I would love to chat with Democrats about particular beliefs they have.

I operate on the principle that we do not buy things, we buy benefits. This is often part of sales training I have to admit.

Stop to think about what you will accept and what you reject. When you reject, you see no benefit. You may reject a political party purely because you grew up rejecting said party. I for instance grew up rejecting Republicans. So for me, the benefit was from Democrats. So what did they do for me?
It is an interesting story.
Well it is a heavy load on anybody when the load is hate. Hate weighs a million tons and truth is like a feather. Truth does not cause one to fist fight over politics. Notice if one believes as Democrats believe, they are normally very very angry humans. I am sure they don't enjoy being angry. It gets them nowhere.

What is the benefit of being a Republican. Well we accept that even if we want no government, wanting or not, it is here. So can we make the best of Government. Well if we want to help others, as I do, the answer is yes we do want to help other people.
When Democrats get to the point they can't think right, we then struggle since they can't change until they want to start thinking. Thinking about freedom. I do not mean abortions. I mean basic human freedom including the unborn. We must also free them. Siding with the woman who kills her tiny human is not correct principles. We encourage all kinds of evil to take root. She thinks killing humans is fine.
Remember the Smith woman who is in prison over her drowning her children? She wanted some man. And to get the man, she drowned her children in a lake in her car. She followed Democrats principles.

So when you want to think, let me know.
Sure thing. Don't hold your breath. :rolleyes:
Immigrants....of course, how about illegal immigrants??? :eusa_whistle:

Those that were shipped were illegal immigrants, IM2 :rolleyes-41:
You descend from illegal immigrants. You have no right to complain. We just need to build more immigration processing centers and staff them so that people can handle the immigration. That would be what you call job creation. Because as climate change gets worse, more people will be leaving the affected areas.
Democrats won't chat except maybe among themselves and their left wing foreign comrades. Generally they won't even discuss the crazy posts they glean from crazy sources. All they want to do is talk about Trump.
The crazy posts from crazy sources come from Republicans.
You descend from illegal immigrants. You have no right to complain. We just need to build more immigration processing centers and staff them so that people can handle the immigration. That would be what you call job creation. Because as climate change gets worse, more people will be leaving the affected areas.
Actually him and Me do not descend from illegal immigrants. Maybe you are speaking about you. America has laws. If laws are not to be obeyed, kill the laws. But Democrats won't kill laws. They create more laws. And now you think new laws will be obeyed? Biden refuses to obey this country's laws. He has an open door policy flaunting the law.
There is no law that says immigrants can't come here. Trump is the one not wanting to follow laws. Governors illegally shipped immigrants places instead of going through the standard process. You Republicans are funny. You want to tell us what we believe based on your listening to the opinion of right wing dimwits and drop outs.
You love to prove you do not know the topic. Were they here legally, the acts by the Governors would easily qualify as being legal. In fact there is no law stopping Governors from spreading the joy to where Democrats will suffer the most.

Screw Democrats. Time for them to welcome their illegals.
I have to agree with a bit of that. But you are also talking about Democrats. Let's examine an example. Biden shows no interest in obeying this nation's laws. He in fact damages the nation by allowing illegal aliens to swarm in. As if he wants them here. Mayors tell him, Governors beg with him yet he breaks laws daily.

Regardless I was addressing the bogus made up point.
I operate on the principle that we do not buy things, we buy benefits.
Depends on what one buys, and why - doesn't it?
I am a collector of Malay Daggers (Kris) - so where does the purchase of a Kris "benefit" me?
It benefits my wallet? - certainly not. Does it "contribute" towards my collector ambitions? yes.

As for politics - I can't really buy a political-party (Elon Musk could)
So I can only "buy" into the bullshit, that some political party is "selling" every four years.

What benefit do I hope to gain? via "buying" into a parties bullshit?
Only hoping for a dream aka a wish of mine, to become true.

So who buy's a dream? only dumb-buds who vote for those established bullshitters.

BTW - Belgium has proven for 6-7 years that a country can run very well without those bullshitters - simply due to the administrative organs already being in place since decades, and outfitted with existing regulations and laws to follow onto.

All a country needs is an e.g. President and a cabinet (max. 15 people) who manage the country according to the existing laws and regulations. The administrative fellows aka government employees) are in place already. (e.g. Driver-License department) Any changes or add-ons, towards existing regulations/laws, require a plebiscite. Any new decision that has an additional impact onto a country - e.g. foreign policy, investment strategy, immigration policy, education etc. etc. - plebiscite.

I want to decide (voice out and have a say) where my country and if my country goes to war - and not some parliamentarian a-hole, who's professional background is that of a lawyer or a tax consultant.

