I would vote for Rep. Ilhan Omar (D)

Is that why Jesus said he was sent to save the Jews and no others?

That is not what he said. Read it for yourself. The Jews are of The House of Judah, not The house of Israel.

Matthew 10:6
Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel.

Matthew 15:23
But Jesus did not answer a word. So His disciples came and urged Him, "Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us."

Acts 3:26
When God raised up His servant, He sent Him first to you to bless you by turning each of you from your wicked ways."

Romans 15:8
For I tell you that Christ has become a servant of the Jews on behalf of God's truth, to confirm the promises made to the patriarchs,

Judah was the son of JACOB (aka Israel) ----sheeeeesh

and ugly ass Leah

yeah---the OTHER WIFE

That story still cracks me up, How could a guy not know it wasn't Rachel on his wedding night?
No talking during sex...no networks.
The New Testament is nothing but The Old Testament Fulfilled.

There was nothing lifted from The Old Testament. It is the fulfillment of The Law.

Messiah Bin Joseph, The rejected cornerstone came as The Lamb of God, to be a Sacrifice for His People Israel.

There were 490 years determined upon the people Israel from the command to rebuild Israel until 483 until Messiah.

Daniels 70 weeks.

Messiah was cut off in the 69th week. 27 AD. 483 years as the prophecies said

The rejected cornerstone, the man of sorrows. The Lamb of God. Laid down His life so He could pick it up again.

He will come again as Messiah Bin David.

The 70th week needs to begin again, or the last 7 years of prophecy.

Daniel's 70 Weeks -

Will you accept Messiah them when you “look upon Him whom you pierced?”

I truly respect you, but there’s nothing positive in the NT that wasn’t lifted from Tanach.
I can read Daniel in the original.
I can’t make heads or tails of it.
The lack of clarity of his prophecy was a result of the confusion of the time.

Really? I was just reading it today, guess you don't have the Holy spirit in you..

Let me know when you figure out the run on prophecies...
Daniel is easy, read Hosea
You can make sense of the last chapter?
Come on!
The New Testament is nothing but The Old Testament Fulfilled.

There was nothing lifted from The Old Testament. It is the fulfillment of The Law.

Messiah Bin Joseph, The rejected cornerstone came as The Lamb of God, to be a Sacrifice for His People Israel.

There were 490 years determined upon the people Israel from the command to rebuild Israel until 483 until Messiah.

Daniels 70 weeks.

Messiah was cut off in the 69th week. 27 AD. 483 years as the prophecies said

The rejected cornerstone, the man of sorrows. The Lamb of God. Laid down His life so He could pick it up again.

He will come again as Messiah Bin David.

The 70th week needs to begin again, or the last 7 years of prophecy.

Daniel's 70 Weeks -

Will you accept Messiah them when you “look upon Him whom you pierced?”

I truly respect you, but there’s nothing positive in the NT that wasn’t lifted from Tanach.
I can read Daniel in the original.
I can’t make heads or tails of it.
The lack of clarity of his prophecy was a result of the confusion of the time.

Really? I was just reading it today, guess you don't have the Holy spirit in you..

Let me know when you figure out the run on prophecies...
Daniel is easy, read Hosea
Try Isaiah...
I truly respect you, but there’s nothing positive in the NT that wasn’t lifted from Tanach.
The religious and theological system of the New Testament is an outgrowth of the Old, as Christianity, properly understood, is a branch of Judaism, as is Islam.

But I would be interested in you finding this for me in the Old Testament;
1) 'if a man commands you to carry his cloak for a mile, carry it instead for two miles'
2) 'if a man slaps you on the left cheek, turn the other to him to slap as well.'
3) 'pray for your enemies that they may be saved'
4) 'Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Light'
5) 'Let he who is without sin cast the first stone'
The ramifications of these behaviors, when studied against cause/effect, have created the tumult that currently exists in the world.

I agree but don't we also have to account for all the different sects that cause much confusion? Orthodox, Reform, etc,etc,. Baptist, Evangelical,etc etc.
Nobody has ever came close to solving the riddle. So now that I am old all my studies have became just hope and prayer.

my exalted opinion is----Christianity---early on was a branch of Judaism------but Islam NEVER was
Unarmed Palestinians odd they had shot thousands of mortors and rockets in isreal and thats unarmed

I use the term "UNARMED PALESTINIANS" as a clue.
It is a term used only by the MOST DISGUSTING PEOPLE

That's a fascinating insight into how your brain operates.

the ability to GENERALIZE is called "INTELLIGENCE"-----it is called a
HIGHER FUNCTION by neurobiologists

Reaching generalized conclusions based on a pattern of observable trends in jewish behavior throughout history is antisemitic though?
Elaborate using facts.

