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IAF Strikes Syrian Military Bases

According to the Christian Zionist Jeremiah, a Christian is not supposed to quote and believe the words written in John 3:16, words of Jesus.

Post 25:"Christians are not supposed to behave like that." (her response to me reciting John 3:16)

Well, I believe in the words of Jesus that set a man free in John 3:16 and this is what Jesus said and I proclaim to believe with all of my mind and my heart and my soul and my strength.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

Jesus died for the world, not just Jews, not just Zionists.

Salvation comes through belief in Jesus.

If a Christian does not accept these truths, from John 3:16, they are rejecting the words of Jesus.

That is not true, Sherri. I have preached to the Jew first and then to the Gentile just as Paul instructed in Romans but I am led by the Spirit of God whereas your flesh is led by Satan. I am not denying John 3: 16 as the way to eternal life for all men, Sherri. Jesus died for the world - yes - so why do you refuse to love what he came and died for? Do you not see a conflict in your claim to love Christ while denying him in word and deed? Iron sharpens Iron. Receive these words in the Spirit of Truth to which they are given you because truly I feel no hatred or spite in my heart towards you at all. I only know that you will have no peace until you reconcile yourself to Christ through repentance.

It is written:

There is no peace, saith the LORD, unto the wicked. - Isaiah 48: 22

I believe complety in John 3:16 and the teachings of Jesus.

Criticism of bad acts of nations is not hate of people, you seem to be unable to separate the two.

We see Prophets and Jesus Himself critical of bad acts of people.

As Jesus confronted Injustices with Truth, so followers of Christ are called to do the same.

No need to repent for speaking Truth. That is what I am called to do.

Yep. Satan called. You answered.
I understand Israel's security concerns, but the Syrian conflict and the region as a whole is very fragile right now, and I don't think unilateral airstrikes on Syria's facilities is a good idea. Though, they've been doing such things for decades, so I don't see it stopping any time soon.
Sherri, you need to stop telling lies about others. I've never professed myself to be a prophet on this board - I chose the s/n Jeremiah and he was a Hebrew Prophet - I believe you are confused. On the matter of why any Christian should be grateful to the Jews?

"The Jews are the whole world's benefactors. Through Jewish hands and eyes God has sent his lively oracles of truth to us. They penned, and they preserved the Bible

- Missionary John Braidwood (1800's)

Your anti semitism is in conflict with the claim you have made of being a christian. It is not possible that both Satan & Jesus can dwell under the same roof. - Jeri

Like I said. Claims to love but drips with hatred. And thinks she's fooling people.
Matthew 23*(New International Version)

37*“Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you,*how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings,*and you were not willing.*38*Look, your house is left to you desolate.*39*For I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’[c]”

Matthew 23 NIV - A Warning Against Hypocrisy - Then - Bible Gateway

You preach from a place of wrath and hatred, Sherri. You should not preach to the Jews at all until you have repented of anti semitism and you love them from the very core of your being and then only as the Spirit of God leads you. You are in the flesh and I am going now. I won't listen to someone using the scriptures as a hammer to try and destroy others with. Very bad what you are doing. VERY. You should stop immediately. - Jeri
Sherri, you need to stop telling lies about others. I've never professed myself to be a prophet on this board - I chose the s/n Jeremiah and he was a Hebrew Prophet - I believe you are confused. On the matter of why any Christian should be grateful to the Jews?

"The Jews are the whole world's benefactors. Through Jewish hands and eyes God has sent his lively oracles of truth to us. They penned, and they preserved the Bible

- Missionary John Braidwood (1800's)

Your anti semitism is in conflict with the claim you have made of being a christian. It is not possible that both Satan & Jesus can dwell under the same roof. - Jeri

You just got through telling us the Scriptures were written about America, in Jeremiah and Revelation, in another thread, and speaking of events to befall America. Is that not Prophecy?

Criticising bad acts of a nation is not anti semitism or a sin against God, Jesus and the Prophets did it.

I CHOOSE to believe in and follow Jesus commands.

The word Jew did not even exist when any of the Scriptures were written. Not until the 1800s did the word Jew appear in modern versions of The Bible.
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I understand Israel's security concerns, but the Syrian conflict and the region as a whole is very fragile right now, and I don't think unilateral airstrikes on Syria's facilities is a good idea. Though, they've been doing such things for decades, so I don't see it stopping any time soon.
What do you think the outcome would be if the missles in question were to be shipped to Lebanon? Would Hezbollah decorate them like Christmas trees and sing Christmas carols?
Yes, Bloodrock, Jesus did say that but how could a Believer think of the Jews as their enemy? It is impossible that one could love Christ and not desire the very best for His brethren, the Jewish people. It is impossible to say, I love Jesus Christ but I hate His family. It is impossible to say I love God whom I cannot see but despise the man who is standing right in front of me.