Switzerland can do it (plebiscites) - since more then 150 years - very successfully. It's only those parasitic politicians that come up with - ah no Switzerland is much smaller - it doesn't work with e.g. Germany or the USA. - bullshit.
And even Switzerland could easily send all of those 246 parliamentarian buggers home - without any repercussions towards Switzerland and it's society.

Those damn useless, fucking lazy and self-centered politicians, need us to provide them with a great income and no employment contract that states "expectations" and "consequences" for failure to deliver results. Every damn company no matter how small or big runs and acts onto KPI's.

Since these income parasites are however in place - those who want to gain influence or favors simply use corruption to get their way - regardless of how much harm their personal ambitions or wallet expectation is causing towards the overall society of a country. And those politicians couldn't care less either - aside from securing their own bank account figures.

As such who cares if a Biden or a Trump is President? since they couldn't do shit (aka no harm towards society) without a plebiscite.

Show me a single political party that has forwarded a solid program to ensure - qualified Cabinet members.
Show me a single political party that has implemented KPI's to control and ensure a successful policy - once in power.
Show me those "employment" contracts for their compatriots in view of failure or success.

A private company has a private owner or a bunch of shareholders - that decide every year upon the hire and fire (and claims towards) a "useless" and or "failed" manager.

And a country is a common good (as for the USA, held by 341 million shareholders) - and NOT a private company held by some private individual who appoints useless and incapable family members, buddies and brown-nosers onto the Board of Directors. He is however free to screw up his own "private" company as he likes. But NOT my country.

Now you know, what I "think" - factually believe in.

And as long as my political "vision" remains a dream - I am going to make use of a corrupt, decadent and utterly useless political system and environment (the worse the better for me - which might clearly influence my vote), to further my wallet and thus the security of my family - no matter who, or how many others get buried on the way.

But anyway - cute try - of yours, to promote useless Re-pubs over useless Demos
I operate on the principle that we do not buy things, we buy benefits. This is often part of sales training I have to admit.

Stop to think about what you will accept and what you reject. When you reject, you see no benefit. You may reject a political party purely because you grew up rejecting said party. I for instance grew up rejecting Republicans. So for me, the benefit was from Democrats. So what did they do for me?
It is an interesting story.
Well it is a heavy load on anybody when the load is hate. Hate weighs a million tons and truth is like a feather. Truth does not cause one to fist fight over politics. Notice if one believes as Democrats believe, they are normally very very angry humans. I am sure they don't enjoy being angry. It gets them nowhere.

What is the benefit of being a Republican. Well we accept that even if we want no government, wanting or not, it is here. So can we make the best of Government. Well if we want to help others, as I do, the answer is yes we do want to help other people.
When Democrats get to the point they can't think right, we then struggle since they can't change until they want to start thinking. Thinking about freedom. I do not mean abortions. I mean basic human freedom including the unborn. We must also free them. Siding with the woman who kills her tiny human is not correct principles. We encourage all kinds of evil to take root. She thinks killing humans is fine.
Remember the Smith woman who is in prison over her drowning her children? She wanted some man. And to get the man, she drowned her children in a lake in her car. She followed Democrats principles.

So when you want to think, let me know.
Okay bob

Which party has supported basic human freedoms more. Democrats has repeatedly voted to expand freedoms of individuals. The Civil Rights movement. Women’s rights movements. Gay rights. The rights of the disabled.

What freedoms have the republic party stood for.
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Okay bob

Which party has supported basic human freedoms more. Democrats has repeatedly voted to expand freedoms of individuals. The Civil Rights movement. Women’s rights movements. Gay rights. The rights of the disabled.

What freedoms have the republic party stood for.
Democrats expanded the rights of criminals. Democrats expanded the duty of cops to arrest Republicans. Republicans did fight Democrats and got voting rights expanded. And Republicans persuaded Democrats that Blacks have rights. True Democrats credo is that homosexuals are special and try to hand them stuff but bear in mind there are log cabin Republicans. There are Black republicans.
Separation of church and state duhhh
Republicans have no crazy sources. Left wingers have Soros tax exempt Media Matters .
You and many others here are crazy sources. But the main crazy right wing source starts at the top-Trump.
I see the Dem plantation has weighed in, cool story bro.
The founders were racists. The majority of Jews vote democrat, do yOu tell them they are in a concentration camp?
The founders were racists. The majority of Jews vote democrat, do yOu tell them they are in a concentration camp?
You Dems have been defending Hamas, the terrorists who killed Jew babies and committed other atrocities. Apparently Dems want Jews wiped out, how Nazi of them.
Liar! I'm done with you, you may go now I give you permission. :eusa_hand:
You don't give me permission to do squat boy. If you think anyone is defending Hamas, you're a moron. But you will continue to defend Israels right to kill Palestinan children.

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