IC Whistleblower report concerns Trump and a foreign leader

The whistleblower is free to resign and bring his/her concerns to the press at anytime.
"Details are unclear"... :19:

That's because, by law, congress is supposed to be notified of any whistle blower complaints within 1 week, no matter how credible they may or may not be. Trump's goons are refusing to do that.
Tell it to someone who may buy into your bull crap as I don't. You and your nasty congress critters can burn in the forest as it gets burned down to get rid of all the nasties who think they can hide in it.

Whistle blowers harassed by Obama's DOJ at the request of Kamala Harris and certain congress critters for exposing murderers at Planned Parenthood.

...a Special Agent from the California DOJ, curiously first testified on September 10th that Loretta Lynch wrote to then California Attorney General Kamala Harris asking for an investigation into Daleiden and Merritt. But on September 12th he changed his testimony and said the letter came from four members of Congress to Lynch and Harris. Representatives Jan Schakowsky, Zoe Lofgren, Jerry Nadler, and Yvette Clarke sent the letter, requesting that they investigate
Grisly Facts Unmask And Weaken Big Abortion - UncoverDC

OK. You are free to mumble incoherently all you want. I am free to ignore you.
You asshat. Your Demon legislators went after whistle blowers. Hypocrites all and you right there with them. Please ignore me. You keep saying that you will so start standing by your word and do it.
Apparently, Trump, in a phone call, made a promise to a foreign leader that prompted an intelligence agency employee to file a formal complaint. The Intelligence Community Inspector General deemed the report "credible and urgent". Naturally, the Trump stooge "acting director" (Trump has him on a leash, of course) is refusing to comply with the law and provide the report to Congress. He says it isn't urgent. Unfortunately for him, the law says it's not his call.

Under threat of subpoena, he (Joseph Maguire) will testify next Thursday in an open session of Congress and also behind closed doors with the Intelligence Committee.

They will, of course, ask him if Trump or Barr are directing him to violate the law.


Trump's communications with a foreign leader has sparked a whistleblower complaint - CNNPolithtmla

The Intelligence Community Inspector General already have the power to investigate the allegations, you are being mislead with the usual bullcrap from the Washington Compost, here is the website you didn't bother to consider:
Office of the Intelligence Community Inspector General - Who We Are


The Inspector General Act of 1978 created Inspectors General for federal agencies and provides broad authorities for overseeing programs, promoting efficiencies, and detecting fraud, waste, and mismanagement throughout the federal government.

In accordance with Title 50 U.S.C.A. Section 3033, the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community (ICIG) conducts independent and objective audits, investigations, inspections, and reviews to promote economy, efficiency, effectiveness, and integration across the Intelligence Community.


He is on record stating this whistleblower report is: "credible and urgent", thus he can investigate it himself. Schiff and other grandstanding assholes are playing politics once again. Stop falling for the highly partisan washington compost misleading bullcrap,
Trump said the following concerning the whistle blower on his phone conversation with a world leader.

"Knowing all of this, is anybody dumb enough to believe that I would say something inappropriate with a foreign leader while on such a potentially ‘heavily populated’ call,”

Most believe Trump is STUPID enough to say something inappropriate thing to a world leader, as he has done many times. It is not US citizens who are stupid.

Tell us what was said in the conversation and we will all decide for ourselves.
So we will wait before we judge? Right? Right?
Trump said the following concerning the whistle blower on his phone conversation with a world leader.

"Knowing all of this, is anybody dumb enough to believe that I would say something inappropriate with a foreign leader while on such a potentially ‘heavily populated’ call,”

Most believe Trump is STUPID enough to say something inappropriate thing to a world leader, as he has done many times. It is not US citizens who are stupid.

Tell us what was said in the conversation and we will all decide for ourselves.
Hillary, Obama, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Strzok...they all thought Trump was stupid, too.

Hillary lost, Obama's coup failed, Strzok and McCabe have been recommended for Indictment, people believe more will be when the US IG's report on FISA Court Abuses come out, and the US IG announced yesterday he will not investigate Comey for Perjury due to 'Inconsistencies' with his testimony under oath before Congress.

Regarding the 'whistle blower', a member of the Deep State corrupt Intel Agency, the NIA - run by former Director Clapper who perjured himself twice and was identified as one of the co-conspirators in Obama's failed coup - has launched an un-specified claim about an un-specified promise made by the President to an Un-specified / un-identified foreign leader....

Yup, you snowflakes have him THIS time..... :p
well, there was this:

Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador
By Greg Miller and Greg Jaffe
May 15, 2017

Exclusive: US extracted top spy from inside Russia in 2017
By Jim Sciutto, Chief National Security Correspondent
Updated 10:01 PM ET, Mon September 9, 2019
Exclusive: US extracted top spy from inside Russia in 2017 - CNNPolitics

so i'd say he is that traitorous.
Of course YOU would because you are a Trump-hating snowflake.