It is written:

Whoever hateth his brother is a murderer and you know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.
- 1 John 3: 15

It is written:

If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar, for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?
- 1 John 4:20

JOHN was a jew-----his use of language was CLASSIC------like Jeremiah....and amos----
and all those other aggravating people ------prophets and preachers in classical
jewish style are always NUDNIKS what is there about this cultural thing that
sherri cannot GRASP??? somehow it all seems so natural to me------my own
grandmother could reprimand with such vigor------that she sometimes had to throw
a (((godforbid))) into the mix---------

as in "may he drop dead ((godforbid))" some of the old people threw in
the negative in yiddish------right after the harsh curse-----to
cancel it out. All very THEATRICAL ----and a bit artistic''

the practice add TAMM to the debate/discussion

"tamm" is hebrew for FLAVOR
Peter-----I wish to thank you from the bottom of my heart------I did not grow up
in the town in which I now live. In my past I did LOTS OF HOUSEPLANTS ---
and they flourished----merely on window sills. But now----my thumb has turned
for the record------I try-----I even boil the water to remove chlorine---I TRY!!!!!!!!!

PS---have some compassion on sherri-----she is mourning the loss of long range
missile launchers ------- remember how proudly nus-kharah-allah praised

I have lots of compassion for Sherri - hence my thoughtful and kindly advice to her.

(Between you and me I expect she is probably also useless at plant care but I think it will be good for her to be diverted into a topic where she would not be continually subject to ridicule).

PS My neighbours trust me to water their plants - Swedes have lots of them - when they are away. And I havn't killed any yet! says he boastfully. Their water (and mine ) is softened with salt tablets. Do you think that might help?
Matthew 23*(New International Version)

37*“Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you,*how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings,*and you were not willing.*38*Look, your house is left to you desolate.*39*For I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’[c]”

Matthew 23 NIV - A Warning Against Hypocrisy - Then - Bible Gateway

You preach from a place of wrath and hatred, Sherri. You should not preach to the Jews at all until you have repented of anti semitism and you love them from the very core of your being and then only as the Spirit of God leads you. You are in the flesh and I am going now. I won't listen to someone using the scriptures as a hammer to try and destroy others with. Very bad what you are doing. VERY. You should stop immediately. - Jeri

I am not preaching, I am simply reciting words of Jesus, where He speaks words of Truth to all who have an ear to hear His words.

I hope you will be able to hear and/or understand more clearly the words He speaks in Matthew 23 one day.
Matthew 23*(New International Version)

37*“Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you,*how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings,*and you were not willing.*38*Look, your house is left to you desolate.*39*For I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’[c]”

Matthew 23 NIV - A Warning Against Hypocrisy - Then - Bible Gateway

You preach from a place of wrath and hatred, Sherri. You should not preach to the Jews at all until you have repented of anti semitism and you love them from the very core of your being and then only as the Spirit of God leads you. You are in the flesh and I am going now. I won't listen to someone using the scriptures as a hammer to try and destroy others with. Very bad what you are doing. VERY. You should stop immediately. - Jeri

I am not preaching, I am simply reciting words of Jesus, where He speaks words of Truth to all who have an ear to hear His words.

I hope you will be able to hear and/or understand more clearly the words He speaks in Matthew 23 one day.

You are bearing false witness against a whole country and the people who populate it. I know, Jesus forgives, but normal folks see through the bullcrap. You can't constantly commit a sin as defined in your own religion and by the mention of Jesus or quating some passage from the bible get some kind of automatic pass.
FUCK yourself better ! Leave it to a FUCKING Pro Palestinian to initiate the four letter words :eusa_boohoo:
You don't think nothing of Israel actively trying to start WWIII, which would possibly lead to the extinction of all life on planet earth, but the moment someone uses profanity, you get all hot and bothered.

Bombing the shit out of innocent women and children are okay in your book, but four letter words make you go off!

That's some value system you got there!

She is a Zionist, that tells us all we need to know about her.

Its Jewish Supremacism, the lives of no others matter to her.

Thanks, l'il sherriKKKins - you've just demonstrated how bigoted you are, not to mention what a liar you are.
You preach from a place of wrath and hatred, Sherri. You should not preach to the Jews at all until you have repented of anti semitism and you love them from the very core of your being and then only as the Spirit of God leads you. You are in the flesh and I am going now. I won't listen to someone using the scriptures as a hammer to try and destroy others with. Very bad what you are doing. VERY. You should stop immediately. - Jeri

I am not preaching, I am simply reciting words of Jesus, where He speaks words of Truth to all who have an ear to hear His words.

I hope you will be able to hear and/or understand more clearly the words He speaks in Matthew 23 one day.

