"ICU is full of the unvaccinated – my patience with them is wearing thin"

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

The writer is a Doctor. He does a good job listing the various reasons that the unvaxxed fail to get vaxxed and its hard not to feel some sympathy with some of their arguments.

But here they are killing themselves and potentially killing other people. Apparently, all covid disinformation emanates from a few dozen anonymous social media accounts. These idiots should be tried for murder because they are killing thousands.

On the whole I support mask and vax mandates. Longer term I would like businesses to be certified so that I can buy with confidence. At some point science will solve this but until then we need to take our responsibilities as citizens seriously.

The writer is a Doctor. He does a good job listing the various reasons that the unvaxxed fail to get vaxxed and its hard not to feel some sympathy with some of their arguments.

But here they are killing themselves and potentially killing other people. Apparently, all covid disinformation emanates from a few dozen anonymous social media accounts. These idiots should be tried for murder because they are killing thousands.

On the whole I support mask and vax mandates. Longer term I would like businesses to be certified so that I can buy with confidence. At some point science will solve this but until then we need to take our responsibilities as citizens seriously.
So the person makes up a story and you just roll with it? Lol! Sure a doctor wrote it, got proof. Which hospital does he work at? What’s his position there? Do we have proof about his hospitals ICU rates and numbers?

The writer is a Doctor. He does a good job listing the various reasons that the unvaxxed fail to get vaxxed and its hard not to feel some sympathy with some of their arguments.

But here they are killing themselves and potentially killing other people. Apparently, all covid disinformation emanates from a few dozen anonymous social media accounts. These idiots should be tried for murder because they are killing thousands.

On the whole I support mask and vax mandates. Longer term I would like businesses to be certified so that I can buy with confidence. At some point science will solve this but until then we need to take our responsibilities as citizens seriously.
Personal vaccine choice has nothing to do with you, except for your own vaccine. Its not any of your Dimmer business
I read an article in the local birdcage liner that included the following two statistics: ICU patients were 90% unvaccinated and deaths were also about 90% unvaccinated. [The actual percentages were off by a fraction, but you get the idea].

This should be the headline.

Instead we read stories about how many vaccinated people are still testing positive, and some of them are dying. These stories promote the false idea that vaccination is not efficacious, or that "natural immunity" will shortly make vaccinations superfluous. We read stories about the rare kids who contract Covid 19 and die. This creates the false impression that kids are "in danger" from the disease, even though the death rate is lower than for the common flu.

Last year, they disparaged everything said by President Trump about the vaccine, treatments, preventives, and so on, regardless of whether it was medically accurate.

The Media do not have clean hands when it comes to the spread of misinformation. They write the stories that draw "clicks" or attract attention, even when those stories paint a false picture of reality.
I read an article in the local birdcage liner that included the following two statistics: ICU patients were 90% unvaccinated and deaths were also about 90% unvaccinated. [The actual percentages were off by a fraction, but you get the idea].

This should be the headline.

Instead we read stories about how many vaccinated people are still testing positive, and some of them are dying. These stories promote the false idea that vaccination is not efficacious, or that "natural immunity" will shortly make vaccinations superfluous. We read stories about the rare kids who contract Covid 19 and die. This creates the false impression that kids are "in danger" from the disease, even though the death rate is lower than for the common flu.

Last year, they disparaged everything said by President Trump about the vaccine, treatments, preventives, and so on, regardless of whether it was medically accurate.

The Media do not have clean hands when it comes to the spread of misinformation. They write the stories that draw "clicks" or attract attention, even when those stories paint a false picture of reality.
Actually, what we need are the facts...the actual statistics. Now how many media outlets do you ever see those?
Drowning to death in your own mucus is not a good way to go. Ask your doctor if you should get vaccinated, he only makes money off you if you're alive so he'll tell you the truth.

The writer is a Doctor. He does a good job listing the various reasons that the unvaxxed fail to get vaxxed and its hard not to feel some sympathy with some of their arguments.

But here they are killing themselves and potentially killing other people. Apparently, all covid disinformation emanates from a few dozen anonymous social media accounts. These idiots should be tried for murder because they are killing thousands.

On the whole I support mask and vax mandates. Longer term I would like businesses to be certified so that I can buy with confidence. At some point science will solve this but until then we need to take our responsibilities as citizens seriously.

I've seen a doctor maybe 12-15 times in MY ENTIRE LIFE. I'm getting some aches and pains with being a former athlete and aging but in terms of flu and viruses my body has been extremely good to me (knock on wood). I last had a flu shot about 40 years ago as a kid.

That said, should I judge those who smoke or became alcoholics and end up in surgery or ICU? How about those with a bad diet? Should I be unsympathetic to those with bad genes?

The doctor needs to take a deep breath. I believe I had the virus potentially early and had a couple of days of feeling really awful, migraine, temperature and even a couple of instances of shortness of breath while lying down which has never happened to me before and scared the hell out of me.

People like myself should have the option of an antigen test and be free to live. No? We have major increases in our covid numbers in Ontario and almost exactly 50/50 in terms of unvaxxed and fully vaxxed new cases (though there are far more vaxxed so % wise, the unvaxxed do much worse).

