I would vote for Rep. Ilhan Omar (D)

In other words you are just a proud bigot, so there is really nothing to talk about.

What did I say that was "bigoted"? I'm allowed to not "support" (whatever that is supposed to mean) a foreign nation, arent I? Besides, I never even said I don't support it, thats just you reading into things because you're a hyper sensitive little baby.
You are, of course, allowed to support almost anything you want but when you try to explain away facts that don't suit you by saying people have been brainwashed who don't agree with you, you reveal you have no idea why yo believe as you do. Holding strong opinions that are not based on facts is a definition of bigotry.

I strongly do not give a fuck about Israel. I strongly resent that american white boys fight and die to "support" them and are called Nazis for asking why.
Exactly when did any non-Israeli ever die in battle for Israel?

I guess it's just a coincidence that the warmongering Israel-first neoconservative movement was founded by Jewish intellectuals. The movement that traded in social conservatism for globalization and aggressive foreign policy. It's just a coincidence that the iraq war was planned and disseminated by neoconservatives.

There's a lot of funny little coincidences when it comes to Jewish influence in political theories. It always turns out bad for whitey.
I’ll bet you’d rather have an intellectual Jewish doctor operate on you if needed ,as opposed to one of your drunken imbecile brothers?

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There are many people in America who are single issue voters.

People who will only vote for a candidate if they are pro abortion or anti abortion, regardless of their stance on other issues.

So my support for Rep. Omar if I lived in her district because of her public stance on Israel isn't that usual.

But I still totally disagree with her on most everything else. ... :cool:

That’s fine, but then you shouldn’t call anyone an Israeli firster, being that you’re a pally firster.
I've been a stanch Republican since I voted for Reagan in 1980.

But if I lived in Rep. Omar's district she would get my vote because of her stance on the terrorist state of Israel and the racist AIPAC lobby and its stranglehold on the American political system. ... :cool:

Why don't you move to Somalia with her?
Sunni Man....respectfully

I would never vote for a pervert who married her brother.
Sunni Man....respectfully
I would never vote for a pervert who married her brother.
I'm positive that she didn't.

To do such a thing is totally forbidden in Islam.

what can I say.....shall we break your heart and say ...she did married her brother?

whatever Sunni Man....have it your way ...keep on dreaming

what can I say.....shall we break your heart and say ...she did married her brother?
If she did marry her brother it was only on paper for immigration purposes and not a physical relationship. ... :cool:

I can't tell you if she had a physical relationship with her brother or not, I wasn't under the bed, but even if she married him for immigration purposes, she broke the law all the same.
Sunni Man.....you might find this interesting:

EVERYTHING You Need to Know About Potential Crimes by Ilhan Omar! | Tom Fitton
I've been a stanch Republican since I voted for Reagan in 1980.

But if I lived in Rep. Omar's district she would get my vote because of her stance on the terrorist state of Israel and the racist AIPAC lobby and its stranglehold on the American political system. ... :cool:

Now i understand WHY you are such a hypocrite liar who PRETENDS to be against zionism the fact you voted for that mass murderer and traiterous scum who lied about everything he said he would and betrayed america.

Its no wonder you are the evil scumbag you are who cheers on criminal sports organizations and pretends to be for world peace.

It all makes sense now.your true colors have been exposed.:2up:
She represents District 5 which is basically Mpls. and the loony liberal western suburbs. Her election is praised by the politically correct media and the wealthy liberals who pat themselves on the back in their show of diversity. She wouldn't stand a chance in my District 6 of the rural conservative exurbs to the north.

Now Sunni, can you explain how you can praise Trump who also supports Israel, yet at the same time support the antithesis of Trump and all his policies and side with those loony liberals?

you see how this guy is the biggest hypocrite troll of USMB? How can ANYBODY praise Trump as he does AND be against the policys of Israel as he CLAIMS to be yet be a fan of Trump at the same time?:cuckoo:

see he always contradicts himself in his posts everytime. He is just as much a supporter of Israel as any of the Israel supporters in the Israel section are.He just has everyone fooled that he is NOT a supporter of them same way Trump has the sheep fooled he wants to make america great but contradicts himself by kissing Israels ass all the time.
Now Sunni, can you explain how you can praise Trump who also supports Israel, yet at the same time support the antithesis of Trump and all his policies and side with those loony liberals?
I am totally onboard the Trump train except when it comes his sucking up to Israel / AIPAC / Nuttyyahoo .... :cool:
Thanks for an honest answer. May not agree with your support of her, seems like mixing oil and water, but actually appreciate you and your sense of humor on the boards.

and you FELL for this lie of this zionist Israel supporter? oh the gullible:abgg2q.jpg:
and you FELL for this lie of this zionist Israel supporter? oh the gullible
New England Patriots will win the next Super Bowl !!! ... :thup:

yeah and you cheer them on even though they are a criminal organization AND the fact that their owner who you have said in your own words MANY TIMES,is the greatest owner in sports even though HE is a zionist himself who is a big supporter of Israel giving money to them recently.

that proves it right there that you are a hypocrite who is the same as alex jones,part of the controlled opposistion,pretending to be against zionism and Israel when the FACTS prove you are as much a zionist and a supporter of Israel same as posters like I LOVE ISRAEL are, you are really on THEIR side the fact you LOVE a man who gives money to Israel fucking hypocrite shill you have been exposed.

you are no different whatsoever than that shill I love Israel. two peas in a pod.

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