IC Whistleblower report concerns Trump and a foreign leader

Only if Republicans were really serious about holding people who break the law accountable. But, by now, we all know that if they have an (R) after their name, they don't have to follow the law.
A whistleblower has filed a complaint on trump.

Looks like trump made a promise to a foreign leader that was so shocking a complaint was filed.

Trump's promise to foreign leader prompts whistleblower complaint – report
Yeah.....absolutely shocking. So shocking that the so-called whistle-blower must remain anonymous

The complaint was filed. It was deemed serious. It must go to Congress.There are many reasons for the whistleblower to remain anonymous. S/he may still be a member of the intelligence organization.

are you willing to sacrifice the safety of your country to your allegiance to just one other human being?
It's none of their God Damned business
Matter fact the whistleblower is guilty of intercepting and mishandling Top Secret communications
A whistleblower has filed a complaint on trump.

Looks like trump made a promise to a foreign leader that was so shocking a complaint was filed.

Trump's promise to foreign leader prompts whistleblower complaint – report
Yeah.....absolutely shocking. So shocking that the so-called whistle-blower must remain anonymous

The complaint was filed. It was deemed serious. It must go to Congress.There are many reasons for the whistleblower to remain anonymous. S/he may still be a member of the intelligence organization.

are you willing to sacrifice the safety of your country to your allegiance to just one other human being?
Notice how afraid they are of releasing something so insignificant
The trump administration has repeatedly failed to meet its legal obligations. These obligations have been on the books since long before the Obama Administration. The Constitution gives the legislative branch an oversight function. trump and his cronies have repeatedly stymied it and sought to keep the public in the dark about what they are doing. This is dirty beyond belief. If we can't stop this pattern, we have a dictator and no future.

Daily press briefings must be held, subpoenaed documents must be turned over to Congress, and this complaint must be turned over to Congress. Republicans must be forced to comply with the rules of the American system of government. The patriotism of republicans is greatly suspect as it is obvious that they are trying to hide things of great importance from the American people.

What more do we need to see before reaching the conclusion that trump is not fit to hold the office of President of the United States?
Like Hillary not turning over her emails. Destroyed her phones before they turned them over? Trump is a saint compared to hillary and Obama.
But her e-mails.......:71:
The trump administration has repeatedly failed to meet its legal obligations. These obligations have been on the books since long before the Obama Administration. The Constitution gives the legislative branch an oversight function. trump and his cronies have repeatedly stymied it and sought to keep the public in the dark about what they are doing. This is dirty beyond belief. If we can't stop this pattern, we have a dictator and no future.

Daily press briefings must be held, subpoenaed documents must be turned over to Congress, and this complaint must be turned over to Congress. Republicans must be forced to comply with the rules of the American system of government. The patriotism of republicans is greatly suspect as it is obvious that they are trying to hide things of great importance from the American people.

What more do we need to see before reaching the conclusion that trump is not fit to hold the office of President of the United States?
Like Hillary not turning over her emails. Destroyed her phones before they turned them over? Trump is a saint compared to hillary and Obama.
But her e-mails.......:71:
You became a comic now ?? lol
I saw a Rep last night mention what he thinks it might be about without actually knowing it.

He thinks Trump might have promised Putin he'd take away financial support from the Department of Defense for Europe towards defending against Russia and their aggression in Crimea and Ukraine in return for something.

Well Trump did pull back $770 MILLION from that funding with Europe in Early September, not long after the whistleblower complaint. If true, this is SERIOUS and most definitely impeachable, and pretty hard for even Republicans to defend.

"The list of military construction projects the Trump administration is defunding to pay for its controversial border wall includes more than $770 million from an initiative started by the Obama administration to shore up European defense after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2014.

The cuts, which include upgrades to airfields in Slovakia, ammunition storage in Poland and Special Operations Forces facilities in Estonia, come at a time when the Trump administration is also withholding $250 million in military assistance to Ukraine as it reviews whether to continue the funding program at current levels.

After reviewing the Pentagon’s list of projects being targeted, Jim Townsend, who spent eight years as deputy assistant secretary of defense for European and NATO Policy, said the European military construction projects slated to lose funding include serious “military muscle.”"

Trump Cuts “Muscle” from European Defense to Fund Border Wall
A whistleblower has filed a complaint on trump.

Looks like trump made a promise to a foreign leader that was so shocking a complaint was filed.

Trump's promise to foreign leader prompts whistleblower complaint – report
Yeah.....absolutely shocking. So shocking that the so-called whistle-blower must remain anonymous

The complaint was filed. It was deemed serious. It must go to Congress.There are many reasons for the whistleblower to remain anonymous. S/he may still be a member of the intelligence organization.

are you willing to sacrifice the safety of your country to your allegiance to just one other human being?
It's none of their God Damned business
Matter fact the whistleblower is guilty of intercepting and mishandling Top Secret communications

Why don't you support the way the federal government was set up, with it's three co-equal branches of government. This very much involves the legislative branch of government. The doings of the executive branch are very much of "their God Damned business." The Legislative Branch has oversight authority. Even the tradition of the State of the Union address involves the president of the executive branch reporting to Congress. Why do you think every president walks into the chambers of the country's legislative body to deliver his report? Reminder: the executive branch involves very few people. The Congress includes representatives from across our nation, sent to DC from their respective districts and states.
Trump said the following concerning the whistle blower on his phone conversation with a world leader.