Indictments ...or recommendation for indictments ...against the President?

Indictments ...or recommendation for indictments ...against Anti-Trump Co-Conspirators?
2 - Strzok & McCabe, & more expected / predicted.
Credible complaint = anything that fits the narrative.
What a desperate, odd thing to say. The IC IG is the one who deemed it "credible and urgent", and he is a trump nominee confirmed and sworn in by a republican senate.

You trump guys will just kind of spit out anything that pops into your brains, won't you?
A fact we don’t need to speculate on. That eventually Republicans will turn on Trump the way they did on Bush. It’s only a matter of when, not if.

Bush had two terms. You willing to give Trump two?
“Virtually anytime I speak on the phone to a foreign leader, I understand that there may be many people listening from various U.S. agencies, not to mention those from the other country itself. No problem!" the president tweeted.

"Knowing all of this, is anybody dumb enough to believe that I would say something inappropriate with a foreign leader while on such a potentially 'heavily populated' call," he continued. "I would only do what is right anyway, and only do good for the USA!"

Watchdog won't disclose contents of Trump whistleblower complaint

Is Trump sayin he would only commit treason in private?

No, he's sending a coded dog whistle to your handlers, ordering them to send you more stupid things to post.
Trump said the following concerning the whistle blower on his phone conversation with a world leader.

"Knowing all of this, is anybody dumb enough to believe that I would say something inappropriate with a foreign leader while on such a potentially ‘heavily populated’ call,”

Most believe Trump is STUPID enough to say something inappropriate thing to a world leader, as he has done many times. It is not US citizens who are stupid.

Tell us what was said in the conversation and we will all decide for ourselves.
Nice link you have there...
I know. The hill is known for posting a lot of right wing opinion stuff.
Apparently, Trump, in a phone call, made a promise to a foreign leader that prompted an intelligence agency employee to file a formal complaint. The Intelligence Community Inspector General deemed the report "credible and urgent". Naturally, the Trump stooge "acting director" (Trump has him on a leash, of course) is refusing to comply with the law and provide the report to Congress. He says it isn't urgent. Unfortunately for him, the law says it's not his call.

Under threat of subpoena, he (Joseph Maguire) will testify next Thursday in an open session of Congress and also behind closed doors with the Intelligence Committee.

They will, of course, ask him if Trump or Barr are directing him to violate the law.


Trump's communications with a foreign leader has sparked a whistleblower complaint - CNNPolithtmla

The Intelligence Community Inspector General already have the power to investigate the allegations, you are being mislead with the usual bullcrap from the Washington Compost, here is the website you didn't bother to consider:
Office of the Intelligence Community Inspector General - Who We Are


The Inspector General Act of 1978 created Inspectors General for federal agencies and provides broad authorities for overseeing programs, promoting efficiencies, and detecting fraud, waste, and mismanagement throughout the federal government.

In accordance with Title 50 U.S.C.A. Section 3033, the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community (ICIG) conducts independent and objective audits, investigations, inspections, and reviews to promote economy, efficiency, effectiveness, and integration across the Intelligence Community.


He is on record stating this whistleblower report is: "credible and urgent", thus he can investigate it himself. Schiff and other grandstanding assholes are playing politics once again. Stop falling for the highly partisan washington compost misleading bullcrap,
It’s not who we are, it’s what laws have been broken. The Constitution gives Congress oversight. How else would Republicans have been able to impeach Bill Clinton over a BJ?
A whistleblower has filed a complaint on trump.

Looks like trump made a promise to a foreign leader that was so shocking a complaint was filed.

Trump's promise to foreign leader prompts whistleblower complaint – report
Yeah.....absolutely shocking. So shocking that the so-called whistle-blower must remain anonymous

The plot thickens...

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Trump's whistleblower-flagged 'promise' might have been to Putin, Washington Post reporters tell MSNBC
A whistleblower has filed a complaint on trump.

Looks like trump made a promise to a foreign leader that was so shocking a complaint was filed.

Trump's promise to foreign leader prompts whistleblower complaint – report
Yeah.....absolutely shocking. So shocking that the so-called whistle-blower must remain anonymous

The plot thickens...

About this website


Trump's whistleblower-flagged 'promise' might have been to Putin, Washington Post reporters tell MSNBC

"why it's the U.S. intelligence community's responsibility to listen to the president of the United States speaking to a foreign leader," -- Phil Mudd, former CIA. The "whistleblower" is jeopardizing National Security
A whistleblower has filed a complaint on trump.

Looks like trump made a promise to a foreign leader that was so shocking a complaint was filed.

Trump's promise to foreign leader prompts whistleblower complaint – report
Yeah.....absolutely shocking. So shocking that the so-called whistle-blower must remain anonymous

The complaint was filed. It was deemed serious. It must go to Congress.There are many reasons for the whistleblower to remain anonymous. S/he may still be a member of the intelligence organization.

are you willing to sacrifice the safety of your country to your allegiance to just one other human being?

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