IC Whistleblower report concerns Trump and a foreign leader

Must be that the whistleblower complaint isn't credible.
Strange, the IC IG -- nominated by Trump and confirmed by a republican senate -- deemed it both credible and urgent.

But hey, what would a guy who has seen it know that a trump supporter who hasn't seen it doesn't? Oh wait, I just answered my own question.

IG's can screw up.
Way, way less tho' than you do.
So, there is something to leak? A rare letting down of the guard from a trump supporter....

False accusations, as usual.
The Democrat Resistance playbook is very predictable.

The IG that saw the report and investigated before passing it on to the DNI is a Trump appointee. Care to try again?

And the DNI has a longstanding reputation in D.C. as being non-political.
Bet you don't even know who the DNI is.

Yes, and he said that he was told by the DoJ he wasn't allowed to release it or he would. You need to get your facts straight. He isn't the one holding things up.

Must be that the whistleblower complaint isn't credible. Most are not!

Wrong. Are you trolling or not paying attention? The IG not only read the report, but also investigated it and deemed it reached a level of "urgent concern." It doesn't surprise me you don't know or understand these things... you think Trump is protected from this whistleblower by the separation of powers, when it is actually the separation of powers that gives Congress the oversight to investigate, especially if it involves the President.
False accusations, as usual.
The Democrat Resistance playbook is very predictable.

The IG that saw the report and investigated before passing it on to the DNI is a Trump appointee. Care to try again?

And the DNI has a longstanding reputation in D.C. as being non-political.
Bet you don't even know who the DNI is.

Yes, and he said that he was told by the DoJ he wasn't allowed to release it or he would. You need to get your facts straight. He isn't the one holding things up.

Must be that the whistleblower complaint isn't credible. Most are not!

Wrong. Are you trolling or not paying attention? The IG not only read the report, but also investigated it and deemed it reached a level of "urgent concern." It doesn't surprise me you don't know or understand these things... you think Trump is protected from this whistleblower by the separation of powers, when it is actually the separation of powers that gives Congress the oversight to investigate, especially if it involves the President.

Horse Apples!
Let’s speculate: what information do you think the whistleblower has that threatens Trump?


The complaint was filed on August 12, and White House records show Trump had spoken to or interacted with five foreign leaders in the previous five weeks, according to the The Washington Post, which first reported the complaint. They are...
  • Russian President Vladimir Putin
  • North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un
  • The Prime Minister of Pakistan
  • The Prime Minister of the Netherlands
  • The Emir of Qatar.
Remember: It's not clear that the communication that inspired the complaint was with any of those leaders.


Since he’s already turned over secret top secret material to Vladimir Putin, my bet is that he promised Putin something that freaked out a member of the intelligence community. Remember the calls are transcribed.
There are scads of speculations out there and from what I heard, the most popular idea is Ukraine. Trump has asked Ukraine to find dirt on Biden's kid, oppo in case Biden wins the nomination although I fail to see how that involves Biden. Anyway, asking foreign help in an election bid, and now he is withholding Ukraine funding approved by Congress to fight Russian aggression in an effort to secure Ukraine's "cooperation" is an idea that has legs among many here it is said. Possibly Trump and Vlad worked out a deal beneficial to both. Maybe they'll put "TRUMP" in cyrillic all over the Kremlin.

But nobody really knows..and as much of an issue as the possibility of an illegal promise is yet another stonewalling among how many others. Another attempt to hide an action by our sterling Praetorian Guard DOJ. WHY all the hiding? And I was shocked today to hear that even Grover Norquist ,of all people, trashed Trump.
A leak will be coming.
That's the way seditionist Dems usually play their hand when attempting to set up Trump.
I guarantee it!
So, there is something to leak? A rare letting down of the guard from a trump supporter....

False accusations, as usual.
The Democrat Resistance playbook is very predictable.

The IG that saw the report and investigated before passing it on to the DNI is a Trump appointee. Care to try again?

And the DNI has a longstanding reputation in D.C. as being non-political.
Bet you don't even know who the DNI is.
A number of positions used to be non political. Until Trump politicized them.
Any President is entitled to make any promise to any leader as long as it is legal.
And it is none of Schiffs and Congress's business.
Actually whistleblower complaints going through established processes are Congress's business. It is amlaw. Remember laws?

Separation of Power is a bitch, eh?
When it's usurped by the party covering up misdeeds? A 'bitch' is yet another constitutional crisis and another page in The Big Book of Trump Scandals.

Let's get to the bottom of this. And adhere to the letter and spirit of the law. You have no problem adhering to the law, right?
A leak will be coming.
That's the way seditionist Dems usually play their hand when attempting to set up Trump.
I guarantee it!

Semi-leak has occurred.
Involves Ukraine.
Involves Biden's son.
The substance still yet to be leaked.

Prophetic, ain't I? :abgg2q.jpg:
Last edited:
sounds yet again like another cover-up by the TrumPutin White House.

did Trump offer Putin the nuclear codes for some hookers & blow?
Let’s speculate: what information do you think the whistleblower has that threatens Trump?


