I would vote for Rep. Ilhan Omar (D)

What you are saying is that you are opposed to democracy, since the only reason politicians support good relations with Israel is that the polls show the overwhelming majority of of American voters support Israel. Saying that it is because of Jewish money, is a racist lie.
fyi The jews aren't a race.

But it's a fact that AIPAC has deep pockets and gives tons of money to politicians from both party's that unconditionally support Israel. .... :cool:

There's genetic evidence that says otherwise. Europeans didn't want Jews in Europe anyway which was why they
were slaughtered. Only makes sense to go back to their ancient homeland. Would you want to move back to Germany or Poland where your family was hunted down like rats? I don't think so. Too bad the Arab world which is quite large.... immense actually... cant find a little corner of land where the Jews can belong.

Agreed. And AIPAC isn’t allowed to give money to politicians oops!!!
I wouldn't trust that death cult bitch as far as I could throw her and neither should anyone else.
I can read Daniel in the original.
I can’t make heads or tails of it.
The lack of clarity of his prophecy was a result of the confusion of the time.

Really? I was just reading it today, guess you don't have the Holy spirit in you..

Let me know when you figure out the run on prophecies...
Daniel is easy, read Hosea
You can make sense of the last chapter?
Come on!

Daniel 12 King James Version (KJV)
12 And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.

2 And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.

3 And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.

4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.

5 Then I Daniel looked, and, behold, there stood other two, the one on this side of the bank of the river, and the other on that side of the bank of the river.

6 And one said to the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, How long shall it be to the end of these wonders?

7 And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever that it shall be for a time, times, and an half; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished.

8 And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things?

9 And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.

10 Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.

11 And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.

12 Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.

13 But go thou thy way till the end be: for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the days.

Ok I read I it again maybe not

This pretty much is the issue of why many do not understand many parts of The Bible.

10 "Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand."
Let me know when you figure out the run on prophecies...
Daniel is easy, read Hosea
Try Isaiah...

I stay away from Isaiah and Revelations...one I still can't figure out is Nehemiah, This bible thumper I know says its soooo good, I read it three times in the past month and still dont know what the hell he is talking about.

which one, Isaiah is SUBLIME-----Nehemiah is nice---would be better with a little Prozac---------Revelations is a mushroom omelette

Well just don't do like me and study it for 50 years then leave for awhile and forget lots of it.:confused-84:

That happened to me. I sort of, backslid, and now I have been reading and studying again, and it's amazing how much stuff starts to come back to you.
Marxism. Critical theory. Psychoanalysis. These are just 3 extremely influential theories in modern left wing politics that were dreamed up by and for Jews with the express purpose of undermining western civilization. Academics who made no secret of their belief in their own ethnic superiority over gentiles.

Yes, I can see why psychoanalysis terrifies you. Just reading a few of your posts, I wonder why no one has done this to you.

View attachment 253390

you know that psychoanalysis and psychiatry are two different things, right

no-----that's like saying "surgery" and "appendectomy" are two different things
I can read Daniel in the original.
I can’t make heads or tails of it.
The lack of clarity of his prophecy was a result of the confusion of the time.

Really? I was just reading it today, guess you don't have the Holy spirit in you..

Let me know when you figure out the run on prophecies...
Daniel is easy, read Hosea
Try Isaiah...

I stay away from Isaiah and Revelations...one I still can't figure out is Nehemiah, This bible thumper I know says its soooo good, I read it three times in the past month and still dont know what the hell he is talking about.

The Book of Isaiah and Revelations is not hard to understand when you understand that God is most concerned with Israel and The Church and bringing them together in to one flock.

They take two separate paths, but in the end become one vine and one flock. Most of the prophecies in The Bible are concerned first with taking some of the promises given to Israel, and giving them to The Gentiles, God doe not take any promises from Israel, rather he shares some of them with The Church, not to forsake Israel, but to serve as an example.

