I would vote for Rep. Ilhan Omar (D)

I've been a stanch Republican since I voted for Reagan in 1980.

But if I lived in Rep. Omar's district she would get my vote because of her stance on the terrorist state of Israel and the racist AIPAC lobby and its stranglehold on the American political system. ... :cool:
I feel you and understand your thinking on this matter.

But make no mistake about it; Omar is a sympathizer for violent overthrow, not for reasoned and calculated change...She's using a system that honors and listens to women, in order to bring about a regime that would ultimately subjugate her under its boot.

Right goal, wrong vehicle.
That's a fascinating insight into how your brain operates.

the ability to GENERALIZE is called "INTELLIGENCE"-----it is called a
HIGHER FUNCTION by neurobiologists

Reaching generalized conclusions based on a pattern of observable trends in jewish behavior throughout history is antisemitic though?
Elaborate using facts.

Marxism. Critical theory. Psychoanalysis. These are just 3 extremely influential theories in modern left wing politics that were dreamed up by and for Jews with the express purpose of undermining western civilization. Academics who made no secret of their belief in their own ethnic superiority over gentiles.

I think being ultra critical is part of Jewish culture and it doesn't always result in dreadful far left radical political movements.

It's an interesting topic if you have the stomach for it.
Marxism is the theory of why Capitalism leads to Socialism which leads to Communism which leads to Capitalism.
It was written under the rule of a cruel czar, not in a suburb.

Until today I thought it was CS lewis who said that but I see somebody long before had penned it.
Is that why Jesus said he was sent to save the Jews and no others?

That is not what he said. Read it for yourself. The Jews are of The House of Judah, not The house of Israel.

Matthew 10:6
Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel.

Matthew 15:23
But Jesus did not answer a word. So His disciples came and urged Him, "Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us."

Acts 3:26
When God raised up His servant, He sent Him first to you to bless you by turning each of you from your wicked ways."

Romans 15:8
For I tell you that Christ has become a servant of the Jews on behalf of God's truth, to confirm the promises made to the patriarchs,
Sure it is. Jesus came to save only the Jews, so where did all these other Christians come from?

You need to first understand that the first time in the Bible the word " JEW " was mentioned was when the Jews aka 'House of Judah and Israelites aka House of Israel were at war with each other.
All tribes are of the patriarch Israel so basically all Israelites, but Judah , Levi and part of Benjamin are the Priesthood. Check it out to make sure I remember correctly.
I'm not sure what your point is here. They were the priesthood, but all the people in Judah and Israel were Jews in the sense that they all believed in the teachings of the Torah. There is a theory about the ten tribes that were captured by the Assyrians and some believe they never returned and some believe they did, but this was all several centuries before Jesus and there were no divisions among the Jews of Jesus' time on that basis. You seem to be claiming Jesus was more of a nationalist than a religious reformer, but there is no evidence of that in the bible. All the people whose religious beliefs derived from the Torah were Jews, and while there were many divisions among them, there were no nationalist divisions among them in Jesus' day.

You began this by saying Jesus was upset with the Jews, and he was as all religious reformers are upset with the people they think need reforming, but Jesus was a strong advocate of the ancient Temple religion, which was the Temple for all Jews, and he believed the Jews of his time, living as they did in Jerusalem in a bustling city located on the crossroads of trade between Africa and the ME and beyond, and he also had imbibed some of the current mysticism popular among the desert mystics and wanted the Jews to accept it. All of this is interesting stuff, but I don't see how any of it relates to the discussion of anti semitism today.

All the men under Syrian capture were supposably killed, only one Daughter of the linage was saved from what I remember.

Jesus mentioned those who gambled in the Temple and also hated his message and when Pilot washed his hands of it the Jews yelled "crusify him".
Jesus had many disagreements with the Jews of the time. From stoning of women, working on the Sabbath,et,etc,etc,.
It is really telling when we can't even debate without our study looking anti-semitic. One of them below.


…39“Abraham is our father,” they replied. “If you were children of Abraham,” said Jesus, “you would do the works of Abraham. 40But now you are trying to kill Me, a man who has told you thetruth that I heard from God. Abrahamnever did such a thing. 41You are doing the works of your father.” “We are not illegitimate children,” they declared. “Our only Father is God Himself.”…
Berean Study Bible · Download
There are many theories about what happened to those Jews who were captured by the Assyrians and none of them have any evidence to support them. In any case, all this happened several centuries before Jesus was born and has no relevance to his mission.

