigrants places instead of going through the standard process. You Republicans are funny. You want to tell us what we believe based on your listening to the opinion of right wing dimwits and drop outs.
I have to agree with a bit of that. But you are also talking about Democrats. Let's examine an example. Biden shows no interest in obeying this nation's laws. He in fact damages the nation by allowing illegal aliens to swarm in. As if he wants them here. Mayors tell him, Governors beg with him yet he breaks laws daily.
Asylum seekers whose countries the GOP wrecked with sanctions etc....
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There is no law that says immigrants can't come here. Trump is the one not wanting to follow laws. Governors illegally shipped immigrants places instead of going through the standard process. You Republicans are funny. You want to tell us what we believe based on your listening to the opinion of right wing dimwits and drop outs.
Immigrants....of course, how about illegal immigrants??? :eusa_whistle:

Those that were shipped were illegal immigrants, IM2 :rolleyes-41:
Democrats won't chat except maybe among themselves and their left wing foreign comrades. Generally they won't even discuss the crazy posts they glean from crazy sources. All they want to do is talk about Trump.

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