Marxism. Critical theory. Psychoanalysis. These are just 3 extremely influential theories in modern left wing politics that were dreamed up by and for Jews with the express purpose of undermining western civilization. Academics who made no secret of their belief in their own ethnic superiority over gentiles.

I think being ultra critical is part of Jewish culture and it doesn't always result in dreadful far left radical political movements.

It's an interesting topic if you have the stomach for it.
The New Testament is nothing but The Old Testament Fulfilled.

There was nothing lifted from The Old Testament. It is the fulfillment of The Law.

Messiah Bin Joseph, The rejected cornerstone came as The Lamb of God, to be a Sacrifice for His People Israel.

There were 490 years determined upon the people Israel from the command to rebuild Israel until 483 until Messiah.

Daniels 70 weeks.

Messiah was cut off in the 69th week. 27 AD. 483 years as the prophecies said

The rejected cornerstone, the man of sorrows. The Lamb of God. Laid down His life so He could pick it up again.

He will come again as Messiah Bin David.

The 70th week needs to begin again, or the last 7 years of prophecy.

Daniel's 70 Weeks -

Will you accept Messiah them when you “look upon Him whom you pierced?”
I can read Daniel in the original.
I can’t make heads or tails of it.
The lack of clarity of his prophecy was a result of the confusion of the time.

Really? I was just reading it today, guess you don't have the Holy spirit in you..

Let me know when you figure out the run on prophecies...
Daniel is easy, read Hosea
Try Isaiah...

I stay away from Isaiah and Revelations...one I still can't figure out is Nehemiah, This bible thumper I know says its soooo good, I read it three times in the past month and still dont know what the hell he is talking about.
I truly respect you, but there’s nothing positive in the NT that wasn’t lifted from Tanach.
The religious and theological system of the New Testament is an outgrowth of the Old, as Christianity, properly understood, is a branch of Judaism, as is Islam.

But I would be interested in you finding this for me in the Old Testament;
1) 'if a man commands you to carry his cloak for a mile, carry it instead for two miles'
2) 'if a man slaps you on the left cheek, turn the other to him to slap as well.'
3) 'pray for your enemies that they may be saved'
4) 'Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Light'
5) 'Let he who is without sin cast the first stone'
The ramifications of these behaviors, when studied against cause/effect, have created the tumult that currently exists in the world.

I agree but don't we also have to account for all the different sects that cause much confusion? Orthodox, Reform, etc,etc,. Baptist, Evangelical,etc etc.
Nobody has ever came close to solving the riddle. So now that I am old all my studies have became just hope and prayer.
I’m just wait for Progessives to legalize beasteality.

Anything is possible now a days.
The Bible says Israel is a cup of trembling for many people.

It’s existence is a testament to the existence of God, and for the wicked, the liars, deceivers, slanderers, fornicators, idolaters, abusers, sinners of all types, and those who reject God’s Grace, Fear That There is a God and a Hell awaiting them is very real.

The Fig Tree Puts Forth it’s leaves.

And The Nation’s Tremble.

You are Fearful of Israel.

Those that love Israel and support Israel only want to please God.

What you are saying is that you are opposed to democracy, since the only reason politicians support good relations with Israel is that the polls show the overwhelming majority of of American voters support Israel. Saying that it is because of Jewish money, is a racist lie.

Americans support Israel and they don't even know why. Is it something in the water?
I suggest you use this thing called the Internet to understand why Americans support Israel.

Because we are fearful of Israel.

No I mean in todays time, after all we don't want another 9-1-01, do we?

in what way is 9-1-01 significant to you?
There's only one group (Jews) that is protected from any and all criticism. There's only one group (Whites) that it is socially acceptable to promote racism against.
lol You've been criticizing Jews for the past few hours so how protected can they be?

Anonymously, on an obscure little message board that nobody really cares about. Meanwhile over at the NYT:
View attachment 253303
What does any of this have to do with your false claim you are not allowed to criticize Jews?

Well just look at the firestorm that Rep. Omar's statements ignited. If she had said about Jews what the media constantly says about white people, she'd be utterly destroyed.

what does the media say about "white people"??

