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IAF Strikes Syrian Military Bases

Israel is still at war with Syria and Lebanon. No peace treaty has been signed.

you miss the point Caroline-------its dead babies in the gutter they want------not


And because Israel is still at war with Syria and Lebanon (it is just a ceasefire - not a peace treaty signed), Israel has to do what it has to do.

I wonder what Sherri etc would say about this that has just come up on the feed. Syria - whichever side wins this bloody civil war is still Israel's enemy. Just look at what they do to children. Israel is up against bloodthirsty regimes all around. Even the Tamarod rebels in Gaza have vowed to target Israel after they have won Gaza from Hamas.

Any comments Sherri, Billo etc of what is happening in Syria or is it just lies against the Jews you vomit out daily?

Warning - Graphic and Morbid video of children being executed by rebels.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zSBKq4BxNU&has_verified=1&oref=http%3A%2F%2Fm.youtube.com%2F&has_verified=1&client=mv-google&layout=tablet&app=desktop&bpctr=1383568474]Executing Children for Supporting Assad ???? ????? ????? ???? ?? ??? ???? ?????? ?????? ????????? - YouTube[/ame]

What foul desert oasis did the Arab Spring spring from?
you miss the point Caroline-------its dead babies in the gutter they want------not


And because Israel is still at war with Syria and Lebanon (it is just a ceasefire - not a peace treaty signed), Israel has to do what it has to do.

I wonder what Sherri etc would say about this that has just come up on the feed. Syria - whichever side wins this bloody civil war is still Israel's enemy. Just look at what they do to children. Israel is up against bloodthirsty regimes all around. Even the Tamarod rebels in Gaza have vowed to target Israel after they have won Gaza from Hamas.

Any comments Sherri, Billo etc of what is happening in Syria or is it just lies against the Jews you vomit out daily?

Warning - Graphic and Morbid video of children being executed by rebels.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zSBKq4BxNU&has_verified=1&oref=http%3A%2F%2Fm.youtube.com%2F&has_verified=1&client=mv-google&layout=tablet&app=desktop&bpctr=1383568474]Executing Children for Supporting Assad ???? ????? ????? ???? ?? ??? ???? ?????? ?????? ????????? - YouTube[/ame]

What foul desert oasis did the Arab Spring spring from?

ZAM ZAM water? uhm ----I am not sure what zam zam water is---
but it does magical things
Islamic history states that the Zamzam Well was revealed to Hagar, the second wife of Abraham and mother of Ismail.

According to Islamic tradition, she was desperately seeking water for her son, but she could not find any, as Mecca is located in a hot dry valley with few sources of water. Muslim traditions say that Hagar ran seven times back and forth in the scorching heat between the two hills of Safa and Marwah, looking for water. Getting thirstier by the second, Ismail scraped the land with his feet, where suddenly water sprang out. There are other versions of the story involving God sending his angel, Gabriel, who kicked the ground with his heel and the water rose.

The name of the well traditionally comes from the phrase Zomë Zomë, meaning 'stop', which, according to legend, was a command repeated by Hagar during her attempt to contain the spring water.

According to Islamic tradition, Abraham rebuilt the Bait-ul-Allah ("House of God", cognate of the Hebrew-derived place name Bethel) near the site of the well, a building which had been originally constructed by Adem, and today is called the Kaaba, a building toward which all Muslims around the world face in prayer, five times each day. The Zamzam Well is located approximately 20 m (66 ft) east of the Kaaba.

Zamzam Well - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Ismael could not have been an infant when hagar left-----Isaac was already an adolescent and
he was the younger child The story makes no sense. Abraham lived in BEER SHEBA

so the filth of the "arab spring" came out of the kaaba thing?----or something like that?
Islamic history states that the Zamzam Well was revealed to Hagar, the second wife of Abraham and mother of Ismail.

According to Islamic tradition, she was desperately seeking water for her son, but she could not find any, as Mecca is located in a hot dry valley with few sources of water. Muslim traditions say that Hagar ran seven times back and forth in the scorching heat between the two hills of Safa and Marwah, looking for water. Getting thirstier by the second, Ismail scraped the land with his feet, where suddenly water sprang out. There are other versions of the story involving God sending his angel, Gabriel, who kicked the ground with his heel and the water rose.

The name of the well traditionally comes from the phrase Zomë Zomë, meaning 'stop', which, according to legend, was a command repeated by Hagar during her attempt to contain the spring water.

According to Islamic tradition, Abraham rebuilt the Bait-ul-Allah ("House of God", cognate of the Hebrew-derived place name Bethel) near the site of the well, a building which had been originally constructed by Adem, and today is called the Kaaba, a building toward which all Muslims around the world face in prayer, five times each day. The Zamzam Well is located approximately 20 m (66 ft) east of the Kaaba.

