IC Whistleblower report concerns Trump and a foreign leader

Apparently, Trump, in a phone call, made a promise to a foreign leader that prompted an intelligence agency employee to file a formal complaint. The Intelligence Community Inspector General deemed the report "credible and urgent". Naturally, the Trump stooge "acting director" (Trump has him on a leash, of course) is refusing to comply with the law and provide the report to Congress. He says it isn't urgent. Unfortunately for him, the law says it's not his call.

Under threat of subpoena, he (Joseph Maguire) will testify next Thursday in an open session of Congress and also behind closed doors with the Intelligence Committee.

They will, of course, ask him if Trump or Barr are directing him to violate the law.


Trump's communications with a foreign leader has sparked a whistleblower complaint - CNNPolithtmla
Lemme see, if I got this right here: this just has to be simpler than "in an open session of Congress and also behind closed doors."

Is that leftist, lockstep Demmie Press-speak or what? :lmao:

And it also gives the Demmies a license to leak whatever they want to leak that makes the President look bad and themselves look like heroes, until all the sordid facts also leak out that shows they were unfair, of course. :rolleyes:
No idea what you are babbling about.
Fort Foolishness sez: "No idea what you are babbling about."
Well then, let's look at you, kid:

And while I'm on the subject, here's the current Democrat Party seeking safety, in a nutshell:

Apparently, Trump, in a phone call, made a promise to a foreign leader that prompted an intelligence agency employee to file a formal complaint. The Intelligence Community Inspector General deemed the report "credible and urgent". Naturally, the Trump stooge "acting director" (Trump has him on a leash, of course) is refusing to comply with the law and provide the report to Congress. He says it isn't urgent. Unfortunately for him, the law says it's not his call.

Under threat of subpoena, he (Joseph Maguire) will testify next Thursday in an open session of Congress and also behind closed doors with the Intelligence Committee.

They will, of course, ask him if Trump or Barr are directing him to violate the law.


Trump's communications with a foreign leader has sparked a whistleblower complaint - CNNPolithtmla
Lemme see, if I got this right here: this just has to be simpler than "in an open session of Congress and also behind closed doors."

Is that leftist, lockstep Demmie Press-speak or what? :lmao:

And it also gives the Demmies a license to leak whatever they want to leak that makes the President look bad and themselves look like heroes, until all the sordid facts also leak out that shows they were unfair, of course. :rolleyes:
No idea what you are babbling about.
Fort Foolishness sez: "No idea what you are babbling about."
Well then, let's look at you, kid:

And while I'm on the subject, here's the current Democrat Party seeking safety, in a nutshell:

Still nonidea what youbare babbling about. Translate your post back into Russian and check the white board in the troll farm to grade out your post.
The whistleblower absolutely has to be a partisan hack. How do we know? Because no Republican would put the good of the country ahead of cult leader Donald Trump.
The whistleblower absolutely has to be a partisan hack. How do we know? Because no Republican would put the good of the country ahead of cult leader Donald Trump.

Even trump knows that. Without even know who the whistle blower is, trump called them "partisan."
Hardly, O righteous judge. From Angelo's link to people like you who wouldn't dare to read or repeat it, it shows the truth of the matter, and I quote from the link:
“I said absolutely nothing wrong; it was perfect,” Trump said outside the White House before departing for Houston. “There was no quid pro quo, there was nothing,” he later added.

Trump did point fingers at Biden, however. The Democratic presidential hopeful’s son Hunter Biden had been investigated related to business interests. Biden has said in the past that the U.S. would withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees from Ukraine if the prosecutor was not fired, but it remains unclear if this was directly tied to Hunter Biden’s case, as other countries reportedly wanted the prosecutor out as well.

Trump accused Biden of being dishonest in claiming that he never spoke to his son about his business dealings with a Ukrainian energy company, despite Hunter Biden telling the New Yorker that they spoke “just once” about it.

