IC Whistleblower report concerns Trump and a foreign leader

Where does the Constitution authorize trump to engage a foreign country to go after a political foe of his for an upcoming election?
Democrats generally shit on the Constitution until they need to use it
for their own agenda.

So you cry, but then you also claim that building #7 fell at near free fall, so clearly, WTF do you know?

Meanwhile, just so ya know, I was being sarcastic when I ask where the Constitution authorizes a president to engage a foreign country to go after his/her political opposition. Clearly, it doesn't.

So you cry, but then you also claim that building #7 fell at near free fall, so clearly, WTF do you know?

Meanwhile, just so ya know, I was being sarcastic when I ask where the Constitution authorizes a president to engage a foreign country to go after his/her political opposition. Clearly, it doesn't.

Obama needs a good attorney then.

The whistleblower absolutely has to be a partisan hack. How do we know? Because no Republican would put the good of the country ahead of cult leader Donald Trump.
Lol Biden said fire the guy investigating my son, or you won’t secure the loan I leave in 6 hours. Lol
That’s why no one takes you democrats seriously and you can’t win elections
A deep stater spying on Trump AGAIN!

You traitors will never learn.

I had to bump my old post from 8 days ago.

Whistleblower IS a deep starter.

The unhinged lefties here need to pay more attention to your Uncle B. Kidd!

Last edited:
A deep stater spying on Trump AGAIN!

You traitors will never learn.

I had to bump my old post from 8 days ago.

Whistleblower IS a deep starter.

The unhinged lefties here need to pay more attention to your Uncle B. Kidd!

Hmm, no, you're delusional.

You scared, bro'?
That makes no sense. You are all over this thread embarrassing yourself for Dear Leader. If anyone is scared, it's you.
A deep stater spying on Trump AGAIN!

You traitors will never learn.

I had to bump my old post from 8 days ago.

Whistleblower IS a deep starter.

The unhinged lefties here need to pay more attention to your Uncle B. Kidd!

Hmm, no, you're delusional.

You scared, bro'?
That makes no sense. You are all over this thread embarrassing yourself for Dear Leader. If anyone is scared, it's you.[/QUOTE

A deep stater spying on Trump AGAIN!

You traitors will never learn.

I had to bump my old post from 8 days ago.

Whistleblower IS a deep starter.

The unhinged lefties here need to pay more attention to your Uncle B. Kidd!

Hmm, no, you're delusional.

You scared, bro'?
That makes no sense. You are all over this thread embarrassing yourself for Dear Leader. If anyone is scared, it's you.[/QUOTE

Soothe yourself all you like. The mentally ill old man is not worth doing this to yourself.
I had to bump my old post from 8 days ago.

Whistleblower IS a deep starter.

The unhinged lefties here need to pay more attention to your Uncle B. Kidd!

Hmm, no, you're delusional.

You scared, bro'?
That makes no sense. You are all over this thread embarrassing yourself for Dear Leader. If anyone is scared, it's you.[/QUOTE

Soothe yourself all you like. The mentally ill old man is not worth doing this to yourself.

You misunderstand.
I'm digging your hole.
I had to bump my old post from 8 days ago.

Whistleblower IS a deep starter.

The unhinged lefties here need to pay more attention to your Uncle B. Kidd!

Hmm, no, you're delusional.

You scared, bro'?
That makes no sense. You are all over this thread embarrassing yourself for Dear Leader. If anyone is scared, it's you.[/QUOTE

Soothe yourself all you like. The mentally ill old man is not worth doing this to yourself.
No one on the Constitutionally wise, such as Mr. Kidd is certainly not as you are describing him. Neither is President Trump anything except a highly accomplished President whose interest is the good of the American people, their ability to make a good wage, worthwhile investments in America, and he is cleaning thieving criminals out of the swamp first. And you cannot stop him, FFI. According to you anyone who says something good about this American President is delusional. Actually, that is due to your own severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, aka TDS. Please see someone professional, won't you, FFI? Because saying "Everyone is crazy except me and people who agree with me" is a symptom of paranoia. It's so needless.
Hmm, no, you're delusional.

You scared, bro'?
That makes no sense. You are all over this thread embarrassing yourself for Dear Leader. If anyone is scared, it's you.[/QUOTE

Soothe yourself all you like. The mentally ill old man is not worth doing this to yourself.

You misunderstand.
I'm digging your hole.
No, you're soothing yourself.
Whistleblower Complaint Alleges White House Effort to Conceal Details of Trump Call With Ukraine
Complaint alleges White House effort to ‘lock down’ call records and describes several officials as ‘deeply disturbed’ about president’s communications with Zelensky

Wall Street Journal - 9/26/19 2:55PM
Whistleblower Complaint Alleges White House Effort to Conceal Details of Trump Call With Ukraine

"...The whistleblower complaint alleges that there was an effort within the White House in the days following the July 25 call with Mr. Zelensky to “lock down” all records related to it, “especially the word-for-word transcript of the call that was produced” by the White House Situation Room. White House officials told the complainant they had been “directed” by White House lawyers to remove the electronic transcript from the computer system that stores those transcripts and allows for distribution to cabinet-level officials, the report said.

A call record released by the White House shows President Trump asked Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to "look into" former Vice President Joe Biden and his son. WSJ reads the key moments from the rough transcript of the call.

“This set of actions underscored to me that White House officials understood the gravity of what had transpired in the call,” the complaint said. The transcript was instead stored on a separate system that is otherwise used to store and handle classified information of an especially sensitive nature, the complaint said.
In an appendix to the complaint, the whistleblower wrote that White House officials said this was “not the first time” the Trump White House had put a presidential transcript “into this codeword-level system solely for the purpose of protecting politically sensitive—rather than national security sensitive—information.”

A former White House official familiar with National Security Council computer systems said it would be “highly unusual” for material regarding Mr. Trump’s call with the Ukrainian leader to be put on the tightly restricted computer system reserved for the most secret material, such as information about U.S. covert actions and counterintelligence issues.

“It is not the purpose for the additional security that system has,” the former official said. Material on the system is so sensitive, requiring code-word access and a “need to know,” that even the highest-ranking White House officials “don’t regularly interact with it,” he said.

The whistleblower’s complaint paints a picture of several White House officials wracked with concern about the president’s activities, describing them as “deeply disturbed” about the call."..."

Whistleblower Complaint Alleges White House Effort to Conceal Details of Trump Call With Ukraine


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