Zamzam Well - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Now that's some funny Shiite, because Abraham never even set foot in Arabia!

Why is the Koran full of lies and inconsistencies? Perhaps because it's main prophet Mohammad was an illiterate who hijacked and then mutilated Judaism and Christianity and mixed it with his own moon God religion, and then renamed this repackaged crap: Islam.


Abraham (Hebrew: אַבְרָהָם* listen (help·info); Arabic: إبراهيم*ʾIbrāhīm), originally Abram, is the first of the three Patriarchs of Israel whose story is told in chapters 11–25 of the Book of Genesis. Abram was called by God to leave his father Terah's house and native land of Mesopotamia in return for a new land, family, and inheritance in Canaan, the promised land. Threats to the covenant arose – difficulties in producing an heir, the threat of bondage in Egypt, of lack of fear of God – but all were overcome and the covenant was established.[2] After the death, and burial of his wife, Sarah, in the grave that he purchased in Hebron, Abraham arranged for the marriage of Isaac to a woman from his own people.[3] Abraham later married a woman called Keturah and had six more sons, before he died at the recorded age of 175, and was buried by his sons Isaac and Ishmael. (Genesis 25:1–10)

Terah, the tenth in descent from Noah, begat three sons, Abram (later called Abraham), Nahor and Haran. Haran begat Lot (who was thus Abram's nephew), and died in his native city, Ur of the Chaldees. Abram married Sarai, who was barren. Terah, with Abram, Sarai, and Lot, then departed for Canaan, but settled in a place named Haran, where Terah died at the age of 205. (Genesis 11:27–11:32) The LORD had told Abram to leave his country and kindred and go to a land that he would show him, and promised to make of him a great nation, bless him, make his name great, bless them that bless him, and curse "him" that curses him. (Genesis 12:1–3) Abram was 75 years old when he left Haran with his wife Sarai, his nephew Lot, and the wealth and persons that they had acquired, and traveled to Shechem in Canaan. (Genesis 12:4–6)
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What two sovereign nations? Hizzbollocks is not a sovereign nation In fact, Iran's occupation army in Lebanon, the hizzbollocks, operates independently and unilaterally in Lebanon. Did you ever read of events in 2006?
Hezbollah is a legally elected government in Lebanon. The two sovereign nations are Lebanon and Syria.

Furthermore, Israel doesn't decide who can (and cannot) be the leaders of other country's.
Now that's some funny Shiite, because Abraham never even set foot in Arabia!
Incorrect Poindexter.

Most Bible scholars agree that "Paran" in the Bible refers to Arabia.

"The Wilderness or Desert of Paran is said to be the place where Abraham's servant Hagar and their first-born son Ishmael were sent into exile from Abraham's dwelling in Beersheba."

Genesis 21: 19-22 "Then God opened her [Hagar's] eyes and she saw a well of water. So she went and filled the skin with water and gave the boy a drink. God was with the boy as he grew up. He lived in the desert and became an archer. While he was living in the Desert of Paran, his mother got a wife for him from Egypt."

Desert of Paran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What two sovereign nations? Hizzbollocks is not a sovereign nation In fact, Iran's occupation army in Lebanon, the hizzbollocks, operates independently and unilaterally in Lebanon. Did you ever read of events in 2006?
Hezbollah is a legally elected government in Lebanon. The two sovereign nations are Lebanon and Syria.

Furthermore, Israel doesn't decide who can (and cannot) be the leaders of other country's.

Hezbolla is the legal government of Lebenon. O Really?
Now that's some funny Shiite, because Abraham never even set foot in Arabia!
Incorrect Poindexter.

Most Bible scholars agree that "Paran" in the Bible refers to Arabia.

"The Wilderness or Desert of Paran is said to be the place where Abraham's servant Hagar and their first-born son Ishmael were sent into exile from Abraham's dwelling in Beersheba."

Genesis 21: 19-22 "Then God opened her [Hagar's] eyes and she saw a well of water. So she went and filled the skin with water and gave the boy a drink. God was with the boy as he grew up. He lived in the desert and became an archer. While he was living in the Desert of Paran, his mother got a wife for him from Egypt."

Desert of Paran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

LOL "most 'scholars' " bad news------abraham was not with her wherever she
went -----and how did she get to Egypt ??? the bitch SWAM???
read the idiot book again-------- a personal experience.>>> I read the koran about
45 years ago----PICTHALL I found lots of errors ------ie the bible stories were REALLY
screwed up. but I was young------I decided that the PUBLISHERS MADE MISTAKES---
LOL really------I did not think that the jerks who wrote the koran made the mistakes---
I THOUGHT IT IS A MISPRINT I actually was so damned conscientious-----that I handed the book to a PAKISTANI SURGEON and told him to get in touch with the
publishers "THEY MADE LOTS OF MISTAKES" in the printing
Now that's some funny Shiite, because Abraham never even set foot in Arabia!
Incorrect Poindexter.