After the creation of The Church, and the Gentile Flock, almost all prophecy deals with bringing back Israel in to The Flock and placing them back in Their Rightful Place as God's chosen people. God always keeps His Covenants, though they are sometimes delayed, He always will fulfill them IN FULL. Israel's borders will be enlarged as far as The Abrahamic Covenant defined them. Messiah Bin David will sit upon The Throne of David in Jerusalem. All God's Promises to Israel will be fulfilled. All The Promises he made to The Gentile believers will be fulfilled. These are not contradictory. For The Church and Israel are both part of God's Flock.

And when you understand there is an Evil shepherd and evil sheep that do not want to see God's promises become fulfilled, you will begin to understand books like Isaiah and Revelations.

Yahshua, Son of David, is the Good Shepherd that lays His life down for His Sheep. He is The Good Son, The Son of God, and Yet, The Son of Man, the 2nd Adam. He is both Messiah Bin David, and Messiah Bin Joseph. He loves His flock and they listen to His voice and they will not follow another. He knows them, and they know Him. The Good Shepherd is His Father's Son, a King, King of Kings, and if you see The Good Shepherd's Father, you have seen The Good Shepherd, and if you see The Good Shepherd, you are looking at His Father.

And who is the Evil One? He is The Bad Shepherd that asks his sheep to lay down their lives for him. He is The Selfish One, The Son of Perdition, The Father of Lies who was a murder from The Beginning. He is The Great Deceiver. He once stood next to The Good Shepherd and reflected in The Good Shepherd's glory, like The Moon, reflects The Light of The Sun, but that light was not his own.

Lucifer, "light bringer" believed it was. So Envy grew in him. When he saw that God had made a new thing, man, and placed man above the angels, and above him even, more enmity was put in his heart, and he rebelled, and was cast to Earth. He chose to then go after man, and steal his glory and position (Ruler over The Earth) for himself, by causing man to fall from his elevated position.

Thus man fell and sinned against God The Father, and to be restored there would now be a price to pay. The Good Shepherd set it in His heart to some day pay it Himself (This is the story of salvation) The wages of sin are death, but if you put an innocent man to death, one who is God in The Flesh, Immanuel, Death cannot hold Him Prisoner. The Redeemer Lives. He first redeems His Church, and then He Redeems Israel.

The Evil Shepherd knowing that The Good Shepherd wants to redeem His People hates The Good Shepherd's Sheep, and will do all He can to separate them from The Good Shepherd.

The Evil Shepherd will always say Evil things about The Good Shepherd and his good sheep, and accuse them of all manner of things, and he does all the evil and all the wrath he can do to The Good Shepherd's flock. Of those that are not his nor the Good Shepherd's, he tries to influence and pressure the sheep to bring them in to his evil flock. He deceives all that he can because he wants to bring as many sheep in to his flock, so that he can outnumber the Good Shepherd's flock and take the Good Shepherd's place. He will even go to the lengths of waging War against The Good Shepherd and His Flock if he must to take his place.

After some time, The Good Shepherd becomes righteously indignant at The Evil Shepherd, and all his lies, blasphemies, and wickedness, and he becomes angry at The Evil Shepherd & The Evil Flock, and His wrath comes down to Earth.

He settles all things, Judges All Things, He Destroys All Manner of Evil, He repairs all things, and He separates the sheep, those that follow Him, from those that follow The Evil Shepherd. Then He casts away the Evil Shepherd and His Flock from the face of the Earth, and away from His new Pasture which He has restored like The Garden of Eden where he first placed man to grow and thrive, but for their hearkening to the Evil Shepherd's words, they did not keep this blessing. The Good Shepherd won that blessing back for them by defeating The Evil Shepherd, and paying the Father the ransom to redeem The Sheep. God keeps His Word, even if Man cannot hold on to God's Blessings. God will work to restore that blessing, because He loves His Children, and He will do whatever it takes to Redeem them. This is the whole of The Bible.