The complaint was filed on August 12, and White House records show Trump had spoken to or interacted with five foreign leaders in the previous five weeks, according to the The Washington Post, which first reported the complaint. They are...
  • Russian President Vladimir Putin
  • North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un
  • The Prime Minister of Pakistan
  • The Prime Minister of the Netherlands
  • The Emir of Qatar.
Remember: It's not clear that the communication that inspired the complaint was with any of those leaders.


Since he’s already turned over secret top secret material to Vladimir Putin, my bet is that he promised Putin something that freaked out a member of the intelligence community. Remember the calls are transcribed.
There are scads of speculations out there and from what I heard, the most popular idea is Ukraine. Trump has asked Ukraine to find dirt on Biden's kid, oppo in case Biden wins the nomination although I fail to see how that involves Biden. Anyway, asking foreign help in an election bid, and now he is withholding Ukraine funding approved by Congress to fight Russian aggression in an effort to secure Ukraine's "cooperation" is an idea that has legs among many here it is said. Possibly Trump and Vlad worked out a deal beneficial to both. Maybe they'll put "TRUMP" in cyrillic all over the Kremlin.

But nobody really knows..and as much of an issue as the possibility of an illegal promise is yet another stonewalling among how many others. Another attempt to hide an action by our sterling Praetorian Guard DOJ. WHY all the hiding? And I was shocked today to hear that even Grover Norquist ,of all people, trashed Trump.

Anyway, asking foreign help in an election bid, and now he is withholding Ukraine funding approved by Congress to fight Russian aggression in an effort to secure Ukraine's "cooperation" is an idea that has legs among many here it is said. Possibly Trump and Vlad worked out a deal beneficial to both.

That would be EXTORTION using public funds. The epitome of corruption
well, there was this:

Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador
By Greg Miller and Greg Jaffe
May 15, 2017

Exclusive: US extracted top spy from inside Russia in 2017
By Jim Sciutto, Chief National Security Correspondent
Updated 10:01 PM ET, Mon September 9, 2019
Exclusive: US extracted top spy from inside Russia in 2017 - CNNPolitics

so i'd say he is that traitorous.
Of course YOU would because you are a Trump-hating snowflake.

Indictments ...or recommendation for indictments ...against the President?

Indictments ...or recommendation for indictments ...against Anti-Trump Co-Conspirators?
2 - Strzok & McCabe, & more expected / predicted.

no indictments - cause donny is still in office. why didn't the tribblehead want or allow the american press or an american photographer in that there oval office, when he met with roooosky spies?

no indictments - cause donny is still in office.

No indictments - of anyone associated with Trump for 'Collusion Delusion' or 'Obstruction' because it was NOT there - no evidence. None. Zero. Zilch.

The evidence DOES show, however, that Barry and his criminal henchmen protected Hillary from prison and began a counter-intelligence operation / failed coup attempt against the President.
- Clapper was caught committing Perjury Twice.

- Brennan was caught committing Perjury.

- Comey admitted leaking classified information and committed Perjury, not to mention he is expected to be burned in the US IG's FISA Court Abuse report - and the US IG has recommended he be indicted. The US IG also announced the other day they will now officially investigate Comey for Perjury based on 'inconsistencies' in his testimony under oath.

- McCabe has been recommended for Indictment by the US IG for leaking classified and Perjury

- Strzok has been recommended for Indictment by the US IG

And, as mentioned, more co-conspirators are expected to be recommended for Indictment when the FISA Court Abuse report comes out.

Looking back:

James Clapper escaped prison for Perjury by being called by fellow Democrats to come before Congress quickly after lying under oath to 'clarify' his statements. Obama's DOJ ran out the clock on his 2nd Perjury.

Brennan was allowed to escape prison by a 'deal' being cut between Democrats and Republicans that allowed Brennan to appear before Congress, admit he illegally spied on the Senate, admit he lied to Congress, and promise he would never do it again (snicker).

Holder was caught committing Perjury, was protected by Obama and his hand-picked DOJ, but Congress still Censured him for his crime, making Holder the 1st and Only U.S. Presidential Administration Cabinet Member / U.S. A.G. to EVER be Censured.

Hillary deleted thousands of subpoenaed, official government documents - no matter what anyone says, THAT is OBSTRUCTION - and she was protected by the Obama administration.

The level of HATE for President Trump with Democrats / snowflakes is so extremely high that they have and continue to incredulously refuse to acknowledge the undeniable crimes committed by Democrats, supported by overwhelming amounts of evidence that includes documents, testimony, and even admissions. It's like a sickness, a mental disease.
Turns out that trump appears to have used tax payer money....on multiple occasions....to extort and blackmail foreign entities to gain their help is exposing dirt on a political opponent.....

The man is below a piece of shit....He is somewhere between the scum on the bottom of my shoe and a used sheet of toilet paper from a victim of a bleeding rectum.
A deep stater spying on Trump AGAIN!

You traitors will never learn.

trump was caught red handed extorting a foreign entity using tax payer money to blackmail Ukraine....trump is a criminal....
Down at least 14 points to Biden in the latest polling....trump is desperate.

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