IC Whistleblower report concerns Trump and a foreign leader

A deep stater spying on Trump AGAIN!

You traitors will never learn.

trump was caught red handed extorting a foreign entity using tax payer money to blackmail Ukraine....trump is a criminal....

What was the plant doing listening in on a private presidential conversation?
How do you know he was? Maybe it was a conversation involving more than two. Others could have been present.
Apparently, Trump, in a phone call, made a promise to a foreign leader that prompted an intelligence agency employee to file a formal complaint. The Intelligence Community Inspector General deemed the report "credible and urgent". Naturally, the Trump stooge "acting director" (Trump has him on a leash, of course) is refusing to comply with the law and provide the report to Congress. He says it isn't urgent. Unfortunately for him, the law says it's not his call.

Under threat of subpoena, he (Joseph Maguire) will testify next Thursday in an open session of Congress and also behind closed doors with the Intelligence Committee.

They will, of course, ask him if Trump or Barr are directing him to violate the law.


Trump's communications with a foreign leader has sparked a whistleblower complaint - CNNPolithtmla

Fake news Trump story #963. :21:
Apparently, Trump, in a phone call, made a promise to a foreign leader that prompted an intelligence agency employee to file a formal complaint. The Intelligence Community Inspector General deemed the report "credible and urgent". Naturally, the Trump stooge "acting director" (Trump has him on a leash, of course) is refusing to comply with the law and provide the report to Congress. He says it isn't urgent. Unfortunately for him, the law says it's not his call.

Under threat of subpoena, he (Joseph Maguire) will testify next Thursday in an open session of Congress and also behind closed doors with the Intelligence Committee.

They will, of course, ask him if Trump or Barr are directing him to violate the law.


Trump's communications with a foreign leader has sparked a whistleblower complaint - CNNPolithtmla

Fake news Trump story #963. :21:
Hmm, no, all factual...
Biden threatened to withhold financing because Ukraine wouldn't fire a CORRUPT prosecutor (Shokin)

Western leaders and institutions were largely united in seeking Shokin’s removal, arguing that he was not pursuing corruption cases aggressively.

For instance, in early 2016, International Monetary Fund chief Christine Lagarde said that "it’s hard to see how the I.M.F.-supported program can continue" unless corruption prosecutions accelerate.

Steven Pifer is a career foreign service officer who was ambassador to Ukraine under President Bill Clinton and deputy assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian Affairs under President George W. Bush. Pifer told PolitiFact that "virtually everyone" he knew in the U.S. government and virtually all non-governmental experts on Ukraine "felt that Shokin was not doing his job and should be fired. As far as I can recall, they all concurred with the vice president telling Poroshenko that the U.S. government would not extend the $1 billion loan guarantee to Ukraine until Shokin was removed from office."

There's no "there" there other than the corruption and bribery TRUMP is engaging in
"Let's release the transcript". Sorry, Trump gets to decide that. So wish all you want, because unless he pulls an Obama and says something on an open mic, you don't get to hear the president's conversations with foreign leaders.

Trump has NO legal basis to have ANYTHING to do with a whistle blower complaint that is about HIM
Apparently, Trump, in a phone call, made a promise to a foreign leader that prompted an intelligence agency employee to file a formal complaint. The Intelligence Community Inspector General deemed the report "credible and urgent". Naturally, the Trump stooge "acting director" (Trump has him on a leash, of course) is refusing to comply with the law and provide the report to Congress. He says it isn't urgent. Unfortunately for him, the law says it's not his call.

Under threat of subpoena, he (Joseph Maguire) will testify next Thursday in an open session of Congress and also behind closed doors with the Intelligence Committee.

They will, of course, ask him if Trump or Barr are directing him to violate the law.


Trump's communications with a foreign leader has sparked a whistleblower complaint - CNNPolithtmla

So who wiretapped the President?
Apparently, Trump, in a phone call, made a promise to a foreign leader that prompted an intelligence agency employee to file a formal complaint. The Intelligence Community Inspector General deemed the report "credible and urgent". Naturally, the Trump stooge "acting director" (Trump has him on a leash, of course) is refusing to comply with the law and provide the report to Congress. He says it isn't urgent. Unfortunately for him, the law says it's not his call.

Under threat of subpoena, he (Joseph Maguire) will testify next Thursday in an open session of Congress and also behind closed doors with the Intelligence Committee.

They will, of course, ask him if Trump or Barr are directing him to violate the law.


Trump's communications with a foreign leader has sparked a whistleblower complaint - CNNPolithtmla

So who wiretapped the President?
No one
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Apparently, Trump, in a phone call, made a promise to a foreign leader that prompted an intelligence agency employee to file a formal complaint. The Intelligence Community Inspector General deemed the report "credible and urgent". Naturally, the Trump stooge "acting director" (Trump has him on a leash, of course) is refusing to comply with the law and provide the report to Congress. He says it isn't urgent. Unfortunately for him, the law says it's not his call.

Under threat of subpoena, he (Joseph Maguire) will testify next Thursday in an open session of Congress and also behind closed doors with the Intelligence Committee.

They will, of course, ask him if Trump or Barr are directing him to violate the law.


Trump's communications with a foreign leader has sparked a whistleblower complaint - CNNPolithtmla

So who wiretapped the President?
No one

Then how did they know what he talked about privately on the phone?
Apparently, Trump, in a phone call, made a promise to a foreign leader that prompted an intelligence agency employee to file a formal complaint. The Intelligence Community Inspector General deemed the report "credible and urgent". Naturally, the Trump stooge "acting director" (Trump has him on a leash, of course) is refusing to comply with the law and provide the report to Congress. He says it isn't urgent. Unfortunately for him, the law says it's not his call.