There, I have more or less explained Isaiah and Revelations to you.
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I've been a stanch Republican since I voted for Reagan in 1980.

But if I lived in Rep. Omar's district she would get my vote because of her stance on the terrorist state of Israel and the racist AIPAC lobby and its stranglehold on the American political system. ... :cool:

mmm .. It feels like April Fools Day..
There's genetic evidence that says otherwise. Europeans didn't want Jews in Europe anyway which was why they
were slaughtered. Only makes sense to go back to their ancient homeland. Would you want to move back to Germany or Poland where your family was hunted down like rats? I don't think so. Too bad the Arab world which is quite large.... immense actually... cant find a little corner of land where the Jews can belong.

Yeah, bit of a problem with that. There were people already on that land.

Now, if you wanted to give the Jews of Europe a slice of Europe to call their own, that would be more than fair. Then we'd be talking about how intolerant the Europeans are when they try to Push the Jews into the sea.

Well, there were already people on that land , and a good number of them were already Jewish indiginous. There were more muslims than Jews but it's also true that not all those arabs belonged there either.... unless you want to say they all look the same. British brought in workers who settled there in the 20s and 30's from Syria and other places. So should decendants of those people be told they don't belong? Or do they get a pass simply because they are some TYPE of Arab?
Sad fact is a war was fought over that land and the Jews came out on top. They were fighting for their survival and they happened to win. No one is crying for Jews who were thrown off their lands in North Africa or the Arab peninsula are they? So why are the Palestinians more special? You realize all the modern borders in Europe were formed by war right? Portugal used to be a whole lot bigger and Spain used to be smaller.. so what happened there?
I think its about time Spain gives all that land back to Portugal, maybe that should be brought up at the next U.N conference.
I've been a stanch Republican since I voted for Reagan in 1980.

But if I lived in Rep. Omar's district she would get my vote because of her stance on the terrorist state of Israel and the racist AIPAC lobby and its stranglehold on the American political system. ... :cool:
Sunni Man, I'm sorry for a breach embedded into the Middle East since Abraham split his own family up of Ishmael and Isaac. The problem stemmed from having more than one wife. I'm not judging, I'm just saying, two-wife households can be a curse when it comes to dividing the estate post mortem of the head of household. Even so, Ishmael did well for himself, producing a dozen sons who prospered a huge area of the Middle East more than Isaac did, who wound up with a small piece of property considering his number of sons through Jacob (aka Israel) was the same as Ishmael's. even though it grew to a million individuals during its enslavement to Egypt.

It's a break no one has been able to fix, thousands and thousands of years later. :(

