I would vote for Rep. Ilhan Omar (D)

I've been a stanch Republican since I voted for Reagan in 1980.

But if I lived in Rep. Omar's district she would get my vote because of her stance on the terrorist state of Israel and the racist AIPAC lobby and its stranglehold on the American political system. ... :cool:
Not this guy. She fails the very first question I ask myself before casting a ballot. “Would, or could the founding fathers have voted for her?”
I'm sorry that you would vote for a serial law breaker, bigamist, tax evader, immigration scofflaw and anti American like Omar just to stick a finger in the eye of the Jews. At least you have your priorities straight......:113:

Are you a Palestinian? Because nothing is more important to them than eliminating the Jews.
I've been a stanch Republican since I voted for Reagan in 1980.

But if I lived in Rep. Omar's district she would get my vote because of her stance on the terrorist state of Israel and the racist AIPAC lobby and its stranglehold on the American political system. ... :cool:
Nobody takes her seriously anymore-not as an American.
Are you a Palestinian? Because nothing is more important to them than eliminating the Jews.
Nope, I'm not a Palestinian, not even an arab.

Many Americans go on and on about Russian meddling in our politics.

Yet they totally ignore the extraordinary influence Israel has in directing U.S. policy and politics. ... :cool:

LOL brought to you from the weekly khutbah jumaat feces fling-----some things never change
Nope, I'm not a Palestinian, not even an arab.

Many Americans go on and on about Russian meddling in our politics.

Yet they totally ignore the extraordinary influence Israel has in directing U.S. policy and politics.
If the Arabs got their wish tomorrow and Israel was wiped out by a bomb how would American policy change with regard to the Middle East?
If anything it would become even more hard line against the anti Semites.

You know a bill calling for America to divest in Israel (boycott, sanction, divest) was just soundly defeated, right? Only seventeen votes in the house. House passes bill opposing BDS, exposing divide among Democrats
That is a strong repudiation for those that want to throw Israel to the Muslim wolves.
Someone would have to be insane to back a piece of shit like Ilhan Omar based solely on a hatred for the Jews.
You know a bill calling for America to divest in Israel (boycott, sanction, divest) was just soundly defeated, right? Only seventeen votes in the house. House passes bill opposing BDS, exposing divide among Democrats
A decade ago the very idea of a Bill for divestment being voted on in in the House would have been unthinkable.

In the future you will see more of this as public attitudes turn negative towards Israel and its sadistic apartheid government. ... :thup:
You know a bill calling for America to divest in Israel (boycott, sanction, divest) was just soundly defeated, right? Only seventeen votes in the house. House passes bill opposing BDS, exposing divide among Democrats
A decade ago the very idea of a Bill for divestment being voted on in in the House would have been unthinkable.

In the future you will see more of this as public attitudes turn negative towards Israel and its sadistic apartheid government. ... :thup:

right----hold your breath SHARIAH WILL SAVE YOU
I'm pretty sure she won't be elected to any higher office.

But at least she got a national conversation started concerning our supposed ally Israel. .. :cool:
I feel that way about our supposed ally Saudi Arabia.

I'm pretty sure she won't be elected to any higher office.

But at least she got a national conversation started concerning our supposed ally Israel. .. :cool:
I feel that way about our supposed ally Saudi Arabia.

I feel the same way about Sunni Man!
I'm pretty sure she won't be elected to any higher office.

But at least she got a national conversation started concerning our supposed ally Israel. .. :cool:
I feel that way about our supposed ally Saudi Arabia.

I'm pretty sure she won't be elected to any higher office.

But at least she got a national conversation started concerning our supposed ally Israel. .. :cool:
I feel that way about our supposed ally Saudi Arabia.

I feel the same way about Sunni Man!
Sunni gets a little demented regarding Jews, but he does post funny shit too.

I would have a beer with him if his religion would allow it.:rolleyes:
Saudi Arabia allows the presence of US military-----in a very
strategic location.
A decade ago the very idea of a Bill for divestment being voted on in in the House would have been unthinkable.
No it wouldn't have. There has been a small bunch of outliers for decades that have wanted to dismantle Israel.
The movement has been so small and unpopular it has taken this long for leftists to gin up their outrage machine.

In the future you will see more of this as public attitudes turn negative towards Israel and its sadistic apartheid government. ... :thup:
Bullshit! There is no growing public outcry for a divestment, sanctions and boycott movement that is going to strike down Israel.

It's a progressive pipe dream that is necessarily limited by the progressive movement itself.
Seventeen fringe kooks out of 435 members in the House of Representatives. Eff off with your nonsense.
I've been a stanch Republican since I voted for Reagan in 1980.

But if I lived in Rep. Omar's district she would get my vote because of her stance on the terrorist state of Israel and the racist AIPAC lobby and its stranglehold on the American political system. ... :cool:
Of course you would support her, she's an Islamist and Muslims are obligated to support their own kind versus the infidels. Once Muslims gain enough seats in politics to be a majority and change laws, any nation they are in becomes run by Sharia Law and "non-believers" are never allowed to rule again. You, Ilhan Omar and other Islamists are the enemy of all non-Muslim nations and any Muslim nation that is perceived as not Muslim (i.e., Shiite vs Sunni).
I've been a stanch Republican since I voted for Reagan in 1980.

But if I lived in Rep. Omar's district she would get my vote because of her stance on the terrorist state of Israel and the racist AIPAC lobby and its stranglehold on the American political system. ... :cool:

Is this her brother? I mean Husband? I mean...nvm

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