Under threat of subpoena, he (Joseph Maguire) will testify next Thursday in an open session of Congress and also behind closed doors with the Intelligence Committee.

They will, of course, ask him if Trump or Barr are directing him to violate the law.


Trump's communications with a foreign leader has sparked a whistleblower complaint - CNNPolithtmla

So who wiretapped the President?
No one

Then how did they know what he talked about privately on the phone?
How do you know it was private?

Exactly omg too funny! :laugh:

Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett said Friday in a Fox op-ed that the Deep State whistleblower who penned a complaint against Trump may not be a whistleblower at all — it appears he is an American spy in our Intel Agency spying on President Trump.

Gregg Jarrett: It Appears the 'Whistleblower' is Just an American Spy in Our Intel Agency Spying on President Trump
Well geeez skye... you trying to ruin all the leftist's faux concern and outrage? .... :lol:
If this is true, we should be concerned.
Concerned is not the word I would use.

I have no problem with the DOJ re-opening a corruption case on Biden for what looks to be some pretty fishy circumstances. The president using FP and the power of the office to do it through his personal lawyer? That is a very different matter. That is a clear abuse of power being used against political opponents.

What is rather ironic is this is exactly what he has been bitching about this entire time - Obama using the FBI to take out Trump. Something that has been shown to be false. Pretty much everything the democrats have been doing to 'investigate' Trump has been bullshit fishing and faux outrage over silly shit. This is something that I would think should be an easy impeachment case if shown to be factual.

The political system cannot work if the president is using the power of his office to take out political opponents.

This is the 1st time the whistleblower process has been used against a sitting President.
So the law is not so clear in this situation when Executive Privilege is also thrown into the mix.
Could end up in the Courts.
If you mean to keep the report from congress, it is to late for that. It is going to leak out.

Impeachment is beyond the courts though - that is strictly a power of congress. Should they decide to do so, it will happen. It would hinge on the senate of course.
If this is true, we should be concerned.
Concerned is not the word I would use.

I have no problem with the DOJ re-opening a corruption case on Biden for what looks to be some pretty fishy circumstances. The president using FP and the power of the office to do it through his personal lawyer? That is a very different matter. That is a clear abuse of power being used against political opponents.

What is rather ironic is this is exactly what he has been bitching about this entire time - Obama using the FBI to take out Trump. Something that has been shown to be false. Pretty much everything the democrats have been doing to 'investigate' Trump has been bullshit fishing and faux outrage over silly shit. This is something that I would think should be an easy impeachment case if shown to be factual.

The political system cannot work if the president is using the power of his office to take out political opponents.

This is the 1st time the whistleblower process has been used against a sitting President.
So the law is not so clear in this situation when Executive Privilege is also thrown into the mix.
Could end up in the Courts.
Wait a sec...are you saying a president is above the law?
No, what he is alluding to is the fact that presidential communication between himself and foreign leaders is protected and should be protected. The president cannot and should not have to deal with his words to other leaders being scrutinized and judged by some random intel guy.

With that said, it really is not relevant here anymore. The report is out there and this is not going to simply go away. It will leak out if anything. Trump will have to deal with it and congress is under no obligation to ignore the information no matter what the circumstances are.

This is, of course, assuming that the reports are at least close to truthful. Considering the recent Kavanaugh reporting among many other supremely botched news report I am not holding my breath here. We will see when this flushes out.
Trump doesn't want to commit taxpayer dollars to a corrupt Ukrainian Gov't.

Unless they help him out politically

Biden gave the Ukrainians 6 hours to replace the prosecutor investigating his son, and Voila! the prosecutor was gone in 6 hours.
This is public record as Biden said so publicly!
Ukrainians helped Biden politically, so your point has NO MERIT.
IF he applied pressure then sure, he should be prosecuted and there is nothing wrong with the DOJ re-opening the investigation. That is not what happened though. If what is reported is true, Trump directly abused his power to go after a political opponent. Dictators do that. I have no patience for such in our government and no person who recognizes rights should either.
Apparently, Trump, in a phone call, made a promise to a foreign leader that prompted an intelligence agency employee to file a formal complaint. The Intelligence Community Inspector General deemed the report "credible and urgent". Naturally, the Trump stooge "acting director" (Trump has him on a leash, of course) is refusing to comply with the law and provide the report to Congress. He says it isn't urgent. Unfortunately for him, the law says it's not his call.

Under threat of subpoena, he (Joseph Maguire) will testify next Thursday in an open session of Congress and also behind closed doors with the Intelligence Committee.

They will, of course, ask him if Trump or Barr are directing him to violate the law.


Trump's communications with a foreign leader has sparked a whistleblower complaint - CNNPolithtmla

So who wiretapped the President?
No one

Then how did they know what he talked about privately on the phone?
How do you know it was private?

Do you broadcast your phone conversations skye?
A deep stater spying on Trump AGAIN!

You traitors will never learn.

trump was caught red handed extorting a foreign entity using tax payer money to blackmail Ukraine....trump is a criminal....

What was the plant doing listening in on a private presidential conversation?
How do you know he was? Maybe it was a conversation involving more than two. Others could have been present.

And we don't know for sure that what was reported happened the way he/she said it did or that it was even illegal.

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