What don't they say?
white nyt.jpg
I can read Daniel in the original.
I can’t make heads or tails of it.
The lack of clarity of his prophecy was a result of the confusion of the time.

Really? I was just reading it today, guess you don't have the Holy spirit in you..

Let me know when you figure out the run on prophecies...
Daniel is easy, read Hosea
Try Isaiah...

I stay away from Isaiah and Revelations...one I still can't figure out is Nehemiah, This bible thumper I know says its soooo good, I read it three times in the past month and still dont know what the hell he is talking about.

which one, Isaiah is SUBLIME-----Nehemiah is nice---would be better with a little Prozac---------Revelations is a mushroom omelette
The New Testament is nothing but The Old Testament Fulfilled.

There was nothing lifted from The Old Testament. It is the fulfillment of The Law.

Messiah Bin Joseph, The rejected cornerstone came as The Lamb of God, to be a Sacrifice for His People Israel.

There were 490 years determined upon the people Israel from the command to rebuild Israel until 483 until Messiah.

Daniels 70 weeks.

Messiah was cut off in the 69th week. 27 AD. 483 years as the prophecies said

The rejected cornerstone, the man of sorrows. The Lamb of God. Laid down His life so He could pick it up again.

He will come again as Messiah Bin David.

The 70th week needs to begin again, or the last 7 years of prophecy.

Daniel's 70 Weeks -

Will you accept Messiah them when you “look upon Him whom you pierced?”
I can read Daniel in the original.
I can’t make heads or tails of it.
The lack of clarity of his prophecy was a result of the confusion of the time.

Really? I was just reading it today, guess you don't have the Holy spirit in you..

Let me know when you figure out the run on prophecies...
Daniel is easy, read Hosea
You can make sense of the last chapter?
Come on!

Daniel 12 King James Version (KJV)
12 And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.

2 And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.

3 And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.

4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.

5 Then I Daniel looked, and, behold, there stood other two, the one on this side of the bank of the river, and the other on that side of the bank of the river.

6 And one said to the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, How long shall it be to the end of these wonders?

7 And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever that it shall be for a time, times, and an half; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished.

8 And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things?

9 And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.

10 Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.

11 And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.

12 Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.

13 But go thou thy way till the end be: for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the days.

Ok I read I it again maybe not

I use the term "UNARMED PALESTINIANS" as a clue.
It is a term used only by the MOST DISGUSTING PEOPLE

That's a fascinating insight into how your brain operates.

the ability to GENERALIZE is called "INTELLIGENCE"-----it is called a
HIGHER FUNCTION by neurobiologists

Reaching generalized conclusions based on a pattern of observable trends in jewish behavior throughout history is antisemitic though?
Elaborate using facts.

Marxism. Critical theory. Psychoanalysis. These are just 3 extremely influential theories in modern left wing politics that were dreamed up by and for Jews with the express purpose of undermining western civilization. Academics who made no secret of their belief in their own ethnic superiority over gentiles.

I think being ultra critical is part of Jewish culture and it doesn't always result in dreadful far left radical political movements.

It's an interesting topic if you have the stomach for it.

you are a bit ill. Marxism is, very simply, a theory of economics-----VERY POPULAR at the time that Marx did his thing------most of the socialist theoreticians were gentiles like you ---------(well---not really---they had brains unlike you)
Freud was a neurologist-------and BRILLIANT, a jew---and not
particularly religious
Belief certainly is a strong human
Did she really refer to our closest ally in the Middle East as a "terrorist state"? That should be grounds for impeachment if not charges of treason.
Please explain how making a derogatory statement about a foreign country is considered treason? ... :dunno:

Well, for one, Israel is an ally of the U.S. Why would she call it a 'terrorist state?'.....Let's see....because she is a Muslim and is letting her religion make legal decisions for her? Americans didn't vote for a Muslim theocracy. Look, no one cares what fucking religion she is but, letting that religion's long held hatred for a certain race creep into her political lexicon is disturbing.
The Bible says Israel is a cup of trembling for many people.

It’s existence is a testament to the existence of God, and for the wicked, the liars, deceivers, slanderers, fornicators, idolaters, abusers, sinners of all types, and those who reject God’s Grace, Fear That There is a God and a Hell awaiting them is very real.

The Fig Tree Puts Forth it’s leaves.

And The Nation’s Tremble.

You are Fearful of Israel.

Those that love Israel and support Israel only want to please God.

Americans support Israel and they don't even know why. Is it something in the water?
I suggest you use this thing called the Internet to understand why Americans support Israel.

