ICE To GOP: STOP LYING! | ICE Official Steps Down

Yea, I guess you are right.. People get released from prison overpopulation all the time..

First of all, just because a criminal isn't a murderer or doesn't have a history of assault does not mean he/she is not dangerous. Drunk drivers can also be considered dangerous.

Second of all, if this was no biggie, why is an official resigning? Someone must sense blood in the water.
and ICE is now advertising at the top of the page for more agents. Now is that ironic or what?
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just like they weren't before =
thanks to Jroc posting about this report in another thread - Report.pdf
The key findings of the report include:

•Of those released, CRS found that about 17% of illegal and criminal immigrants, or 26,412, were rearrested on criminal charges. These 26,412 recidivists accounted for a total of 42,827 arrests and 57,763 alleged violations.
•The categories of crimes charged include nearly 8,500 DUI (14.6%), over 6,000 Drug Violations (10.9%), more than 4,000 Major Criminal Offenses (7.1%), which includes murder, assault, battery, rape, and kidnapping, nearly 3,000 Theft (4.9%), and over 1,000 Other Violent Crimes (2.1%), which includes carjacking, child cruelty, child molestation, domestic abuse, lynching, stalking, and torture.
•These crimes committed by both illegal and legal immigrants include 59 murders, 21 attempted murders, and 542 sex crimes.
•Of those rearrested, nearly 30%, or 7,283, were illegal immigrants. Since 46,734 illegal immigrants were released, this means they have a recidivism rate of 16%. These illegal immigrants should have been deported but the Obama administration’s lax immigration policies released them back into our communities.
•The crimes charged against these illegal immigrants include nearly 2,000 DUI (11.9%), over 1,400 drug violations (8.8%), and more than 1,000 major criminal offenses and violent crimes (6.9%), including murder, assault, battery, rape, kidnapping, child molestation, domestic abuse, lynching, stalking, and torture.
•These crimes committed by illegal immigrants include 19 murders, 3 attempted murders, and 142 sex crimes.

Who posts this stuff Saul Alinsky? They are releasing dangerous criminal on the streets in order to scare the American public. The administration called for the resignation of the ICE official in order to quiet public outcry about the scam. If the freaking media was doing it's job they would find out if an Obama staffer ordered the release instead of sitting around sniffing Hussein's ass.
The GOP is hyperventilating over maybe coming up with a new distortion to keep their base together.

“It’s abhorrent that President Obama is releasing criminals into our communities to promote his political agenda on sequestration,” Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) said in a statement on Tuesday. “By releasing criminal immigrants onto the streets, the Administration is needlessly endangering American lives.”

Boehner, who called the move by ICE “outrageous,” used similar rhetoric in describing the freed detainees.

“I’m looking for more facts,” Boehner told CBS News, “but I can’t believe that they can’t find the kind of savings they need out of that department short of letting criminals go free.”

ICE, however, is pushing back against the notion it is “endangering American lives” by releasing “criminal” detainees, saying it took steps to avoid releasing anyone who would pose a threat. In addition, the immigration proceedings against them will still continue.

“The detainees who’ve been released can be characterized as non-criminals and other low risk offenders who do not have serious criminal histories that would subject them to mandatory detention,” spokeswoman Barbara Gonzalez told TPM on Wednesday. “Detainees with serious criminal histories are a detention priority and have not been released.”

this dawg won't hunt

sorry Traj, seek another bullshit story

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