Jesus did not chase gamblers or money lenders from he Temple courtyard, he chased money changers who facilitated worship. In ancient times, when Jews came to worship at the Temple, they brought with them an animal they had raised to be sacrificed, but by the time Jesus was born, Jews had spread out to many lands and when they traveled to Jerusalem to worship at the Temple, they would exchange their foreign currencies for the local currency so they could purchase an animal for sacrifice. Jesus disapproved of buying a sacrifice instead of raising the animal oneself, so he chased all the money changers out of the courtyard.

All of Jesus' disciples were Jews and all of his followers for the first century were Jews and the church Mary and James opened in Jerusalem in his name only accepted Jews so when you say the Jews called for him to be crucified instead of saying some Jews called for him to be crucified, you are defining yourself as an anti semite, so stop whining about it.
Let me know when you figure out the run on prophecies...
Daniel is easy, read Hosea
Try Isaiah...

I stay away from Isaiah and Revelations...one I still can't figure out is Nehemiah, This bible thumper I know says its soooo good, I read it three times in the past month and still dont know what the hell he is talking about.

which one, Isaiah is SUBLIME-----Nehemiah is nice---would be better with a little Prozac---------Revelations is a mushroom omelette

Well just don't do like me and study it for 50 years then leave for awhile and forget lots of it.:confused-84:
Jews usually study Torah, not Prophets.
Especially not verses from the Prophets taken out of context.
Well well well isn't this surprising to see you guys rush to the defense of Marx and the degenerate pervert Sigmund Freud and attack traditional christian morality.
Traditional Christian morality would have you being illiterate.
The part that baffles me is that you have just spent hours ranting about everything, but especially Jews, you don't consider white and yet you are claiming you are being denied free speech.

Anonymously, on a small-time political forum that nobody cares about. If I posted my thoughts on twitter or facebook I'd have my life ruined by mobs of haters and would be lucky if antifa didn't show up on my doorstep
Nah, you'd probably just get a few well deserved insults.
Well well well isn't this surprising to see you guys rush to the defense of Marx and the degenerate pervert Sigmund Freud and attack traditional christian morality.
Traditional Christian morality would have you being illiterate.
Well well well isn't this surprising to see you guys rush to the defense of Marx and the degenerate pervert Sigmund Freud and attack traditional christian morality.
Traditional Christian morality would have you being illiterate.
View attachment 253361
Critical Theory sounds like a bunch of Liberal bullshit.

it's cultural marxism. Literally began as a bunch of jewish guys "scientifically" analyzing marxism and how it can be applied to transform western culture. It's the foundational principal of all this social justice bullshit that is currently ruining everything.
Well well well isn't this surprising to see you guys rush to the defense of Marx and the degenerate pervert Sigmund Freud and attack traditional christian morality.
Traditional Christian morality would have you being illiterate.
View attachment 253361
Critical Theory sounds like a bunch of Liberal bullshit.

it's cultural marxism. Literally began as a bunch of jewish guys "scientifically" analyzing marxism and how it can be applied to transform western culture. It's the foundational principal of all this social justice bullshit that is currently ruining everything.
You’re also looking at everything through 21st century eyes.
Life 100 years ago was brutal.
In many ways, Napoleon brought the humanities to the forefront and told the RCC to fuck off.
Well well well isn't this surprising to see you guys rush to the defense of Marx and the degenerate pervert Sigmund Freud and attack traditional christian morality.

I am fascinated FREUD is a degenerate?

he wanted to fuck his own mother...
Freud took the Torah’s Good/Evil Inclination from his Yeshivah years and pimped it to Christians to make a buck.

he did not sell his yeshivah education. He WAS influenced
by it-----SHEEEEEESH
Well well well isn't this surprising to see you guys rush to the defense of Marx and the degenerate pervert Sigmund Freud and attack traditional christian morality.

I am fascinated FREUD is a degenerate?

he wanted to fuck his own mother...
Freud took the Torah’s Good/Evil Inclination from his Yeshivah years and pimped it to Christians to make a buck.

he did not sell his yeshivah education. He WAS influenced
by it-----SHEEEEEESH
He ripped it off as a novel idea.
Aish Hatorah mocks him to no end.
That is not what he said. Read it for yourself. The Jews are of The House of Judah, not The house of Israel.

Matthew 10:6
Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel.

Matthew 15:23
But Jesus did not answer a word. So His disciples came and urged Him, "Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us."

Acts 3:26
When God raised up His servant, He sent Him first to you to bless you by turning each of you from your wicked ways."