“And now he made a lie when he said he never spoke to his son,” Trump said Sunday. “Of course you spoke to your son!”

When asked about why he delayed military aid to Ukraine, Trump said it had nothing to do with the Biden family.

"Because I want Germany, and I want France, and I want the European Union to put up money," Trump said. "And I didn't delay anything. We paid the military aid to the best of my knowledge."
It also shows that the shiftless, Corrupt lying shill named Adam Schiff, threw out his latest lie that Trump was probably not innocent of "something" in his speech with Zelensky.

Schiff did not "learn" anything from two long years of Corrupt Democrat Lawyers, Corrupt Democrat FBI Agents and Corrupt leaders in the Democrat Congress failing to disclose the truth that President Trump was telling the truth in fact, about the Salacious Dossier being a 100% fabrication (aka false narrative) by Democrat sympathizers who used it as their "Insurance Policy" to get Trump one way or another, and all his staff, family, friends, and appointees, too.
Didn't work, neener, neener, neener. :blowpop:Amd we're still cleaning up the floor with the liars now.

But here you are pretending that all the hubris thrown out by desperate Democrats who want to destroy the Constitution, starting with the First and Second Amendments, "didn't know nothin'" about Hillary's role in having the 'Steele' Dossier published and bleach bitting her Emails from ever being seen by the Trump team, who also knew the entire 2 years of 6 different investigations resulted in Democrats throwing around pure dee genuine hubris for two years to gain a stranglehold in Congress, which happened due to all the lying and convincing the American people with the aid of the lying-themselves-into-damnation leftist lockstep press who took every last cue from the Democrat play ball talking points, which is why the same phrases kept getting heard over and over by the leftist mouthpieces mouthpissing tonnage of bull over and over on a daily basis for 2 years.

Pity the Hillary emails were available in 3 different places, and are being used by AG William Barr for insight into the depth of Democrat mischief and United States Constitution-trampling by Democrat operatives.
Hardly, O righteous judge. From Angelo's link to people like you who wouldn't dare to read or repeat it, it shows the truth of the matter, and I quote from the link:
“I said absolutely nothing wrong; it was perfect,” Trump said outside the White House before departing for Houston. “There was no quid pro quo, there was nothing,” he later added.

Trump did point fingers at Biden, however. The Democratic presidential hopeful’s son Hunter Biden had been investigated related to business interests. Biden has said in the past that the U.S. would withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees from Ukraine if the prosecutor was not fired, but it remains unclear if this was directly tied to Hunter Biden’s case, as other countries reportedly wanted the prosecutor out as well.

Trump accused Biden of being dishonest in claiming that he never spoke to his son about his business dealings with a Ukrainian energy company, despite Hunter Biden telling the New Yorker that they spoke “just once” about it.

“And now he made a lie when he said he never spoke to his son,” Trump said Sunday. “Of course you spoke to your son!”

When asked about why he delayed military aid to Ukraine, Trump said it had nothing to do with the Biden family.

"Because I want Germany, and I want France, and I want the European Union to put up money," Trump said. "And I didn't delay anything. We paid the military aid to the best of my knowledge."
It also shows that the shiftless, Corrupt lying shill named Adam Schiff, threw out his latest lie that Trump was probably not innocent of "something" in his speech with Zelensky.

Schiff did not "learn" anything from two long years of Corrupt Democrat Lawyers, Corrupt Democrat FBI Agents and Corrupt leaders in the Democrat Congress failing to disclose the truth that President Trump was telling the truth in fact, about the Salacious Dossier being a 100% fabrication (aka false narrative) by Democrat sympathizers who used it as their "Insurance Policy" to get Trump one way or another, and all his staff, family, friends, and appointees, too.
Didn't work, neener, neener, neener. :blowpop:Amd we're still cleaning up the floor with the liars now.