"Knowing all of this, is anybody dumb enough to believe that I would say something inappropriate with a foreign leader while on such a potentially ‘heavily populated’ call,”

Most believe Trump is STUPID enough to say something inappropriate thing to a world leader, as he has done many times. It is not US citizens who are stupid.

Tell us what was said in the conversation and we will all decide for ourselves.
Nice link you have there...
I know. The hill is known for posting a lot of right wing opinion stuff.
The post I responded to did not contain a link. Care to try again?
Credible complaint = anything that fits the narrative.
The number of Americans backing Trump's underworld activities is amazing, from approving his pay-for-play suck up to the Saudis to the in-your-face lining his personal pockets with taxpayer money.

Gone are the days when there were complaints about the amount of time a President spent on the golf course...another thing Trump has done more than anybody else in the history of the world.
View attachment 279987
Wanna state your lies again?
You believe what TalibanTrump says he's worth? :71:
The trump administration has repeatedly failed to meet its legal obligations. These obligations have been on the books since long before the Obama Administration. The Constitution gives the legislative branch an oversight function. trump and his cronies have repeatedly stymied it and sought to keep the public in the dark about what they are doing. This is dirty beyond belief. If we can't stop this pattern, we have a dictator and no future.

Daily press briefings must be held, subpoenaed documents must be turned over to Congress, and this complaint must be turned over to Congress. Republicans must be forced to comply with the rules of the American system of government. The patriotism of republicans is greatly suspect as it is obvious that they are trying to hide things of great importance from the American people.

What more do we need to see before reaching the conclusion that trump is not fit to hold the office of President of the United States?
Like Hillary not turning over her emails. Destroyed her phones before they turned them over? Trump is a saint compared to hillary and Obama.

Even if what you say is true, which I doubt, we are living in today, September, 2019, under the trump regime. He is the one who has to be dealt with in the present. Hillary Clinton is no longer in any office or running for office.
But they sure can't stop obsessing about her, can they? :71:
Trump said the following concerning the whistle blower on his phone conversation with a world leader.

"Knowing all of this, is anybody dumb enough to believe that I would say something inappropriate with a foreign leader while on such a potentially ‘heavily populated’ call,”

Most believe Trump is STUPID enough to say something inappropriate thing to a world leader, as he has done many times. It is not US citizens who are stupid.

Tell us what was said in the conversation and we will all decide for ourselves.

I KNOW you're stupid.

BTW, how many threads about this topic do we need?

Further, as I posted in all the other redundant bed wetter's parrot shit threads, we have EVIDENCE of your meat puppet faggot messiah selling out US interests to the russians, all you malignant pieces of shit have are endless accusations.

the classic Trump response to a negative accusation, "I know you are, what am I".
This yahoo is a typical Trump minion. He/she would justify Trump nuking Canada, hurricanes or Mexico. Mindless lemmings.
The trump administration has repeatedly failed to meet its legal obligations. These obligations have been on the books since long before the Obama Administration. The Constitution gives the legislative branch an oversight function. trump and his cronies have repeatedly stymied it and sought to keep the public in the dark about what they are doing. This is dirty beyond belief. If we can't stop this pattern, we have a dictator and no future.

Daily press briefings must be held, subpoenaed documents must be turned over to Congress, and this complaint must be turned over to Congress. Republicans must be forced to comply with the rules of the American system of government. The patriotism of republicans is greatly suspect as it is obvious that they are trying to hide things of great importance from the American people.

What more do we need to see before reaching the conclusion that trump is not fit to hold the office of President of the United States?
Like Hillary not turning over her emails. Destroyed her phones before they turned them over? Trump is a saint compared to hillary and Obama.
But her e-mails.......:71:
In which she never turned them all over. Trump needs to do the same as Hillary on these investigations.
Credible complaint = anything that fits the narrative.
The number of Americans backing Trump's underworld activities is amazing, from approving his pay-for-play suck up to the Saudis to the in-your-face lining his personal pockets with taxpayer money.

Gone are the days when there were complaints about the amount of time a President spent on the golf course...another thing Trump has done more than anybody else in the history of the world.
View attachment 279987
Wanna state your lies again?
You believe what TalibanTrump says he's worth? :71:
Do I really care?
A whistleblower has filed a complaint on trump.

Looks like trump made a promise to a foreign leader that was so shocking a complaint was filed.

Trump's promise to foreign leader prompts whistleblower complaint – report
Yeah.....absolutely shocking. So shocking that the so-called whistle-blower must remain anonymous

The complaint was filed. It was deemed serious. It must go to Congress.There are many reasons for the whistleblower to remain anonymous. S/he may still be a member of the intelligence organization.

are you willing to sacrifice the safety of your country to your allegiance to just one other human being?
It's none of their God Damned business
Matter fact the whistleblower is guilty of intercepting and mishandling Top Secret communications
We might have a traitor in our WH Doesn't even that cocern a lol proud patriot like you?
A whistleblower has filed a complaint on trump.

Looks like trump made a promise to a foreign leader that was so shocking a complaint was filed.

Trump's promise to foreign leader prompts whistleblower complaint – report
Yeah.....absolutely shocking. So shocking that the so-called whistle-blower must remain anonymous
IF it was nothing dummy WHY TF are they so afraid of showing it?? Breaking the law in not??
Just like the POS is afraid to show his taxes

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