Romans 15:8
For I tell you that Christ has become a servant of the Jews on behalf of God's truth, to confirm the promises made to the patriarchs,
Sure it is. Jesus came to save only the Jews, so where did all these other Christians come from?

You need to first understand that the first time in the Bible the word " JEW " was mentioned was when the Jews aka 'House of Judah and Israelites aka House of Israel were at war with each other.
All tribes are of the patriarch Israel so basically all Israelites, but Judah , Levi and part of Benjamin are the Priesthood. Check it out to make sure I remember correctly.
I'm not sure what your point is here. They were the priesthood, but all the people in Judah and Israel were Jews in the sense that they all believed in the teachings of the Torah. There is a theory about the ten tribes that were captured by the Assyrians and some believe they never returned and some believe they did, but this was all several centuries before Jesus and there were no divisions among the Jews of Jesus' time on that basis. You seem to be claiming Jesus was more of a nationalist than a religious reformer, but there is no evidence of that in the bible. All the people whose religious beliefs derived from the Torah were Jews, and while there were many divisions among them, there were no nationalist divisions among them in Jesus' day.

You began this by saying Jesus was upset with the Jews, and he was as all religious reformers are upset with the people they think need reforming, but Jesus was a strong advocate of the ancient Temple religion, which was the Temple for all Jews, and he believed the Jews of his time, living as they did in Jerusalem in a bustling city located on the crossroads of trade between Africa and the ME and beyond, and he also had imbibed some of the current mysticism popular among the desert mystics and wanted the Jews to accept it. All of this is interesting stuff, but I don't see how any of it relates to the discussion of anti semitism today.

All the men under Syrian capture were supposably killed, only one Daughter of the linage was saved from what I remember.

Jesus mentioned those who gambled in the Temple and also hated his message and when Pilot washed his hands of it the Jews yelled "crusify him".
Jesus had many disagreements with the Jews of the time. From stoning of women, working on the Sabbath,et,etc,etc,.
It is really telling when we can't even debate without our study looking anti-semitic. One of them below.


…39“Abraham is our father,” they replied. “If you were children of Abraham,” said Jesus, “you would do the works of Abraham. 40But now you are trying to kill Me, a man who has told you thetruth that I heard from God. Abrahamnever did such a thing. 41You are doing the works of your father.” “We are not illegitimate children,” they declared. “Our only Father is God Himself.”…
Berean Study Bible · Download
There are many theories about what happened to those Jews who were captured by the Assyrians and none of them have any evidence to support them. In any case, all this happened several centuries before Jesus was born and has no relevance to his mission.

Jesus did not chase gamblers or money lenders from he Temple courtyard, he chased money changers who facilitated worship. In ancient times, when Jews came to worship at the Temple, they brought with them an animal they had raised to be sacrificed, but by the time Jesus was born, Jews had spread out to many lands and when they traveled to Jerusalem to worship at the Temple, they would exchange their foreign currencies for the local currency so they could purchase an animal for sacrifice. Jesus disapproved of buying a sacrifice instead of raising the animal oneself, so he chased all the money changers out of the courtyard.

All of Jesus' disciples were Jews and all of his followers for the first century were Jews and the church Mary and James opened in Jerusalem in his name only accepted Jews so when you say the Jews called for him to be crucified instead of saying some Jews called for him to be crucified, you are defining yourself as an anti semite, so stop whining about it.

No your defining me as an anti-semite. What Iam is like the Jews a nationalist who doesn't think my salvation depends on anyone but my own actions not the worship of any other religious sect including protestant or Jew. Yet we keep going to all these wars and dying for a nation that I don't think worth all the wars. I'd lot rather have the Jews who love education and progress to come here if they can't get along there than who is invading us now.
Yet people tell me I'm going straight to hell if I don't worship Israel,Or Mary or whoever.
And Barbara Specter is an evil egotistical hag ,imo. So if some Jews are disliked it is because they are not likable. Some Jews are liked because they are likable.

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Well well well isn't this surprising to see you guys rush to the defense of Marx and the degenerate pervert Sigmund Freud and attack traditional christian morality.

I am fascinated FREUD is a degenerate?

he wanted to fuck his own mother...
Freud took the Torah’s Good/Evil Inclination from his Yeshivah years and pimped it to Christians to make a buck.

he did not sell his yeshivah education. He WAS influenced
by it-----SHEEEEEESH
He ripped it off as a novel idea.
Aish Hatorah mocks him to no end.

nope----he was NOT a populist. You must have pope
francis in mind

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