But here you are pretending that all the hubris thrown out by desperate Democrats who want to destroy the Constitution, starting with the First and Second Amendments, "didn't know nothin'" about Hillary's role in having the 'Steele' Dossier published and bleach bitting her Emails from ever being seen by the Trump team, who also knew the entire 2 years of 6 different investigations resulted in Democrats throwing around pure dee genuine hubris for two years to gain a stranglehold in Congress, which happened due to all the lying and convincing the American people with the aid of the lying-themselves-into-damnation leftist lockstep press who took every last cue from the Democrat play ball talking points, which is why the same phrases kept getting heard over and over by the leftist mouthpieces mouthpissing tonnage of bull over and over on a daily basis for 2 years.

Pity the Hillary emails were available in 3 different places, and are being used by AG William Barr for insight into the depth of Democrat mischief and United States Constitution-trampling by Democrat operatives.

I didn't read his link cause he had no comment. And I only read the first two sentences of your post before I realized that you are a buttinski who doesn't know me.
Oh well....
Hardly, O righteous judge. From Angelo's link to people like you who wouldn't dare to read or repeat it, it shows the truth of the matter, and I quote from the link:
“I said absolutely nothing wrong; it was perfect,” Trump said outside the White House before departing for Houston. “There was no quid pro quo, there was nothing,” he later added.

Trump did point fingers at Biden, however. The Democratic presidential hopeful’s son Hunter Biden had been investigated related to business interests. Biden has said in the past that the U.S. would withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees from Ukraine if the prosecutor was not fired, but it remains unclear if this was directly tied to Hunter Biden’s case, as other countries reportedly wanted the prosecutor out as well.

Trump accused Biden of being dishonest in claiming that he never spoke to his son about his business dealings with a Ukrainian energy company, despite Hunter Biden telling the New Yorker that they spoke “just once” about it.

“And now he made a lie when he said he never spoke to his son,” Trump said Sunday. “Of course you spoke to your son!”

When asked about why he delayed military aid to Ukraine, Trump said it had nothing to do with the Biden family.

"Because I want Germany, and I want France, and I want the European Union to put up money," Trump said. "And I didn't delay anything. We paid the military aid to the best of my knowledge."
It also shows that the shiftless, Corrupt lying shill named Adam Schiff, threw out his latest lie that Trump was probably not innocent of "something" in his speech with Zelensky.

Schiff did not "learn" anything from two long years of Corrupt Democrat Lawyers, Corrupt Democrat FBI Agents and Corrupt leaders in the Democrat Congress failing to disclose the truth that President Trump was telling the truth in fact, about the Salacious Dossier being a 100% fabrication (aka false narrative) by Democrat sympathizers who used it as their "Insurance Policy" to get Trump one way or another, and all his staff, family, friends, and appointees, too.
Didn't work, neener, neener, neener. :blowpop:Amd we're still cleaning up the floor with the liars now.

But here you are pretending that all the hubris thrown out by desperate Democrats who want to destroy the Constitution, starting with the First and Second Amendments, "didn't know nothin'" about Hillary's role in having the 'Steele' Dossier published and bleach bitting her Emails from ever being seen by the Trump team, who also knew the entire 2 years of 6 different investigations resulted in Democrats throwing around pure dee genuine hubris for two years to gain a stranglehold in Congress, which happened due to all the lying and convincing the American people with the aid of the lying-themselves-into-damnation leftist lockstep press who took every last cue from the Democrat play ball talking points, which is why the same phrases kept getting heard over and over by the leftist mouthpieces mouthpissing tonnage of bull over and over on a daily basis for 2 years.

Pity the Hillary emails were available in 3 different places, and are being used by AG William Barr for insight into the depth of Democrat mischief and United States Constitution-trampling by Democrat operatives.