Most Bible scholars agree that "Paran" in the Bible refers to Arabia.

"The Wilderness or Desert of Paran is said to be the place where Abraham's servant Hagar and their first-born son Ishmael were sent into exile from Abraham's dwelling in Beersheba."

Genesis 21: 19-22 "Then God opened her [Hagar's] eyes and she saw a well of water. So she went and filled the skin with water and gave the boy a drink. God was with the boy as he grew up. He lived in the desert and became an archer. While he was living in the Desert of Paran, his mother got a wife for him from Egypt."

Desert of Paran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

LOL "most 'scholars' " bad news------abraham was not with her wherever she
went -----and how did she get to Egypt ??? the bitch SWAM???
read the idiot book again-------- a personal experience.>>> I read the koran about
45 years ago----PICTHALL I found lots of errors ------ie the bible stories were REALLY
screwed up. but I was young------I decided that the PUBLISHERS MADE MISTAKES---
LOL really------I did not think that the jerks who wrote the koran made the mistakes---
I THOUGHT IT IS A MISPRINT I actually was so damned conscientious-----that I handed the book to a PAKISTANI SURGEON and told him to get in touch with the
publishers "THEY MADE LOTS OF MISTAKES" in the printing
Did you happen to notice the verse was from the Torah/Bible.....not the Quran?? . :cool:
What two sovereign nations? Hizzbollocks is not a sovereign nation In fact, Iran's occupation army in Lebanon, the hizzbollocks, operates independently and unilaterally in Lebanon. Did you ever read of events in 2006?
Hezbollah is a legally elected government in Lebanon. The two sovereign nations are Lebanon and Syria.

Furthermore, Israel doesn't decide who can (and cannot) be the leaders of other country's.

Hizbollocks is not a government. Hizbollocks is an Islamic terrorist organization operated and funded by the Iranian mullocrats. Hizzbollocks controls seats in the Lebanese parliament. Your confusion may derive from hizbollocks acting largely without regard for the formalities or bothersome conditions of regard for an electorate. That dynamic is what lead to the trashing of Lebanon in 2006 when Nasrallah (the head turban in charge of the local shia Islamic terrorist syndicate), provoked Israel into a shooting war, totally without regard for the parliament they were responsible to.

You may be interested to learn that it is the Iranian controlled hizzbollocks which has insered itself ( via their Iranian masters), into the war raging in Syria. Shia Iran is backing the alawite (shia-lite), family of Assad vs. the Sunni/salafi /wahabbi tribes looking to halt the creeping shia presence.

Ain't islamism a hoot?
FUCK yourself better ! Leave it to a FUCKING Pro Palestinian to initiate the four letter words :eusa_boohoo:
You don't think nothing of Israel actively trying to start WWIII, which would possibly lead to the extinction of all life on planet earth, but the moment someone uses profanity, you get all hot and bothered.

Bombing the shit out of innocent women and children are okay in your book, but four letter words make you go off!

That's some value system you got there!

She is a Zionist, that tells us all we need to know about her.

Its Jewish Supremacism, the lives of no others matter to her.

Zi·on·ism (z-nzm)
A Jewish movement that arose in the late 19th century in response to growing anti-Semitism and sought to reestablish a Jewish homeland in Palestine. Modern Zionism is concerned with the support and development of the state of Israel.

Yes, Frau Sheri I am a Zionist. I believe Israel has the Right to Exist. That is all you need to know about me. We know all about you. We know you are a Racist, a Bigot and a Anti Semite. You don't believe in equality. You believe that Muslims are superior to the Jewish people. You don't condemn their Racism, Bigotry, etc. etc.
A NO ISRAELI ALLOWED " palestinian state" or the way Muslims treat Christians; something you're supposed to be.

List of Islamic Terror Attacks on Christians

Obviously this is just a small example. Does this " christian" complain because Muslims feel Christians shouldnt deserve to live?

The Highlight is;

Kenya Mall Massacre Gunmen Are Named

Claiming these are Israelis . " jesus" knows you are filled with nothing but hate , bigotry and injustice. That's who you are :smiliehug:
What two sovereign nations? Hizzbollocks is not a sovereign nation In fact, Iran's occupation army in Lebanon, the hizzbollocks, operates independently and unilaterally in Lebanon. Did you ever read of events in 2006?
Hezbollah is a legally elected government in Lebanon. The two sovereign nations are Lebanon and Syria.