Because we are fearful of Israel.

No I mean in todays time, after all we don't want another 9-1-01, do we?

in what way is 9-1-01 significant to you?

It was like a theme out of The Twilight Zone? Maybe The Beverly Hillbillies? No Granny was smarter than that.

I use the term "UNARMED PALESTINIANS" as a clue.
It is a term used only by the MOST DISGUSTING PEOPLE

That's a fascinating insight into how your brain operates.

the ability to GENERALIZE is called "INTELLIGENCE"-----it is called a
HIGHER FUNCTION by neurobiologists

Reaching generalized conclusions based on a pattern of observable trends in jewish behavior throughout history is antisemitic though?
Elaborate using facts.

Marxism. Critical theory. Psychoanalysis. These are just 3 extremely influential theories in modern left wing politics that were dreamed up by and for Jews with the express purpose of undermining western civilization. Academics who made no secret of their belief in their own ethnic superiority over gentiles.

I think being ultra critical is part of Jewish culture and it doesn't always result in dreadful far left radical political movements.

It's an interesting topic if you have the stomach for it.
Marxism is the theory of why Capitalism leads to Socialism which leads to Communism which leads to Capitalism.
It was written under the rule of a cruel czar, not in a suburb.
I can read Daniel in the original.
I can’t make heads or tails of it.
The lack of clarity of his prophecy was a result of the confusion of the time.

Really? I was just reading it today, guess you don't have the Holy spirit in you..

Let me know when you figure out the run on prophecies...
Daniel is easy, read Hosea
Try Isaiah...

I stay away from Isaiah and Revelations...one I still can't figure out is Nehemiah, This bible thumper I know says its soooo good, I read it three times in the past month and still dont know what the hell he is talking about.
HINT: If you don’t understand it, neither does the Bible thumper.
That's a fascinating insight into how your brain operates.

the ability to GENERALIZE is called "INTELLIGENCE"-----it is called a
HIGHER FUNCTION by neurobiologists

Reaching generalized conclusions based on a pattern of observable trends in jewish behavior throughout history is antisemitic though?
Elaborate using facts.

Marxism. Critical theory. Psychoanalysis. These are just 3 extremely influential theories in modern left wing politics that were dreamed up by and for Jews with the express purpose of undermining western civilization. Academics who made no secret of their belief in their own ethnic superiority over gentiles.

I think being ultra critical is part of Jewish culture and it doesn't always result in dreadful far left radical political movements.

It's an interesting topic if you have the stomach for it.
Marxism is the theory of why Capitalism leads to Socialism which leads to Communism which leads to Capitalism.
It was written under the rule of a cruel czar, not in a suburb.

In my exalted opinion----Marx got a bad rap-----he wrote a scholarly book------about economic theory------and got blamed for STALIN

I use the term "UNARMED PALESTINIANS" as a clue.
It is a term used only by the MOST DISGUSTING PEOPLE

That's a fascinating insight into how your brain operates.

the ability to GENERALIZE is called "INTELLIGENCE"-----it is called a
HIGHER FUNCTION by neurobiologists

Reaching generalized conclusions based on a pattern of observable trends in jewish behavior throughout history is antisemitic though?
Elaborate using facts.

Marxism. Critical theory. Psychoanalysis. These are just 3 extremely influential theories in modern left wing politics that were dreamed up by and for Jews with the express purpose of undermining western civilization. Academics who made no secret of their belief in their own ethnic superiority over gentiles.

I think being ultra critical is part of Jewish culture and it doesn't always result in dreadful far left radical political movements.

It's an interesting topic if you have the stomach for it.
Jews are Biblically commanded to study all aspects of creation.
The Catholics of Europe were taught that ignorance is bliss.
Really? I was just reading it today, guess you don't have the Holy spirit in you..

Let me know when you figure out the run on prophecies...
Daniel is easy, read Hosea
Try Isaiah...

I stay away from Isaiah and Revelations...one I still can't figure out is Nehemiah, This bible thumper I know says its soooo good, I read it three times in the past month and still dont know what the hell he is talking about.

which one, Isaiah is SUBLIME-----Nehemiah is nice---would be better with a little Prozac---------Revelations is a mushroom omelette

Well just don't do like me and study it for 50 years then leave for awhile and forget lots of it.:confused-84:
Well well well isn't this surprising to see you guys rush to the defense of Marx and the degenerate pervert Sigmund Freud and attack traditional christian morality.

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