So, the booster shot will be next. How many boosters will follow? How man different strands?
Drowning to death in your own mucus is not a good way to go. Ask your doctor if you should get vaccinated, he only makes money off you if you're alive so he'll tell you the truth.
Again, none of your business what anyone else but you does.
On the whole I support mask and vax mandates. Longer term I would like businesses to be certified so that I can buy with confidence. At some point science will solve this but until then we need to take our responsibilities as citizens seriously.

I'm sure you have had your vaccination. You should be safe, forget about it.

Buy with confidence knowing you've had the jab.........It does work, right?!?

The writer is a Doctor. He does a good job listing the various reasons that the unvaxxed fail to get vaxxed and its hard not to feel some sympathy with some of their arguments.

But here they are killing themselves and potentially killing other people. Apparently, all covid disinformation emanates from a few dozen anonymous social media accounts. These idiots should be tried for murder because they are killing thousands.

On the whole I support mask and vax mandates. Longer term I would like businesses to be certified so that I can buy with confidence. At some point science will solve this but until then we need to take our responsibilities as citizens seriously.
Oh stop with the shit---the vaccinated are carriers and they don't even know they are sick supposedly spreading the disease more. AND FYI...funny how the most vaccinated countries are having the Covid spike...gee I wonder why that is.
Oh stop with the shit---the vaccinated are carriers and they don't even know they are sick supposedly spreading the disease more. AND FYI...funny how the most vaccinated countries are having the Covid spike...gee I wonder why that is.

The lack of symptoms is ironically making it more likely that they spread. Also, I noticed a BIG difference in peoples habit AFTER the vaccine was ramping up. Before hand people would be cautious in getting close to me in the grocery store. Afterwards, even older, heavy set citizens were reaching past my body to grab things off the shelf. They believed they were immune.

The vaccine is providing a false sense of security and the "experts" are full of it. Yesterday on CNN Fauci said "if you and your family are fully vaccinated, get together for Christmas and you can be unmasked". He then went on to say "I do that now".

That last part is key. He knows that HE doesn't want to wear a mask indoors around Christmas so he tells everyone else they can do the same "f you are double vaxxed". Doesn't this betray the entire purpose of the masks to begin with?

Inconsistency, inaccuracies and sometimes outright disinformation (first masks did nothing, then they did, "hah, we fooled you, only because we wanted to have the nurses get them first"). Humanity has exposed a really dark side in the handling of this virus.

The writer is a Doctor. He does a good job listing the various reasons that the unvaxxed fail to get vaxxed and its hard not to feel some sympathy with some of their arguments.

But here they are killing themselves and potentially killing other people. Apparently, all covid disinformation emanates from a few dozen anonymous social media accounts. These idiots should be tried for murder because they are killing thousands.

On the whole I support mask and vax mandates. Longer term I would like businesses to be certified so that I can buy with confidence. At some point science will solve this but until then we need to take our responsibilities as citizens seriously.
I wonder what it is about you that makes you so gullible.
Again, none of your business what anyone else but you does.
If the Left wants it, then it becomes their business and their right.

See how things work now?

The only rights the Left thinks people should have is the right to murder your unborn child so the world will have one less carbon footprint.

Oh, and the right to any sex act or illicit drug that you may want.

Other than that, we should have no rights

This is why they oppose the First amendment, which gives us the right to assemble as we choose and the right to a religion that may say the jab is bad.

This is why the oppose the Second amendment as well, which gives us a right to defend ourselves, etc.

But why do away with one amendment at a time when you can just toss the whole thing in the garbage at once?
If the Left wants it, then it becomes their business and their right.

See how things work now?

The only rights the Left thinks people should have is the right to murder your unborn child so the world will have one less carbon footprint.

Oh, and the right to any sex act or illicit drug that you may want.

Other than that, we should have no rights

This is why they oppose the First amendment, which gives us the right to assemble as we choose and the right to a religion that may say the jab is bad.

This is why the oppose the Second amendment as well, which gives us a right to defend ourselves, etc.

But why do away with one amendment at a time when you can just toss the whole thing in the garbage at once?
Thanks, very clear explanation.

The writer is a Doctor. He does a good job listing the various reasons that the unvaxxed fail to get vaxxed and its hard not to feel some sympathy with some of their arguments.

But here they are killing themselves and potentially killing other people. Apparently, all covid disinformation emanates from a few dozen anonymous social media accounts. These idiots should be tried for murder because they are killing thousands.

On the whole I support mask and vax mandates. Longer term I would like businesses to be certified so that I can buy with confidence. At some point science will solve this but until then we need to take our responsibilities as citizens seriously.

Why is there little concern for where and how COVID originated along with holding those responsible accountable? You want to whine about people who refuse to be JABBED by the very same "science" that created COVID...
Drowning to death in your own mucus is not a good way to go. Ask your doctor if you should get vaccinated, he only makes money off you if you're alive so he'll tell you the truth.
My Doctor gets paid whether he treats me or not. He has no financial interest in my welfare.

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