And I'm pleased you are a dedicated conservative man who deserves good for his trouble of being a part of the new country. It also pleases me to see many times when I travel south to my favorite place--the Houston Museum of Natural Science--women in hijabs escorting and feeding, and opening the world of science to dozens of school children under their tutelage, tagging along behind the moms in same-color t-shirts, so my guess is they may be teachers. They love to go see the exhibits all over--the planetarium, the Cottrell Butterfly Museum, the native animal and geological exhibits, and I have to say, what lovely manners almost all of those children show to everyone else. They're on the opposite end of the continuum in which Muslim men from foreign countries trolled American pilot schools to learn how to take off and fly airplanes, but leaving before learning how to land the planes, then, 9/11/2001, decimated both towers of the World Trade Center, a good deal of the Pentagon, with a plane crashing in Pennsylvania that was thought to be headed for Congress building in Washington, D.C. There were detainees not discussed in public of others with the nauseating grapevine rumors of one was headed to the White House, one to the Courts, and at least 5 more targets in America, one of which was rumored to be the tallest building in Chicago, Illinois, but which no one seems to be able to confirm. I associate you more with the Museum group who show us up as people of true class. Unfortunately, refugees welcomed into Slavic and European countries had yet another outcome, and there was a skirmish in Bosnia and neighboring countries there that caused President Clinton to send in American airplanes to accommodate an end to the conflict with Muslims being able to retain their place, but a few heads-of-state received. Somehow, my late husband's west coast headquarters saw deleterious behaviors forming between one Muslim and Jew to the point that it was company gossip, their constant squabbling and a hushed rumor about blood being cleaned up in an elevator in downtown of that state, all over personal grudges held over each other over who knows what--maybe who was the best mom, Abraham's two wives who never got along when children were born, and the who-will-be-Abraham's heir controversy. I have to admit, I do not understand this animus, because what I believe runs similar to those who think if someone is sorry for his brother's offense, he needs to resolve it by sunset the same day. That just doesn't happen with those born into different parts of the Middle East, and wherever those living there carry it to untold generations to never forget and never forgive. Anything. My older brother was just like those two who fought in the privacy of an elevator, except I was the loser each and every time he had a bad day. I maintained caring for him after an episode where his appendix ruptured, and we thought we were gong to lose him. The day the doctor said he would likely die was the day I realized that I loved him very much. When he started getting around, he was still unpleasant toward me, but my heart just loved him even when he was yelling and carrying on. Love is a very strong thing.

I wish there were some way we could go back to Abraham's day, probably into the thousands of years ago, and beg Abraham not to choose one over the other but to give each an equal inheritance. But he didn't. He threw away the inconvenient older son and his mother and accommodated his first wife and the son she produced him at the age of 98. Weird story, I know, sad end. And the end gets sadder with each passing year in which one of your side decides they love you, no matter how angry you were that they were born later. Will it be the younger son's family or the older, throwaway son's family? Who is gonna say, "I love you" no matter what the other one says, does, strikes out, or screams?

My story with my brother had a bittersweet end. He died 4 years ago, but before Alzheimer's became overpowering in his life, about 10 years ago, he approached me after a lifetime of rarely ever getting to see each other, and he said this: "You know, sis, you have always been my best friend, haven't you." I said "Yes, Jack, I've always loved you since that day the doctor said you were gonna die unless a miracle happened." Every time I think about that, tears well up in my eyes, Sunni man.

If I could see the rift disappear between Israel and their brothers who were separated from them for so many thousands of years, I'd be happy to have tears welling up every day of the time I have left on the earth. That would mean a reconciliation to mankind that surely would end the warring madness that goes on in the world. The key is someone has to accept being the loser for the longest time, and I cannot for the life of me determine who that would be. Really, both sides have to say "I love you." Hate seems to be like a bad habit or an addiction. Some addictions take people down, but it always manages to do that one person at a time. I have no words, only a heart that breaks when there is trouble between Jews and Muslims and is taken out on everyone in the crossfire. I can't imagine the heartbreak of a Muslim who has said "I love you" in his heart. Just as I can't imagine the heartbreak of a Jew who has said "I love you" in his heart. It's not something we can describe in mere words. For we can seldom as Robert Burns mourned the fact in his poem that if only we could "see ourselves as other see us."
I've been a stanch Republican since I voted for Reagan in 1980.

But if I lived in Rep. Omar's district she would get my vote because of her stance on the terrorist state of Israel and the racist AIPAC lobby and its stranglehold on the American political system. ... :cool:

Sure we believe you.you toot the horn of an evil zionist whos last name is Kraft mr FAKE zionist hater.:abgg2q.jpg:

ahh like many sheep,you got taken in by the ACTOR who was the grandfather that all presidents since have expanded that reagan got the ball rolliong on,the destruction of america.
So OP, religion before country then ?
Nothing to do with religion.

Israel is a pariah terrorist state disliked by over half the world for its blatant terrorism and crimes against humanity.

I would vote for any politician who wants the U.S. to cut ties with the apartheid state of Israel, as we did with South Africa in the 1980's. ... :cool:

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