You are bearing false witness against a whole country and the people who populate it. I know, Jesus forgives, but normal folks see through the bullcrap. You can't constantly commit a sin as defined in your own religion and by the mention of Jesus or quating some passage from the bible get some kind of automatic pass.

sherri is doing her job------she represents the --relatively new movement -----
THE ISA/ALLAH movement------it began about 30 years ago when
meccaists decided that the best deal they could get would be the TWO CALIPHATE
The "ISA CALIPHATE" is a kind of MAGNET group for confused christians.
who are taught to believe that the real "JESUS" was the arabic
speaking muslim ISA who hated jews and longed for the END OF ZION '

The ISA CALIPHATE ISLAMIC CALIPHATE solution-----ends Hinduism, Judaism,
Zoroastrianism, Atheism ----and a whole bunch of other isms.-----leaving only
THE TWO CALIPHATE world------rome falls apart too
FUCK yourself better ! Leave it to a FUCKING Pro Palestinian to initiate the four letter words :eusa_boohoo:
You don't think nothing of Israel actively trying to start WWIII, which would possibly lead to the extinction of all life on planet earth, but the moment someone uses profanity, you get all hot and bothered.

Bombing the shit out of innocent women and children are okay in your book, but four letter words make you go off!

That's some value system you got there!

She is a Zionist, that tells us all we need to know about her.

Its Jewish Supremacism, the lives of no others matter to her.

I note the questions Hollie asked are being ignored, and instead a disgusting personal attack is being substituted. No factual content in the sherrithing's "reply". Nothing germane to the topic.
Thus demonstrating yet again the hypocrisy of the lying sherriKKKins' sig line.......LOL!
Peter-----I wish to thank you from the bottom of my heart------I did not grow up
in the town in which I now live. In my past I did LOTS OF HOUSEPLANTS ---
and they flourished----merely on window sills. But now----my thumb has turned
for the record------I try-----I even boil the water to remove chlorine---I TRY!!!!!!!!!

PS---have some compassion on sherri-----she is mourning the loss of long range
missile launchers ------- remember how proudly nus-kharah-allah praised

I have lots of compassion for Sherri - hence my thoughtful and kindly advice to her.

(Between you and me I expect she is probably also useless at plant care but I think it will be good for her to be diverted into a topic where she would not be continually subject to ridicule).

PS My neighbours trust me to water their plants - Swedes have lots of them - when they are away. And I havn't killed any yet! says he boastfully. Their water (and mine ) is softened with salt tablets. Do you think that might help?

you mean you use ION EXCHANGE method for removing some stuff from your water?
I see no reason why it would help------but I have to admit------of the science classes
I did as an undergraduate------botany was my only B -------uhm-----I have read
that removing the CHLORINE is a good idea------which is probably something that
does happen in ion exchange systems--------do you have a bit WATER SOFTENER
TANK----or just one of them pitchers with a filter?
Peter-----I wish to thank you from the bottom of my heart------I did not grow up
in the town in which I now live. In my past I did LOTS OF HOUSEPLANTS ---
and they flourished----merely on window sills. But now----my thumb has turned
for the record------I try-----I even boil the water to remove chlorine---I TRY!!!!!!!!!

PS---have some compassion on sherri-----she is mourning the loss of long range
missile launchers ------- remember how proudly nus-kharah-allah praised

I have lots of compassion for Sherri - hence my thoughtful and kindly advice to her.

(Between you and me I expect she is probably also useless at plant care but I think it will be good for her to be diverted into a topic where she would not be continually subject to ridicule).

PS My neighbours trust me to water their plants - Swedes have lots of them - when they are away. And I havn't killed any yet! says he boastfully. Their water (and mine ) is softened with salt tablets. Do you think that might help?

you mean you use ION EXCHANGE method for removing some stuff from your water?
I see no reason why it would help------but I have to admit------of the science classes
I did as an undergraduate------botany was my only B -------uhm-----I have read
that removing the CHLORINE is a good idea------which is probably something that
does happen in ion exchange systems--------do you have a bit WATER SOFTENER
TANK----or just one of them pitchers with a filter?

If you use those plastic plants you don't need water.
*how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings"

Sherri just put her foot in her mouth with that one. Ha ha.
Israel has an overwhelming need to attack one of it's neighboring countries approximately every 6 months.

It's what fascist nations do best....... :cool:
Yeah, especially if their neighbors are genocidal Muslim maniacs that have slaughtered over a 100,000 of their own people, used chemical weapons on little kids, and are busy supplying and financing other terrorist groups like Hezbollah.

Now repeat after me: God....Bless....Israel.


God Bless Israel! :eusa_angel:

Beautiful Flag with the Blue Sky! What a sight!
The world has to realize that Netanyahu is deadly serious when it comes to protect Israel!
He previously pleaded with Putin not to supply these missiles to Syria and always drew the red line regarding the potential of these missiles falling into the hands of Hezbollah.
Unlike that pathetic, clueless and naive clown named Obama ... Netanyahu means what he say and his enemies should take him seriously.

Congratulations Israel, an efficient, surgical strike as always!:thup:

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