IC Whistleblower report concerns Trump and a foreign leader

trump was caught red handed extorting a foreign entity using tax payer money to blackmail Ukraine....trump is a criminal....
And of course you have the evidence...and a direct link to it...right, snowflake?!


I do believe blackmail occurred in the Ukraine...but everyone knows, and evidence proves, it was Joe Biden who flew into town and told the leader the Ukraine would be cut off from US dollars if the case against his scam artist / criminal son was not dropped...not tio mention how the Obama conspirators attempted t acquire help from bad actors in the Ukraine to affect their failed coup attempt.

Joe Biden's 2020 Ukrainian nightmare: A closed probe is revived

How the Obama White House engaged Ukraine to give Russia collusion narrative an early boost

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no indictments - cause donny is still in office.
If there's enough evidence for an indictment, then there's enough for impeachment and possible removal from office.

Face it, you moonbats don't have so much as a popcorn fart.
A deep stater spying on Trump AGAIN!

You traitors will never learn.

trump was caught red handed extorting a foreign entity using tax payer money to blackmail Ukraine....trump is a criminal....

Whistleblower DID NOT witness 1st hand whatever was supposedly said once upon a time.
That's the definition of hearsay.
I hear it told, by a reliable source close to the matter, that JimH52 sucks cocks in the men's room at the bus station.

A full investigation must be launched!
If this is true, we should be concerned.
Down at least 14 points to Biden in the latest polling....trump is desperate.

polls mean nothing; the 2016 POTUS election proved that.

having said that I have no doubt whatsoever that those that voted for their 'dear dictator' Trump in 2106 will do the same in 2020
Nobody voted for a DICTATOR ya demtard bubble head. They voted for a PRESIDENT, and we got a damn good one.
Down at least 14 points to Biden in the latest polling....trump is desperate.

polls mean nothing; the 2016 POTUS election proved that.

having said that I have no doubt whatsoever that those that voted for their 'dear dictator' Trump in 2106 will do the same in 2020
Nobody voted for a DICTATOR ya demtard bubble head. They voted for a PRESIDENT, and we got a damn good one.

The United States hangs in the balance by one document; The United States Constitution.

That one document means everything that this nation stands for & should stand for.

Trump has no issue shitting all over The Constitution so, enjoy your dictator.
Down at least 14 points to Biden in the latest polling....trump is desperate.

polls mean nothing; the 2016 POTUS election proved that.

having said that I have no doubt whatsoever that those that voted for their 'dear dictator' Trump in 2106 will do the same in 2020
Nobody voted for a DICTATOR ya demtard bubble head. They voted for a PRESIDENT, and we got a damn good one.

The United States hangs in the balance by one document; The United States Constitution.

That one document means everything that this nation stands for & should stand for.

Trump has no issue shitting all over The Constitution so, enjoy your dictator.

Two words grasshopper: Executive Privilege.
Down at least 14 points to Biden in the latest polling....trump is desperate.

polls mean nothing; the 2016 POTUS election proved that.

having said that I have no doubt whatsoever that those that voted for their 'dear dictator' Trump in 2106 will do the same in 2020
Nobody voted for a DICTATOR ya demtard bubble head. They voted for a PRESIDENT, and we got a damn good one.

The United States hangs in the balance by one document; The United States Constitution.

That one document means everything that this nation stands for & should stand for.

Trump has no issue shitting all over The Constitution so, enjoy your dictator.

Two words grasshopper: Executive Privilege.

Congress has Article 1 authority to act as a check on the executive when appropriate.

Trump has refused at every opportunity to cooperate with those Article 1 powers & requests.

Nixon was not even that brazen, and/or willing to subvert The Constitution's frame work.

None of that has a goddamn thing to do with Executive Privilege; idiot.
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polls mean nothing; the 2016 POTUS election proved that.

having said that I have no doubt whatsoever that those that voted for their 'dear dictator' Trump in 2106 will do the same in 2020
Nobody voted for a DICTATOR ya demtard bubble head. They voted for a PRESIDENT, and we got a damn good one.

The United States hangs in the balance by one document; The United States Constitution.

That one document means everything that this nation stands for & should stand for.

Trump has no issue shitting all over The Constitution so, enjoy your dictator.

Two words grasshopper: Executive Privilege.

Congress has Article 1 authority to act as a check on the executive when appropriate.

Trump has refused ate every opportunity to cooperate with those Article 1 powers & requests.

Nixon was not even that brazen, and/or willing to subvert The Constitution's frame work.

Congress can continue to knock themselves out conducting oversight.
The Constitution remains intact.

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