“I would rarely leave the White House because there's so much work to be done"

I don't know why Progressives are so concerned about Trump when according to them, they were positive he did not even have a path to the White House

Moron......this thread is about Trump constant "vacationing"......Did he tell you idiots that he'd "rarely leave the WH"??? Yes or No??
Maybe he can hit the gym while he's on vacation and lose that weight he's gained since becoming president.

I don't care when presidents go on vacation but Trump goes on vacation every weekend. He talked so much ish about Obama and now he's going on more golfing trips than him.

More golf. More vacation flights, more cost to the government.

And the bottom line is Trump has accomplished much less, at a cost that is much more. Trump promised wonderful wonderful healthcare, covering more people, and at less cost, that repeal and replace of Obamacare would be easy. And so far Trump has delivered nothing, he's waiting for the congress to actually do the work, and his supporters don't seem to mind.
Moron......this thread is about Trump constant "vacationing"......Did he tell you idiots that he'd "rarely leave the WH"??? Yes or No??

To be fair. Trump also said repeal and replace of Obamacare with wonderful wonderful heathcare , that would be terrific, cover more people, at much less cost would be easy.
I didn't care when Obama went on vacation.

I don't care when Trump does.

What is telling is all those here that crucified/defended Obama's vacations and are now doing the exact opposite with Trump.

Incorrect. False equivalence.
I didn't care when Obama went on vacation.

I don't care when Trump does.

What is telling is all those here that crucified/defended Obama's vacations and are now doing the exact opposite with Trump.

They're just pointing out the hypocrisy of Trump supporters. They bitched about how much Obama was costing the treasury, in secret service protection, vacation flights to Hawaii, and even the "fake news" of Michelle Obama ordering $400 lobster at the Waldorf in New York.

Now the shoe is on the other foot, and we expected a little consistency in their position, yet when Trump plays more golf, goes on more vacations, costs more in secret service protection, and spends so much time watching TV and tweeting that he can't get any of his promised legislation through congress. Republicans suddenly don't care.
Can right wingers (aka neo-Jim Jones followers) read the freaking thread;s title???

Are they "defending" Trump....or defending their own fucked up CULT stupidity???...................LOL

LOL..Jim Jones followers..:laugh2: So true..
I don't know why Progressives are so concerned about Trump when according to them, they were positive he did not even have a path to the White House

Not true.... The GOP wanted him out.. Most of the righties here wanted Ted Cruz, Fox News hated him..

It was the independent lefts / rights who keep him in the race....

Try again..
And of course not a word from the reprehensible, hypocritical right who would pillory President Obama while on ‘vacation.’
On June 23,205 Trump “promised” what’s stated in the thread’s title.
Isn’t there even ONE Trump supporter who would be honest enough and openly declare that Trump is full of it and a scammer?

Donald Trump will be taking the most of the month of August off to relax and frolic at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey.

A notice filed by the FAA advises that from August 3-20, flight restrictions will be in place over the area, due to Trump.

His taxpayer-funded luxury travel also serves to advertise the Trump properties and enrich Trump, since he has not followed tradition and divested as other presidents did from their financial holdings. It lets him use Air Force One, Marine One, the Secret Service and the prestige and grandeur of the American presidency to line his pockets.

Trump is skipping out on Washington even as he “demanded” the Senate stay in town instead of recess to jam through the unpopular health care bill. Trump, meanwhile, has done very little to promote his own legislative goals.

The White House preemptively responded to likely criticism of his extended vacation, arguing that Trump was entitled to extended time off because he has been “crushing it” in the presidency................(Yeah, he's crushing it, alright .LOL)

Trump takes vacation from mounting scandals to spend entire month of August golfing
booohooo booger eating liberal pervert hoooooo. Trump is the president still after you shit piles have worked day and night for over a year to stop him. You are such looooossssseeeeerrrrrsssss!!! hahahahahaha. he needs time off to decide how many dimshits he will have executed for treason.
I didn't care when Obama went on vacation.

I don't care when Trump does.

What is telling is all those here that crucified/defended Obama's vacations and are now doing the exact opposite with Trump.

Trump on pace to surpass 8 years of Obama's travel spending in 1 ...