I didn't read his link cause he had no comment. And I only read the first two sentences of your post before I realized that you are a buttinski who doesn't know me.
Oh well....
This has nothing to do with you. I defend the Constitution and those who batter away at the one person who can save the Constitution from the Democrat Party, who would be President Donald John Trump, thankyouverymuch. That seems to pain your heiny from who YOU defend. Pres. Trump consistently speaks the truth and is careful what he says. The DNC side has slandered him straight down the line, and to President Trump's credit, he has denied their each and every calumny they have laid down, with idiots agreeing wherever they were brainwashed by some DNC jock with a pretty face and a black heart against American values.
Hardly, O righteous judge. From Angelo's link to people like you who wouldn't dare to read or repeat it, it shows the truth of the matter, and I quote from the link:
“I said absolutely nothing wrong; it was perfect,” Trump said outside the White House before departing for Houston. “There was no quid pro quo, there was nothing,” he later added.

Trump did point fingers at Biden, however. The Democratic presidential hopeful’s son Hunter Biden had been investigated related to business interests. Biden has said in the past that the U.S. would withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees from Ukraine if the prosecutor was not fired, but it remains unclear if this was directly tied to Hunter Biden’s case, as other countries reportedly wanted the prosecutor out as well.

Trump accused Biden of being dishonest in claiming that he never spoke to his son about his business dealings with a Ukrainian energy company, despite Hunter Biden telling the New Yorker that they spoke “just once” about it.

“And now he made a lie when he said he never spoke to his son,” Trump said Sunday. “Of course you spoke to your son!”

When asked about why he delayed military aid to Ukraine, Trump said it had nothing to do with the Biden family.

"Because I want Germany, and I want France, and I want the European Union to put up money," Trump said. "And I didn't delay anything. We paid the military aid to the best of my knowledge."
It also shows that the shiftless, Corrupt lying shill named Adam Schiff, threw out his latest lie that Trump was probably not innocent of "something" in his speech with Zelensky.

Schiff did not "learn" anything from two long years of Corrupt Democrat Lawyers, Corrupt Democrat FBI Agents and Corrupt leaders in the Democrat Congress failing to disclose the truth that President Trump was telling the truth in fact, about the Salacious Dossier being a 100% fabrication (aka false narrative) by Democrat sympathizers who used it as their "Insurance Policy" to get Trump one way or another, and all his staff, family, friends, and appointees, too.
Didn't work, neener, neener, neener. :blowpop:Amd we're still cleaning up the floor with the liars now.

But here you are pretending that all the hubris thrown out by desperate Democrats who want to destroy the Constitution, starting with the First and Second Amendments, "didn't know nothin'" about Hillary's role in having the 'Steele' Dossier published and bleach bitting her Emails from ever being seen by the Trump team, who also knew the entire 2 years of 6 different investigations resulted in Democrats throwing around pure dee genuine hubris for two years to gain a stranglehold in Congress, which happened due to all the lying and convincing the American people with the aid of the lying-themselves-into-damnation leftist lockstep press who took every last cue from the Democrat play ball talking points, which is why the same phrases kept getting heard over and over by the leftist mouthpieces mouthpissing tonnage of bull over and over on a daily basis for 2 years.

Pity the Hillary emails were available in 3 different places, and are being used by AG William Barr for insight into the depth of Democrat mischief and United States Constitution-trampling by Democrat operatives.

I didn't read his link cause he had no comment. And I only read the first two sentences of your post before I realized that you are a buttinski who doesn't know me.
Oh well....
This has nothing to do with you. I defend the Constitution and those who batter away at the one person who can save the Constitution from the Democrat Party, who would be President Donald John Trump, thankyouverymuch. That seems to pain your heiny from who YOU defend. Pres. Trump consistently speaks the truth and is careful what he says. The DNC side has slandered him straight down the line, and to President Trump's credit, he has denied their each and every calumny they have laid down, with idiots agreeing wherever they were brainwashed by some DNC jock with a pretty face and a black heart against American values.

Where does the Constitution authorize trump to engage a foreign country to go after a political foe of his for an upcoming election?
Where does the Constitution authorize trump to engage a foreign country to go after a political foe of his for an upcoming election?
Democrats generally shit on the Constitution until they need to use it
for their own agenda.

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