Furthermore, Israel doesn't decide who can (and cannot) be the leaders of other country's.

Huh? How ignorant and illiterate can you be? Last I checked Hezbollah were an armed militia of Islamist terrorist thugs, holding the government hostage. Isn't there a night school in your area that you can at least complete your elementary diploma?

Lebanon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lebanon is a parliamentary democracy, which implements a special system known as confessionalism.[86] This system is intended to deter sectarian conflict and attempts to fairly represent the demographic distribution of the 18 recognized religious groups in government.[87][88] High-ranking offices are reserved for members of specific religious groups. The President, for example, has to be a Maronite Christian, the Prime Minister a Sunni Muslim, the Speaker of the Parliament a Shi’a Muslim, the Deputy Prime Minister and the Deputy Speaker of Parliament Eastern Orthodox.[89][90]
Until 1975, Freedom House considered Lebanon to be one of only two (together with Israel) politically free countries in the Middle East and North Africa region.[91] The country lost this status with the outbreak of the Civil War, and never regained it again. Lebanon was rated as "Partly Free" in 2013.[91]
Until 2005, Palestinians were forbidden to work in over 70 jobs because they do not have Lebanese citizenship, but this was later reduced to around 20 as of 2007 after liberalization laws.[35] In 2010, Palestinians was granted the same rights to work as other foreigners in the country.[92]
Lebanon's national legislature is the unicameral Parliament of Lebanon. Its 128 seats are divided equally between Christians and Muslims, proportionately between the 18 different denominations and proportionately between its 26 regions.[93] Prior to 1990, the ratio stood at 6:5 in favor of Christians; however, the Taif Agreement, which put an end to the 1975–1990 civil war, adjusted the ratio to grant equal representation to followers of the two religions.[89] The Parliament is elected for a four-year term by popular vote on the basis of sectarian proportional representation.[6]
The executive branch consists of the President, the head of state, and the Prime Minister, the head of government. The parliament elects the president for a non-renewable six-year term by a two-third majority. The president appoints the Prime Minister,[94] following consultations with the parliament. The President and the Prime Minister form the Cabinet, which must also adhere to the sectarian distribution set out by confessionalism.
The next nation-wide elections are scheduled for November 2014.[95]
What two sovereign nations? Hizzbollocks is not a sovereign nation In fact, Iran's occupation army in Lebanon, the hizzbollocks, operates independently and unilaterally in Lebanon. Did you ever read of events in 2006?
Hezbollah is a legally elected government in Lebanon. The two sovereign nations are Lebanon and Syria.

Furthermore, Israel doesn't decide who can (and cannot) be the leaders of other country's.

Hezbolla is the legal government of Lebenon. O Really?
LOL he should change his name to Bill O Not Really.
Now that's some funny Shiite, because Abraham never even set foot in Arabia!
Incorrect Poindexter.

Most Bible scholars agree that "Paran" in the Bible refers to Arabia.

"The Wilderness or Desert of Paran is said to be the place where Abraham's servant Hagar and their first-born son Ishmael were sent into exile from Abraham's dwelling in Beersheba."

Genesis 21: 19-22 "Then God opened her [Hagar's] eyes and she saw a well of water. So she went and filled the skin with water and gave the boy a drink. God was with the boy as he grew up. He lived in the desert and became an archer. While he was living in the Desert of Paran, his mother got a wife for him from Egypt."

Desert of Paran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Read your own link you ignorant IMBECILE with massive reading comprehension problems, the BIBLICAL PARAN is in the Sinai Peninsula, where the Jews were supposed to have roamed for 40 years before entering Israel. And last I checked! the Jews DID NOT roam for 40 years in Saudi Arabia before entering Israel. (Although that would be Avery good joke). And neither did King David go there either. The shit that Muslims make up...astounding.

The Desert of Paran or Wilderness of Paran (also sometimes spelled Pharan or Faran; Hebrew מדבר פארן Midbar Pa'ran), is a location mentioned in the Hebrew Bible. It is one of the places where the Israelites spent part of their 40 years of wandering after the Exodus, and was also a home to Ishmael, and a place of refuge for David.

King David spent some time in the wilderness of Paran after Samuel died (I Samuel 25:1).
1 Kings 11:17-18 states that when Hadad the Edomite fled from Edom to Egypt, he passed through Midian and Paran on the way to Egypt. This has led some commentators to suggest the possibility that Paran was a place on the way to Egypt from Edom and Midian.

It is often associated with Mount Sinai in Egypt, and there is some evidence that it may originally have referred to the southern portion of the Sinai Peninsula.[1]
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