Trump's Family Trips Cost Taxpayers Nearly As Much In A Month As ...

More lies we know that just one of the oshit trips cost more than Trump will spend on his entire 8 years. Your source is only counting the cost per person which has gone up due to obamas massive inflation curve. SO you try again and make up another lie!!
Trump working "hard" for his 1/3 moronic base......LOL


Take daily walks while he is on vacation

you dimshit need to spend your time trying to build a winning electoral base, but I don't think you can. Only the same old indoctrinated ants that went to the polls last time will go again because that is all you have. we see them all out in the streets bombing assaulting, burning, and committing felonies daily so some of them may not get to vote next year, or in the next national. in fact when you lose all of the drug dealers to felony charges you will probably lose most of your base.
President Trump wore himself out winning, his doctor ordered him to take some time off, go golfing.
President Trump wore himself out winning, his doctor ordered him to take some time off, go golfing.

Looks like Trumps doctor likes Obamacare. Otherwise he would have told Trump to spend more time trying to repeal and replace it.
I don't know why Progressives are so concerned about Trump when according to them, they were positive he did not even have a path to the White House

Moron......this thread is about Trump constant "vacationing"......Did he tell you idiots that he'd "rarely leave the WH"??? Yes or No??

Don't you know Trump really isn't the president, shitbitch clinton is she just had a sex change!!!
you dimshit need to spend your time trying to build a winning electoral base, but I don't think you can. Only the same old indoctrinated ants that went to the polls last time will go again because that is all you have. we see them all out in the streets bombing assaulting, burning, and committing felonies daily so some of them may not get to vote next year, or in the next national. in fact when you lose all of the drug dealers to felony charges you will probably lose most of your base.

Do the math:

If those that voted for Jill Stein had voted for Hillary Clinton in key states like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania then Hillary Clinton would have won.

So building the base is not as hard as you think for the Democratic Party when you realize they only have to gain the Green vote in 2020 to win the Presidential Election.

Sanders and Stein did more damage to Hillary than Trump.
I think Trump should go to Hawaii and then two hours later, Melania and Baron should follow him on a different flight.

DC to New Jersey....?

Trump has worked hard getting elected and accomplishing more in the first 100 days than most, if not any other president. Frolic away!

Trump's trips have been estimated to cost taxpayers more than $20 million just three months into his presidency.

White House defends millions spent on Trump's weekend travel

Precedent's a bitch, isn't it? Are liberals ready to join conservatives in capping Presidential travel or are they just pissed off because Trump is doing it? They shit themselves whe Bush was back and forth to Crawford, were silent when Obama was golfing, jet setting, bringing entourages to foreign lands and now are pissed because Trump is doing the same thing.
Precedent's a bitch, isn't it? Are liberals ready to join conservatives in capping Presidential travel or are they just pissed off because Trump is doing it? They shit themselves whe Bush was back and forth to Crawford, were silent when Obama was golfing, jet setting, bringing entourages to foreign lands and now are pissed because Trump is doing the same thing.

It's all about hypocrisy. When Bush traveled back and forth to Crawford, so he could "cut brush" on weekends we footed the bill for over 72 trips on AF-1, round trip, at a cost in the tens of millions of dollars.

Conservatives added up the cost of Obama's vacations, and it came to just a fraction of Bush's vacation costs.

Report: Obama family personal trips cost $85 million over eight years ...


Trump's Family Trips Cost Taxpayers Nearly As Much In A Month As Obama's Cost In A Whole Year

Trump's Family Trips Cost Taxpayers Nearly As Much In A Month As Obama's Cost In A Whole Year
And of course not a word from the reprehensible, hypocritical right who would pillory President Obama while on ‘vacation.’

The right wing hypocrisy and delusion are evident......

HAD Obama stated what the thread's title states AND then went on excessive vacations........Sure, I'd criticize him to no end......

But, we are not talking here about Trump taking a couple of days off at camp David........WE ARE TALKING ABOUT the orange clown taking THREE weeks off to go golfing ....not only after stating that he would "RARELY leave the WH".......but leaving after telling congress to stay (and apparently they've stopped listening to him)......but leaving for 3 weeks when his so-called agenda is DEAD.

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